Never heard of this, do you have a link?
It is all over youtube, ebay, and a few others. Take a look at these: She lost a lot...

If you search for HCG diet on you'll get a bunch. My wife has co-workers that are doing it with great results. I ordered three phases of it on ebay. Will keep everyone in the know but was curious if others have done it so far.

Also if you search on HCG diet on you'll see a bunch of people and their weight loss... I am going to try it and see what is up with this.
It is basically a starvation diet usin this fertility drug HCG to curb appetite. I forget the specifics, but in laymans' terms the HCG supposedly blocks a 'hunger' chemical in the brain. The 'dieters' then eat no more than 500 calories a day. The 500 calorie a day part would make anyone lose weight. The HCG itself does nothing but help curb the appetite. In theory, you'd get the same result drinking water every time you felt hungry. It would be a LOT healthier. There's no doubt most people don't drink enough water anyway, and on a ''diet'' like this one, people would be inclined (in my view) to not only do something unhealthy, but possibly break their local laws. HCG is IN FACT a controlled substance in several states and simply importing it OR buying it without a valid prescription (specifically for the brand, dose AND with YOUR doctors' signature) is potentially breaking the law depending on where you live. Check your local laws.

Bare in mind diets like this one create a dependency to rebound and go through endless cycles of starving, going off, gaining the weight back, starving again and so on. Your body is designed naturally to run on 1500-2000 calories daily. I'm not going to preach about balanced diet and exercise, but the fact is...these so called diets work while you are ON them. You will 9+ times out of 10 gain most if not all the weight back afterward. Just because you don't ''feel'' hungry does not mean you are healthy. When you put your body into even SHORT periods of severe caloric and nutrient deficit, your metabolism turns to your body fat and muscles to make up for what you are not putting in through your digestive tract. ALSO, these types of diets, because they neglect HEALTH in general, cause you to lose healthy body weight. Your muscles atrophy, and so do your organs. I'd avoid such diets like I would methamphetamine or other narcotics.
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u actually dont have to do the 500 calorie thing i have had friends that have done it doing only doing a 1200 calorie diet and the way that it was explained to me wasnt the way the stillwantmore described it but i could be wrong
i will have to ask her again and if u work out it will help it as well
Whatever next. HCG is used by steroid users after a cycle to help restore natural test levels and even than its not recommended to take for long periods at a high dosage for rebound effects. I think this diet sounds like a bad idea. Fast results possibly, but in a short space of time doesn't sound good. Lose the weight gradually and without such props as HCG. You don't know what your playing with.
Well I have been on the recommended doses for 5 days, I am averaging around 0.25 to 0.5 pounds a day of loss. I am eating 1500 calories a day. The problem for me though is that I am just not hungry at all. I have to remind myself to eat, however I do. :) I am using it just to help focus on what i am trying to do, exercise and help the start of the process. So far so good. I can see how people can do 500 only calories in a day. It completely takes your food hunger away.
frontierxe;391115 said:
Well I have been on the recommended doses for 5 days, I am averaging around 0.25 to 0.5 pounds a day of loss. I am eating 1500 calories a day. The problem for me though is that I am just not hungry at all. I have to remind myself to eat, however I do. :) I am using it just to help focus on what i am trying to do, exercise and help the start of the process. So far so good. I can see how people can do 500 only calories in a day. It completely takes your food hunger away.

Wow, that sounds very powerful! I have put on a couple pounds but I think it is from my lack of eating. I have been so busy that I literally eat once a day, if I am lucky. My metabolism is running extra slow. I really need to start eating every few hours, it is really the answer to loosing weight.
I think stillwantmore spoke before doing enough research. Yes, it does help hunger receptors, but that is only a part of why it helps you lose weight. It also allows your body to lose fat and retain muscle, which is why body builders love it so much. It also keeps your testes producing testosterone and is even used in young men who are having trouble reaching puberty and can increase libido. They think this hormone is released during pregnancy so that fat is mobilized to feed the baby so that even if the mother can't find food the baby will still survive (third world countries). Although 500 calories is extremely too low in my opinion for a diet you have to agree HCG does much more than appetite suppressant.
resler;391638 said:
I think stillwantmore spoke before doing enough research. Yes, it does help hunger receptors, but that is only a part of why it helps you lose weight. It also allows your body to lose fat and retain muscle, which is why body builders love it so much. It also keeps your testes producing testosterone and is even used in young men who are having trouble reaching puberty and can increase libido. They think this hormone is released during pregnancy so that fat is mobilized to feed the baby so that even if the mother can't find food the baby will still survive (third world countries). Although 500 calories is extremely too low in my opinion for a diet you have to agree HCG does much more than appetite suppressant.

There is still the FDA law requiring a prescription for this drug (which is a controlled substance in many states/cities now). I admit, I'm coming from the angle of what I have read and what I have been told by a couple of different medical doctors from my own personal life when I asked them their thoughts on this diet fad. I'm still willing to bet if you put just about anyone on a calorie restricted diet, then one that follows this ''diet'' using HCG and compared them to each other ...both groups would lose an equal amount of weight. Assuming the persons' health, calorie consumption/restriction, and physical activity were the same. The HCG may help reduce cravings and aid in actual SUCCESS...but so would something like green tea pills, or caffeine pills which are both legal, known to be effective appetite suppressants, and relatively side effect free when taken responsibly.

I don't know which body builders you follow, but the one's I've been around use HCG during a steroid cycle to keep their testicles from shrinking as much from the exogenous testosterone injections. Not to lose fat or retain muscle. You'll never find a serious bodybuilder using HCG merely for fat loss or to ''retain muscle''.

