Girl at work wants me but I'm not sure about the age


Well-known member
Hello gentelmen :cool: At work currently a girl who works in the kitchen and assists the chef with the meals and doing the tables has a crush on me so I've been told by other female members of staff.

She's a pretty fit blonde with a nice body and rack. She's also quite petite aswell. I;ve caught her looking my way several times but I dont tend to flirt in my line of work, which is the medical field as I'm alwasy in the vicinity of patients so I have to watch by behaviour :s

Okay so the problem is that her age is only 16. I'm 26 and someone told her this and she wasn't concerned by the age difference. I would be interested but the age has be scared, I see it as risky myself but what do the rest of you think? she is of legal age but in the UK naked images or anything in a state of undress of anyone under the age of 18 is still considered child abuse.

I would feel like a dirty swine and not to mention, not bragging here but my penis would be way too large for her tight pussy.
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What's Up,Red

To be honest i would not risk the jail time or a great job for some young pussy,Especially in this economy,
The thing is young girls like that will often get to attached and probably look at you as a father figure,And then if you do not give her what she wants she will most likely bring
a damn backlash of bullshit to you(Hell Have No Fury Like A Young Girl Scorn) Red trust from here in the states,Just not worth a great job or the hassle.
But to each his own,Good Luck with that Chick:)

fuck her but not on the job, today a 16 year old is probably been doing anal since 14, blowjobs are like going for some ice cream, don't let the age fool ya, look at her as she want you to!
I would feel like a dirty swine and not to mention, not bragging here but my penis would be way too large for her tight pussy.
And in the end she will go to court and tell people you are a rapist (remember the case in Turkey? A German guy had sex with a teenage girl and exactly this happened...), LEAVE HER, DON'T TOUCH HER!!! That's my advice...
lazyhanger;403741 said:
And in the end she will go to court and tell people you are a rapist (remember the case in Turkey? A German guy had sex with a teenage girl and exactly this happened...), LEAVE HER, DON'T TOUCH HER!!! That's my advice...

No don't listen to him, do what your penis tells you!
And again be the guy that gets the job done!
Take her by the hand and get her on the couch, make her believe this is normal...
Red--first off, let me say, that I had no idea that you are only 26. You write with such great authority and eloquence that I envisioned you to be my senior. Sir, you are way too smart to go around messing with this 16 year old girl.

One of the top ten rules of the dating / sex world is: Never get your honey and your money in the same place aka, don't shit where your sleep.

At 26 y/o, the world is open to you, full of opportunities. What I would do to be 26 again! You can have the daughters and the mothers both! There are so many, many other possibilities out there for a young, good looking man who is also well endowed.

What does a 16 y/o girl have to offer? Nothing. Still stuck living with the parents, which means all kinds of rules, curfews, sneaking arounds and etc. Still in school, which is a limit on where and how you can come and go, whether it be a simple date, dinner, or vacation. Financial dependence, do you really want to have to pay for everything? Emotional instability. She is in school, this lends her to spending much more time around other guys than she would ever have to spend with you. Societal taboos. People just plain look down on an adult man having anything to do with a 16 y/o--especially when the man is the senior. In the bedroom, a 16 y/o surely can't be that good. I mean consider the time you have spent on making yourself a better lover, why waste that on someone that would be less than fulfilling. Legally, I have no idea what the law is in the UK. I can't say that I have actually enjoyed sex with anyone under the age of 25, ever, even when I myself was that age. What if things go sour between you 2? It could make work very uncomfortable, and no matter what, you will be viewed as the villain (because you are a man, and because you are older).

Be smart dude, thank her for the compliment if she approaches you, and move on. There are much better opportunities out there. Opportunities that what fuck up your life. My best lovers have always been the upper 30's to early 40's.
lazyhanger;403741 said:
And in the end she will go to court and tell people you are a rapist (remember the case in Turkey? A German guy had sex with a teenage girl and exactly this happened...), LEAVE HER, DON'T TOUCH HER!!! That's my advice...

