Morning Wood (or lack of it)

cladre60;760933 said:
I haven't been locked up and don't want to.

I knew a guy who basically admitted he was shoving things way up his ass (mainly drugs) to smuggle them in while on daily work release. Said you had to use a 10" long tube to get things far enough up your ass so they'd stay in during the "squat, spread your cheeks, and cough" portion of the strip search.

One of my inlaws has multiple felonies and has done a number of stretches behind bars, years at a time. He gets strangely quiet when it comes to his time in prison and it's not because he's embarrassed.

Can't imagine spending most of my life in prison.
I worked everyday I was away. There are computers and I was allowed to be on one every day for 3 hours so I never missed work. I was not in prison, I was in the hospital.
doublelongdaddy;761036 said:
I worked everyday I was away. There are computers and I was allowed to be on one every day for 3 hours so I never missed work. I was not in prison, I was in the hospital.

While I'm sure it felt like prison in many ways you were getting the help you needed. It may have saved you.
doublelongdaddy;761036 said:
I worked everyday I was away. There are computers and I was allowed to be on one every day for 3 hours so I never missed work. I was not in prison, I was in the hospital.

We must do everything possible to prevent us from not being lockup :)
huge-girth;761105 said:
We must do everything possible to prevent us from not being lockup :)

One of the worst places to be locked up is in your own mind. People create their own personal jail cells in their heads. If your mind is in a good place you're free no matter what. If not you can be in a virtual hell while living in paradise.
cladre60;761186 said:
One of the worst places to be locked up is in your own mind. People create their own personal jail cells in their heads. If your mind is in a good place you're free no matter what. If not you can be in a virtual hell while living in paradise.

So true.

I have come to a point in my life where I am at peace with all. I love the quiet and I love to be alone. I am living in a world that is in every way ran by evil, but I am living in Heaven. The mind can be a prison or a paradise, it is all in the perspective.
cladre60;761186 said:
One of the worst places to be locked up is in your own mind. People create their own personal jail cells in their heads. If your mind is in a good place you're free no matter what. If not you can be in a virtual hell while living in paradise.

Yes that's right. I have been there a few times before.
huge-girth;761239 said:
Yes that's right. I have been there a few times before.

All freedom comes from Christ, instead of worrying all day try praying and things will change.
Big Schwanz Acht;761333 said:
I thought you liked/supported this Administration?? Did you brain finally explode from Fox News over-load? :)

Trump may be an arrogant prick with zero brain-mouth filter and too much love for firing people up with his posts on social media BUT he's talking to North Korea and has the hottest 1st Lady ever who immigrated here by legal means. Love him or hate him, the man is getting shit done. A guy at work who was staunchly anti hairpiece cheeto aka Trump during the campaign has changed his views on him... he sincerely respects and approves of how hard he is working and all the positive changes he's been making. Absolutely still hates Trump as a person though lol.

Respect is a funny thing. You can seriously dislike someone but still respect them and the things they do.
And one more thing on Trump...a few months ago Comedy Central reran their Roast of Trump from maybe 7 years ago. I decided to watch it. At the end Trump himself said "what's the difference between a wet racoon and Donald Trump's hair? A wet racoon doesn't have 7 BILLION dollars in the bank!"

He forgot to add "and a smoking hot wife that makes me look like a negative 5 out of 100." He's like Joe Pesci in all his movies - a man that can really get shit done.
I love America and I want what is best for our country, and I know Trump is the man to do it. He has made so much progress for us and He does not stop. I know by the end of His first term He will have accomplished much. If He could only get more Republicans in things would go faster. So far I am happy with His performance. I am happy the direction of the Country. I always want our county to do well, I want our President to succeed because if America is doing well we are doing well.
What, exactly has this administration accomplished? (and don't say 'the economy') All I see is two sides of anger with no love/compromise. We could run down the litany but that just exacerbates the problem.
Big Schwanz Acht;761501 said:
What, exactly has this administration accomplished? (and don't say 'the economy') All I see is two sides of anger with no love/compromise. We could run down the litany but that just exacerbates the problem.

