Newbie Question: Stretching + Jelqing

For stretching I'm using DLD's routine. I was just wondering, if you stretch with your hands, are you supposed to grab just below the head or the head itself?

And for jelqing, when I jelq I usually get a full boner after a couple jelqs because the blood rushin in my penis but I've read you aren't supposed to continue if you get a full boner. I usually just stop when it gets 100% hard then start again after a few minutes. Is this normal or what, just need some help. Also will jelqing make the whole cock thicker or just the upper half because the blood only goes to the head and i dont see how it can affect the lower half.
Below the head for stretches. after some time you will be able to jelq without getting the boners all the time. If you do get them wait till it goes down. And jelqs will make your whole unit bigger.
your welcome growing4her, also if your getting boners it might be because your a newbie at it and your not gripping good enough. To your penis it might feel like your just rubbing it. The jelq should be intense(dont hurt yourself) but be forcing blood through you unit.
According to DLD, one should be at least 60-70% erected while jelqing. Otherwise it's just length training. So do you think being 90-100% erected is bad thing? I'm not concerned about this, because I tend to slip below 60%, and need to harden myself again, but I think, if someone is hard it's just a good thing.
So do you think being 90-100% erected is bad thing? I'm not concerned about this, because I tend to slip below 60%, and need to harden myself again....

Not at all johnbear, it better to be in the 70-80 range. The lower it is and you really can not do it the right way and the higher the more risk of injury so find a middle ground. good luck on your gains
From personal experience, anywhere between 60% and 80% is perfect. There's enough blood to really get some expansion. I feel like at 100%, no matter how hard I squeeze, it's just like jerking off.

yaHdonTsaY69: Make sure you're starting your jelq as far down as you can. It'll take some getting used, but try to grab as close to the base as you can get. This way, you'll be able to push more blood, and you can expand more of the shaft.