I got a blowjob off some girl last night. Her first comment was "well... i've seen bigger" and then afterwards I asked "What did you think" she shrugged her shoulders and was like "it's okay". This has sent me down a spiral of paranoia, albeit I didn't have the best EQ and I had a pump session earlier that day, but at around that EQ my erection would of been a minimum of 7/7.5.

This experience has made me question everything about my penis, am I actually 8x5.6? what is that average? would 8x6 even be big? would 9x7 be big? But fuck that slut, I think she just said it to have power over me.
lightlyfried;691363 said:
I got a blowjob off some girl last night. Her first comment was "well... i've seen bigger" and then afterwards I asked "What did you think" she shrugged her shoulders and was like "it's okay". This has sent me down a spiral of paranoia, albeit I didn't have the best EQ and I had a pump session earlier that day, but at around that EQ my erection would of been a minimum of 7/7.5.

This experience has made me question everything about my penis, am I actually 8x5.6? what is that average? would 8x6 even be big? would 9x7 be big? But fuck that slut, I think she just said it to have power over me.

well. if that was her goal. i think she won. i mean she got to your head with 1 comment. and you asking her afterwards. reassured her that she had the power.

think about this:

having a fit body with a sixpack. is nice. but if you need a fit body to have confidence. then it can be taken away from you.

having your ego attached to the size of your cock. can have the same reaction.


find confidence in you being you.

now a book could be read on this subject (and plenty books are talking about this subject)

this is a journey you have to take for yourself if you choose to do so.

for the fun of it i can share a similar story.

dated a girl who had a thing for black guys.

she started talking about this huge ass hulk type of guy with a donkey dick.

my response: "yeah i once dated this chinese chick. i literally had bruises on my cock after fuck sessions. crazy stuff. sowhat where you saying about that big guy?"

never did i hear anything about some huge guy ever again.

the fact is that for a girl to need to have you grabbed by the balls. is in reality evidence that she lacks alot of confidence herself.

a girl friend of mine explained how this huge ass bodybuilder driving a huge mercedes drove down to the gym to open the door for her because she had forgot her gym card (24/7 gym with card access)

she knew he wanted her.

and she used him.

he is literally 2 m tall. and he is build like a beast.

and she playes around with him. why?

he lacks confidence.

confidence doesn't show up in how much you have archived or how big you are.

it basicly shows up in this simply concept.

do you react to the world?

or does the world react to you?

if a woman can make you go crazy like this with 1 comment.

then you are in reaction.

and you have been defeated.

you went in expecting to get a certain reaction from her ("wauw your penis is so big") and you didn't get it. so you reacted to her. she won!

you need to cut your selfworth off from other peoples opinions.

and trust me on this.

when a chick shit tests you (which she basically did) and you pass the test.

you will see girls surrender to you faster than the french
Last edited:
Aimingforthetop;691366 said:
well. if that was her goal. i think she won. i mean she got to your head with 1 comment. and you asking her afterwards. reassured her that she had the power.

think about this:

having a fit body with a sixpack. is nice. but if you need a fit body to have confidence. then it can be taken away from you.

having your ego attached to the size of your cock. can have the same reaction.


find confidence in you being you.

now a book could be read on this subject (and plenty books are talking about this subject)

this is a journey you have to take for yourself if you choose to do so.

for the fun of it i can share a similar story.

dated a girl who had a thing for black guys.

she started talking about this huge ass hulk type of guy with a donkey dick.

my response: "yeah i once dated this chinese chick. i literally had bruises on my cock after fuck sessions. crazy stuff. sowhat where you saying about that big guy?"

never did i hear anything about some huge guy ever again.

the fact is that for a girl to need to have you grabbed by the balls. is in reality evidence that she lacks alot of confidence herself.

a girl friend of mine explained how this huge ass bodybuilder driving a huge mercedes drove down to the gym to open the door for her because she had forgot her gym card (24/7 gym with card access)

she knew he wanted her.

and she used him.

he is literally 2 m tall. and he is build like a beast.

and she playes around with him. why?

he lacks confidence.

confidence doesn't show up in how much you have archived or how big you are.

it basicly shows up in this simply concept.

