Horse Squeeze pop?



So today was the first time I have ever tried the horse squeeze. After warming up in the shower and jelqing for about 10 min, I tried to do the horse squeeze. As I was compressing and angled my dick downwards, due to my bent penis, there was a slight movement and I felt a slight pop with no pain. No pain means I am all good right? And I have not noticed any discoloration. I have been trying to straighten my penis for months now but nothing seems to work, any advice?
Never happened to me bruh. All I know is that if you hurt yourself there will be some form of sign specifically pain. Where exactly did you feel the pop bruh?
ughh, near the bend, not the weak side but again the side where it bulges out, no pain so I'm guessing I'm good but this stupid bend is causing me paranoi when I do these jelqs because it moves, I'm guessing thats where the pop was from unless its from a vein moving as well
Its probably nothing. You scared the bend moves? When you do jelqs the waves you create are what grants microtears, and it needs to move bruh.
No, not like that, like a twist, first time i felt the pop but its also the first time I horse squeezed
That's just a matter of aligning your grip it happens to me as well. With the horse keep trying, but gently so you can find a comfortable way to do it.
I did the horse squeeze again tonight and this time its different... This time I compressed intensely and felt a slight pop followed by a slight stinging pain... Do u know if this is normal? I thought it was a small capillary or vein that popped but after the initial sting, no pain, discomfort or discoloration?
This is probably your tunica fibers straining from abrupt movement. I have had that from going too intense without proper warm up. You need to do something to get those trouble spots nice, and relaxed for the horse. Use warm wraps, jelqs, bundles, or anything you can think of to prime those areas so you don't snap your shit up.
Its gonna be tricky work with that curve, but you need to find a way that suits you before having at it for real. Maybe you even have to use other methods like semi-erect bends to get conditioned enough that you don't get these nuances with a horse.
My cock is mostly straight, but I had pain when erect bending to one side. I did other things in the meanwhile, and today I can bend to all directions comfortably. Don't get impatient man well figure out a way for you :blush:
AsianSensation;675785 said:
So today was the first time I have ever tried the horse squeeze. After warming up in the shower and jelqing for about 10 min, I tried to do the horse squeeze. As I was compressing and angled my dick downwards, due to my bent penis, there was a slight movement and I felt a slight pop with no pain. No pain means I am all good right? And I have not noticed any discoloration. I have been trying to straighten my penis for months now but nothing seems to work, any advice?

Nothing at all to worry on, it happens to me every time I push against my erection angle. It is just like cracking your knuckles.
What about the second incidence? The second time I tried horse squeeze, there seemed to be a slight pop on the bent side with a stinging pain that receded in several seconds? I was able to finish jelqing and maintain erection no problem or pain but these stingers and pops are freaking me out....

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Thanks to both of you guys, I guess I'm still just a newbie who's paranoid about the health of his dick
AsianSensation;676042 said:
What about the second incidence? The second time I tried horse squeeze, there seemed to be a slight pop on the bent side with a stinging pain that receded in several seconds? I was able to finish jelqing and maintain erection no problem or pain but these stingers and pops are freaking me out....

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Thanks to both of you guys, I guess I'm still just a newbie who's paranoid about the health of his dick

Snap, crackle and pop will be heard overtime for some men. There is absolutely nothing to be worries on!