Girth work MityVac Hydro Vac Penis Pump User Instructions


The Legendary Mistress with the Whips
Staff member
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MityVac HydroVac User Instructions
When your MityVac arrives, it will come in a plain brown discrete box. This is the actual box it arrives in below.
When you open the box you will find a black hardshell case inside with all the components required for your MityVac HydroVac pump system all individually wrapped up.

Included in your kit
  • One MityVac hydrovac pump cylinder in the diameter you chose
  • One MityVac pump handle with pressure gauge and quick release vac-line attached
  • One 12" quick release vac-line
  • One MityVac hydro-trap with two quick release vac-lines attached
  • One MityVac silicone pump sleeve for extra comfort and seal
  • One long SiliSleev145 penis sleeve set and SiliCap to reduce fluid retention
  • One set of SiliRings to keep penis expanded
  • One tube of Titan penis gel/lube
  • One discrete hardshell zipper case
MityVac Dry Pumping Assembly Instructions
One of the unique features of the MityVac HydroVac pump system is the quick connect system we use that allows you to seamlessly transition from air pumping to hydro-pumping.
These high quality connecters are valved to control water and vacuum-flow.

1) Attach the MityVac silicone scrotum pump sleeve to your pump cylinder. This sleeve prevents your balls from getting sucked into the pump cylinder and provides extra comfort and seal when pumping. It is very stretchable and will fit all MityVac cylinder diameters.
2) Locate the MityVac pump handle and attach to the 12" quick release vac-line that came with your MityVac system to it. Then attach the male nipple on the pump handle to the female quick release valve on 12" vac-line.

4) Attach the male nipple on the 12" vac-line to your MityVac pump cylinder valve connector. This valved connector allows you to disconnect the vac-line and still maintain the vacuum in the cylinder. To release the vacuum from the cylinder, use the pressure release handle on the bottom of the pump handle.
Dry Vacuum Pumping Instructions

You can pump with or without the SiliSleevs. The SiliSleevs help eliminate fluid retention that causes deformities to the penis from pumping and protects the penis from bruising.

To pump with the SiliSleevs; First, stretch the SiliCap over the glans of your penis.
The SiliCap prevents fluid retention and bruising while pumping by compressing the glans.

Next, stretch your penis and apply the long SiliSleev to your shaft by rolling it up like a condom and then unrolling it over your SiliCap and penis shaft with the thicker side of SiliSleev towards pelvic bone. Keep the penis stretched as you un-roll the SiliSleev and make sure the thicker end of the SiliSleev is closest to your pelvic area. This will create a greater seal between the SiliSleev & MityVac pump cylinder sleeve by locking them into each other. You want the SiliSleev to overlap onto the SiliCap for full coverage, see picture below.
To begin dry pumping, using a water based lubricant, lubricate the MityVac pump sleeve and pump your penis into the MityVac cylinder in either a flaccid or erect state. The MityVac pump sleeve should lock in with the ridge on the SiliSleev to create a seal.
Start pumping slowly; there should be a gentle tugging feeling. If there is any pain or discomfort, you should reduce the vacuum and STOP if it continues. Release the vacuum often, especially for first time usage. Little and often is the key. To release the vacuum, use the release lever on the pump handle. DO NOT exceed a static vacuum greater than 6 inch Hg / 15cm Hg / 0.2 bar. A vacuum up to 10 inch ( 25 cm) Hg is acceptable only where the vacuum is continuously cycled slowly between 10 inch and 4 inch.

Apply only the minimum amount of vacuum necessary to achieve an erection; excessive vacuum pressure may bruise or injure the penis. The circulatory system and body tissue can easily be traumatized by exceeding the vacuum levels mentioned above either momentarily, or exceeding a lower level for appreciable periods. This may happen even with breaks and massage. Repeated damage can result in permanent erectile dysfunction and tissue fibrosis.

Use of a vacuum pump may aggravate existing conditions such as Peyronie’s disease (the formation of hardened tissue in the penis that causes pain, curvature, and distortion, usually during erection); Priapism (persistent, usually painful erection of the penis as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal); and urethral strictures (urethral stricture is an area of hardened tissue, which narrows the urethra sometimes making it difficult to urinate.

There are many pumping routines here on MOS, dive in and find what suits you.

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MityVac Hydro/Water Pumping Assembly Instructions

Assembling your MityVac system for hydro-pumping is similar to the assembly for dry pumping with the exception of adding a hydro-trap in line. The quick release connectors of the MityVac system make switching a breeze.

