The penis is such a massive thing, big or small, it commands an attention that is like no other. Women, from the beginning of time, have had an envy of a part of themselves they are lacking, the penis. This creates an inherent, inadequacy that becomes projected on many parts of their lives. A man, in todays fucked up society, is defined by his power and unfortunately the penis is synonymous with power. I guess this is why penis enlargement is so huge.
When there are emotions involved between a man and woman there are particular, natural sequences of defensiveness that incur (male or female). For me, when I am feeling emotional towards a woman, negative or positive, my penis becomes a security blanket or a place of self ridicule. Just like myself, many men rely heavily on their sexuality during intense experiences with the opposite sex. This, as much as we would love to think we can hide from them, is VERY VISIBLE. When you consider how delicate the subject is in our own minds even the smallest insinuation from a female will aggravate this insecurity to no end.
This is easily seen in a positive scenario where a man and woman make satisfying, love and the female compliments the man's size. Regardless of the way he was feeling about himself previous to this comment will be completely replaced or enforced by the compliment. The other side of the same coin involves equally powerful sexual tactics. The same penis that we rely so much on for power by the opposite sex can be stripped in moments by the same woman who at one time made us feel so huge. It is very easy, even if you were Mandingo, the smallest, creatively manipulative comment can reduce a man's confidence to the level most woman feel in penis envy.
I can say, "hey your 8" and your huge and she is full of shit" but these words have very little credence when a female voice of respect deliver the opposite.
You need to see her, women in general on a primitive level and understand that words sent to destroy are usually because the sender feels the need to make themselves feel better.