Well, as there is a post called Im drunk right now, I should make one called "Im high right now."

Well, technically, I'm stoned, but anyway, I had an interesting night tonight watching some adult entertainment while doing a Penis Enlargement routine.

I find that I have never really paid attention to what both of the stars' true needs are (that includes judging by body language.) They will often say strange things if you listen closely.

For example, I was watching Mandingo vs Spring Thomas The Rematch. In it she is obviously told to say "So sorry for all you guys out there that want this dick, you guys with 5 inches and stuff." Right after this she laughs and says, "Even though I love 5 inchers." And smiled, as if joking around with what her producer told her to say about loving "big black dick." Backing up this claim, watch her "take his cock." It looks like he can stick it in a MAX of 6", in the missionary position, that is. She is obviously holding her hands against his thighs to block his further entry. She is also truly in pain at some times. It seems that a lot of "adult entertainment sluts" really aren't that loose or deep after all.

Also, Mandingo is a pleasure hog. He often requires girls to service him in special ways but doesn't like returning the favor. He loves getting his head bitten, girls phlegm, and his ass licked, however, he is usually disgusted by having to lick a girl's pussy, and even the rare ass lick. Also, he often requests girls to say things, they say them, yet when they ask him to say something, he never responds back the way they want him.

Also, it's funny to see how adult entertainment stars get pissed with their situation. Mandingo was mad because it was obviously hot as hell in there. He was complaining of too much sweat and that he needed water.

Just a random few "high thoughts" I am having right now.
That's funny, I think somebody actually posted on a thread a long time ago where they discussed the fact that Mandingo is supposed to be hard to work with and very demanding as well as not well-liked by a lot of the women. He also apparently doesn't take criticism too well and claims to not like working in the industry. I guess when you're packing the most impressive anatomy in the adult world you can get away with a some BS when you feel like it.

That guy is actaully too big - I'd never want to be endowed like that just for practical reasons. I haven't seen that much adult entertainment, but I've seen a few clips of Mandingo, mostly on this site, and they girls could never take all of his length. I guess that goes to show that once you're up over 8", you're probably just starting limit your own chances of being able to have sex without hurting your partner.
stridge said:
That's funny, I think somebody actually posted on a thread a long time ago where they discussed the fact that Mandingo is supposed to be hard to work with and very demanding as well as not well-liked by a lot of the women. He also apparently doesn't take criticism too well and claims to not like working in the industry. I guess when you're packing the most impressive anatomy in the adult world you can get away with a some BS when you feel like it.

That guy is actaully too big - I'd never want to be endowed like that just for practical reasons. I haven't seen that much adult entertainment, but I've seen a few clips of Mandingo, mostly on this site, and they girls could never take all of his length. I guess that goes to show that once you're up over 8", you're probably just starting limit your own chances of being able to have sex without hurting your partner.

He looked like he really couldn't ever get the pleasure he wanted during the whole scene. I reasoned this to be because his wang couldn't be stuck in even 3/4 of his length! Honestly, that would frustrate me after awhile, and I'd probably give up hope if adult entertainment sluts couldn't even take my cock all the way!

Also to note, he seemed VERY demanding, I heard some things he whispered during the scene and he was saying stuff like "it's so god damn hot in here", "somebody get me some water," and "let's finish this soon." He seemed quite perturbed the whole time.
I just finished blowing a clip bout an hour ago. Mans came through with a half o of gold haze for me. Shit blow your mind.
I got some shit called Satori and it is AMAZING. It's a club med plant, made specifically for pain reduction, a 70/30 sativa hybrid. I swear I have never felt that good from weed, the pure ecstacy all over my body was amazing. All in my head, too. I felt SOOOOOOOOO happy :)

Also, when I was sitting outside smoking a bowl of it (no more than .2 gs) last night I kept hearing and seeing kids and shit in the backyard. It was like I could hear people around me everywhere but I had flashes of people being there in the backyard. It was like CandyLand or someshit, haha. Those strong sativas really mess with your head! I bet that gold haze is the shit when it comes to head highs!

