In a Private Message, I called Chief Peckerwood (ThunderSS, as in Nazi) on saying that Charles Barkley was "talking like a black boy", in the NBA Finals thread over there and Chief Peckerwood banned me.
Juggers said:From the looks of it you've been here for a long time...but inactive. Why not just stay here?
ThunderSS said:Respectfully (somewhat), Fuck you Mr. Barkley, you are talking like a black boy. Although you do get a point for giving props to Hornacek. Maybe the era of lard ass basketball has run it's course?
ThunderSS said:Yeah, I am not sure what went on here anon. Evidently you moved the argument to a different thread?anonymous07128 said:
mravg said:Anon, the reason people doubt big penises and not small ones has nothing to do with jeolousy or insecurity. It is simply that people brag and lie about good fortune but not about misfortune. If a guy tells me he is broke, I don't need to see his check book, but if he makes a point to show me how well he is doing (and driving his fancy car or whatever) then I wonder if he is full of shit.
Ryan, I am glad you are responding on this thread. It is better than being quiet. (But not better than proving your point). You claimed to not know where or how to get a tape measure? You can do better than that.
No one has to ever post a picture. No one ever has to tell their size. If you do, expect discussion about it. If you can't handle that, you should keep the statistics to yourself. (In general, not directed to Ryan specifically).
I have never posted a picture. There is nothing about my dick that would make it interesting enough to post. But to me it seems obvious that this thread started specifically as a thread to share information about Ryan's DICK SIZE, nothing else.
By the way Ryan, you keep implying that we should be able to tell your size just from the pics. The pics, and all pics, are difficult or impossible to use as accurate estimates of size. Your head is bigger than your shaft true, but your shaft could be 3" around. The only reference point we have is your hand. I have a friend who's hands are literally twice the size of mine.
Thunder, I don't mind hearing the arguments of anonymous here. Maybe I will eventually understand them. He is similar to Ryan in that he claims a large size yet won't post measurement pics. I can understand that to an extent. If someone doubted my "averageness" I wouldn't necessarily feel like I had to prove it. But if it became an issue, and I enjoy being a positive contributor on the forum and a guy with honest intentions here, then I think I would simply prove it for the sake of making the point (my point).
Anonymous, Don't take my words as someone who is threatened by large dicks. I don't give a shit.
Finally, it is simply expected that people will doubt claims of large measurements, because such claims have been proven false here many times in the past. It is known that lying and exaggerating occurs on this subject.
OK, one more point. Ryan has told stories about not being able to get good head, girls not wanting to fuck him, and rubbers not fitting, so why does everyone consider this giant head as some kind of blessing? It doesn't sound so good to me.
ThunderSS said:I tired of talking in circles with you anonymous. Your type of debate bores me quickly. Move on and stay out of the arguments here please.
ThunderSS said:Like I said. move on. I don't want or need an explanation, or a reply. I have been following the thread since 8-Ball posted it, enough is enough.
doublelongdaddy,doublelongdaddy said:If you even know the name DLD, [words=]MOS[/words] or the expanded versions you will face the firing squad of pe.
You would knock ThunderSS out? LOL What's your reason man. Lay it on us.Bionic said:I would knock him the fvck out! I can't stand his b*tch- ass. For real. I have my own reasons and yours just reminded me.
Spiderling said:I remember reading over the thread in which Thunder was telling you not to participate, anonymous. He pisses me off. It seemed that rather than be impartial, as he should be, he agreed with one side, you disagreed, and so he banned you.
It's like the equivalent of telling someone your side, before putting your fingers in your ears and going "LA LA LA, I'm not listening".
He's a prick on a power trip.