1) Locate the MityVac pump handle with the short quick release vac-line attached.

Locate the MityVac hydro-trap with the male and female connectors.

2) Attach the male nipple on the pump handle to the female quick release valve on the hyrdo-trap vac-line.
The cap of the hydro-trap indicates "To Pump" this side connects to the MityVac pump handle.
3) Locate the 12" quick release vac-line that came with your MityVac system and connect the female side to the male side of the hydro-trap.
3) Attach the male nipple on the 12" air-line to your MityVac pump cylinder valve connector. This is a valved connector that allows you to disconnect the air-line and still maintain the vacuum pressure and water in the cylinder. In order to release the vacuum from the cylinder, use the pressure release handle on the bottom of the pump handle.
Fill your pump cylinder up with warm water, a little bit of air in it is fine, it does not have to be completely filled. Follow the instructions above under dry pumping for pumping. The hydro-trap is in place to capture any excess water that may enter the vac-lines. The MityVac pump handle is water-proof so its okay it they get wet or if you get a little water into the handle. The hydro-vac just helps reduce the water drag when pumping.

Finad and follow a hydro pumping routine here on MOS that meets your needs. And remember ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Do not over-do it. There is no big rush to get a larger penis over night. Take your time and enjoy the instant gratification pumping gives you.

Use a SiliRing to maintain expansion throughout the day after pumping. This will help speed up cementing your girth gains. You can also continue wearing your SiliSleev all day after pumping to cement your length gains.
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I just recently got the MityVac - it's kinda funny, I had no idea this was brandy new! I had a feeling it was; because, like, the week before I was gonna get a bathmate and just tough it out disciplining myself to bring this apparatus into the shower with me, but I'm so much happier the MityVac is a thing cuz I think dry pumping is for me. It's just easier. After you get all the cords into place it feels like way too much time has gone by. I can only imagine the limited time that parents would have too.

I've been using it for a couple of weeks and I had a few introductory questions/concerns. I did some looking but lemme know if there's a FAQ I missed that answers these questions already, or if this belongs elsewhere.

(1) - When I was reading up on SRT, if I understand correctly, I wanna avoid doing kegels while in the pump?
(2) - I find it really hard to get the silisleeve on. What's a good technique for getting it on that won't hurt too much? When I get used to either, I'll try wearing it to sleep though my fat kinda pulls on it. But I'm working on that; the weight loss should come. I'll try getting used to it at home so that I'm not going to work one day and find I need to adjust it while I'm helping a customer.
(3) - Cumming after a workout: Okay to do? Bad for gains? Should I refrain? Kinda hard to pump without some adult entertainment to keep the blood flowing, and one thing leads to another.
(4) - Also from what I read, it's important that the blood flow to the penis comes mainly from the air pressure and not from an erection? Can anyone elaborate on their experiences?
(5) I can't seem to retain pressure beyond 5Hg; it keeps dropping. Is it designed to do that or is there just not a good enough pressure seal? I did shave before this. I've just been holding the gun in my left hand and my mouse with my right hand so far, and pulling the trigger every minute or so to about 9Hg, wait for it to drop, rinse & repeat.
(6) - Weird question, about a couple weeks after the MityVac arrived I received an extra hose and additional set of sili-rings in the mail. Was that supposed to happen?

So far I've been dry-pumping without the silisleeve. I didn't see the instruction manual up here until after a few days after using it without the silicone base so I was actually using it wrong at first, placing the plastic part directly over my penis and that was it. The silicone base feels much better! But I wanna use the silisleeve if I can get it on me because I'd rather not have to buy lube all the time like gasoline. That and when your penis gets stuck to the plastic tube it's almost impossible to get it unstuck.
The parts you received are the new upgraded parts. Swap them out. Use your hand and unscrew the old valve on top of the pump cylinder and replace with the new. Just finger tight it, if you tighten it too much, you will have a leak. Then use the new 12" vac line that you received and discard the old parts.

If you are new to this, pump up to 5 in.Hg for 10 minutes and then release pressure and repeat. There is a video that will answer most of your questions in the first post of this thread.

Make sure you have the SiliSleev on with the thicker part at the base. The Silisleevs might be too long for you. You can cut them with a sharp pair of scissors but it has to be a clean cut.
Hello @Shion !

I'm waiting for mine so it's nice to hear reviews and thoughts about it. :)

Anyway, to your questions!

1, You could do reverse Kegels while pumping to make length gains more prominent. I do so quite often. If you do Kegeling, maybe not full force, but a 60-70% push.