How much do you usually smoke in a session? I usually smoke .2 at the most but I think .5 is the most that I have ever smoked in one session. I have to be careful that I don't get so high that I pass out. Last night I got that feeling of flying up way too fast and your brain is like "overload overload" and it feels like you're about to pass out. I also "melted into a picture" last night, where you just sit there staring into space and it feels like you are stuck in a painting or something, it's really crazy, and most people have bad trips because that is the extreme of a high. I generally find that state quite interesting, however.
I just got done smoking some purple urkle from the canibus club.....probably the best stuff I have ever had.......

I need to get a canibus card.....my friend bought it....and iam paying 280 a ounce.....wich is cheaper then the regular purple i have been buting at 290 a ounce.....but I can get some good ass orange cush for 255 a ounce.

Iam gonna be a quarter LB of the purple urkle this weekend for 980.
yo! i smoke evey day... but one time i was in the house alone with a pound of
hydro i smoked about 5 blunts and jelqed out my jelq count was around 5000
its funny cause i do 100 dry jelqs a day.
How the fuck can you guys smoke so much? The most I have ever smoked was something like .5 grams eyeing it. If I try and smoke any more than .2 of the stuff I usually get I'll get so high that I just pass out.
They might have lower quality shit than you. This one old guy was tellin me how the stuff we smoked when we were teens wasn't worth the money(luckily a friend of mine was a nice dealer, so i got my green free), and how when he was our age he smoked worse. Then he said that now he only bought top quality stuff, he was saying how he only ever needed to pack a bowl in a bong once a night, and how joints were pretty wasteful.

This reminds me, I haven't toked in a while. I think I might get lit saturday and play Videogames. YAY!

The Rasta-Christ
10inchadvantage said:
How the fuck can you guys smoke so much? The most I have ever smoked was something like .5 grams eyeing it. If I try and smoke any more than .2 of the stuff I usually get I'll get so high that I just pass out.

Yeah, what Christafarian said. Also the average weed today is about 20X more potent than back in the 60s, which was so mild it was almost just a relaxative.

Anyway, I'll get flamed for saying this, but everybody that likes to smoke weed kids themself into thinking they have the best, stickiest, most intense shit around, but most of the time that's not true. It may be true in their experience, as in the weed they get is slightly better than the average stuff in their area, but the quality and THC content of different strains can vary to a huge degree between regions. For instance, SoCal, a place famous for a laidback bud smoking lifestyle, actually tends to have really terrible quality because very little in heavy distribution is professionally grown by experts, but rather farmed in Mexico and Central America and shipped across.

I've read about this a bit back in the day and used to know a guy from college who became a researcher for the DEA (who also loved to get high if that tells you anything about the drug war), and basically the places that have high quality weed are college towns (meaning places where the college is basically a large percentage or the life of the town) and areas where there are wide open spaces to hide sophisticated growing operations and a strong demand for good weed, like Northern California. Pretty much everywhere else such as Southeast states, a lot of the Eastern seaboard, the most of the midwest, they all have shit.

Now, that doesn't mean there are the occasionaly hook-ups that do get good stuff, but regionally the potency of the pot can be a difference of 300-400% more THC in the better areas than the weak ones. According to my buddy the absolute strongest pot in the country is actually grown and mainly distributed in Alaska due to the huge amounts of space and relatively small amount of law enforcement. I guess that and long winters creates a strong demand. The next best pot is grown in Vancouver in Toronto where weed is basically decriminalized and there's a lively stoner culture combined with a strong scientific pursuit of better hydroponic growing. Then the next best quality besides isolated private growing operations is the sanctioned farming for medical marijuana in CA, although this supposedly accounts for only about 5-10% of the black market. Interestingly, every single Californian I meet claims that their weed is medical grade yet they still get it from the average dealer, so I pretty much doubt it.