He's managed to piss off the left and snowflakes endlessly. I love that part.
Big Schwanz Acht;761501 said:
What, exactly has this administration accomplished? (and don't say 'the economy') All I see is two sides of anger with no love/compromise. We could run down the litany but that just exacerbates the problem.

Here in Europe the media is totally against Trump. The 'Bilderberger' together with their associates consisting of big names of former politicians seem to drive the media against everything that has something to do with Trump. But behind the propaganda there are quite some substantial things that Trump has done which should have gotten positive critique.

Trump represents the real economy and he is trying to gain ground from the financial economy (controlled by a well known group of people).

I think that Trump was a cool guy before becoming president. However I am not educated enough to differentiate his actions as a president.
Chaoskampf;761566 said:
Here in Europe the media is totally against Trump. The 'Bilderberger' together with their associates consisting of big names of former politicians seem to drive the media against everything that has something to do with Trump. But behind the propaganda there are quite some substantial things that Trump has done which should have gotten positive critique.

Trump represents the real economy and he is trying to gain ground from the financial economy (controlled by a well known group of people).

I think that Trump was a cool guy before becoming president. However I am not educated enough to differentiate his actions as a president.

I know the media is super quick to criticize him simply due to the fact that he's not a career politician. They want him to seem unfit. I'm sure other politicians don't like him for the same reason. He doesn't care if he upsets them, he's there to do a job.

I heard someone at work say "oh there's Trump on ANOTHER golfing trip! When is he going to do some work?" when the news was on one day. I asked if they expected Trump to work 24/7 or if he was at least allowed to relax occasionally. You could've heard a pin drop and I never got a response.

The man NEEDS a brain-mouth filter and an advisor to edit anything he posts on social media before hitting "submit." I do like how he is extremely straight forward when he speaks and doesn't sugar coat it but sometimes you do need a sprinkle of sugar.

I remember at the end of his first 100 days in office our biggest "anti Trump" person at work said, "I'm impressed. The man actually did the things he said he would during his first 100 days. The things he hasn't finished are now up to Congress or someone else." Love him or hate him he is the president of the US and we've got him for 2 more years (hopefully 6). Come on, the man is getting N Korea to talk! That alone means a lot.
doublelongdaddy;761496 said:
I love America and I want what is best for our country, and I know Trump is the man to do it. He has made so much progress for us and He does not stop. I know by the end of His first term He will have accomplished much. If He could only get more Republicans in things would go faster. So far I am happy with His performance. I am happy the direction of the Country. I always want our county to do well, I want our President to succeed because if America is doing well we are doing well.

I look forward to relocating to America someday even though I know Triumph don't like Nigerians :)
cladre60;761556 said:
He's managed to piss off the left and snowflakes endlessly. I love that part.

I'll definitely agree on this point...the problem is that everyone is pissed-off and it makes our Government even more dysfunctional than usual

- - - Updated - - -

huge-girth;761585 said:
I look forward to relocating to America someday even though I know Triumph don't like Nigerians :)

good luck gettin' in :)
cladre60;761573 said:
I know the media is super quick to criticize him simply due to the fact that he's not a career politician. They want him to seem unfit. I'm sure other politicians don't like him for the same reason. He doesn't care if he upsets them, he's there to do a job.

I heard someone at work say "oh there's Trump on ANOTHER golfing trip! When is he going to do some work?" when the news was on one day. I asked if they expected Trump to work 24/7 or if he was at least allowed to relax occasionally. You could've heard a pin drop and I never got a response.

The man NEEDS a brain-mouth filter and an advisor to edit anything he posts on social media before hitting "submit." I do like how he is extremely straight forward when he speaks and doesn't sugar coat it but sometimes you do need a sprinkle of sugar.

