Yes TomdW has said everything I would have said. It sounds mainly Pychological to me as your paranoid about it all now, which is understandable.
Secondly you have hurt your penis slightly but not as serious as you think.
I dont think its nerve damage as they have shooting pains [with me anyways down their] but I aint a doctor so dont take my word as 'IT'.
You were very excited and IMHO got too carried away with the constrictors/clamping and that is why this has occured and the worry has made it worse.
Constrictors should only be done with at least 6 months reguler consistent penis enlargment experience and I cant say this often enough otherwise you will hurt yourself. Its not as simple to master as some think, its actually a art forim in the pe world rofl nah it is, like other forms of pe I guess you must master it really well and I feel as it just involves a clamp around the dick many think its a piece of piss .... think again.
Like Tom said in the EARLY days when I started this shit, I did indeed test it in the woods with string and nearly lost my cock as I couldnt get the bastard string off my dick. NEVER USE string unless you tie it with a LOOP or SLIP knot so it can be removed quickly.
Warm up before and afterwards always helps.
I would say to you, monitor your penis and tell us how it goes eachday and do not do any Penis Enlargement .. period. Dont do any kegels either. I would say apply hot and cold wraps to your penis as many times during the day as you can but dont go overboard and never leave the bathroom, just say when you visit it than apply a hot wrap than a cold wrap. Leave the hot on for 10 seconds or so than do the cold for the same period keep going backwards and forwards for 10-15 mins or longer if you can or want.
I like to have a bowl of very hot water and a bowl of iced water woth ICE cubes in, no I aint taking the piss or trying to hurt you ... it WORKS for all my Penis Enlargement injurues and I have had them all, the black cock which could have been = no cock was saved from the HOT/ICE treatment and I aint had any troubles since.
Keep doing that treatment and monitor, thats all you can do. Keep us informed and we'll keep helping you.