do you react to the world?

or does the world react to you?

if a woman can make you go crazy like this with 1 comment.

then you are in reaction.

and you have been defeated.

you went in expecting to get a certain reaction from her ("wauw your penis is so big") and you didn't get it. so you reacted to her. she won!

you need to cut your selfworth off from other peoples opinions.

and trust me on this.

when a chick shit tests you (which she basically did) and you pass the test.

you will see girls surrender to you faster than the french

Thank you for taking the time to give me such a detailed reply, I think you are 100% right and I need to take from this situation and learn from it. It was kind of ironic as me and my friend were talking about how women love when guys take control, but they never allow men an opportunity to do that, with social media and things, women always have the power in conversation.
Ouch, man. That comment would have hurt me big time.
But whether a girl would tell me I'm big or small, I still would think she's lying to make her or me feel better.
So in the end it is probably just our own beliefs and egos that are in the way.
Munto;691368 said:
Ouch, man. That comment would have hurt me big time.
But whether a girl would tell me I'm big or small, I still would think she's lying to make her or me feel better.
So in the end it is probably just our own beliefs and egos that are in the way.

well she's going to be disappointed by the amount of "okay" cocks she's going to have
Yeah it sounds like she was trying to kill your ego. I have no doubt that she's 'seen' bigger. Everyones seen bigger. You can jump on the net and type in "monster cock" all day and you'd find at least 1 that appears bigger. Now has she even been with a dude your size or bigger? I highly doubt that. I think we have a Perception vs. Reality problem on her side.

Has she had any kids yet? If she hasn't go ahead and have sex with her then ask her if she's had a kid or two cause it feels much looser than you're normally use to feeling, but reassure her that you find her very attractive despite her obvious gaping flaw. 😂
MoreThanLuck;691376 said:
Yeah it sounds like she was trying to kill your ego. I have no doubt that she's 'seen' bigger. Everyones seen bigger. You can jump on the net and type in "monster cock" all day and you'd find at least 1 that appears bigger. Now has she even been with a dude your size or bigger? I highly doubt that. I think we have a Perception vs. Reality problem on her side.

Has she had any kids yet? If she hasn't go ahead and have sex with her then ask her if she's had a kid or two cause it feels much looser than you're normally use to feeling, but reassure her that you find her very attractive despite her obvious gaping flaw. 😂

Nah we're both 19, I have no interest in pursuing her, I think the entire thing was just an act of horniness, left a kind of sickly feeling in my mouth (metaphorically)
If that is the first thing she said without you bringing size up before then it is obvious she did it to take you down a peg. "Oh my god thats big. He´s probably super cocky about it I should say I´ve had bigger so he doesnt think hes better than me". If she said that without you bringing up the size then its obvious that she saw it was big. If it was normal or small she wouldnt have said anything.
kak03;691378 said:
If that is the first thing she said without you bringing size up before then it is obvious she did it to take you down a peg. "Oh my god thats big. He´s probably super cocky about it I should say I´ve had bigger so he doesnt think hes better than me". If she said that without you bringing up the size then its obvious that she saw it was big. If it was normal or small she wouldnt have said anything.

Hmm good point, she definitely the sort of girl who wants the power, it was a mistake on my part to give it to her.
lightlyfried;691377 said:
Nah we're both 19, I have no interest in pursuing her, I think the entire thing was just an act of horniness, left a kind of sickly feeling in my mouth (metaphorically)

At first I read "sTicky feeling in my mouth"
Man if she reacted that way that implies she's been with a TON of guys...

Seriously she didn't insult you, she just outed herself as a slut.
I think the word slut is so misused and it should be dropped like a bad habit.
There are at least as many male-sluts as there are female-sluts.
Remember, for every girl who has ONS you need at least one more guy.

And besides... maybe it was her first or second ONS and the past two or three guys were long-term relationships (whatever long-term could mean when you're "only" in your teens.) and they might have been well endowed.
gnome2;691382 said:
Man if she reacted that way that implies she's been with a TON of guys...

Seriously she didn't insult you, she just outed herself as a slut.