I remember at the end of his first 100 days in office our biggest "anti Trump" person at work said, "I'm impressed. The man actually did the things he said he would during his first 100 days. The things he hasn't finished are now up to Congress or someone else." Love him or hate him he is the president of the US and we've got him for 2 more years (hopefully 6). Come on, the man is getting N Korea to talk! That alone means a lot.

every trip he takes to his resort in Florida costs US tax payers over $1mm (and being the profiteer, he gets paid housing's a big 'cash-grab' for him.

In just over a year he's ruined the lives/careers of:

Mike Flynn
Paul Manafort (deservedly)
Rex Tillerson
Michael Cohen (deservedly)
George Papadopoulis
and many more...

So here's my theory:
He's indebted to many unsavory players to the tune of hundreds of millions, (if not billions) and is using The Presidency as his personal check-book. It's plainly obvious to me, whichever world leader promises profit, Donald is sucking his dick.

As for N. Korea? I've got a bridge in Arizona to sell you :)
Big Schwanz Acht;761627 said:
I'll definitely agree on this point...the problem is that everyone is pissed-off and it makes our Government even more dysfunctional than usual

- - - Updated - - -

good luck gettin' in :)

The best analogy I've heard about Trump is that he's like a doctor with horrible beside manner. He tells you that you're fat, you're an idiot for smoking the past 30 years, and you need to start digging you grave now if you don't take care of yourself. You're pissed off at him but really you're the one with the problems.

One of the biggest issues is the parties and individual politicians work for themselves and not the best interest of the people who voted them into office.
Big Schwanz Acht;761628 said:
every trip he takes to his resort in Florida costs US tax payers over $1mm (and being the profiteer, he gets paid housing's a big 'cash-grab' for him.

In just over a year he's ruined the lives/careers of:

Mike Flynn
Paul Manafort (deservedly)
Rex Tillerson
Michael Cohen (deservedly)
George Papadopoulis
and many more...

So here's my theory:
He's indebted to many unsavory players to the tune of hundreds of millions, (if not billions) and is using The Presidency as his personal check-book. It's plainly obvious to me, whichever world leader promises profit, Donald is sucking his dick.

As for N. Korea? I've got a bridge in Arizona to sell you :)

Every president takes trips that cost us money and they all get more expensive not because they're trying to spend more but the cost of security goes up. I would've figured Trump would pay for his own travel and lodging since, well, he is a billionaire.
Trump is not politician, democrat or republican, He is pragmatic. He sees a problem and fixes it and could give a shit about what people say. He has been this way His whole life. Bedside manner He could give a fuck about, He wants to get the job done and the beltway He can. People can hate His personality but they can't dispute the things Trump has accomplished.
doublelongdaddy;761799 said:
Trump is not politician, democrat or republican, He is pragmatic. He sees a problem and fixes it and could give a shit about what people say. He has been this way His whole life. Bedside manner He could give a fuck about, He wants to get the job done and the beltway He can. People can hate His personality but they can't dispute the things Trump has accomplished.

I'm going to agree with that. I'm sure he's actually not a bad guy to talk to especially after hearing that "grab them by the pussy" bit. Honestly that showed people, at least men, that he's an ordinary guy in many ways.

The whole Stormy Daniels thing was just funny IMO but if he cheated on his wife then he's at least part asshole. We don't know the details of their marriage and she could've given him permission for all we know or she simply doesn't care.

I'd much rather have him in office than hitlery. It has nothing to do with being a woman, I simply do not trust her. Both parties could've come up with better candidates but the fact that Trump won shows you don't need to be a career crook to get elected president.
cladre60;761831 said:
I'm going to agree with that. I'm sure he's actually not a bad guy to talk to especially after hearing that "grab them by the pussy" bit. Honestly that showed people, at least men, that he's an ordinary guy in many ways.