Back when I was able to smoke before the career days, I, like many of my friends, tended to at times exaggerate just how much I smoked - just sort of a macho thing I guess. No doubt a little bit of that is going on here. I never like to roll blunts unless it was for the novelty. Usually I just wanted to get high as quickly and efficiently as possible, so it was pretty much straight bong rips all through college. I definately didn't get as high smoking a joint or a blunt, even if I was taking care of it on my own.
The whole "weed is 20x stronger now than back then" is a pretty shotty assumption. From the arguments I have read, the DEA samples from back in the 60s was dirt weed which was stored in bad conditions, so naturally it's going to be very low THC. Now, growing techniques HAVE gotten more sophisticated, bringing the overall quality up of weed out there, however, I have still run across shit shit shit grass weed that didn't get you but a tiny bit high (some bad Mexican brick shit). Also, there is some really good schwag out there from Mexico which looks like dirt but is still quite strong. They still had exotics and top quality weed back in the 60s, like Colombian Gold and Panama Red, the sativas. While these weren't probably grown under sophisticated lights or anything, stoners from back in the day say that some strains they smoked in the 60s and 70s is stronger than anything they have ever had today. I'd imagine it was MUCH harder to come across true "chronic headies" back in the day, but it doesn't mean that there wasn't stronger pot back then than anything we have ever smoked, just that it was much more rare.

I do notice that a lot of people do like to brag how much they smoke, conversely, I like to brag about how much I DON'T smoke. Even so, it seems that I have a lower tolerance for THC in my system as I generally get noticeably higher than my smoking partners on the same or even less amounts of weed. A lot of people don't learn that there is a limit to smoking in a session, that once you hit a point it's pretty fruitless to try and smoke more to get higher. It takes time and experience to find that, but once you learn that it doesn't take much at all to get a good high going it's much easier on your lungs and your wallet.
On youtube there is a british TV program where they talk about pot culture in the UK(it was funny, this 80yr old lady got busted for selling her medical maryJ to her friends).

I don't know if I agree with the 20X stuff but definitely a huge difference. The show interviewed this guy, he used to be the biggest connection in Europe. He basically said that the quality of Hash has gone way way down (to what they call soap) and the quality of the weed has gone way way up.

Never buy hash off the streets, they put crayons and hay and other bullshit in it to make more substance"

The Rasta-Christ

PS "everything I ever needed to know" about marijuana, I got from the film "The history of marijuana" which should still be on google video.
Generally it's like this: America = tons of bud but no hash
Europe = tons of hash but no bud

I have never seen hash in my life, nor heard of anyone smoking it.

Friends who have gone to Europe say it's impossible to find bud, there is only hash around on the streets. They would look very hard for any buds but no one had access to any.
Lesson learned, I'll have to bring my bud on the plane, talk about flying high. buh doom pshh.

Did they check Britain? cause in that video they spoke of it like it was common there.

The Rasta-Christ
10inchadvantage said:
The whole "weed is 20x stronger now than back then" is a pretty shotty assumption. From the arguments I have read, the DEA samples from back in the 60s was dirt weed which was stored in bad conditions, so naturally it's going to be very low THC. Now, growing techniques HAVE gotten more sophisticated, bringing the overall quality up of weed out there, however, I have still run across shit shit shit grass weed that didn't get you but a tiny bit high (some bad Mexican brick shit). Also, there is some really good schwag out there from Mexico which looks like dirt but is still quite strong. They still had exotics and top quality weed back in the 60s, like Colombian Gold and Panama Red, the sativas. While these weren't probably grown under sophisticated lights or anything, stoners from back in the day say that some strains they smoked in the 60s and 70s is stronger than anything they have ever had today. I'd imagine it was MUCH harder to come across true "chronic headies" back in the day, but it doesn't mean that there wasn't stronger pot back then than anything we have ever smoked, just that it was much more rare.