Nah she isn't in double digits yet, she said the biggest she had, she thinks was 7, but i'm not pursuing this girl in anyway, it was literally purely sexual release
Munto;691387 said:
I think the word slut is so misused and it should be dropped like a bad habit.

I like never use the word. To me, and it appears I was mistaken - anyone who thought OP's size was nothing special, demographically would have had to have seen quite a few.

But again as I said, it appears I was incorrect.
lightlyfried;691377 said:
Nah we're both 19, I have no interest in pursuing her, I think the entire thing was just an act of horniness, left a kind of sickly feeling in my mouth (metaphorically)

DO NOT let this affect you. Considering you are young as hell you have to understand something, by the time you're 25 there's a chance you will run through more girls than you can imagine(unless you are the relationship type) and you must realize that girls have a very bad perception on sex in general. I have been told numerous times they've had bigger dicks than mine, yet they never had an orgasm or squirted, until I come along with my mediocre average penis and change their world. Know what you have, your mind can change anything to what you want it to be. You have an inch of length on me and I can promise you I will please any girl way better than you could(not being a dick or bragging) because I just know I will. Confidence and ego can only be built or weakened through yourself, there should be not one outside factor that plays a role in determining your confidence.
And before you know it, you'll forget all about it. Keep your head up kiddo
mahoney1234;691391 said:
DO NOT let this affect you. Considering you are young as hell you have to understand something, by the time you're 25 there's a chance you will run through more girls than you can imagine(unless you are the relationship type) and you must realize that girls have a very bad perception on sex in general. I have been told numerous times they've had bigger dicks than mine, yet they never had an orgasm or squirted, until I come along with my mediocre average penis and change their world. Know what you have, your mind can change anything to what you want it to be. You have an inch of length on me and I can promise you I will please any girl way better than you could(not being a dick or bragging) because I just know I will. Confidence and ego can only be built or weakened through yourself, there should be not one outside factor that plays a role in determining your confidence.
And before you know it, you'll forget all about it. Keep your head up kiddo

Yeah, experiences like this lead me to being the relationship type. Atleast I can constantly try to improve my self, and I have pe to make sure I can give a good shot at being the best and biggest ;P
lightlyfried;691367 said:
Thank you for taking the time to give me such a detailed reply, I think you are 100% right and I need to take from this situation and learn from it. It was kind of ironic as me and my friend were talking about how women love when guys take control, but they never allow men an opportunity to do that, with social media and things, women always have the power in conversation.

i think alot of misunderstanding is going on in this thread. towards female in general.

women shit test you to see if you are for real..

im gonna try and explain it from a womens point of view (which will always be lagging of information as i am not a woman. i just pretend that i understand them)

but luckjy for me i have a device that can zoom in on females brain frequenzies so we can actually read what she thinks.
dancing in front of mirror telling myself im sexy. Check.
1 hour make up session. check.
taking all my clothes out. put them on the floor. don't know what to wear. call my girl to ask her. check.

meeting up with my girls, we are going clubbing dancing and drinking fancy margharitas.
and flirting with guys.

party is on. a couple of guys have flirted with me and i feel i get a big enough boost to my selfworth (and margharitas) that i can now have a conversation with a guy.

"a lightlyfried guy shows up"

alright so he is cute. he makes me laugh and i feel weak in my knees around him. he seems confident.
okay. so he is making me feeling all these emotions. i don't know how to deal with that!
is he this confident? is he this strong in his self confidence? around him i can just relax and be feminine. i feel like a woman right now.
no way there has to be something sticking under. he can't be this confident.

"things escalate and naughty things are happening. and now the scene is staged for a blowjob!"

alright he has shown me enough for me to be sexual with this man. i want him to take me. besides if i don't do it. that other bitch at the bar that looked at him certainly will! holy shit that is one big cock!