The whole Stormy Daniels thing was just funny IMO but if he cheated on his wife then he's at least part asshole. We don't know the details of their marriage and she could've given him permission for all we know or she simply doesn't care.

I'd much rather have him in office than hitlery. It has nothing to do with being a woman, I simply do not trust her. Both parties could've come up with better candidates but the fact that Trump won shows you don't need to be a career crook to get elected president.

Hillary is a war monger :)
cladre60;761955 said:
Well we still are in a war that's old enough it has a driver's license (Afghanistan) but I could see her getting us into another.

War is such a terrible thing and I am hoping that this administration gets us out of these many unproductive places where we are giving so much support while they call for death to the USA.
doublelongdaddy;762028 said:
War is such a terrible thing and I am hoping that this administration gets us out of these many unproductive places where we are giving so much support while they call for death to the USA.

I was very lucky in that my service ended before 9/11 and the 2 wars that followed. In recent years, however, I've wished that I had gone back in to serve. I know full well that my ass would've landed in Iraq or Afghanistan. I know the risks I would've been taking. I just feel like I could've done something; at the very least directly supported my brothers.
doublelongdaddy;762028 said:
War is such a terrible thing and I am hoping that this administration gets us out of these many unproductive places where we are giving so much support while they call for death to the USA.

IMO, I feel Muslims are the problems we have in this world
huge-girth;762103 said:
IMO, I feel Muslims are the problems we have in this world

I would say Radical Muslims are a huge problem and they get lumped in with those who are not radical. I have Muslim family and they are not radical, they are very Americanized. When he came to the country he could not speak English very well so he needed to learn, he had a reasonably quick approval and citizenship. A good example of someone doing things the right way. I think if people looked a a place like Dubai where it is a mostly Muslim and they live a completely peaceful, western style life. Just like Saudi Arabia has come around I believe in time most Muslims will want these animals out of their religion. Just to be clear, I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and God but everyone can choose their own spirituality or lack thereof. There are bad people in every religion, this is why religion is a terrible thing. It is best to be a strict Jesus follower with the Bible and Spirit as your guide. You do not need yo go to no church to get to know your God, you are the church and God lives in your heart!

I think the biggest issue in this world are the evil players at the top who are controlling these issues and fanning the flames of discord. We all need to stick together united to prove their evil propaganda does not effect us. I have friends and family of all races and spirituality and I love them all, even when their opinion is not my own, I respect their right to free thought. We are told to love each other as God has loved us and as hard as that is we should always strive for this.

If the radical Muslim's are a problem (which they are) we should pray for them to learn the truth and become part of the modern world.
Religious extremists have been a problem throughout the history of organized religion. Religion isn't the problem though, it's the people who try to force their ways onto others.

I sat through an over 2 hour presentation from a reformed white supremacist. One of the things he said was, "if white people wipe out all the other races what's next? Do we turn our focus onto those who don't have blue eyes and blonde hair? It never ends when you're locked into that way of thinking." Same applies to the religious extremists. If they wiped us out they'd find another target. Those types of people will never stop until they've been eliminated.
doublelongdaddy;762221 said:
I would say Radical Muslims are a huge problem and they get lumped in with those who are not radical. I have Muslim family and they are not radical, they are very Americanized. When he came to the country he could not speak English very well so he needed to learn, he had a reasonably quick approval and citizenship. A good example of someone doing things the right way. I think if people looked a a place like Dubai where it is a mostly Muslim and they live a completely peaceful, western style life. Just like Saudi Arabia has come around I believe in time most Muslims will want these animals out of their religion. Just to be clear, I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and God but everyone can choose their own spirituality or lack thereof. There are bad people in every religion, this is why religion is a terrible thing. It is best to be a strict Jesus follower with the Bible and Spirit as your guide. You do not need yo go to no church to get to know your God, you are the church and God lives in your heart!