I do notice that a lot of people do like to brag how much they smoke, conversely, I like to brag about how much I DON'T smoke. Even so, it seems that I have a lower tolerance for THC in my system as I generally get noticeably higher than my smoking partners on the same or even less amounts of weed. A lot of people don't learn that there is a limit to smoking in a session, that once you hit a point it's pretty fruitless to try and smoke more to get higher. It takes time and experience to find that, but once you learn that it doesn't take much at all to get a good high going it's much easier on your lungs and your wallet.

Mm, so far as the 20X THC thing, I'm pretty sure that I've seen it verified in different articles and such that the pot that we smoke today is significantly stronger than a few decades ago. You have to understand, people have been engineering different strains for year and years in order to increase the THC content and there have been thousands of different seed generations since the 60s and 70s. The figure may not be exact, but I'm fairly positive that the average potency has gone up exponentially since pot entered into mainstream usage during the birth of the counter culture. I'm sure strong weed was still around in places, but it is overall more powerful and a hell of a lot easier to find these days. The chemical process for testing THC content is pretty simple as I understand it and during the 60s and 70s the government confiscated and tested tons of weed (it was once considered a huge cultural crisis and the FBI and other government agencies were terribly concerned with the idea of widespread pot smoking), so I doubt sample volume and quality impacted the perception of how strong dope was back then. Everything I've ever read on the topic has suggested that quality has gone up a good deal, even for shitty weed.

With the Mexican stuff, be careful. This is possibly true for almost any pot you buy, but one thing I do remember clearly from a NJH article is that Mexican and Central American pot often contains infectious hepatitus and some pretty nasty bacteria and handling it can infect you. I know you're located in Texas so stuff from south of the border is probably unavoidable, but honestly you'd be better off getting hooked up with a local grower. Look around on the internet and talk to people, one shouldn't be too hard to find. It's just easier and better when you have a reliable and direct source.

In regards to getting high easier than your friends, I'm the same way. Smoking pot elicits almost 2000 chemical reactions in your brain, so it affects everybody pretty differently. That's the reason some people just get paranoid and tired and don't like smoking, but others feel enlightened and atuned and love getting stoned. It's also why some people can smoke a hell of a lot more than others. I was grateful that I could get really high without too much trouble, even if I was smoking very regularly. As Robomonkey mentioned, why would you want it to be a difficult process? Consider yourself lucky.

The people that claim they've smoked an ounce in a day and other crazy boasts - you show me a human being that can sit down and smok an ounce of dope taking real solid hits from a pipe or bong in even an eight hour period, and I'll show you a fucking abominable snowman. It's like lifting, sex, fishing, dick size, whatever - kids talk a lot of shit. If people think they've really smoked these gigantic quantities in a single session, then they're dealing with some really, really weak pot. There's a certain inebreation level that any human being hits. Even seasoned alcoholics with huge tolerences couldn't drink multiple fifths of liquor in an evening unless they had some kind of physical irregularity, and I don't see why THC inebriation is any different. At a certain point, your brain is going to shut down no matter how radical of a smoker you are.
Last edited:
stridge said:
The people that claim they've smoked an ounce in a day and other crazy boasts - you show me a human being that can sit down and smok an ounce of dope taking real solid hits from a pipe or bong in even an eight hour period, and I'll show you a fucking abominable snowman. It's like lifting, sex, fishing, dick size, whatever - kids talk a lot of shit. If people think they've really smoked these gigantic quantities in a single session, then they're dealing with some really, really weak pot. There's a certain inebreation level that any human being hits. Even seasoned alcoholics with huge tolerences couldn't drink multiple fifths of liquor in an evening unless they had some kind of physical irregularity, and I don't see why THC inebriation is any different. At a certain point, your brain is going to shut down no matter how radical of a smoker you are.

true. throw a bag of 11:59 Armageddon skunk their way and see how that rolls.

