i think alot of misunderstanding is going on in this thread. towards female in general.
women shit test you to see if you are for real..
im gonna try and explain it from a womens point of view (which will always be lagging of information as i am not a woman. i just pretend that i understand them)
but luckjy for me i have a device that can zoom in on females brain frequenzies so we can actually read what she thinks.
dancing in front of mirror telling myself im sexy. Check.
1 hour make up session. check.
taking all my clothes out. put them on the floor. don't know what to wear. call my girl to ask her. check.
meeting up with my girls, we are going clubbing dancing and drinking fancy margharitas.
and flirting with guys.
party is on. a couple of guys have flirted with me and i feel i get a big enough boost to my selfworth (and margharitas) that i can now have a conversation with a guy.
"a lightlyfried guy shows up"
alright so he is cute. he makes me laugh and i feel weak in my knees around him. he seems confident.
okay. so he is making me feeling all these emotions. i don't know how to deal with that!
is he this confident? is he this strong in his self confidence? around him i can just relax and be feminine. i feel like a woman right now.
no way there has to be something sticking under. he can't be this confident.
"things escalate and naughty things are happening. and now the scene is staged for a blowjob!"
alright he has shown me enough for me to be sexual with this man. i want him to take me. besides if i don't do it. that other bitch at the bar that looked at him certainly will! holy shit that is one big cock!
Lightlyfried: "ye baby do you like my big cock huh?"
hmm. he has a big cock. check.
and i am currently sucking on it?
why do he wants me to tell him he has a big cock?
i mean he is wearing pants. and he didn't ask me if i liked his pants?
im gonna test him to see if he is for real. or he has me bullshitted up to this point.
girl says: "well i have seen bigger!"
lightlyfried changes facial expression. it takes a women less that a second to see that the remark hit him where it hurts.
women inner dialog: "goddamnit. he didn't have the confidence i thought he would. i am literally offending his manhood while i have it in my mouth. and no reaction no play! no sexy punishment with a smirk smile. not enough self respect to tell me off that i am trying to offend him.
just another man not strong enough to handle me. just another man i can walk all over and wrap around my little finger after a couple of weeks. got damnit i thought i found a guy worth my time. well this fucking sucks. ohh huhu pun intended so am i.
hmm i wonder what maggie is doing right now. do i have milk at home right now? i should buy milk. but the skimmed one not that organic fat shit. im losing my figure. and i can't fit into my favorite jeans.
device loses connection
this is my perception of a womens reality. i suffer from what is called "hsp" hyper sensitive personality. which basicly means that emotions is stronger and alot more apparent to me.
which has always been my gift and curse.
and i seem to find women rather easy to figure out. if you understand what attracts them.
remember brother.
confidence is the fucking key to everything.
and confidence is the key to fucking everything