I want to increase my muscular mass but I don't want more fat pad!!

I want to increase my muscular mass but I don't want more fat pad!!, how can I achieve this. I read that if you want more muscle you need to eat a lot more. I only have 1 cm fat pad and I don't want to make my fat pad bigger. Any suggestions?
Yes, you need to eat more to fuel your workouts and build muscles... you need all 3 groups, protien, fat and carbs.

I put on 10+# muscles this year as I lost 50+ net pounds of weight... so I gained muscles while losing fat. I did starvation for 3 months to drop 40#, while doing daily cardio, meaning jogging up to 3 miles on the treadmill.

I switched to building my upper body especially and gained biceps, trics, shoulders, pecs, lats all bigger. I pre-fuel for my workout with an omlets with bell peps and onions and added Turkey luncHydromaxeat or a couple diced hotdogs... 6 eggs, eat half b4, 1/2 after workout. Also protien shake b4 and another after.

Either stronglifts 5x5 or bodyweight basics of pushups supersetted with planking. Pullup assist supersetted with dip assist on same machine. And dumbbells benchpress supersetted with flys. Shoulders are straight arm dumbell side lifts supersetted with shrugs.

I warmup with 15 Mins on treadmill, then stretch legs and arms & back... after lifting I warmdown with 25-30 Mins on treadmill then stretch hot. This is critical to keep from getting tight and cramping. Pre-workout stretch prevents injuries, Hot stretch increases your flexibility and squeezes the bad metabolic chems back out built up in your muscles.

Anyway, that's what I do.

To lose Wright and stay healthy for life, 20-30 Mins of walking daily is a baseline minimum.

that may be difficult. Since I know quite a bit of building muscle/losing fat I can assure you that there are only 3 ways to achieve this:

1. You´re genetically gifted and can do both at any time in your life.

2. You´re starting to work out for the first time and are a beginner. (Time frame is about 3-6 months, after that you usually have to choose)

3. You do a diet that is very complicated and troublesome to maintain even for bodybuilders. (quite advanced and I´m not an expert on it but forget that if you´re not competing)

Maybe there is a Brother here that knows a way to just influence the fat pad but I´d doubt it.

So usually for most people it´s either building muscle and increasing fat or even holding your body fat percentage level ideally.Or it´s losing fat, which comes with losing muscle if you diet wrong and/or have not a good thought out training plan. It´s also possible to lose fat without losing muscle (after you build up) which is not so complicated, you only have to understand a few things about cardio. You can learn all this on many different sites so I´d advise learning basics about cardio and building muscle first. Also read a few new studies about cardio if you understand the basics of scientific research and are able to evaluate the quality of a scientific study.

Hope this overview helps a little.
i think what the question OP is asking if im not mistaken is how can he gain weight (muscle) without putting on fat, not how to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time (almost impossible for those who aren't beginners)

well, basically this isnt too hard. to the OP, find your maintenance calorie level (the number of calories at which you dont lose or gain any weight in a week or two). then, to this number add in 300 calories per day, every day. of course you will have to be weight training otherwise these extra calories wont be used for protein synthesis. if you have gained a pound or two in two weeks, thats good, keep the calories as they are. if you havent, add in another 200 calories per day, and keep doing this until you are consistently gaining weight, but not excessive weight (the body can only build so much muscle at a time, so massive amounts of calories are overkill and are what lead to fat gain). if you also hit a sticking point in regards to weight you can do this again with adding calories.

also make sure your protein and fat is high as these are vital to muscular growth and overall health. aim for atleast 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight, and atleast 80g of fat a day (although this will be higher if you are already fairly heavy). the remainder of your calories can come from carbs as these arent that important.

thats it really, if you follow that approach to adding calories from your maintenance, and are working out hard with a good routine you should gain fat that is unproportional to your muscle gain (meaning bf% wont change)
Yep I got it. I think a diet which doesn't add fat but even cuts it, and adds muscle mass... it fits his question, right?

One thing I'd add is I wear Ring of Power. Full time until I got my stealth now I switch them off.

It stimulates your testes and your T goes up. I attribute it to being able to gain muscle in my late 40's. So your own body's natural testosterone, while lifting weights, and fueling protien... builds muscle in a healthy way.
LoveHerDeeply;561049 said:
Yep I got it. I think a diet which doesn't add fat but even cuts it, and adds muscle mass... it fits his question, right?