keep pushing
stridge said:
Mm, so far as the 20X THC thing, I'm pretty sure that I've seen it verified in different articles and such that the pot that we smoke today is significantly stronger than a few decades ago. You have to understand, people have been engineering different strains for year and years in order to increase the THC content and there have been thousands of different seed generations since the 60s and 70s. The figure may not be exact, but I'm fairly positive that the average potency has gone up exponentially since pot entered into mainstream usage during the birth of the counter culture. I'm sure strong weed was still around in places, but it is overall more powerful and a hell of a lot easier to find these days. The chemical process for testing THC content is pretty simple as I understand it and during the 60s and 70s the government confiscated and tested tons of weed (it was once considered a huge cultural crisis and the FBI and other government agencies were terribly concerned with the idea of widespread pot smoking), so I doubt sample volume and quality impacted the perception of how strong dope was back then. Everything I've ever read on the topic has suggested that quality has gone up a good deal, even for shitty weed.

With the Mexican stuff, be careful. This is possibly true for almost any pot you buy, but one thing I do remember clearly from a NJH article is that Mexican and Central American pot often contains infectious hepatitus and some pretty nasty bacteria and handling it can infect you. I know you're located in Texas so stuff from south of the border is probably unavoidable, but honestly you'd be better off getting hooked up with a local grower. Look around on the internet and talk to people, one shouldn't be too hard to find. It's just easier and better when you have a reliable and direct source.

In regards to getting high easier than your friends, I'm the same way. Smoking pot elicits almost 2000 chemical reactions in your brain, so it affects everybody pretty differently. That's the reason some people just get paranoid and tired and don't like smoking, but others feel enlightened and atuned and love getting stoned. It's also why some people can smoke a hell of a lot more than others. I was grateful that I could get really high without too much trouble, even if I was smoking very regularly. As Robomonkey mentioned, why would you want it to be a difficult process? Consider yourself lucky.

The people that claim they've smoked an ounce in a day and other crazy boasts - you show me a human being that can sit down and smok an ounce of dope taking real solid hits from a pipe or bong in even an eight hour period, and I'll show you a fucking abominable snowman. It's like lifting, sex, fishing, dick size, whatever - kids talk a lot of shit. If people think they've really smoked these gigantic quantities in a single session, then they're dealing with some really, really weak pot. There's a certain inebreation level that any human being hits. Even seasoned alcoholics with huge tolerences couldn't drink multiple fifths of liquor in an evening unless they had some kind of physical irregularity, and I don't see why THC inebriation is any different. At a certain point, your brain is going to shut down no matter how radical of a smoker you are.

Great post. As far as Mexican stuff, I have only smoked that twice, technically three times if you count the Cancun visit. The schwag wasn't bad, but usually I buy true chronic from somewhat-local growers, I'm assuming. Yes, I agree that good pot is easy to come by these days while back in the 60s it was pretty rare to find a good hookup. I do enjoy not having to smoke much to get high, it's more of a gift.
I died laughing when i read the plot overview of that.

He turns them on to marijuana, then they rob stores for drug money. haha. It makes me think of the part of "the history of marijuana" when the kid finds a new way to open pop bottles. lol

The Rasta-Christ
Robo-Monkey said:
<img src=http://www.fullsmilies.com/q/Smiley/funny/Monkey_dance.gif> I get high with a little help from my friends...

<img border=3 width=50% src=http://devilspanties.keenspot.com/images/fan%20art/New/pot%20smoking%20chipmunk.jpg>
Sgt. Pepper (Billy Shears)​

No carb? That's weak, tell your friends to get some glass! ;)
Well, yesterday was 420, I went out to my Papa's land in the country with my cousin and a friend. We got high and shot the 22. it was lovely really. What'd yall do?

The Rasta-Christ
Christafarian said:
Well, yesterday was 420, I went out to my Papa's land in the country with my cousin and a friend. We got high and shot the 22. it was lovely really. What'd yall do?