Makes a GOOD point
I would skip her Red. You're a good guy, she is not worth the risk.
However, you can try get to know her better and see if she has hot friends of colleagues ;).
This blog is made of sissies and fagots, don't listen to them!
You are a man and man always goes for the pussy, just be smart about it!
Don't go dating her, don't go taking pictures with her, and don't parade her, take her somewhere secluded and do your thing!
These are your best years, you wont be doing this when you are 40, now you can!
Do it for you,us and of course, me,report back soldier, your territories need to expand!
These chumps above are not the encouragement you need, i am!

Life is about taking risks, if you listen to them you will never go surfing, taking chances with money, riding motorcycles, destroying a pride parade and stuff...
I hope you have the right answer!
The prize is worth it!
I do not care what anyone say's that was pretty funny:)
But seriously tho young pussy just ain't worth the hassle,Then again i am 32 and black and here in the united states black man will get skinned alive for some shit like That,
But like i said before different strokes for different folks,And if you fell the need to do it.

Interesting....See how this one plays out.
Superdick;403784 said:
I do not care what anyone say's that was pretty funny:)
But seriously tho young pussy just ain't worth the hassle,Then again i am 32 and black and here in the united states black man will get skinned alive for some shit like That,
But like i said before different strokes for different folks,And if you fell the need to do it.


Thank you Sir, may you get some....
stillwantmore2;403799 said:
Again, where HE lives it's LEGAL.

And that is that! Stay clear of her, in two years if she still wants the Red Man give her the cock.
REDZULU2003;403731 said:
Hello gentelmen :cool: At work currently a girl who works in the kitchen and assists the chef with the meals and doing the tables has a crush on me so I've been told by other female members of staff.

She's a pretty fit blonde with a nice body and rack. She's also quite petite aswell. I;ve caught her looking my way several times but I dont tend to flirt in my line of work, which is the medical field as I'm alwasy in the vicinity of patients so I have to watch by behaviour :s

Okay so the problem is that her age is only 16. I'm 26 and someone told her this and she wasn't concerned by the age difference. I would be interested but the age has be scared, I see it as risky myself but what do the rest of you think? she is of legal age but in the UK naked images or anything in a state of undress of anyone under the age of 18 is still considered child abuse.

I would feel like a dirty swine and not to mention, not bragging here but my penis would be way too large for her tight pussy.
If it seems sketchy and like a very bad idea, then you shouldn't do it. I mean there is that possibility that thing can go wrong and she could lie and call you a rapist, and no man wants to be called that and end up in jail. It's probably best to play it safe and skip her.
I would feel like a dirty swine and not to mention, not bragging here but my penis would be way too large for her tight pussy.
You could probably receive a big surprise Red. I had a youngen myself (which actually lied bout her age) and I was surprised to find out how well she was able to take dick. Being a player most of my life, I had encountered many women, older, younger, married, unmarried, kids, no kids, skinny, thick, whatever and I thought this chick looked too thin and plus she told me she had just turned 18 but I'm sure she probably could have taken Mandingo wit no problem. After dating her for like 4 or 5 months her step mom revealed that she was only 16 when I met her, so 17 when I was told. I'd be concerned about fucingk wit her since she is under age but if it is legal in your country, let her have it and tell us all about it (in detail man, haha).
I was going to go out with this girl who was 17 at the time ( She's 18 now ). I was 23. She was kind of crazy too, and probably would've called the Police if I dumped her--make up a story to put me in jail. So, I had to let her go. She had a boyfriend too who was super-jealous of a big-ass black dude dating his girl. Best not to risk it. Young girls aren't that mature ( Obviously ).
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It still seems like most of the replies are coming from men who obviously live in the States and have to abide by different laws and social taboos. Did nobody see where Red says he lives in the UK and the age of consent there is 16, NOT 18 like in the U.S.?

Red, I say go with whatever your gut tells you. Don't take any nude images of her and you're good, right?