The BTC Killer said:doublelongdaddy,
Please use "." when using punctuated terms, E.G. , pe, should be P.E. Please take the time to read the forum guidelines. We won't warn you again, understand? If you have any questions please use the "search" function. We don't like to take the time to anwer questions. We are too busy on the forum ALL DAY, trying to be as witty as possible, to answer questions. (We can use caps, but please refrain because your not me)
Bionic said:Honestly? If there was ever a convention or, by chance, I ever met the guy, I would knock him the fvck out! Period. I can't stand his b*tch- ass. For real. I have my own reasons and yours just reminded me.
goinfor11x7 said:And too many Mods who think their shit doesn't stink.
ryan_bresson, you were told to cut the denial bullshit by Thunder a while back or did you forget already?
Im warning you yet again; Next BS that I see from you, you get placed on hold or even banned and this thread gets closed out.
Great, now they're talking about banning me. And for what?
Defending myself against attacks by multiple people.
If you read all of my posts on Thunder's, you can judge my character.
It really bothers me that my integrity is questioned and then I am not allowed to defend myself.
But I guess that is how this forum works.
My regular girth is quite rare and my regular head size even more rare.
I got a super hard erection and snapped a picture. Maybe my hand at the base acted as a clamp but then again, I have held my base thousands of times and never seen my glans swell up like that before.
If you cannot accept the above, please don't think it is ok for you to attack me.
I never attempted to mislead anybody on this or any other thread.
I was thrilled to death with what I saw before me and was very astonished and happy so I wanted to document the experience.
I thought the overhead angle was imperative to show (to myself) that my glans was in fact spilling over the ventral side of my penis -- much more than it usually does, in fact. It never entered my mind that this angle would turn out to be so contentious.
I then posted a few pictures to show the usual size of my glans, which usually has greater width than my shaft.
The top angle picture shows that my glans is in fact spilling over the ventral side, which I believe accounts for at least 0.5 inches of extra girth than usual.
The other extra girth came from the extreme unique hardness of my erection and a general size increase in the entirety of the glans, which even seemed to swell outward lengthwise a good deal more than usual. It wasn't just the girth that shocked me that day, but the entire surface area of my glans seemed much larger than usual and the color was a very deep red, which seems to indicate that blood volume was in fact increased beyond normal.
I grabbed a piece of paper and measured my glans as quickly as I could since I certainly didn't expect this condition to last forever. I marked up the paper and placed it beside the ruler and was shocked myself, and overjoyed, at the measurement of 7.5 inches. I thought I would share this moment with the Thund3rs Pl@ce community. That decision felt similar to the one that led me to take the picture in the first place. It was marked by excitement and I felt that others might be similarly excited by viewing this moment. I never expected the kind of doubting and vitriolic response that I have received here.
People are judged all the time, even when they least expect it. I admit to acting out of pure frustration on this thread at times.
But please don't ban me out of frustration.
It just isn't right.
Some people might believe your BS but I think most others demand proof which is a reasonable request under these circumstances ( extreme claims) so if you get frustrated, its probably because you realize that you cant insult peoples intelligence with your tactics and get away with it. That my friend is the frustration of a troll but all Ive said is aside from the point because If you get banned then its not because any of the above but because you don't seem to heed warnings or you have a terrible memory. How many times were you warned in this thread? ehhh? I'm through reading all this circular BS and this thread is now closed. Start your BS again in another thread and you will be banned. Grow up or take your troll ass somewhere else because we wont hesitate to show you the door...
Yea he's pretty resourceful when defending himself, but ask him to figure out how to prove his measurement, and he doesn't have a clue?
anonymous07128 said:This Peckerwood wanted his wife to fuck him in the ass with a strap-on dick...
I don't think it is gay at all. Gay is all about sex with men. He wants anal sex with a woman. Not gay.
On the other hand, it sounds like the type of thing that most women would not get a big thrill out of. It can be kind of messy too, so you better know how to do it clean style.
I think if you know a woman well enough, you just bring up the possibility.
I mentioned it to my wife one time and she said NO WAY.
I really don't think it is a turn on for me, but it would be a turn on only if SHE really got turned on by doing it to me!
If she had no interest in trying it, it wouldn't be doing me any favors to penetrate me while commenting "yuck, gross"!
jordon said:He wants sex with a cock - I generally incorporate that into my definition of a man.
