My girlfriend loves getting fingered and I have several techniques that I always use. Does anybody have any "tricks" or interesting techniques they use to get her off that they would like to share. Thanks
did that on past girlfriends.....but I'm not sure if this one is ready for that just yet....still sticking to the pink for now, I dont want to get too gully to fast. HAHA
i always thought the shocker(2 in the pink, 1 in the stink) was a joke and no one did it. You guys seriously do that to ur gf's and it works???
i did it on accident on my last GF. she told me i had one in her butt later but she didnt complain the whjole time i was doing it. lol
HAHA....the shocker...haha

Well i am kinda a rookie at this but i find/beleieve that if you locate the g-spot with your finger and go to town on that you will be golden.....

Escobar....what are your several techniques?.....i would like to know cause the only on i know is in and out.....
I always use my ring and middle finger. Kind of bend them and keep your other fingers straight. In and out, in and out. =)
BeBobBox said:
i always thought the shocker(2 in the pink, 1 in the stink) was a joke and no one did it. You guys seriously do that to ur gf's and it works???

I like banging chicks in the ass then makin em suck my fingers clean ahhaa
1 out of say 5 hehe I dunno I dont really ask "hey can I fuck you in the ass" I just kinda work with it and if they are willing they will show the signs.
girthius said:
When they have both hands on their cheeks spread apart, and their ring piece dilating?

lol I dunno bout that...

Like I do em doggy and every now and then pull out and rub my head on they butt hole. You can tell if they wouldn't mind you putting it in or if they dont want it.
The fingering technique is used by many ranchers to tell quickly the sex of a calf in the dark! If you can insert 2, you have a female, 1 for a male.
With your right hand, catch her clit between your index finger and ring finger while holding them straight out and together and go in a circular motion. With your left hand, palm up, insert your index finger in vagina as far as possible, push lightly toward the front of the vagina to touch the g-spot and then start moving it in a circular motion as well. While doing both as the same time, make an intense, smoky expression on your face, and start growling in a low and breathy voice, "Oh, baby, your pussy is so sexy! Oh, yeah...I want you to cum for me, baby. I want you to come hard for me baby!"

That should pretty much do it for her.

...always worked for me anyway.
kong1971 said:
make an intense, smoky expression on your face, and start growling in a low and breathy voice, "Oh, baby, your pussy is so sexy! Oh, yeah...

HAHAHA Man Your posts are comic relief. The way you describe things make them seem funny although they are true.

Thats a good trick however can't wait to try it.
get her g-spot worked up and then get rough with it,I notice my wife also likes her cervix stroked be gentle with the cervix and rough with the g
I especially like playing with the opening of the cervix it is towards the bottom just under where the cervix makes a point.
kausion_420 said:
lol I dunno bout that...

Like I do em doggy and every now and then pull out and rub my head on they butt hole. You can tell if they wouldn't mind you putting it in or if they dont want it.
you should just ask. you don't want to make the mistake and read the wrong signs.

I got fingered when I was younger, but I hate it now.
Interesting, ladylove. My wife doesn't care to be fingered now either. I have noticed that, as she gets older, she becomes more like I used to be. I want the foreplay now where she is like "Stop playing around and stick it in!"
I think I only tolerated fingering. Then I discovered oral sex, and penetration. Now I'm like don't stick your dirty hands up there. Yeast infections are a bitch. LOL ;) I don't even like it when my partner touched my butt with his penis, or mouth and then touched my vagina. Even if it was an accident.
I usally rub the mons in a crilce then make the circlesmaller oneach move inward then never touch the clit and make her beg for it. Also sesaw yor fingers on each thigh near her oussy
My wife likes it when i insert the index and middle finger in the pink and use the thumb on her clitty (being carefull not to put too much pressure on the clit) talking nasty to her the whole time. This way i can stimulate both the g-spot and clitty at the same time. I love doing this while she's laying on her side/back sucking me off. Gets her off and gets me nice and hard for...
i can understand why people want to give their partners pleasure but wouldnt the best thing to do is just ask her what she likes? every girl i have been with masterbates so they should know what works and what doesnt.
a couple of your fingers in "the pink" (as you all seem to say), put them in as far as they will go then curve your finger making a "come here" gesture (assuming she is on her back it will be toward her bellybutton). Keep rubbing, thrusting your fingers curved upward and either she will love it or hate it. I would imagine that some women who have never had it done to them before will tell you to stop and that they have to urinate, but she doesn't, it just feels that way at first. The feeling should then turn pleasurable and she should be arching her hips, grinding against you. If someone does that to me and talks dirty to me...oh and doing that an a vibrator on my clit. I will shoot farther than most of you men who pee for distance. It is the best intense orgasm.

Not bad for a first post *grin* I see that I am not the only women here and for that I am grateful. I wondered if there was room for a woman on a penis enlargement list and it looks like there is.

Is this not the place to tell all of you it isn't really about size it is about how you use it? Girth is better than length in my opinion.
Here's a nice lesson in Tantric massage of the Yoni (pussy):

The Tantric massage will make you feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important, or are forgotten altogether.

I will begin by having you recline on your back with pillows under your head and a towel covered pillow supporting your hips. Your legs will be slightly apart, your knees just a little bent. Your abdomen, thighs, feet, toes, chest, nipples and fingers are then gently massaged with warm aromatic oil. Nothing will escape attention. Your energy flow is stimulated and senses awakened as your body's sensitivity increases. According to Tantric ideals, your entire body will be massaged, including those particularly sensitive areas Perceptions of sensuality and lust are located here, but these "intimate" areas are an important source of joy in life.

