Penimaster Pro Belt or Rod Expander? URGENT need to know

Which of the two is best? And how do they work differently seems like the belt might be a better option not sure though need advice asap I want to purchase it today just cant decide and dont want to buy all of them.
I dont have the penismaster pro ,but had the [words=]phallosan[/words] and upon researching the penis master pro belt setup its just a NASA model of the [words=]phallosan[/words].... Id defenitely go with the [words=]extender[/words] version!!!! The belt version would be more so for conceiling it completely and actually MOVING AROUND doing phsical shit all the time while extended... The [words=]extender[/words] would be for more powerful stretching sessions with more minimal movement... But like I said I dont have the penismaster pro.. I have the autoextender vac [words=]ads[/words] which is the same concept , not so futuristic looking, and a lot more cheaper..
With only the belt, you cannot objectively set the [words=]traction[/words]/pulling grams, with the [words=]extender[/words] you can control that aspect.
The belt is handy, if you are going to be moving about, but still want to hold you penis extended. Advisable to remove either device after max, 3 hours, let things "recover/rest".
I bought both. There are situations where one my be preferred wearing over the other. Either can be worn under clothing, in public.
Its one of those choices where, if you can swing the bucks, get both. No one can predict which one, if either, YOU will prefer over the other.
When it comes to the learning curve, the rod [words=]extender[/words] may be easier. Your call on that one.
Hydromaxmmm, nice! sounds like i can use both but would benefit more from the belt when i'm wearing the [words=]penimaster pro[/words] in my 12 hour work shift....
Take a break at 3 hours, or sooner. Read mfgr's documentation.
You may need to work up to that 3 hours also, not right away. There is also the "work out the wearing issues" to be experienced.
dangler how comfortable is the belt i just ordered it. i made my knee strap from another system work with the [words=]PMP[/words] i get a good stretch with the bungie cord knee strap.