Hi, I remember reading somewhere that it is a good idea to do a "cool down" with cold water for five minnutes after your P.E. routine. Would this also work with an ice pack? I am unsure of how cold the penis should get though (i dont wanna freeze all my progress off by getting frostbite :)) anyways, I have tried it once and it does seem to take away much of the redness and soreness from my stretches and squeeses. Thanks for your advice!
Hey Chester, I heard the same thing a long time ago on the old Penis Enlargement forums. I was always scared to try it, something about cold water and my cock don't mix:D Has it been working for you?
Wow I got a reply from DLD! Anyways, I do one of your squeese exercises (start at base with 80-90% erection and then take a firm OK grip and squeese the blood up;)) this generally breakes some blood vessels and capalaries giving small red spots on my skin. The spots go away completely after two days off of P.E. which I dont like to do so they are not a big deal however after the ice pack tonight they are almost completely gone. I kept them on for about four or five minutes (one on top, one on the bottom.) It takes a little while to re-warm up to normal temperature (around ten minutes) after I have cooled down; the temperature change isnt very bad, I used a towel to keep from cooling down too fast... I will probably try cold/cool water tomorrow. Note: this has been applied to the penis only, not the balls that would be quite uncomfortable I imagine. If anyone who has tried it has any good input, please share!
I've started doing a cold wrap on my cock and balls every morning. I read somewhere it increases your testostrone for the rest of the day. It goes all shrivelled though.
I thought the goal was to make your dick bigger, not smaller.

No way I'm putting my dick in ice. I don't want a 2 inch wrinkly cock :P .

I think your balls are supposed to produce more testorsterone when cool. If you wrap you palm around your balls, you will notice that they feel slightly cooler than the rest of your body. So maybe wrapping your balls in a cold wrap would be good, but is it necessary to wrap your dick up too?
Provider said:
I've started doing a cold wrap on my cock and balls every morning. I read somewhere it increases your testostrone for the rest of the day. It goes all shrivelled though.

thats because you have your balls too cold; the body self-regulates the testicles temperatures, they draw up to warm up and lower down (assuming you dont wear tightie-whities) to cool off. This keeps the testicles at optimal temperature.
sampopel said:
I thought the goal was to make your dick bigger, not smaller.

No way I'm putting my dick in ice. I don't want a 2 inch wrinkly cock :P .


the idea behind the cold/ice pack for your penis is that right after Penis Enlargement, you have (or should have) broken some cells down in your penis which will then regrow into bigger stronger longer cells. The cold is just to help remove the dead cellular waste from the area promote healing. Being a 2 inch wrinkly cock as you put it, for 30 mins a day could mean faster gains due to faster cell regenration/healing.
"What does ice do?

Ice is one of the simplest, safest, and most effective self care techniques for injury, pain, or discomfort in muscles and joints. Ice will decrease muscle spasms, pain, and inflammation to bone and soft tissue. You can use ice initially at the site of discomfort, pain, or injury. You can also apply ice in later stages for rehabilitation of injuries or chronic (long-term) problems.
During an initial injury, tissue damage can cause uncontrolled swelling. This swelling can increase the damage of the initial injury and delay the healing time. If you use ice immediately, you will reduce the amount of swelling. Ice decreases all of these: swelling, tissue damage, blood clot formation, inflammation, muscle spasms, and pain. At the same time, the ice enhances the flow of nutrients into the area, aids in the removal of metabolites (waste products), increases strength, and promotes healing. This "ice effect" is not related to age, sex, or circumference of the injured area."
I understand how cold treatments are good for injury, pain, or discomfort in muscles and joints. This is mostly due to the coldness causing constriction of blood vessels which prevent swelling and other symptoms, but in Penis Enlargement i'm not so sure that restricting blood flow is going to benefit us unless we overdo it one day and actually cause tissue injury. I think doing a hot/cold treatment where you dunk your junk in cold water followed immediately by hot water several time would be much better as this would encourage bloodflow.
yeah, hot/ice treatment [alternative dippings] I SWEAR BY for injuries and insane sessions where your dick is bruised and kinda on its lastlegs. I wouldnt say do ICE/HOT treatment on a reguler basis. I WOULD say do hot or warm wraps reguler, but not cold. A nice cold wrap AT THE END [after the warm wraps] if the session is alright IMHO.
I like Ice and for dips lasting 5 seconds before heading into the hot for 5 secs.
But your talking about just ice or cold so I'd go for 5 minutes than flap your penis about for a min than do another 5 minutes. Simple.
Chester said:
yea, the question now is cold water or ice, and for how long?
I've been experimenting with for almost a year, after a good girth session, I heat ( with heating pad) 10+ min. With hot water you could cut heat time.
then cool down for 1 to 2 mins, I go through 3 heat, 2 cold cycles.
This has cut bruises way down to almost never happing
Yes the first time you apply cold it takes a deep breath every morning, but it has been working for me.
PS. if your using a cold pack put a paper towel between you and ice pack
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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