What if your super hot dream woman had some kind of fetish in that she wanted to fuck you in the ass with a strap on dildo
(NOT A Penis EnlargementNIS).
Would you say ok? You would get to have her in bed, naked, fuck her and everything else, but you would have to let her do that to you. Well?
goinfor11x7 said:Now, my friend, you must let this shit go, with all the frustration and anger you must feel, and move on with your life and your P.E.
No, you've criticized the original poster in this thread and not [words=]MOS[/words], so there is no reason the MODS should give you a hard time for posting this here and your post is on topic in this thread.goingfor8at said:According to you guys about the mods here, I shouldn't be banned for voicing my opinion.
True but Thunders is no more guilty than [words=]MOS[/words] for banning people at the drop of hat.The BTC Killer said:Hi Thund3rs Pl@ce. There watching. Maybe Al Gore is logged in? What crashhex to The BTC Killer? Absurd-- BanisHydromaxent. It's funny when I see people banned from [words=]MOS[/words] too. I think to myself, man, it's REALLY hard to be banned from [words=]MOS[/words]. I remember the transition when Thund3rs Pl@ce started getting more tense, and we walked on pins. Think about it, how many of you worry about posting certain subjects, or opinions? Does this mean Thunder's has a higher standard, or are they limiting freedom? Remember how fun it use to be, discovering new exercises and techniques together?
I think anonymous will be more comfortable at [words=]MOS[/words]. He has joined the ranks of DLD, Horsehung, and some of the biggest bullshitters on the entire internet.
anonymous07128,anonymous07128 said:See, now that's ____ed up.
I actually tried to bury the hatchet with that dude, as I actually agreed with him a few times.
But what the ____ - I guess when your so hell bent on getting a bigger dick, so you can join the big dick club, that you're willing to spend money to be disfigured by a doctor, only to loose size - you're bound to be a little pissed and have an ax to grind with guys who had a bigger dick from the jump...
What're ya gonna do?
goingfor8at said:I guess what I'm trying to say, mostly to anonymous, is don't get mad because you acted stupid and got yourself banned.
The BTC Killer said:anonymous07128,
That's over the line. Back the fuck down.
goingfor8at said:Apparently you are mad, you decided to come here and say these things. What I said, if you read it again, was not to get mad because you acted stupid. You replied that you called him a bullshitter to his face. That WOULD be acting stupid.
goingfor8at said:BTC, I think its cool that you said those things. Like I said earlier, I haven't been involved in [words=]MOS[/words] to know much, and I wasn't around here when the whole incident thats now seperating us happened. Like you said, both forums are only to help people and moderation is needed, and of course every once in a while theres the unhappy customer, like anonymous.
goingfor8at said:That comment was fucked up, unlike you who was so blessed with a big penis, he wasn't, so what, that's the point of these forums. Get your head out of your ass and stop thinking your so cool because your penis is bigger than some. I think you need to work on yourself at a emotional/mental level before you can start on your physical self. That type of attitude will get you NOWHERE.
anonymous07128 said:Maybe Chief Peckerwood's dick is minuscule? Therefore he can identify with the little dick questioner mentality (no offense to level headed men with smaller penises - just uptight assholes with a little dick complex)...?
goinfor11x7 said:I got pulled into all the political shit there. I lost my focus, which was getting a bigger dick.
Then I lost my cool. I'm so grateful I was banned. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here still creating a bigger dick and making new pals. Too many distractions at T's and too many rules.
I am so disappointed to hear you say this, when so many of your friends stood by you and with you in Thunder'sPlace, even when you made it difficult for us with some of the things you said, mainly because we regarded you so highly and were desperate to keep you there, despite yourself.goinfor11x7 said:If you go to the defense of someone who is on their shit list, be ready to be banned yourself. They sure do know how to win friends and influence people over there. No wonder they have such a high turn-over rate.