2, Roll it like a condom, I've overlapped mine and then put it on. Try to use the wider flange at your base instead of wearing it behind your glans.

3, If you cum after a workout, try to do some stretching, at least few pulls etc., and you could put on the sleeve on as well. I've had those moments also that things lead to another, as I've had massive temporary expansion. Too much of a good thing to just let it rest. :D

4, I've had better sessions when I have high EQ when I enter the pump and then add more force. Give it a go, one thing I can say that variation to your routines is a good thing, to keep your body guessing and not fall to a same loop.

5 and 6, Lightning provided you the best answer. :)
Try to utilize the sleeves with dry pumping as well. There are some good water-based lubricants that can stay slick for a good while. I've been keeping an eye on Sliquid lubricants, quite organic and stuff.
Especially good if you have a lady friend and need to use some more lubrication, several lubes on the market contain ingredients that can shock the vaginal balance. (And the organic stuff can be better for your cock as well. ;) )
I have been Pumping on and off since April of last year and have been pumping with a Bathmate x30..When my MityVac arrives what do you recommend I pump to in Hg..With the BM I have been going lately to almost Max Hand Bulb pumping pressure,just a bit under though.I was doing 15-20 min straight for the past month wearing a Glans cap and a Silicone sleeve and had no problems whatsoever with fluid retention or bruising since I started pumping this way.When I start using my MityVac I will switch my routine from 15-20 min straight to 5x5x3 with 5 minutes of Slow Squash Jelqs in between since you recommend it here big time over straight longer time.So since I have been pumping for a while now do you think 5 to 7 Hg pressure is a good starting point and then see how it feels before increasing.Also I have been hanging too since Oct of last year with a Vachanger3 and am getting the Silistretcher with my MityVac..Can you recommend a Routine for me for using Both.What I have been doing is Hanging 8lbs for 1 hr in the mornings with a Bathmate 15-20 min session in the evening.Sometimes even another 1 hr Hang in the Mid afternoon but for the last 2 weeks I have only been doing the 1 hr in the morn.My routine was Hang/Pump Mon/Fri with Sat/Sun off...Or should I be only doing one thing per week and not mixing the both together..Curious to hear what you recommend for a hang/pump routine.As I was typing this the doorbell rang and my order from MOS is here..I will post a Review on the weekend after I have tried both..Time to Play...Lol
Hello Nic and thank you for your questions. I would say 7 hg is a good starting point but you will want to find you’re safe maximum vacuum. The routine you’ll use will be SRT and I will help you write a customer routine according to the methodology of SRT being sure to take advantage of your equipment and the best way and to help you not only gain faster but heal correctly.

Have a good read through the first page of SRT and come to me with any questions you may have. You’ll learn quite a bit about healing and gaining and why the two are so important.

That’s so exciting that your equipment has shown up and I can’t wait for your review. Once you get it I’m packed and ready let me know and I’ll help you with that routine. Unpacked and get to know what you’re comfortable with it and let’s get this party started!
I have been Pumping on and off since April of last year and have been pumping with a Bathmate x30..When my MityVac arrives what do you recommend I pump to in Hg..With the BM I have been going lately to almost Max Hand Bulb pumping pressure,just a bit under though.I was doing 15-20 min straight for the past month wearing a Glans cap and a Silicone sleeve and had no problems whatsoever with fluid retention or bruising since I started pumping this way.When I start using my MityVac I will switch my routine from 15-20 min straight to 5x5x3 with 5 minutes of Slow Squash Jelqs in between since you recommend it here big time over straight longer time.So since I have been pumping for a while now do you think 5 to 7 Hg pressure is a good starting point and then see how it feels before increasing.Also I have been hanging too since Oct of last year with a Vachanger3 and am getting the Silistretcher with my MityVac..Can you recommend a Routine for me for using Both.What I have been doing is Hanging 8lbs for 1 hr in the mornings with a Bathmate 15-20 min session in the evening.Sometimes even another 1 hr Hang in the Mid afternoon but for the last 2 weeks I have only been doing the 1 hr in the morn.My routine was Hang/Pump Mon/Fri with Sat/Sun off...Or should I be only doing one thing per week and not mixing the both together..Curious to hear what you recommend for a hang/pump routine.As I was typing this the doorbell rang and my order from MOS is here..I will post a Review on the weekend after I have tried both..Time to Play...Lol