Lightlyfried: "ye baby do you like my big cock huh?"

hmm. he has a big cock. check.
and i am currently sucking on it?
why do he wants me to tell him he has a big cock?
i mean he is wearing pants. and he didn't ask me if i liked his pants?
im gonna test him to see if he is for real. or he has me bullshitted up to this point.

girl says: "well i have seen bigger!"

lightlyfried changes facial expression. it takes a women less that a second to see that the remark hit him where it hurts.

women inner dialog: "goddamnit. he didn't have the confidence i thought he would. i am literally offending his manhood while i have it in my mouth. and no reaction no play! no sexy punishment with a smirk smile. not enough self respect to tell me off that i am trying to offend him.

just another man not strong enough to handle me. just another man i can walk all over and wrap around my little finger after a couple of weeks. got damnit i thought i found a guy worth my time. well this fucking sucks. ohh huhu pun intended so am i.

hmm i wonder what maggie is doing right now. do i have milk at home right now? i should buy milk. but the skimmed one not that organic fat shit. im losing my figure. and i can't fit into my favorite jeans.

device loses connection

this is my perception of a womens reality. i suffer from what is called "hsp" hyper sensitive personality. which basicly means that emotions is stronger and alot more apparent to me.

which has always been my gift and curse.

and i seem to find women rather easy to figure out. if you understand what attracts them.

remember brother.

confidence is the fucking key to everything.

and confidence is the key to fucking everything :)
lightlyfried;691363 said:
I got a blowjob off some girl last night. Her first comment was "well... i've seen bigger" and then afterwards I asked "What did you think" she shrugged her shoulders and was like "it's okay". This has sent me down a spiral of paranoia, albeit I didn't have the best EQ and I had a pump session earlier that day, but at around that EQ my erection would of been a minimum of 7/7.5.

This experience has made me question everything about my penis, am I actually 8x5.6? what is that average? would 8x6 even be big? would 9x7 be big? But fuck that slut, I think she just said it to have power over me.

7 inches a few have seen that and 8 is a bit harder still,she was trying to make you feel inadequte and insecure...
this is my perception of a womens reality. i suffer from what is called "hsp" hyper sensitive personality. which basicly means that emotions is stronger and alot more apparent to me.

Being that sensitive can be a bad idea sometimes,some people can be rude,unmindful,and unkind too.:)and hurt the feelings
Munto;691368 said:
Ouch, man. That comment would have hurt me big time.
But whether a girl would tell me I'm big or small, I still would think she's lying to make her or me feel better.
So in the end it is probably just our own beliefs and egos that are in the way.

yeah can be a complete waste of time being worried about what those skunks can say about penis size,they have seen bigger,they have fucked bigger cocks....

Is a quite strange and confusing topic,we have to understand that we get bigger for ourselves,the rest will come in an easier simpler way...
shortdick;691396 said:
this is my perception of a womens reality. i suffer from what is called "hsp" hyper sensitive personality. which basicly means that emotions is stronger and alot more apparent to me.

Being that sensitive can be a bad idea sometimes,some people can be rude,unmindful,and unkind too.:)and hurt the feelings

i was very agressive and unstable when i was young because of this. luckily an old school martial artist taught me meditation which helped me focus my energy on the things worth focusing on.

my curse became a power :)
Like Aimingforthetop said she was just testing you. Like I said earlier if she said she has had bigger its because she thinks you´re big. Has she had bigger? Maybe. But most likely not. She saw your cock and she thinks its huge. She wanted to test you on it so she said she has had bigger. She doesnt want power over you. Shes just seeing if you will let her do it or not and see if you´re strong enough and confident enough to remain in control of your own emotions.

There is literally no other reason I can think of as to why she would suddenly say "I´ve had bigger" without you bringing it up first. If its average or small she wont say anything. She said it beacuse its big.

So dont worry about it.
kak03;691405 said:
Like Aimingforthetop said she was just testing you. Like I said earlier if she said she has had bigger its because she thinks you´re big. Has she had bigger? Maybe. But most likely not. She saw your cock and she thinks its huge. She wanted to test you on it so she said she has had bigger. She doesnt want power over you. Shes just seeing if you will let her do it or not and see if you´re strong enough and confident enough to remain in control of your own emotions.

There is literally no other reason I can think of as to why she would suddenly say "I´ve had bigger" without you bringing it up first. If its average or small she wont say anything. She said it beacuse its big.