The Rasta-Christ

Smoked two blunts with three friends the night of 4/20. Then I smoked half a blunt with my girl and two bowls in a bong. Then we proceeded to make some sweet loving! rofl

I'm high right now working on Penis Enlargement.
What a waste. The Cannabis Cup looks like it sucks. What a bunch of money-hungry assholes. The cannabis-legalization movement doesn't need this type of stuff, all they do is add to the stereotype that cannabis smokers are a bunch of reggae-jamming lazy ass hippies who like to use it for recreation.
stridge said:
Anyway, I'll get flamed for saying this, but everybody that likes to smoke weed kids themself into thinking they have the best, stickiest, most intense shit around, but most of the time that's not true. It may be true in their experience, as in the weed they get is slightly better than the average stuff in their area, but the quality and THC content of different strains can vary to a huge degree between regions. For instance, SoCal, a place famous for a laidback bud smoking lifestyle, actually tends to have really terrible quality because very little in heavy distribution is professionally grown by experts, but rather farmed in Mexico and Central America and shipped across.

I've read about this a bit back in the day and used to know a guy from college who became a researcher for the DEA (who also loved to get high if that tells you anything about the drug war), and basically the places that have high quality weed are college towns (meaning places where the college is basically a large percentage or the life of the town) and areas where there are wide open spaces to hide sophisticated growing operations and a strong demand for good weed, like Northern California. Pretty much everywhere else such as Southeast states, a lot of the Eastern seaboard, the most of the midwest, they all have shit.

Now, that doesn't mean there are the occasionaly hook-ups that do get good stuff, but regionally the potency of the pot can be a difference of 300-400% more THC in the better areas than the weak ones. According to my buddy the absolute strongest pot in the country is actually grown and mainly distributed in Alaska due to the huge amounts of space and relatively small amount of law enforcement. I guess that and long winters creates a strong demand. The next best pot is grown in Vancouver in Toronto where weed is basically decriminalized and there's a lively stoner culture combined with a strong scientific pursuit of better hydroponic growing. Then the next best quality besides isolated private growing operations is the sanctioned farming for medical marijuana in CA, although this supposedly accounts for only about 5-10% of the black market. Interestingly, every single Californian I meet claims that their weed is medical grade yet they still get it from the average dealer, so I pretty much doubt it.

Back when I was able to smoke before the career days, I, like many of my friends, tended to at times exaggerate just how much I smoked - just sort of a macho thing I guess. No doubt a little bit of that is going on here. I never like to roll blunts unless it was for the novelty. Usually I just wanted to get high as quickly and efficiently as possible, so it was pretty much straight bong rips all through college. I definately didn't get as high smoking a joint or a blunt, even if I was taking care of it on my own.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa......whoa. Easy there big guy. I'm not gonna flame you but I have to defend my honor. I live in southern California and there is great weed here. Yes, medical grade. My dealer sometimes got his stuff from a dispensery so there you go right there. Plus, think about the conditions, they are perfect for growing marijuana. A mediterranean climate that stays that way all year. And there's so many people that there's a higher demand for pot and better quality. True there's schwag but you get that everywhere. I've gotten the best quality of everything all my favorites Juicy Fruit, Sour Diesel, Catpiss, Trainwreck, OG Kush, and most of the time Romulan. I'm talking more crystals than the Fortress of Solitude, more skunkiness than Pepe Le Pew, and more stickiness than an old gym sock. And there can't be a 300-400% difference in THC content. The highest quality strains have 20-30% so you can't have 320% weed in a different are. And need I remind you that most of the Cheech and Chong movies took place in southern California? Because they did. I know it's common that people claim they have the best weed but maybe for them where they are right now has the best chronic they've ever had. And it's not cool to single out one place and shit on it.
Okay, maybe not most but the best Cheech and Chong movies took place in or around L.A. Up in Smoke, Next Movie, and Nice Dreams. Although they're all good in my opinion. And it's cool that southern California is known for it's laid back bud smoking lifestyle as it should be.
Hey bro, I'm sure more than a few people get excellent stuff in SoCal - I've just read from numerous sources that the 'average' quality out there is lower outsie of the medical stuff. Doesn't mean your weed sucks - I'm sure there are enough dedicated smokers in the area that there is plenty of good shit around. And indeed, I think stoner culture pretty much was born in SoCal, Cheech and Chong included.