I'm going to be doing a pump + hang routine when my equipment arrives. Hanging will be OTS to target tunicae. I'm not posting the routine till I'm ready, as it needs allot of adjustments, but essentially I will be hanging OTS after a pump session.
You should pick up a couple of pulleys to Red, they come in handy when trying to work from the back.
Grateful for all of the advice as always!
Welp, Week 1, here's what I ran into:

(1) I got up to about 7Hg but stayed at a steady 5Hg, depressurizing frequently for safety. At the end of the session, the bottom of my foreskin was noticeably swollen. Paraphimosis, Google called it. Is that the same thing as that fluid retention that people have been talking about? Most places I looked said if it was caused by pumping it should go away within 24 hours, though it was a bit of a nausea-inducing shock to see it so unexpectedly when the session seemed to go so well. That and the last orgasm stung a bit. Fluid retention sounded a lot less disturbing than it looked. Guess I'll be trying that silisleeve again; might have to cut it like Lightning mentioned. When I get thin, and I don't have a big thing of fat down there, then I'm sure the full-length silisleeve should work better for me. How long should I give the swelling before trying again, do you think?

(2) Shaving closer definitely helps retain pressure. I bought a Philips Norelco Bodygroomer 7000. Works like a charm. That and I think the new parts made a difference too. I bought it for my body but I think I might get a second one for my face. (I don't wanna use the same razor on my face as for my body.)

(3) I don't feel a lot of pain from the pressure, but my dick often sticks to the plastic walls. I know this can probably be alleviated with the sleeve, but I'm thinking perhaps I'll need to lube the walls too? Or is there something else that can be done?

(4) Since I'm pumping along with physical fitness I guess I ought to ask...does the same kind of diet you'd want to use for fitness also apply to a penis enlargement routine? I've been limiting sugars, consuming moderate complex carbs on cardio days and proteins on muscle days. Surely the same healthy food should help the penis, yeh?

Gonna get some shuteye; TGIF tomorra.
Hi @Shion !

Sounds more like fluid retention. Without using sleeves it's easy to get that doughnut head thing going on.
Happened to me several times ages ago, I have learned since. :)
The swelling should be gone in 24 hours or so, so after 24 hours you can try again.
I've noticed that if I take a break for some reason (feeling ill, no motivation or something else) that I need to ease up with certain exercises. Especially if the break is more than a week.
So it's something your body is getting used to in a way, keep at it!

Grooming definitely helps with most pumps for better suction. For my face I favor safety razors. Initial cost for a decent razor might be somewhat high but a good razor will last for a long time! And the blades, depending what you get, are usually quite inexpensive compared to cartridge razors. (Plus less trash, hooray!)
I have a 50's or 60's Gillette and it does a great job. If you buy a new one feel free to ask for suggestions. ;)

Lubing up is something you could try, but the sleeves should help with that a lot. I've noticed that the sleeves do help a lot without needing lubrication. If I go without the sleeves fluid retention can occur much more easily and there can be that feeling of sticking to the walls.

Lastly, yes, a good balanced but varied diet does help in many ways! One can take certain supplements for better blood flow but the diet is more meaningful. Can't eat this and that and then pop a pill for better things to come right away, unfortunately. ;)
How long are you pumping for at a time? The lengthy stay in the pump has a lot to do with fluid retention and that’s why the 5×5×3 work out works so well in the SRT. I would find the point where you’re taking water retention and at that point stop pumping and work in a set of SlowSquashJelq to reduce the fluid before going in for another set.
I dont see it as Paraphimosis, because I had a relative with that, and he had to be cut.
The skin cannot get back over the head, in your case it has, so it was simply too much fluid retention.

Often that is caused from too much pressure, or, a session lasting too long.

I suggest you use the 5 x 5 x 3 as DLD outlined above, it will reduce this problem so much, and more effective pump session.

Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the MityVacat full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the MityVacat full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the MityVacat full intensity

Attach SilliRing to retain girth

If you got a silicap, wear that for glans protection.

If the 5 x 5 x 3 isn't your thing, it wont be for everyone, please build up slowly in time.
Use low pressure 3hg for 10 mins every other day when you begin.

See our great thread for pumpers

Hello all!

arkailija - Yep, back to normal now. I'm gonna give my penis a break tonight and try again tomorrow. As it turned out paraphimosis was a little different than regular fluid retention, but in my state of panic it looked the same to me. Still, it does demonstrate the penis is as complicated as a smartphone made of meat. And luckily the pumping session seems to have paid off even with the ghastly accident. As for the razor - this one I got seems to be the most effective one I've had so far. You can use it in the shower but I have better results dry. But our bathroom sink doesn't work so I put a chair in shower and shave into the drain where the other hair has already collected. They were selling a nice face razor at Costco for like 100 bucks but the one I got was only 70. In this tiny prison of a town, shopping online will almost always get you better results!