I think the biggest issue in this world are the evil players at the top who are controlling these issues and fanning the flames of discord. We all need to stick together united to prove their evil propaganda does not effect us. I have friends and family of all races and spirituality and I love them all, even when their opinion is not my own, I respect their right to free thought. We are told to love each other as God has loved us and as hard as that is we should always strive for this.

If the radical Muslim's are a problem (which they are) we should pray for them to learn the truth and become part of the modern world.

The funny thing is, no matter how hard we pray the radical Muslims will always be the same way. I agree every religion has it's own problem but the Muslims are worse. I also believe some of the big influential people in the world are responsible for financing all this violence. It's so annoying and frustrating.
cladre60;762288 said:
Religious extremists have been a problem throughout the history of organized religion. Religion isn't the problem though, it's the people who try to force their ways onto others.

I sat through an over 2 hour presentation from a reformed white supremacist. One of the things he said was, "if white people wipe out all the other races what's next? Do we turn our focus onto those who don't have blue eyes and blonde hair? It never ends when you're locked into that way of thinking." Same applies to the religious extremists. If they wiped us out they'd find another target. Those types of people will never stop until they've been eliminated.

They will never stop and that's the bitter truth
huge-girth;762305 said:
The funny thing is, no matter how hard we pray the radical Muslims will always be the same way. I agree every religion has it's own problem but the Muslims are worse. I also believe some of the big influential people in the world are responsible for financing all this violence. It's so annoying and frustrating.

It's the Muslims' turn if you think about it. I'm pretty sure almost ever major religion has a dark violent period. Many wars have been fought in the name of religion.
cladre60;762320 said:
It's the Muslims' turn if you think about it. I'm pretty sure almost ever major religion has a dark violent period. Many wars have been fought in the name of religion.

You are right, the Muslims are doing all the fighting now
We can still pray for them, prayer is very powerful and it can change the heart of anyone. Many Muslims are coming over to the Christian faith. As violence becomes worse conversion will happen quickly.
doublelongdaddy;762559 said:
We can still pray for them, prayer is very powerful and it can change the heart of anyone. Many Muslims are coming over to the Christian faith. As violence becomes worse conversion will happen quickly.

More than 100 Christians were killed by Muslims in my country few days ago. The government is doing nothing about it. Anywhere Muslims are gathered, there is likely to be problems.
huge-girth;762627 said:
More than 100 Christians were killed by Muslims in my country few days ago. The government is doing nothing about it. Anywhere Muslims are gathered, there is likely to be problems.

We will be there soon, the USA is ready to take down all of these monsters.
doublelongdaddy;762674 said:
We will be there soon, the USA is ready to take down all of these monsters.

We need Tony Stark and his Jericho Missiles. Let one of them loose and the bad guys won't want to come out of their caves.
doublelongdaddy;762674 said:
We will be there soon, the USA is ready to take down all of these monsters.

Hilary and Obama made the Jihadist (Muhammadu Buhari) our president back in 2015. Now we want the Jihadist to leave the presidential seat. Too many Christians are dying here and our govt is not doing anything. I'm tired of my shit hole country
huge-girth;762745 said:
Hilary and Obama made the Jihadist (Muhammadu Buhari) our president back in 2015. Now we want the Jihadist to leave the presidential seat. Too many Christians are dying here and our govt is not doing anything. I'm tired of my shit hole country

TRUMP is coming t the rescue, do not worry.
huge-girth;763061 said:
I doubt if triumph is going to do anything about it. I'm worried <:(

He could probably fix the world from a financial standpoint if people would stop hating him. Once you fox financial problems others seem to fade away.

A girl at work was telling us about her life in Puerto Rico. There's lots of crime simply because people are trying to survive.

When Ross Perot ran for president it was all about finances. He would've been good simply at that part of running the country.
huge-girth;763061 said:
I doubt if triumph is going to do anything about it. I'm worried <:(

there is a pretty cool spot called that gives some pretty compelling theories.
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