Ironwill1984;563710 said:Has anyone ever had any issues with hanging where after they remove the hanger their head turns completely white and the unit sucks up into the body for under an hour? What is this from? Wrapping too tight? circulation issues? nerve issues?
This happened to me yesterday I was on my second set with 5lbs to the hanger and 15 minutes into the session I lost all feeling in my unit. I became anxious and took off my hanger immediately, and initially I thought it was because my wrap on the hanger was extremely tight as it could be yet I wasn't sure. This morning I had a good erection but am not hanging today just resting until I find more answers.
onemanorgy;564846 said:Perfectly Normal and a sign you are on your way to growth, After hanging and ejaculating the penis will retract back up in you a bit. Only use quarter inch to half an inch of pressure when your wrapping after your initial 3 passes up top. This is where the numbness came form. Wrap is just to protect the skin and push and keep blood out of the glands but not to tight. Keep at it
GirthGains;565663 said:If you have to hang alittle higher or closer to the base its alot better than nerve damage and you should still get length. then when you get longer it should be easier to attach. Should be at least 1 inch behind the glans sometimes you have to go closer to the base!
bawg1012;555215 said:I tried wrapping loosely, but I get a lot of slipping if I do, and a ton of pinching. I've seen stillwantmore's hanging video so I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the process. I also get slipping if I don't tighten the hanger so that the teeth are meshed together completely (Bib). I've been hanging for 2 months now. I will have to make a day of altering things one aspect at a time until I don't feel anything but the stretch.