So dont worry about it.

yeah maybe she has but most likely not,you got it all dont get stressed out..
Aimingforthetop;691393 said:
i think alot of misunderstanding is going on in this thread. towards female in general.

women shit test you to see if you are for real..

im gonna try and explain it from a womens point of view (which will always be lagging of information as i am not a woman. i just pretend that i understand them)

but luckjy for me i have a device that can zoom in on females brain frequenzies so we can actually read what she thinks.
dancing in front of mirror telling myself im sexy. Check.
1 hour make up session. check.
taking all my clothes out. put them on the floor. don't know what to wear. call my girl to ask her. check.

meeting up with my girls, we are going clubbing dancing and drinking fancy margharitas.
and flirting with guys.

party is on. a couple of guys have flirted with me and i feel i get a big enough boost to my selfworth (and margharitas) that i can now have a conversation with a guy.

"a lightlyfried guy shows up"

alright so he is cute. he makes me laugh and i feel weak in my knees around him. he seems confident.
okay. so he is making me feeling all these emotions. i don't know how to deal with that!
is he this confident? is he this strong in his self confidence? around him i can just relax and be feminine. i feel like a woman right now.
no way there has to be something sticking under. he can't be this confident.

"things escalate and naughty things are happening. and now the scene is staged for a blowjob!"

alright he has shown me enough for me to be sexual with this man. i want him to take me. besides if i don't do it. that other bitch at the bar that looked at him certainly will! holy shit that is one big cock!

Lightlyfried: "ye baby do you like my big cock huh?"

hmm. he has a big cock. check.
and i am currently sucking on it?
why do he wants me to tell him he has a big cock?
i mean he is wearing pants. and he didn't ask me if i liked his pants?
im gonna test him to see if he is for real. or he has me bullshitted up to this point.

girl says: "well i have seen bigger!"

lightlyfried changes facial expression. it takes a women less that a second to see that the remark hit him where it hurts.

women inner dialog: "goddamnit. he didn't have the confidence i thought he would. i am literally offending his manhood while i have it in my mouth. and no reaction no play! no sexy punishment with a smirk smile. not enough self respect to tell me off that i am trying to offend him.

just another man not strong enough to handle me. just another man i can walk all over and wrap around my little finger after a couple of weeks. got damnit i thought i found a guy worth my time. well this fucking sucks. ohh huhu pun intended so am i.

hmm i wonder what maggie is doing right now. do i have milk at home right now? i should buy milk. but the skimmed one not that organic fat shit. im losing my figure. and i can't fit into my favorite jeans.

device loses connection

this is my perception of a womens reality. i suffer from what is called "hsp" hyper sensitive personality. which basicly means that emotions is stronger and alot more apparent to me.

which has always been my gift and curse.

and i seem to find women rather easy to figure out. if you understand what attracts them.

remember brother.

confidence is the fucking key to everything.

and confidence is the key to fucking everything :)

yes I think you are right
kak03;691405 said:
Like Aimingforthetop said she was just testing you. Like I said earlier if she said she has had bigger its because she thinks you´re big. Has she had bigger? Maybe. But most likely not. She saw your cock and she thinks its huge. She wanted to test you on it so she said she has had bigger. She doesnt want power over you. Shes just seeing if you will let her do it or not and see if you´re strong enough and confident enough to remain in control of your own emotions.

There is literally no other reason I can think of as to why she would suddenly say "I´ve had bigger" without you bringing it up first. If its average or small she wont say anything. She said it beacuse its big.

So dont worry about it.

What you said strikes residence, she was the first girl i've done something with since my ex and before her I was in a year long relationship, so this was the first, fuck and chuck scenario i'd been in for a while (sober). And I was shaking I was that nervous, I guess she won this one, but i've learnt from this experience ten fold.

- - - Updated - - -

shortdick;691396 said:
this is my perception of a womens reality. i suffer from what is called "hsp" hyper sensitive personality. which basicly means that emotions is stronger and alot more apparent to me.

