samzman said:wtf i thought this douche was banned? eh well
I reinstated him until I find out what happened.
samzman said:wtf i thought this douche was banned? eh well
AncientChina, you are seroiusly a psychological mess. Let's pull back the veils of bullshit real quick and I will address the Kittie issue after I am done breaking you done personality wise, and it won't take me long, as you like to wear your emotions on your sleeve, or to further prove that you are a "reactionary" who doesn't take "shit" and et cetera.
Firstly stop projecting your own irrational feelings, no other guy had an issue what what Kittie said or lack there of, it was only you, and her comments hit you really, really hard. You have deep seeded issues with women, and many guys here do, but your seeing irrational illusions. You seem like the guy who takes MMA fighting, and does so much to overcompensate as a tough guy, hence why you mention beating, hitting and so forth (which indeed are the reactions of insecure men to women depending on a rare circumstance). I think you have had a really hard time with women, possibly borderline psychological/verbal abuse in the past.
I am also guessing and not out of rudeness, that you probably have a very small penis and/or psychological issue about it, so hence your need to create the Sausage Party illusion and toughen your image...GRRRR! The good part above shows your mental assessment process what you felt and how you felt it, and it gives me a clue into how fucked up your head is, we all have issues we are fucked up on or radical, hell SWM posted links to Neo-Nazi crap in his avatars. I am sure you liked Godsizes initially post, I thought it was great too, even if I don't agree with him on everything, he often says overly blunt stupidly planned things, not often though. I am sure you may like this post but would have hated my "Too Much Gayness" thread, would you? You show those undertone homoerotic signs in how you write, reminds me of a "butch" lesbians, doing that man-hating thing....
Make the world a better place, by being here? Read my personal internet forum rules, this is a fucking forum amongst many online, so when you profess that this is some haven I have to laugh, one woman here no matter how stupid doesn't stop you from Penis Enlargement'ing and too much time and emotional giving on a forum is the act of a person with issues, get your information here, and Penis Enlargement, no need to make it a fucking soap opera, much less a soap box.
By the way this place is unlike Thunder's in the manner you can post about any topic you wish even if it doesn't have a point, and whoever decides what is and isn't acceptable doesn't, if we went by your opinion or anyone else's opinion on what should be posted here, this place would be a one sided suck-fest.
As a mod you are also not forced to sit back and take a full round assualt of a personal attack. Who the fuck do you know in real life that sits there and let's you verbally abuse them...except for your girlfriend? Another thing being a Mod is not really all that important, yes I said it. It doesn't matter and I don't couldn't care less about being a mod, it's really not all that important in the least, so stop acting like we have Nuclear war heads and are attention to detail is extremely important.
These two sentences win the hypocritical award of the day....seriously? Take this for consideration ONLY you took offense to Kittie's statement, and you are the one who has trouble understanding that not everyone will agree with your opinion no matter how many times you threaten to "kick their ass" or get all aggressively babyish, which comes off not so manly, you begin to sound like an incessive spoiled brat.
Again this is a forum a lot of stupid shit is said back and forth, only a real grade A nutcase would need psychological help from something said on a forum from someone far away and annoyamous.....again with the overly dramatic comparisons...boofuckinghoo.
So you handle situations based on a dictator superiority complex? Of course pain, torcher, verbal abuse, are ok if you are the practicioner, but anyone else doing the same as you is just an "asshole" or "out of line"? Yeah it makes sense to punch someone in the head for asking for a cigarrette, Mr. overly emotional tough guy. What would I do? I would say "No, man I don't smoke it's pointless.", you see that person smoking in the end is not my problem and you don't change an addiction by a punch in the head, nor do I take away someone's personal free will unless it starts to affect me. There's no point in micromanaging life to that degree. When you become more aware of just why you act and react to certain things then maybe someday your points may actually be credible. I by no means am "Mr. PC", but when I make an assholic point I try to make sure there is non-bias relevance behind what I am saying, you come off sounding more emotional and irrational than Kittie.
AncientChina said:A girl? No. The Avatar is a joke on Kittie's rampant avatar use. Gay? Couldn't be farther from the truth, I opposed the bullshit veil of positivity, bias treatment of homosexuality here, and was flamed nonstop by those with collective thought syndrome.
