Never once did I feel happy about it or better for seeing it because of what size I have.
Many millions across cyberspace will laugh to this from males to females but its someones misfortune in this 'perfect' world we now occupy, that he will feel like he may feel about his penis which I assume is that of negativity and wanting it bigger.
I'll say this though, the man has more balls than many men and certainly allot of members on these forums who wont post pictures or havent posted pictures of their sizes and gains [Yes I respect privacy BUT when these guys keep chimeing in one others pix allot and saying its not this and it looks like that than they are in the wrong imo] and yet he has a small micropenis! He doesnt mind showing us it ... yet we have large members here who wont show because they arent ready or whatever else and I do respect guys wishes to not post pix because of privacy but they should note that if they do this, not to judge or openly discuss another mans penis in public as they have no room to talk .. like those who dont vote at election day yet still moan about who's in power.
I praise this guy for his courage in geting the image out across cyberspace and being proud of his INDIVIDUALITY of being HIM, being HIS OWN MAN and not a sheep following everyone else's thoughts and ideas about whats accepted and whats not accepted ... he's makeing people aware of this problem and I can only wish to oneday speak with someone like him or the man himself.