Being that sensitive can be a bad idea sometimes,some people can be rude,unmindful,and unkind too.:)and hurt the feelings

I feel the same way sometimes
I was just thinking also, she was making digs to deflate my ego all night, but the penis one was the only one that struck residence, she had a shock reaction at my physique - saw it fueled my ego, and then quickly down played it
not many guys are capable of getting laid whiule sober so respect for that!

i don't respect a man for his results but for his work (lets face it. results can be a lucky draw. hard work can't)

most guys are nervous in that situation. especially after a relationship so all the respect to you for taking action.

my advise is to take my technique in this situation.

for me personally when a girl starts shit testing me. i will get this big evil smile on my face "muhahahaha" it says.


because in the last 3 years there has been a 9 out of 10 chance of me getting punani when a girl starts to shit test me.

ok so imagine these scenarios:

guy sits quitely in his own mind at a bar in a club. girl walks up to him: "hey sir you are fat and you rpobably have a small penis!"

guy walks up to a 10 year old boy: "yoh dog! you want some of this? you don't think i throw down? i can take you liuke right here! right now! im gonna go all beast mode on you!"

what is off here? what doesn't make sense?

let's take another scenario.

world champion walks down the boxing ring defending his title for the 15th time. a young contestant jumps up infront of him and starts screaming: "yo man i can take you! let's meet eachother in the ring!

and another one.

a nice good lucking confident guy is charming 3 girls at the same time. and he seem to do this effortless the girls are jigglish and having fun.
one of the girls look at him and laughs: "you are rich aren't you?"

these make a lot more sense don't they?

no one will challenge you to a fight if you're a 10 year old.

no one will comment on your physique when you are daydreaming in the bar.


a person who has evidence of his/her value. will constantly be tested. (want to measure how much you have archived in life count the numbers of haters that you have)

a guy who seem confident will be tested constantly.

now stop and think for a second. what category are you?

for me personally when a girl starts to shit test me. i assume she is feeling so attracted to me that she is testing if what she see's is fake or real. because she considers to go for you.

if you want to buy a cool car for a low price. surely you want to check the service book to make sure that the car has been proper maintained. right?
now why are you doing this? because you don't want to buy the car?

no! because you already withdrew the money and you expect to drive home in it. you already imagined the trip on the highway and everything.

so let me ask you. the next time a girl who has your cock halfway down her throat starts to shit test you what do you do?

my answer in your case: "ohh you had bigger. then i guess deepthroating will be a breeze for you (starts forcing her head further down your cock. in a joking matter)

bonus info:

some girls love to be "put in their place" i need to emphacize how important it is to understand that you need to be very clear in you respecting her if you want this to work to your advantage. but as you force her head down on your cock. how does she react?

you might experience her actually getting into it just for a small second before she stops you (she needs to. you might think she is a slut and all)

if she does this. compliment her: "ohh a real woman who is in contact with her sexuality. i am surely going to enjoy this." "baby this is between the 2 of us. let's have fun. im still gonna respect you in the morning. but i would like to get freaky with you. and im pretty sure you want to aswell"

trust me on this. you will open pandoras box when you get to this point with girls. this is good or bad. not all guys are ready to hear the truth of what goes on in a womans mind.

but to name a few i have had girls inviting their girlfriends over for threesomes.

i have had girls who practiced deepthroating on me.

im into the kinky stuff so collar and handcuffs etc aswell.

when a woman realizes that she can live out her sexuality with you without you going all old testament on her ass.

man. you are in for a threat.

ohh and just for info. im 7 inches when im at my peak. and i am perceived as being big.

so stop questioning yourself. the only thing that went bad here was that she could poke through your confidence. but i believe that if you read this and understand this it will not happen again
You know this shit works both ways; tell a woman she's ok and you had better/hotter and her confidence will be challenged just as much...
Lol, update on the situation, she just asked me to go around to hers, I could but i'd rather do the rest of my work and I have an early morning, plus had a hefty pump session so EQ would be bad. Looks like I can get my upper hand after all.
lightlyfried;691421 said:
Lol, update on the situation, she just asked me to go around to hers, I could but i'd rather do the rest of my work and I have an early morning, plus had a hefty pump session so EQ would be bad. Looks like I can get my upper hand after all.
making yourself readily unavailable she'll want it even more...
lightlyfried;691421 said:
Lol, update on the situation, she just asked me to go around to hers, I could but i'd rather do the rest of my work and I have an early morning, plus had a hefty pump session so EQ would be bad. Looks like I can get my upper hand after all.