You think my accusations of you were general and cliche, but the fact is your argument was just that...general and cliche, and I am sure you know my assesments fit well in your case, as you choose not to oppose them, correct? Yes, I am right.
I have read what was said I offered an equal assesment, do you know what I read from you? Poorly put together garbage which is eminating from a deeper more insecure part of you, you yourself question my manhood when you don't even feel like a man yourself. Get back to deepening your voice beyond it's natural state "the reverse Michael Jackson", or whatever you need to do to fill that gap, I wish you luck mate, you can't teach an ignorant person anything.
Speaking of a manhood, can't you stand on your own and debate with your own words, come on big man, say something...credible, no need to call in back up, doesn't matter anyhow come one come all, should be fun.
AncientChina said:This is my last post on this sort of topic(I have blabbered too long), though it did start with a good jarring initial post but with that sort of initial post it seems to cause a rift sooner or later. Plus I have an assembly programming lab to do, damn slacker.
I think Chains did the common most tactic seen on forums where he digs a hole he can't get out of so resorts to just threats, like a Kamakazi attack, can't beat them so just crash into them. He knows it.
- Do I think Kittie knows shit about Penis Enlargement, no, not really, does that sound mean and harsh, so what I am being honest for a purpose beyond just my opinion.
- Do I go to Kittie for female advice, again no.
- Do I think her posts at times are pretty lacking, hell yeah. But again what is the point of saying such, I would only say such when that person creates an issue that involves me, not for the sake of being an ass.
- Do I need a female perspective about Penis Enlargement and those stupid millions of threads guys make about "what do women like, how should I talk to her boohoo", fuck no.
- Do I think with a forum with 1,000 plus of useless members (who don't contribute shit) that you point out a supposed female one just because she doesn't have a penis, and you like choking women, fuck no. I ask this, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE CHAIN, for Penis Enlargement? So stop worrying what everyone else isn't doing.
- Do I really care if she is here, does it affect my Penis Enlargement, again motherfucking cocksucking no, it doesn't.
- Do I agree to bullshit of her's or anyone else who spouts it, no, I try to be fair in that regard.
- Are there other members here who I question intellectually speaking? Yeah.
How many times can you state the obvious? Sooner or later let it go.
CHAINS ON THE OUTSIDE: "Check this out, I am fucking pissed, and sick of bitches fucking with shit, get in the kitchen or lay on my dick. When bitches don't respect me, I take action, I am a real man, and a real man knows when its time to silence his woman, 'cause I own this bitch. She dares to try to dress sexy or look good, I will talk her down like the ugly bitch she is, if need be I will slap up that face to prove a point. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
Fuck man, I listen to Slipknot whenever I get enraged and I make sure my wall in my room knows who is boss, I fucking beat that wall, and when I am taking mixed martial arts training even if we are sparing I make sure I hurt hte guy a little too much just so he doesn't question who is the fucking top dog. you are all wrong about me, fuck you eat my dick, tell me where you live and I will fucking murder you, fuck with me die like the rest!"
CHAINS ON THE INSIDE: "Sometimes...I just want to scream until I cry. I think that women are always out to challenge and tell me I am not a man, but I am a man. Sometimes I say really mean things to my girl, because when she looks (I know she does damn it!) at other guys it makes me feel insecure and scared that I am not good enough. I cry often inside but no one see's it if they do I tell them something got caught in my eye, or that the Yankees lost.
I'm scared! "
Hey Chains, everyone has their off moments, I have blown up once to ladylove I think(taking forums seriously is pathetic in some ways). She got under my skin and annoyed the fuck out of me, though I did offer a coherent rebuttal, but still called her a "bitch". Maybe you are the run in the mill asshole, or a byproduct of a few things, if you can re-address what you have said or at least try to prove why maybe you would have some standing ground.
There's no reason not to find a middle ground, but at the same time no one here is at your beck and call if you continue to be that disruptive just fuck off, but this is just me offering a clover or a leaf or whatever peace offering thing. If you are too ignorant to see it then that's your problem. No one is telling you to kiss anyone's ass here, there are better ways to making a point then sheer insults. I still have my doubts about you though, you seem slightly disturbed, but I am being a hippie optimist. Admitting when you are wrong on certain things takes more balls then threatening to kick someone's ass, you don't think so, try to do it...much harder.