DLD - When I started I was doing it for 20 minutes at a time and it seemed to work out fine. Last night when the fluid retention started happening it was after about 30 minutes, so I'm thinking my equilibrium probably lies in there somewhere. If the safe zone was 20 minutes does that mean 20 minutes per set or should I split that into thirds? I don't mind pain, but of course I don't want to cripple myself. I just read Crazyed's guide Red gave me and realized, oh yeah, I'm pushing it way too hard for just starting out. You've got veterans on here using the MityVac like a custom gaming computer after using an Office Max stock model, though the MityVac is my first pump so I think I shall need to get used to its finer points.

Redzulu - Paraphimosis sounds vile; I feel for your relative. I'll give the slow squash jelqs a try - I'm willing to try anything as long as I don't permanently injure myself! It sounds like it might even play into my vanilla fitness routine. I use a public gym for fitness but if I get rich and have a home with exercise equipment in it, maybe I'll just do the PE with the fitness :) I'm just having a hard time getting the sleeves on. I'll try cutting it down to size though I don't have much flaccid length. I can stretch it out to a couple inches from the base before the head, and this is mainly because I'm fat and the flaccid length just ain't visible. I do have a cap, and I'll try getting that on too. I have at least been trying to wear the ring, which is nice because it gives me flaccid length even while resting and it just feels more natural. Should I wait a few weeks until I get adjusted to the pump before trying the slow squash jelqs?

I'll see y'all tomorra - I get Saturday off this week cuz they called me in early on Monday. Wife wants to get high, eat snax and watch movies together; not a bad way to spend a Saturday.
Wow that’s incredible I would say that maybe you should go for twenty minutes in the MityVac and a 10 minute of SSJ. A single set would be incredible but if you do two I guarantee you see some serious expansion.
If i'm 4.5 girth at my thickest, what size should I go for? My sillistretcher is on the way and I want to pair it with the pump

What size pump cylinder to order?

To Gain Length

The rule of thumb is if you are focusing on penis length, order a MityVac pump cylinder in a diameter that is closest to the thickest part of your erect penis girth (see measurements below). The idea is to pack your erect penis in the cylinder and pump so your penis only extends in length since it can't expand much in girth.

To Gain Length and Girth
Order a MityVac pump cylinder that is .25" larger in diameter than the thickest part of your erect penis girth. This will allow your penis to expand in girth and length at the same time. Ordering a pump cylinder that is much wider than the girth of your penis is not beneficial and will actually cause you to grow a deformed penis over time. So stick with the recommendations we provide, this is all data collected from pump users over the past 20 years.

How to accurately measure your penis for pump cylinder sizing

Get a piece of string, thread, wire, etc.

Get your penis erect.

Wrap the string around the thickest part of your ERECT shaft or base (whatever is thickest).
For most people, the thickest part of the penis is at the base of the penis by the pelvic bone. In some cases, some men have a thicker upper shaft. If this is the case, measure the thickest part of your shaft.

Mark where the string where it overlaps itself with a pen so that you can see the pen mark on both ends of the string.

Lay the string on a flat surface and measure the distance between the two pen marks with a ruler.

If your measurement is:

3″ to 3.5” Order a 1.25” diameter pump cylinder
3.75” to 4″ Order a 1.5” x 9″ diameter pump cylinder
4.25” to 4.75” Order a 1.75” x 9″ diameter pump cylinder
5″ to 5.75” Order a 2″ x 9″ diameter pump cylinder
6″ to 6.75” Order a 2.25” diameter pump cylinder
7″ to 7.5” Order a 2.5” diameter pump cylinder
7.75” to 8.25” Order a 2.75” diameter pump cylinder

If your measurement is not listed here – Please Contact Us
Hello all! I received my MityVac this week and have gotten in about 4 session so far. Absolutely LOVING it compared to my Bathmates (Herc, X40, Goliath). One question, though:

Do you have any plans to release longer cylinders? I'm currently using the 2x9.25 cylinder and even at low pressure (5 inHg), I feel like I may reach the end of the tube before too long.
Hello all! I received my MityVac this week and have gotten in about 4 session so far. Absolutely LOVING it compared to my Bathmates (Herc, X40, Goliath). One question, though:

Do you have any plans to release longer cylinders? I'm currently using the 2x9.25 cylinder and even at low pressure (5 inHg), I feel like I may reach the end of the tube before too long.