One thing I'd add is I wear Ring of Power. Full time until I got my stealth now I switch them off.

It stimulates your testes and your T goes up. I attribute it to being able to gain muscle in my late 40's. So your own body's natural testosterone, while lifting weights, and fueling protien... builds muscle in a healthy way.

i think he just wants to put on muscle without putting fat on, as hes probs seen the many people who do a 'traditional' bulk, and go from fairly lean to fairly fat at the end (as they just eat whatevers in sight). if im mistaken OP and this isnt your goal please correct me, and PM or post back here if what i said about calories confuses you

as for the ROP ive always wanted to try it, have you used it?
It all goes back to diet. I competed in bodybuilding for a few years and everything I did wouldn't matter without a proper diet. Diet is the key to muscle and the key to fat loss; your training means little without a proper diet plan.
1. Diet
2. Lift
3. Cardio
4. Sleep

Before workout- Unless you're geared more towards losing weight more than adding muscle, make sure you get enough complex carbs (whole-grain bread, pasta (preferably whole grain), rice, etc. A lot of people miss out on this when they workout. When you do anaerobic exercises (lifting weights), you don't burn much fat or protein calories. You ideally burn carbs. In order to properly fuel your workout and keep you as strong as possible, you want to be burning high quality, good carbs throughout your workout. Once you start burning proteins, your body is going to tire out much faster and make you weaker, which is the last thing you want. Because you don't want to be gaining a bunch of weight, don't over load on carbs, just get enough. I just want to state the importance of getting enough, maybe 150g, 1-2 hours before your workout (I stay very cut getting 200-250). The rest will be protein and some quality fats.

Lifting- What my body-builder friends do: hypertrophy sets (8-12 reps) combined with some power sets (3-5 reps). The hypertrophy rep range activates slow and fast twitch muscle fibers, which is the most efficient way to get the "ripped" look. The 3-5 rep range only activates slow twitch muscle fibers, but it will increase your strength the fastest. The theory behind this is the 3-5 rep range will increase your strength levels, which will in-turn allow you to do more weight on your 8-12 rep range sets. This will make your 8-12 rep sets more productive, increasing your muscle gain that much more.

There is no known way to specifically target the fat pad other than keeping a low body fat %, but I would make sure to do plenty of core workouts as that certainly can't hurt and is the closest thing to the fat pad.

Cardio- Directly after your workouts that you don't do legs, or on an off day, make sure you get in cardio when you can. This is what will keep your fat % (fat pad) the same or even lower while you're gaining muscle mass from your lifts. There are a ton of different things you can do. Elliptical, tread-mill, swimming, basketball (actual game where you're running up and down the court), running outside, cycling, etc. Just pick your favorite one.

Post-Workout: Protein, protein, protein, and then some more protein. I get about 75 directly after my workout, and then 75 more later on along with what I get in the morning. The general rule of thumb is to get your body weight in grams of protein each day. The easiest form of protein is powder, but this isn't a complete substitute as you still need to get it from food sources. Eggs, turkey, chicken, fish, milk, etc. You can get some carbs and fats post workout too, just be sure you get your protein.

Sleep- Sleep is very important as well. You should get a minimum of 8 hours a night. Studies show that professional athletes (including body builders) need 10-12 to make their bodies perform at the most optimal level. But if you get 8, you should be fine.

Like 88man said, there's no point in lifting unless you get a proper diet in. I've seen guys go to the gym for 6 months, and they literally are the exact same size 6 months later because 1. They don't know what they're doing in the gym, and most importantly, they dont eat right.

The Ring of Power will naturally boost test levels (still to a healthy level), and add in muscle growth/fat loss. Some people don't believe in it, but there are many who swear by it. I use it and like it.

If you find that you're adding fat, simply cut down on overall calories and add in more cardio. Different people are naturally different sizes with different body fat %'s. Find the diet and routine that works for you, but the above is a good guideline that I learned from friends that compete in body building competitions, except I tried to gear it more towards what you're looking for.
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I want to increase my muscular mass but I don't want more fat pad!!, how can I achieve this. I read that if you want more muscle you need to eat a lot more. I only have 1 cm fat pad and I don't want to make my fat pad bigger. Any suggestions?

What are your current length and girth measurements now brother?