Thanks guys.. Yeah Ithiel, I knew about that myth already, but thanks for mentioning it.. Im on a diet and excercise plan right now that im hoping will add mass onto my frame and cut fat off.. After a week I can already see results so its pretty exciting stuff!
My plan is this.. Ive upped my meals from 2-3 to 5-6. And by meals I mean like two or three that you could actually call meals- chicken or other lean meat- eggs and ham or something for breakfast or somedays i go with some shredded wheat and fruit. Then, like 2-3 little meals of like a handful of walnuts or almonds and some fruit, or a salad with a can of tuna.. been trying to eat my
weight in grams of protein daily- at least that!
Then I also do 20-30 minutes of cardio a day 7 days a week- I generally hit the heavy bag and do various arobic excercises in between beating the shit out of it- a Bas Ruten type 30-60 second interval excercise routine til im almost dead.
I also do a 2-3 muscle group lifting routine every other day, and only work each muscle (primarily) once a week.
I do crunches everyday or every other, and I also add pushups into my routine regularly- usually with my cardio, until fail.
This has already, within a week im talking, started to transform my body back into shape. I also take a number of supplements everyday to help cut
weight (hopefully) and to help with recovery and also with my Penis Enlargement.
Arginine and orthinine
multi vit.
and a pill that has various ginseng extracts
Tell me what you all think!