I do know that a lot good pot comes from far norther California and revolves around all the Santa Cruz and Redwood lifestyling going on up there where its harder to police serious grow operations, as well as the San Juans in Washington, so I'm sure plenty of that stuff makes its way down the coast.

What I meant about 100%+ increases in content is that say a strain has like a 5% THC concentration. A 10% concentration would be a 100% increase of potency from the 5% because the second plant has double the amount of active hallucinogen. Got me? The nice thing is that in general most north American plants have grown drastically stronger over the years regardless of overall quality - the normal sack is now like picking up a fifth of jagermeister instead of the boxed wine you would have gotten in the 70s - not that I was around and smoking to verify this.

Anyway, I'm really not hating on Southern California, I love it there unlike many seem to. It was just that for a minute there I saw this thread turning into a pissing contest where everybody has the dankest, most legendary weed in the country at their unlimited disposal - I can't really get high anymore so I'm probably just jealous, but my post was factual to the best of my knowledge.
It's cool. Maybe the average is lower here than in some other places. But I just think if you look hard enough you can find good connections just about anywhere. Especially in the U.S. because the demand for good bud is so high. We are the ultimate consumers after all. And southern California is a stoner's paradise but I have to give a lot of props to northern California too. They ran the whole counter culture in the 60's. I think it could be argued that California is the weed capital of the country.

I'm bad at math so that explains the misunderstanding with the percentages. That would be pretty sweet to have 300% thc content though. One small hit and you'd be stoned for days. I've heard people say that the potency has gone up but isn't that a good thing, I mean you smoke less and get the same high so it's easier on your lungs.

I know how you feel about not being able to smoke. I had to quit last year and I'm really jonesing. I'd give anything for a good bong rip. And I just miss smoking, the way it feels, how pretty it looks floating around. The smell of bud too, that shit smell that the really dank stuff gets, I love it. Someday I smoke again, someday.
Travis Dickle said:
It's cool. Maybe the average is lower here than in some other places. But I just think if you look hard enough you can find good connections just about anywhere. Especially in the U.S. because the demand for good bud is so high. We are the ultimate consumers after all. And southern California is a stoner's paradise but I have to give a lot of props to northern California too. They ran the whole counter culture in the 60's. I think it could be argued that California is the weed capital of the country.

I'm bad at math so that explains the misunderstanding with the percentages. That would be pretty sweet to have 300% thc content though. One small hit and you'd be stoned for days. I've heard people say that the potency has gone up but isn't that a good thing, I mean you smoke less and get the same high so it's easier on your lungs.

I know how you feel about not being able to smoke. I had to quit last year and I'm really jonesing. I'd give anything for a good bong rip. And I just miss smoking, the way it feels, how pretty it looks floating around. The smell of bud too, that shit smell that the really dank stuff gets, I love it. Someday I smoke again, someday.

The only problem with the increased potency is the idiotic drug war advocates use it as some excuse to keep pot wholly illegal. The tagline is something like "it's not your father's marijuana!" Basically, even though there is no lethal, or even really dangerous toxicity with pot, they act like the newer strains and crops are some kind of hopped-up super drug that's a public health epedemic only being restrained by the thin blue line.

It really makes no difference for me, as I could always get really, really stoned off even pretty weak stuff. I guess I have a low ability to deal with THC because I never had to worry about not being high enough. I do miss it, especially since I tend to drink more now that I can't smoke, which is much more expensive and a lot less convenient. Also, I have a huge tolerence for alcohol, which raises my overall consumption level.

I still get high every once in a while, but it's just not something I can take part in most of the time. I probably shouldn't be lusting for a habitual stoner lifestyle at my age, but dammit, those were some good times.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!