If you insist (anyone) on using this ''diet'' do yourself a favor and do the actual SHOTS. The actual hormone. The ''drops'' suspended in water are a scam. The companies marketing these ''drops'' are trying to circumvent the legal issue (should be another RED FLAG) with the actual injected hormone. HCG has a very short stabilized life time of 30-45 days. There's no way these ''drops'' have been suspended in a water solution and shipped right to you within that time frame or sooner. The FDA requires a prescription to get HCG regardless of legality in your local jurisdiction. Another thing that makes the drops bogus. Granted you can buy the actual HCG from many sites without a prescription, but you are breaking the law. A VALID prescription requires an actual doctor present to do the prescribing based on a live, patient evaluation. Any prescribed medication without a prescription in your possession is punishable by law. Similar to how you are not supposed to give away to friends or family (even though most of us HAVE) your prescribed medications. You are in fact by law acting as a 'dispenser' or 'distributor' when you do this. Look up the laws regarding 'distribution of prescription drugs without a license', or similar.

Again, my feelings are just that. People are always free to do what they like but bare in mind the potential consequences from both a health and legal standpoint before proceeding. Just because you can buy something does not mean you should. ;)

Many things in fact which end up being ''trends'' or ''fads'' and are popular at one point in history are later found out to be mistakes.

I guess my bottom line point I'm trying to make is check your local laws. Find an ''HCG Clinic'' if there IS one nearby where you live...or find a doctor who is prescribing HCG for weight loss...assuming the laws in your area provide for such a loop hole, if you insist on giving this diet a go.
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So you are saying a doctor can prescribe this?
You are absolutely about the HCG drops, those are a scam. You need a real prescription HCG for it to work and you don't have to inject, you can also create your own sublingual solution. Taken without a prescription it is illegal in most area's, but so is a lot of things. Yeah most bodybuilders take HCG to keep test up and going after they stop their test injections. They couldn't use it as a weight loss the way most people do because they could never retain their muscle mass on a diet that low in calories. I agree that most people on a 500 calorie diet would do close to the same if on HCG or not, but HCG allows for the metabolism to stay up. Without HCG and a 500 calorie diet after a short amount of time your body would try to slow down its fat loss by slowing your metabolism dramatically, HCG helps to prevent this from happening. Also you have the anorectic properties. I have taken all sorts of things to lose weight and build muscles. I can say for a matter of fact caffeine and green tea is nothing compared to this stuff. I would say the appetite curb is similar to phentermine and much stronger than ephedrine but without the jitters. Again it's your body and do your research, but it works for me.
resler;392077 said:
You are absolutely about the HCG drops, those are a scam. You need a real prescription HCG for it to work and you don't have to inject, you can also create your own sublingual solution. Taken without a prescription it is illegal in most area's, but so is a lot of things. Yeah most bodybuilders take HCG to keep test up and going after they stop their test injections. They couldn't use it as a weight loss the way most people do because they could never retain their muscle mass on a diet that low in calories. I agree that most people on a 500 calorie diet would do close to the same if on HCG or not, but HCG allows for the metabolism to stay up. Without HCG and a 500 calorie diet after a short amount of time your body would try to slow down its fat loss by slowing your metabolism dramatically, HCG helps to prevent this from happening. Also you have the anorectic properties. I have taken all sorts of things to lose weight and build muscles. I can say for a matter of fact caffeine and green tea is nothing compared to this stuff. I would say the appetite curb is similar to phentermine and much stronger than ephedrine but without the jitters. Again it's your body and do your research, but it works for me.

Well, that's all good to know. How has it worked for you? (HCG)
I guess I will visit ebay and try to cop these.
i am getting mine threw a friend that gets it from her doc! i would not buy off ebay since u dont know if it comes from a doctor lol

there are 2 kinds u can get the injections via needle threw stomach if i remember correctly or under the tongue drops which is what i got cause im afraid of needles she told me the injections are more effective

still havent gottin mine yet i got a 30 day supply for 60 bucks from her

im working out and doing cardio just want somthin for that extra boost
im at 198 right now i wanna be back to 170-180

i was not aware of body builders using this kinda of interesting i figured they would use human growth hormones or shit like that but whatever being extremly muscular like that is kinda dumb to me lol i would rather be fit and fast and kinda of strong compared to bulky and strong being huge like a body builder makes you slow i use to be a boxer and i once got in a fight with a body builder that was at least 6'2 weighed god only knows and that could prolly bench press 300 pounds or more and dead lift ect ect and he got his ass kicked way to slow lol and im only 5'11 and a 165 pounds at the time lol just for a visual for ya bruce lee was not all that tall and weighed 130 pounds and was a total bad ass but anyways back to the topic

i use to be a personal trainer so im on a great work out plan so im wondering what the affects are with a 1000-1500 calorie diet and working out id be happy if i lost 5 to 10 pounds even 15 would be nice of fat

it reminds me kinda of like Penis Enlargement( except working out to get a better body)
once u get to that point where u want to be just do the required stuff to keep ya there
so once i get to where i wanna be with my body then i will quit it

i would imagine it wouldnt be good for u to take for long periods of time but im not a doc

i have also heard it works better for men then women but i will let yall know when i get it and how it goes im gunna moniter my weight and see what happens! but it does work its not a scam

and i agree with stillwantmore do not do a 500 calorie diet u are just starving yourself and u will gain it all back but doing this with a more natural calorie diet will help u keep the weight off

guys/girls you need to exercise i cant push this enough it is soo important dont be lazy and say u have no time if u told me your schedule i bet i could make time for u lol u might not like what i take away but theres always enough time to exercise all you need is 3 days a week for an hour each 30 min weights 30 min cardio and thats it lol every aspect of your life will get better from exercise your sex life to life in general so get to it
Ive dont the HCG diet and it worked great. Follow the protocol to code and your fine. The first time i did HCG was through sublingual. I did the drops this time.