Alright guys, help me out big style here ! I'm crying out for some help on this one.

I have some stretcHydromaxarks on my stomach and biceps, even groin area that I want gone. Some bad training years ago and bad eating has left me with haunting physical marks.

There's gotta be some definite way to get rid of them, anyone got any suggestions or even can speak from personal experience??

S O S !!
help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help
I'll try anything I tell ya, i just noticed i have more of them than I thought and i have no idea why. These marks just seem to appear anywhere they want to the bastards :(

Thanks AncientChina I will try some of that Vitamin E cocoa butter, do I rub it on me or spread it on my toast ? :)
I have marks on my biceps and under-arm area pretty bad. I don't really mind them. I think the vitamin E will prevent new ones (if you plan on growing), but not do anything to old ones. A tan helps.
Yeah i heard sunlight was good, pity I'm the in the grey part of the earth (UK) :(

I dont mind the marks in training-type areas, its the other ones that bug me. No one would ever see them until naked, and even them I'm sure the chick will be more worried about how *she* looks, but I would like them gone, purely for myself, so to speak.
levista said:
Yeah i heard sunlight was good, pity I'm the in the grey part of the earth (UK) :(

I dont mind the marks in training-type areas, its the other ones that bug me. No one would ever see them until naked, and even them I'm sure the chick will be more worried about how *she* looks, but I would like them gone, purely for myself, so to speak.

Yeah I wouldn't worry about it. I have them all over my ass! I think it was just from a growth spurt.
Shit now I think about it I have them over my ass too, THIS ISN'T HELPING Penis EnlargementOPLE, wheres my noose ??


seriously, i just found some of that cocoa stuff so i'll try it out asap :)
Zurik said:
Yeah, also got them over my ass...Hey levista, where'd you buy the cocoa butter?Drugstore or the mall?

I'm a Brit, so I bought it in a high street chemist. It was in the section where the ladies hand creams are for dry/chapped hands etc.
Well... I don't know if it's any help, but I've been a fat kid for a decade or so now... So, I've had many stretcHydromaxarks on my stomach, but they come and go. Perhaps, you could back off the training some and also, eat better? That's the only things I can think of... I also drink a lot of coffee... who knows?
AncientChina said:
Hahah bro hehehe.....What I am currently using is a body oil...that I can easily rub all over my body...

Dude, I'm thinking naked, co-ed slip-&-slide party at your place.

I'm with you on the stretch mark thing. Got a bunch on my lower stomach, pubis and upper thighs from weight gain throughout my teens.
Well i have to say this cocoa stuff feels ok tho i think its better at prevention of stretcHydromaxarks than getting rid of existing ones.

If nothing else i feel a bit better knowing these are clearly more common on guys than i had previously realised. Thanks guys :)
I have em on my ass, under my arms, on my chest, biceps, groin, thighs, even on my penis.... all from lifting and growing

I just use think of them as war wounds, and some chicks dig em cuz they know you're serious about your body when you lift enough to get em.

Shit dude, some people scar their bodies on purpose, stretcHydromaxarks aren't bad :)
If you get stretch-marks from weight lifting then it ain't from bad training! That's just the muscles growing faster than your skin can accustom. So it's a good thing. I have TONS of stretcHydromaxarks on my dick, I don't even care anymore, my dick looks so messed up nothing can make it worse anymore :D

P.S Also a few on biceps :)
Mederma can help to get rid of stretch marks. Also, sells something called Barmon's Stretch Mark Cream - it has a money back guarantee for up to 3 bottles.
Yeah I'm with you on the Mederma, only thing is you have to use the stuff 3-4 times a day for several weeks before you see any results. And thats IF it works. I have a couple of stretch marks from an old injury on one of my bicepts so I'm trying mederma to see if it works...
I used the mederma on the scars I have from my shoulder operation. Honestly the whole using the stuff 3-4 times a day is horse hockey. The reason being if you look at most companies recommendations for their products, it is usually in a range that would cause you to run out in two to three weeks, meaning you would need to buy more product, even if the stuff didn't work. I used the stuff once or twice a day, usually before bedtime or right out of the shower, and it worked fine. But maybe that's just me. Try it once or twice a day, see if you make improvements over time, hell take pics if you want, but make sure it works like you want it to before buying more. Can't be giving away hard earned money. I know everyone on the board feels that. Holla
other than trying the Mederma or barmon's creme....
what do you guys think of this method? (i think the second link is a procedure-like version of the first link[which trys to make you pay for the info])
I also thought this was a very good article:
"How To Age Rapidly or Not!"
But do you think there is any truth to this (w.r.t. cortisol...)
"Individuals are pleased to find that stretch marks, "love handles," and energy slumps can all disappear when cortisol rhytHydromax is corrected"?
another related article to my above(x2) stretch mark post:

"Eliminate Stretch Marks

To minimize and eliminate your stretch marks always bathe with a loofah. Loofahs grow on trees while hanging on the branches they look like large fruits, they are picked and allowed to dry naturally hence comes a loofah, natures sponge. When buying a loofah look for three things 1. flexibility, 2. density and 3. how hard the sponge is. You do not want a loofah that is too hard as it will damage your skin. It should be flexible, medium soft and not too hard. It will not be soft at your first use, but after continued it gets softer and softer. When rubbing the hip areas and near your chest rub towards your heart. This increases circulation in the area. It may not take them completely away, but you will have to look very hard to find them."
I'm not an expert, but i'm pretty sure that the only way love handles can dissapear, is by losing weight, and cortisol sure as hell has nothing to do with it.
just adding:

"The key to making the stretch marks less permanent is to work on them while they are new and still pink.

Even though there is no method for eliminating stretch marks scars, you can make them less visible. Exfoliate daily by using a loofah in the shower, then apply lotion or Vitamin E / Almond oil afterwards -- be careful -- oils can stain clothing. Also, choose lotions that contain alphahydroxy acid to aid in the smoothing of the skin.

To reduce the appearance of stretch marks you can rub Vick's Vapo rub or Preparation H into the scars -- however, for social reasons don't tell anyone what you're using ;)"
I had some stretch-marks around my stomach and shoulders about a year ago, but they just kind of disappeared...I'm not sure if it was me losing weight or getting more sun, but I didn't do anything consciously to them, and they disappeared...then again, I'm only 17, so they might not have been permament. Vitamen E sounds familiar when talking about Stretch marks, though, so hopefully that'll help you out. Good luck, man.
i have stretcHydromaxarks too, mine is located between the hips and the butt. haha.. but its not as bad.. but, who cares! i wana get rid of it. it sucks.. those guys who dont have it are so lucky.
I've got quite a few stretch marks too.. shoulders, chest, arms, hips etc etc... I found that after a while they fade, but are still just visible. I've tried the cocoa butter, lavender oil, almond oil and all that crap.. and some of it helped....

I read an article on the web (it was a while ago now, can't remember the link), which was about a study into stretch mark products. It concluded that it wasn't actually any particular product that lessened the appearance of strecth marks, but it was the 'massaging action' that was employed. I've tried out this theory with normal baby lotion and it seems to work. Just thought I'd share this with all you guys worried about stretch marks. It takes a while though for any visible differences, a few months... but keep at it and they should gradually fade away :)
they eventually fade to the coulour of your skin and become unoticable unless you are actually looking for them. but the fading can take a few years, lukily mine faded in less than a year.
Well maybe you need to get lean as f**king hell in that case Patrick. Personally I think stretch marks look cool. I wish I had stretch marks, but I dont, do I? and your just loving every minute of it. You guys with stretch marks all think your so special. Well I dont have stretch marks, ok...damnit. Im smooth as a babies butt baby. A babies butt :O
Im sorry, Im not an asshole, really Im not. After doing some research I found that raiseing your fat content can help reduce stretch marks, as well as staying hydrated.
I went to and found some interesting threads on the subject. So...once again...sorry for seeming a tad abrasive.
I didnt think your comments were abrasive. My BF has gone up slightly since Ive started bulking so that could be contributing to some of the new stretch marks. Im also a regular poster at Wannabebig. rofl
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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