First post fixed for the ignorant blokes not paying attention to the details and only inserting their biased opinions. ;)
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I see what your saying and like i said before different strokes for different folks,Young girls to me are a waste of time,I prefer older ones.
But damn Red ''SUPenis EnlargementRMAN DAT HO" &

If it's legal video might not be such a bad idea.
Get the wee thing to show her ID, answer "yes" to understanding that she is about to have consensual sex, etc.

Now if it is legal....
Red please be sure to get a good shot of the little vixens eyes turning into saucers when she sees the size of your meat stick for the 1st time.
That's liable to be priceless.

I'm thinking risk outweighs, legal or not. Your at work bro.

On the contrary she could pass about notice of your mammoth dick which might get you recognized as "King Kock" in the halls behind your back. After you or this girl moves on this may lead to a whole lot more ass.
Deagle;403897 said:

I'm thinking risk outweighs, legal or not. Your at work bro.

On the contrary she could pass about notice of your mammoth dick which might get you recognized as "King Kock" in the halls behind your back. After you or this girl moves on this may lead to a whole lot more ass.

True support bro, that is the truth even if she gets scared its a good thing, you fucked her she wants none of you but tells the others girls they should not sleep with you because you are too big!
Such a shame...:(
Wow what allot of replies. I wasn't expecting so many response but thank you guys for taking the time and effort with this. I enjoyed reading ALL the comments and particularly liked Yugos sense of humour, good stuff.

Okay what I'm going to do is my gut instinct and that is to stay WELL CLEAR of this girl. It doesn't feel right tbh going with someone aged 16 or 17 for me. 18 and 19 are okay but they tend to be immature for me most of the time. This girl I don't know at all and only see her in passing the kitchen area and its a crush like teens get I would assume.

I've had sex with girls her age when I was HER AGE and a little above but never in my 20's. Its different now, different way of thinking and even though she's legal it just would not fit right ... the father could be just 8 years older than me and be like a raging bull if he found out, and I wouldn't blame him. I'm imaging myself with a kid who's 16 and a girl going with a man aged 26 ... I would be pretty pissed off about it and see it as him taking advantage and wondering why he cant fuck pussy nearer his digits.

So I'll just be friendly and not lead her on or anything like that. I actually have my eyes on two girls in the building and they are older. One is 19 nearly 20 and the other is 23. Problem is both have boyfriends hahaha My best sex has been with women in their 30's as well, someone pointed that out.

Something else to think about would be if it got out around the building that someone my age was seeing her ... I don't think many people would look upon it in good taste deep down and that in itself can harm promotion. My main reasons now for giving her the side step is it just doesn't feel right and I could get pussy in town and older if I wanted and that would be safer than doing it in my own yard.
Quick update on the girl. I found out that she is actually from a wealthy family! The mother drives a top of the range BathmateW sports car haha guess she wanted abit of rough with the old reddy-rambone. She is nearly 17 I have been told, so who knows ''perhaps'' next-year at a drunken party she'll feel what its like to be a women hahaha what bullshit, seriously though it doesn't shock me with the wealthy kids and I would like to be in a situation where I could have my throbbing cock bulge in my pants in her line of sight haha
Coming from a workplace point of view I say to hell with it! There's always that possiblity of it coming back to bite you in the ass down the road and not in a good way!
Thats right but now I have my eye on another colleague who I work with from time to time and who is near my age. Shes pretty hot and I've caught her many times checking my package out. She's single as well and has a child. I may attempt a move at Christmas time because than we'll all be out on the lash and I can take her somewhere private for mamba loving and kisses hahaha This is one girl who I bet is dirty in bed and can take a big cock, has a large arse as well and I often find myself getting aroused when working with her. I may have to become erect and have my bulge showing in her line of sight sometime and see what happens.
Find a girl 26 (your own age). Her pussy should still be nice and tight. Its not worth ending your career and going to prison.
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