Alright work time, peace out.
chainandballer said:Fuck, you got a big mouth
even for a little bitch
you want me to get you a ticket to come up here
one way is all you need
i can afford it, no worries
i think you spent too much time on the "How to make your mouth bigger" forum.
9cyclops9 said:Maybe you didn't understand the warning I gave. And I think you don't understand that any mod can ban you right now, but the only reason we're restraining ourselves is because for some incomprehensible reason unknown to me, DLD has decided to spare you for now. But read the rules. You are in serious violation of our flaming rule. Do not continue.
There will be no flaming or mean spirited arguing at [words=]MOS[/words]. The members of this forum will respect one another as in any club atmosphere. Please respect one another’s positions and keep an open mind. If you have issues with another member please present them in a mature, respectful way.
And know that if you continue, I will ban you again. I'm willing to take it up with DLD if I need to. You're seriously bringing down the quality of this forum.
chainandballer said:you should direct that warning elsewhere
you can read, can't you
my advice to you, is it's best for you not to get involved, especially if you're going to be bias, you're obviously wrong, but insist on being prejudicial towards your friends
bIgjOe said:I've noticed more and more recently that women have the uncanny ability to stir up huge amounts of drama wherever they happen to be. It's true in day to day activities and it appears to be true here. I find it hilarious when a chick does something to create tension, and then starts whining when things go bad. Even going beyond this whole thing with Kittie, I bet those bitches over at Thunder's would be rolling in their chocolate bon-bon wrappers if they knew they somehow managed to stir some shit up over here, it's like women, or girls, or whatever just seem to thrive on the shit. Maybe they don't get their craved attention elsewhere, but I'd hoped something as remote and male-oriented as a Penis Enlargement forum could act as "feminine drama free zone" of sorts, or at least somewhere where we didn't have to act like we take them seriously because there are few other places where this is possible...
chainandballer said:yeah, he's a mod, and not much of one
the majority of the mods or senior members are cool, but he's not one of them
so excuse me if i just ignore his bias opinions
samzman said:i have to say that the personal attacks on kittie is bullshit. if you concider her a bitch fine, it's no sweat off her tits or sweat off my balls. there are obviously opposing forces on this thread, some willing to listen to others points, others aren't. this forum isn't a popularity contest, people have to put up with people. kittie is here, deal with it. she supports me, and is more than willing to answer any questions or anything like that if you guys have any. you guys don't really give jen any shit from what i remember....right? so what's the difference with her and kittie? that kittie tells people to shut the fuck up? that she'll tell people that they're assholes flat out? what about that girl that posted up before with pics of her tits and pussy right off the bat holdin a dildo in her hands? she seemed to be welcomed up with open arms, but she's not really here to comment other than "oh thanks guys i love the comments". kittie and i did post up pics and we decided that it was best to take them off. she became another type of memeber on this site with a different status and she didn't want guys houndin her for pics or trying to hit on her. however as soon as she said "no more pics" (because people were askin for them over and over again over aim) then she gets blamed for causing drama. she figured instead of answering over and over again "no no no" to different guys at different times, she did it all at once. but for doin that the people who don't know why she did it, give her shit saying that she's a "Drama Queen". then comes in other threads with heavy opinions and i get bombarded for posting in my opinion, then get personally attacked, and i gave up on that issue because it's a lost cause. my intelligence was insulted, my comments were disected and analyzed like a fuckin school paper. it was like i was in writing 101 all over again! instead of just puttin in my two cents and that being the end of it, i get jumped, and when kittie comes in to put in her input (which i keep gettin reminded over and over again is ok) then she gets called "a bitch" and told to "shut up".
if an authoritative woman on this site scares you guys then i agree with AC (never thought i'd say that), you have somethin deeper happenin in your head. true this is a mens forum, however i heard a few times from different people that if there were no women on here then it would be a "sausage fest". then more homosexual accusations will come up and just a whole other amount of insecure homophobes will start up a whole bunch of threads, saying that they think that the members on this forum have hidden homosexual tendencies (of course they themselves dont...that would just be rediculous) i have to be honest. i hate the hell out of a couple of members on here, but they're here...i can't do anything about it. i just buck up and take the cheap hits. because that's really all that it has been reduced down to. assholes are here to stay.
moral of the story: everyone hates someone. can't kill them, so might as well learn to live with em.
samzman said:? that is quite a first post there. got some sack on you kid
blowme said:not really
i am chainandballer, bigdickedchino, and dadick, all in one, i thought you would have figured that
don't worry, i got plenty more usernames
samzman said:what the fuck. i have no acess to your IP adress u crazy bastad
millionman said:Why would someone get banned and then go through the whole registration process over and over and over. Sounds like someone needs a hug if you ask me....and I can understand why.