Awesome. Yes, we handcraft our ProVac series to any size. They are built in house.

Hi @Shion !

Sounds more like fluid retention. Without using sleeves it's easy to get that doughnut head thing going on.
Happened to me several times ages ago, I have learned since. :)
The swelling should be gone in 24 hours or so, so after 24 hours you can try again.
I've noticed that if I take a break for some reason (feeling ill, no motivation or something else) that I need to ease up with certain exercises. Especially if the break is more than a week.
So it's something your body is getting used to in a way, keep at it!

Grooming definitely helps with most pumps for better suction. For my face I favor safety razors. Initial cost for a decent razor might be somewhat high but a good razor will last for a long time! And the blades, depending what you get, are usually quite inexpensive compared to cartridge razors. (Plus less trash, hooray!)

I have a 50's or 60's Gillette and it does a great job. If you buy a new one feel free to ask for suggestions. ;)

Lubing up is something you could try, but the sleeves should help with that a lot. I've noticed that the sleeves do help a lot without needing lubrication. If I go without the sleeves fluid retention can occur much more easily and there can be that feeling of sticking to the walls.

Lastly, yes, a good balanced but varied diet does help in many ways! One can take certain supplements for better blood flow but the diet is more meaningful. Can't eat this and that and then pop a pill for better things to come right away, unfortunately. ;)
Can you tell which exact sleeve are you using as ADS device?
Can you tell which exact sleeve are you using as ADS device?

If that was directed at me, I was using and would use either 1" diameter regular or long sleeve. But as for now, when it comes to ADS, I'm using a sleeve with the Silistretcher, I've used the 0.75" diameter regular and long sleeve with success. I mainly use the regular sleeves with the Silistretcher though.

Edit; Quick thought, there are different solutions all around! What might work greatly for me might be the opposite for someone else. But overall the Silistretcher and sleeves work great, but your personal dimension matter for the sizing. ;)
for those that have tested/tried the MityVac, I'm hoping your insight will aid in the direction I choose and goal I wish to attain.
I'd like to restrict my girth as much as possible and thought that getting a cylinder either the exact circumference (or slightly smaller) might work. I would also like to enter with the highest EQ and w/out any wrap or sleeve. If I was lubed-up properly, would I have any issue dislodging after my session? I'd like to try the 2.25 diameter cylinder (which states it'll accommodate 6 3/4" and I'm 7") which should provide the 'squeeze' that I think will produce length gains.
Any thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
for those that have tested/tried the MityVac, I'm hoping your insight will aid in the direction I choose and goal I wish to attain.
I'd like to restrict my girth as much as possible and thought that getting a cylinder either the exact circumference (or slightly smaller) might work. I would also like to enter with the highest EQ and w/out any wrap or sleeve. If I was lubed-up properly, would I have any issue dislodging after my session? I'd like to try the 2.25 diameter cylinder (which states it'll accommodate 6 3/4" and I'm 7") which should provide the 'squeeze' that I think will produce length gains.
Any thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?

What is your thickest erect circumference?
Hello all! I received my MityVac this week and have gotten in about 4 session so far. Absolutely LOVING it compared to my Bathmates (Herc, X40, Goliath). One question, though:

Do you have any plans to release longer cylinders? I'm currently using the 2x9.25 cylinder and even at low pressure (5 inHg), I feel like I may reach the end of the tube before too long.

ProVac cylinders are available at custom lengths but come standard as a full 10.25" inside length. We make them to order so any length is possible. Just email with your size request.
Built to last forever, plus ProVac cylinders are not slightly tapered like MityVacs. Some users prefer straight cylinders but most users dont care either way.

If you are worried about tapering at 10" and filling the cylinder up there, you need a bigger cylinder.

I want to start doing the whole shaft and testicles to target the inner penis...would a 3" ProVac be the right tool for the job? Lord willing, I plan on ordering this week.
I want to start doing the whole shaft and testicles to target the inner penis...would a 3" ProVac be the right tool for the job? Lord willing, I plan on ordering this week.

Yes, that is what people use them for.
I would start at 5-6in Hg sessions for 10 mins and work your way up. Listen to your body and don't over do it. The MityVac is a powerful pump.
Silly Question.
how much water do add. if possiable is there video where I am bot allowing too assumption. I More visual person. video may help. Thanks!
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    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...