Perfect. Seems like you´re in for some fun.

I´m not a party kind of guy and I dont hook up much. More of a relationship guy. but just remember if a girl is having lunch with you its because she wants to have sex with you. Otherwise she would just do lunch with one of her friends. If a girl talks to you at a bar its because she wants to have sex with you otherwise she would just chat with her friends. If a girl comes home with you its because she wants to have her brains fucked out otherwise she would be home watching netflix.

If shes there with you she wants you. If she´s taking jabs at you and trying to deflate your ego its because she wants to test if you´re man enough that she can feel sexually safe with you or if she should hold back. So next time just dont let it get to you. Its not true. She´s just testing you. So dont mind it at all. She says she had bigger? Only reason she would say that is because she thinks you´re huge and she wants to see if you can handle it when she tells you its not. So dont care about it. Just say something cocky back at her and grab the back of her head.
kak03;691431 said:
Perfect. Seems like you´re in for some fun.

I´m not a party kind of guy and I dont hook up much. More of a relationship guy. but just remember if a girl is having lunch with you its because she wants to have sex with you. Otherwise she would just do lunch with one of her friends. If a girl talks to you at a bar its because she wants to have sex with you otherwise she would just chat with her friends. If a girl comes home with you its because she wants to have her brains fucked out otherwise she would be home watching netflix.

If shes there with you she wants you. If she´s taking jabs at you and trying to deflate your ego its because she wants to test if you´re man enough that she can feel sexually safe with you or if she should hold back. So next time just dont let it get to you. Its not true. She´s just testing you. So dont mind it at all. She says she had bigger? Only reason she would say that is because she thinks you´re huge and she wants to see if you can handle it when she tells you its not. So dont care about it. Just say something cocky back at her and grab the back of her head.

We'll see how she reacts when her cervix meets my penis and see how cocky she is then muhahaha
Threak-X;691425 said:
making yourself readily unavailable she'll want it even more...

Every time I have a gf, girls become more interested in me, because i'm not interesting in perusing them, I become an object of desire.
lightlyfried;691434 said:
We'll see how she reacts when her cervix meets my penis and see how cocky she is then muhahaha

LOL this. Sure, a girl can make a comment that you are small or she has had bigger/much bigger...but if you go 1/2-3/4 in and she yells ouch not so deep...it kind of takes any bite out of her previous comment.
lightlyfried;691434 said:
We'll see how she reacts when her cervix meets my penis and see how cocky she is then muhahaha
Metaphorically or Figuratively... Using your cock as a battering-ram to bust-down her narcissistic arrogance.
Threak-X;691449 said:
Metaphorically or Figuratively... Using your cock as a battering-ram to bust-down her narcissistic arrogance.

I wanna battle ram a bitch!
acromegaly;691558 said:
agreed, do not give crazy bitches head space

yep head space is only for useful stuff,thinking about shitty people is a waste of time and energy:P

good women are the ones the bros need :)
shortdick;691564 said:
good women are the ones the bros need :)

For what we put ourselves through to better ourselves, we deserve the finest, coolest, best women in the world!
doublelongdaddy;691597 said:
For what we put ourselves through to better ourselves, we deserve the finest, coolest, best women in the world!

Our PE lifestyle is something people wont understand LOL specially cause i woke up early this fucking morning n i forgot to hide my [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]BM[/words] luckily it was in my room.. but lets hope no body saw it...fucking terrible situation :Profl

We deserve fine girls cool girls,honest n hot..We work hard, we do PE everyday,we are productive useful,and even a bit intelligent we deserve better..

We are not scum LOL
Last edited:
shortdick;691628 said:
Our PE lifestyle is something people wont understand LOL specially cause i woke up early this fucking morning n i forgot to hide my [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]BM[/words] luckily it was in my room.. but lets hope no body saw it...fucking terrible situation :Profl

We deserve fine girls cool girls,honest n hot..We work hard, we do PE everyday,we are productive useful,and even a bit intelligent we deserve better..

We are not scum LOL

So true :)!
Now we just have to find those girls or let them find us.

I wouldn't mind Carter Cruise and Kennedy Leigh finding me, lol
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