For majority of the guys here on the board we don't even realize there are moderators most of the time because they don't stick theire noses in other folks disagreements majority of the time. You know why? Because they expect us to act like mature adults, not children. So if you have roused the ire of the mods here at [words=]MOS[/words] then there obviously some blame to be places at your feet because of your cantancherous and biligerent attitude. You were abusive and extremely rude. You were warned in more than one post not to continue in that manner, but you did anyway. The actions carried out fit the crime. I'm sorry if that does not fit into your personal view finder, but you can always click to the next pretty picture by not coming here anymore, it is as they say elementary my friend.
millionman said:Why would someone get banned and then go through the whole registration process over and over and over. Sounds like someone needs a hug if you ask me....and I can understand why.
bigred said:you're right, i am a crazy bastard
i like you and your girl better than cyclops, if that makes you feel any better
"ban my ip", buddy, you are the biggest dumbass i think i've ever come across, yeah you, cyclops, you fuckin dickless moron
go for it
bigred said:you're right, i am a crazy bastard
i like you and your girl better than cyclops, if that makes you feel any better
"ban my ip", buddy, you are the biggest dumbass i think i've ever come across, yeah you, cyclops, you fuckin dickless moron
go for it
9cyclops9 said:You're very pathetic. I guess the internet is the only place you can talk your tough guy crap without getting the crap kicked out of you. Is this making you feel better about yourself? You don't have anything better to do than get banned?
Here's a hint: if you decide to make another username, don't post in this thread, and don't cause trouble, and nobody will ever feel the need to look up your IP and find out who you are, and ban you. And we can all forget about it. Or you can keep coming back and getting banned, seems kinda pointless to me. But I'll be here much longer than you will, and it takes two seconds to ban someone, so you won't outlast my patience. :s
cunthunter said:ok
i think you and kitty should get married and have kids
my kids will need someone to kick the crap out of in the future
i can't imagine what poor old Sam ever did in life, to deserve such a brutal ho
it's not too late Sam, come to the light, my brother
i'll give you $100 if you drill your punk chick in the head for me, and $500 if the blow draws blood.
listening to her, i bet you do it all the time, without ever getting paid for it, i'm offering a little extra incentive
i think that offer proves my overall decency, and genuine good will
penguinsfan said:Chainandballer, you'll probably read this somehow.
I've got no personal ill feelings towards you, as you seemed like a decent guy in the UFC/MMA threads I read. But this has really escalated to a point that you surely cannot expect the other moderators to let it go on indefinitely. I understand you think Kittie is to blame for this escalation, but you really did overeact.
Godsize bitched about how much the female members were dictating censorship at a rival forum. I said that this is a place for men, despite the right for females to join and post. Kittie said that we should be careful with what we say. I said that it is not always normal for us to stop and think about their feelings, with the overwhelming male presence, but that we should not intentionally offend them. She acknowledged my point.
That's it. That's all there ever was to this. I can't understand why that pissed you off to such a degree. I hope it was a bad day on your end or maybe the internet is a place you tend to vent your frustrations. Outside of that, I would suggest anger management therapy if this is a consistent problem.
Life is a bitch. Numerous things stress and agravate all of us on a daily basis, but choose your battles wisely. This was not worth getting that upset about. I like Kittie, she's a sweet person, and I'm sure Kittie would have said things differently if she had any idea what she said could possibly be perceived as so offensive.
Again, if I didn't initially take a liking to you from your posts in my threads I wouldn't have bothered saying anything.
I just pissed myself laughingbigred said:hey Flanders, shut the fuck up
cunthunter said:ok
i think you and kitty should get married and have kids
my kids will need someone to kick the crap out of in the future
i can't imagine what poor old Sam ever did in life, to deserve such a brutal ho
it's not too late Sam, come to the light, my brother
i'll give you $100 if you drill your punk chick in the head for me, and $500 if the blow draws blood.
listening to her, i bet you do it all the time, without ever getting paid for it, i'm offering a little extra incentive
i think that offer proves my overall decency, and genuine good will