I thought I’d start a thread and probably one of the hardest aspects of PE or anything in life. Motivation.
I urge any of you to contribute to this thread and share your thoughts and own personal ways of dealing with this Issue and how you keep consistent throughout the years.
Motivation isn’t a constant and it isn’t linear.
I’ve put this first because I personally find it very disheartening looking at other people and thinking “they’re always motivated why aren’t I”. What you have to realize is, they aren’t. We all suffer ups and downs and periods where we just want to throw in the towel. I partly blame social media for this as we constantly see fake personas from high profile people who portray their lives are simply perfect. This isn’t true and those people are insecure that their lives aren’t perfect and are trying to consolidate it in their own heads their own heads that it is by creating a false image.
For example, leading up to Christmas this year I was super motivated. There wasn’t a challenge I could face and nothing could touch me. But what happened? I stopped. I can’t tell you why just for a period of time (probably around 3 months) I had zero motivation for university, gym or life in general. But I kept consistent in everything, I didn’t let a thing pass me by. I went to the gym everyday asking myself “why do I still go”. However, I didn’t stop because I knew deep down quitting would do more harm than going. Apply this to everything in life including PE. Now I have regained motivation again and feel like a king. I will lose it and regain it throughout life but the work I put in will remain consistent.
Success is a battle of attrition
Being successful in anything is never a linear path where everything falls in to place. You constantly have to progress and get better and better. You will never get to a point where “this is enough”. In PE, working out, education. The gas pedal needs to be down constantly.
What I personally interpret the quote of “success is a battle of attrition” is the constant battle again things holding you back. Procrastination, fear of failure, time management to be successful at something you will constantly be battling setbacks. He who pushes through is he who succeeds.
Enjoy the process – Find passion in what you do
If you don’t do this then you have to question why you’re doing it at all? I’m not asking you to force you self to fall in love with something straight away. But gradually make mental notes of things you enjoy about what you’re doing. For example the community, the PI’s, the way jelqing feels. Or if you apply this to the gym; the feeling of pulling a PR, making friends there, getting results, starting to stand out from other people. Find little things to look forward to in everything you do.
Don’t focus on the mounting top – enjoy the climb.
This is hugely important, if you’re purely focused on the results you will never be happy with what you do. This links back to the last point of just making the most of the journey. Because that’s what it is, it is not a race. If you start PE your intentions should be to do it forever, there is no rush, let the results come. You don’t have a time limit, you have a life time.
Remember there are no happy ever afters.
That’s right your gains will not bring your eternal happiness. They will bring you confidence, satisfaction and a sense of achievement but once you reach your goals it is not sun shine and rainbows. I promise you, if you base yourself on what results you get, you will be an unhappy person. Eventually the feeling of Euphoria will wear off. There always has to be some goal in mind, something to set our sights towards. But if you focus too much on the end goal and you don’t enjoy the journey then no matter what the results you will never be happy. FIND PASSION IN WHAT YOU DO.
Don’t out work – out last.
Everyone can out work someone in a “blast of effort” it’s those who are consistent who are the most successful. Again, this is a journey, not a race.
Manage your time.
We all skip workouts, miss class ect when we are spent for time. But ask yourself why are you spent for time? Are you procrastinating? Is there time you’re wasting that could be used productively? If you’re reading this. Then this answer is yes, although this forum is very useful, you can have all the knowledge on PE in the world. But it’s the work that is going to get results. Manage your time to a T, minimize social media, make sacrifices and weigh out which is more important. I even planned writing this thread before writing it, I planned and set aside the time. A little tip I find useful, is for every page of a text book I study (A4 pages not small ones) I give myself 5 minutes on facebook.
Take my advice as you wish, you may think its hogwash. You might find it life changing read it as you wish. However, if you have anything constructive to add to the thread please contribute.
I urge any of you to contribute to this thread and share your thoughts and own personal ways of dealing with this Issue and how you keep consistent throughout the years.
Motivation isn’t a constant and it isn’t linear.
I’ve put this first because I personally find it very disheartening looking at other people and thinking “they’re always motivated why aren’t I”. What you have to realize is, they aren’t. We all suffer ups and downs and periods where we just want to throw in the towel. I partly blame social media for this as we constantly see fake personas from high profile people who portray their lives are simply perfect. This isn’t true and those people are insecure that their lives aren’t perfect and are trying to consolidate it in their own heads their own heads that it is by creating a false image.
For example, leading up to Christmas this year I was super motivated. There wasn’t a challenge I could face and nothing could touch me. But what happened? I stopped. I can’t tell you why just for a period of time (probably around 3 months) I had zero motivation for university, gym or life in general. But I kept consistent in everything, I didn’t let a thing pass me by. I went to the gym everyday asking myself “why do I still go”. However, I didn’t stop because I knew deep down quitting would do more harm than going. Apply this to everything in life including PE. Now I have regained motivation again and feel like a king. I will lose it and regain it throughout life but the work I put in will remain consistent.
Success is a battle of attrition
Being successful in anything is never a linear path where everything falls in to place. You constantly have to progress and get better and better. You will never get to a point where “this is enough”. In PE, working out, education. The gas pedal needs to be down constantly.
What I personally interpret the quote of “success is a battle of attrition” is the constant battle again things holding you back. Procrastination, fear of failure, time management to be successful at something you will constantly be battling setbacks. He who pushes through is he who succeeds.
Enjoy the process – Find passion in what you do
If you don’t do this then you have to question why you’re doing it at all? I’m not asking you to force you self to fall in love with something straight away. But gradually make mental notes of things you enjoy about what you’re doing. For example the community, the PI’s, the way jelqing feels. Or if you apply this to the gym; the feeling of pulling a PR, making friends there, getting results, starting to stand out from other people. Find little things to look forward to in everything you do.
Don’t focus on the mounting top – enjoy the climb.
This is hugely important, if you’re purely focused on the results you will never be happy with what you do. This links back to the last point of just making the most of the journey. Because that’s what it is, it is not a race. If you start PE your intentions should be to do it forever, there is no rush, let the results come. You don’t have a time limit, you have a life time.
Remember there are no happy ever afters.
That’s right your gains will not bring your eternal happiness. They will bring you confidence, satisfaction and a sense of achievement but once you reach your goals it is not sun shine and rainbows. I promise you, if you base yourself on what results you get, you will be an unhappy person. Eventually the feeling of Euphoria will wear off. There always has to be some goal in mind, something to set our sights towards. But if you focus too much on the end goal and you don’t enjoy the journey then no matter what the results you will never be happy. FIND PASSION IN WHAT YOU DO.
Don’t out work – out last.
Everyone can out work someone in a “blast of effort” it’s those who are consistent who are the most successful. Again, this is a journey, not a race.
Manage your time.
We all skip workouts, miss class ect when we are spent for time. But ask yourself why are you spent for time? Are you procrastinating? Is there time you’re wasting that could be used productively? If you’re reading this. Then this answer is yes, although this forum is very useful, you can have all the knowledge on PE in the world. But it’s the work that is going to get results. Manage your time to a T, minimize social media, make sacrifices and weigh out which is more important. I even planned writing this thread before writing it, I planned and set aside the time. A little tip I find useful, is for every page of a text book I study (A4 pages not small ones) I give myself 5 minutes on facebook.
Take my advice as you wish, you may think its hogwash. You might find it life changing read it as you wish. However, if you have anything constructive to add to the thread please contribute.