To you anonymous, it has come as a great surprise to find you banned, I usually keep up with almost everything, but it seems on this occasion I was completely in the dark. I am still trying to fathom the chain of events which led you to this and no doubt it will become more apparent as I read some more, but I would say in conclusion that you are so wrong about Thunder, on so many counts and you can take it from me that he really is the kindest and fairest person you could hope to meet and as such, it will have given him no pleasure at all to ban you from Thunder'sPlace.goinfor11x7 said:Again, good luck with your future gains.
Yeah, everytime someone doesn't agree with you it is because we are insecure and jealous of your dick size even though you have offered nothing to substantiate your claim. Projection (this is where you're guilty of something and don't realize it yet see it everywhere else around you) is the biggest defense mechanism there is aside from denial.
I'm fine with my dick man. I, on the one hand, am at least confident to offer numerous measured pictures of it and accurately give it's size to everyone here. You, on the other hand, come here, claim to have literally the biggest dick on the entire forum, and then make excuses and insult everyone here when they don't believe you even though you offered nothing in terms of proof of your aparent size which less than one in a thousand guys have. Talk about lame. You will always be regarded as a clown here unless you either back up your claims or come clean.
Oh, and one more thing. Since you referenced us "burying the hatchet", here is the PM where it happened. You basically said "hey, you're full of shit about everything and I'm 100% right but no hard feelings, good luck man."
8-Ball said:Yeah, everytime someone doesn't agree with you it is because we are insecure and jealous of your dick size even though you have offered nothing to substantiate your claim.
8-Ball said:Projection (this is where you're guilty of something and don't realize it yet see it everywhere else around you) is the biggest defense mechanism there is aside from denial.
8-Ball said:I'm fine with my dick man. I, on the one hand, am at least confident to offer numerous measured pictures of it and accurately give it's size to everyone here.
8-Ball said:You, on the other hand, come here, claim to have literally the biggest dick on the entire forum . . . which less than one in a thousand guys have.
8-Ball said:then make excuses . . . when they don't believe you even though you offered nothing in terms of proof of your aparent size . . . Talk about lame.
8-Ball said:and insult everyone here
8-Ball said:You will always be regarded as a clown here unless you either back up your claims or come clean.
8-Ball said:Oh, and one more thing. Since you referenced us "burying the hatchet", here is the PM where it happened. You basically said "hey, you're full of shit about everything and I'm 100% right but no hard feelings, good luck man."
rousseau506 said:I am so disappointed to hear you say this, when so many of your friends stood by you and with you in Thunder'sPlace, even when you made it difficult for us with some of the things you said, mainly because we regarded you so highly and were desperate to keep you there, despite yourself.
We are all still there and I would say that I have yet to see anyone push the boundaries so far, before of since and avoid sanctions of any kind, why it was clear to all that even Thunder himself hoped against hope that it would not be necessary to terminate your membership.
I will always be grateful to have been fortunate to meet you and I still consider you as one of the best. Even now I often recall the fun we had and I think from time to time, that it would be such a treat to find you back in Thunder'sPlace as well as here, indeed I always thought it a possibility one day, but sadly with things like this, that hope is gone and this for me is the worst aspect of this whole sorry mess.
To you anonymous, it has come as a great surprise to find you banned, I usually keep up with almost everything, but it seems on this occasion I was completely in the dark. I am still trying to fathom the chain of events which led you to this and no doubt it will become more apparent as I read some more, but I would say in conclusion that you are so wrong about Thunder, on so many counts and you can take it from me that he really is the kindest and fairest person you could hope to meet and as such, it will have given him no pleasure at all to ban you from Thunder'sPlace.
I also wish you well and I will certainly miss you.
dogsdoodahs said:Sounds like you are a victim.
I thought you were banned because of this thread.
You had friends over at thunders too, some even offered to post your promised pictures if you mailed some to them.
anonymous07128 said:In a Private Message, I called Chief Peckerwood (ThunderSS, as in Nazi) on saying that Charles Barkley was "talking like a black boy", in the NBA Finals thread over there and Chief Peckerwood banned me.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend