Here's my problem!

Right now I just got done with my 13th day of my routine through out this process all I have been getting is good PI's. My flaccid is hanging nice and low. I don't turtle anymore if I do it is probably only half inch loss. I have been getting boners like a crazy and horney as hell also.

So since I have all that good PI's I know you should measure every 2 weeks for BPFSL. But should I measure on my off day or routine day?? Also could I measure my flaccid too??
I think a legit measure is taken during the off-day as most Penis Enlargement'ers experience temporary gains right after their session, which aren't cemented yet and though don't count. But you should do whatever makes you feel happier, remember Penis Enlargement is all about getting happier :)
PerfecktDick29;391491 said:
I'm giong to measure tomorrow that is my off day. thanks for the tip.

Drum Roll..................
Well actually I'm giong to measure after my workout tomorrow since that will be my offical 14 days of actual routine. My ligs will be more pialable and stretchy since I'm gioging for my BPFSL,FLACCID AND ERECT GIRTH. I will update my progess .