Unfortunitely, being the lazy person I am, I was hanging one night, and as I was shifting positions to get more comfortable in my chair, my dick slipped a little in TheGRIP. I thought nothing of it, but I felt an "itch" on my penis head for about 30 minutes while I was hanging crooked. Turns out I had a big water blister. My second one, but no big deal.
I decided to keep hanging, and I had to be very careful in putting my sheaths on and off. I went very slow, but realized I was still able to hang 11.25 pounds(my normal weight) and [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] all day and night. The water blister never grew in size and never bursted.
After four days the water blister has naturally died down and there is no scab on my penis like when the first time I popped it right after I got it. Atlhough there is one problem after the blister dies down, it tends to leak some water. To combat the water problem, I started wrapping my head with the Co-Flex sports wrap they send you when you order it, or you can pick some up at CVS or WalGreens or any other similar pharmacy store. It absorbs the moisture from the deflated water blister.
I decided to keep hanging, and I had to be very careful in putting my sheaths on and off. I went very slow, but realized I was still able to hang 11.25 pounds(my normal weight) and [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] all day and night. The water blister never grew in size and never bursted.
After four days the water blister has naturally died down and there is no scab on my penis like when the first time I popped it right after I got it. Atlhough there is one problem after the blister dies down, it tends to leak some water. To combat the water problem, I started wrapping my head with the Co-Flex sports wrap they send you when you order it, or you can pick some up at CVS or WalGreens or any other similar pharmacy store. It absorbs the moisture from the deflated water blister.