You will feel relaxed, yet wide awake. You will be coached to breathe properly, as you sink into yet deeper level of relaxation. In this very loving ceremony you will be completely nurtured and pampered with my loving hands, giving you a feeling of comfort and sense of well-being.

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina that is loosely translated as "sacred space" or "Sacred Temple." In Tantra, the Yoni is seen from a perspective of love and respect. This is particularly important for men to learn.

Before beginning the Yoni massage it is important to create a space for the woman (the receiver) in which to relax, from which she can more easily enter a state of high arousal and experience great pleasure from her Yoni. Her partner (the giver) will experience the joy of giving pleasure and witnessing a special moment. The Yoni massage can also be used as a form of "safe sex" and is an excellent activity to build trust and intimacy. Some massage and sex therapists use it to assist women to break through sexual blocks or trauma.

The goal of the Yoni massage is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is often a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal can be as simple as to pleasure and massage the Yoni. From this perspective both receiver and giver can relax, and do not have to worry about achieving any particular goal. When orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. It is also helpful for the giver to not expect anything in return, but simply allow the receiver to enjoy the massage and to relax into herself.

The massage
Have the receiver lie on her back with pillows under her head so she can look down at her genitals and up at her partner (giver). Place a pillow, covered with a towel, under her hips. Her legs are to be spread apart with the knees slightly bent (pillows or cushions under the knees will also help) and her genitals clearly exposed for the massage. This position allows full access to the Yoni and other parts of the body. Before contacting the body, begin with deep, relaxed breathing. Both giver and receiver should remember to breathe deeply, slowly and with relaxation during the entire process. The giver will gently remind the receiver to start breathing again if the receiver stops or begins to take shallower breaths. Deep breathing, not hyperventilating, is most important.

Gently massage the legs, abdomen, thighs, breasts, etc., to encourage the receiver to relax and for the giver to prepare for touching her Yoni. Pour a small quantity of a high-quality oil or lubricant on the mound of the Yoni. Pour just enough so that it drips down the outer lips and covers the outside of the Yoni. Begin gently massaging the mound and outer lips of the Yoni. Spend time here and do not rush. Relax and enjoy giving the massage. Gently squeeze the outer lip between the thumb and index finger, and slide up and down the entire length of each lip. Do the same to the inner lips of the Yoni/vagina. Take your time. The receiver should tell the giver if the pressure, speed, depth, etc. need to be increased or decreased. Limit your conversation and focus on the pleasurable sensation, too much talking will diminish the effect.

The Crown Jewel
The clitoris is an amazingly complex structure, similar in function to the male's glands, but surprisingly - up to four times more sensitive. The glands portion of the clitoris holds 6,000 - 8,000 sensory nerve endings, more than any other structure in the human body. This hypersensitive node has only one purpose: pleasure. Nothing exceeds its ability to receive and transmit sensations of touch, pressure or vibration. The glands are "crown jewel" of the clitoral system!

Gently stroke the clitoris with clockwise and counter-clockwise circles. Gently squeeze it between thumb and index fingers. Do this as a massage and not to get the receiver off. The receiver will undoubtedly become very aroused but continue to encourage her to relax and breathe.

Slowly and with great care, insert the middle finger of your right hand into the Yoni (there is a reason for using the right hand as opposed to the left. It has to do with polarity in Tantra). Very gently explore and massage the inside of the Yoni with this finger. Take your time, be gentle, and feel up, down and sideways. Vary the depth, speed and pressure. It is important to remember that this is a massage in which you are nurturing and relaxing the Yoni. With your palm facing up, and the middle finger inside the Yoni, move the middle finger in a "come here" gesture or crook back towards the palm. You will contact a spongy area of tissue just under the pubic bone, behind the clitoris. This is the G-spot or in Tantra, "the sacred spot". She may feel the need to urinate, experience a little discomfort or most hopefully pleasure. Vary the pressure, speed and pattern of movement. You can move side to side, back and forth, or in circles with your middle finger. You can also insert the finger that's between your middle finger and pinky.

Most women should have no problem and will enjoy the increased stimulation from two fingers. Take your time and be very gentle. You may use the thumb of the right hand to stimulate the clitoris as well. An option to try if the receiver wants it is to insert the pinky of the right hand into her anus. [In Tantra, it is said that when your pinky is gently massaging her anus, the next finger and middle finger in her Yoni and your thumb on her clitoris, "You are holding one of the mysteries of the universe in your hand."]

You can use your left hand to massage her breasts, abdomen, or clitoris. If you massage the clitoris it's usually best to use the thumb in an up down motion, with the rest of the hand resting on, and massaging the mound. The dual stimulation of right and left hands will provide much pleasure for the receiver. Continue massaging, using varying speed, pressure and motion, all the while continuing to breathe deeply and looking into each other's eyes. She may have powerful emotions come up and may cry. Just keep breathing and be gentle. Some women have been sexually abused and need to be healed. A giving, loving and patient partner can be of immeasurable value to her. If she has an orgasm, keep her breathing, and continue massaging if she wants. More orgasms may occur, each gaining in intensity. In Tantra this is called "riding the wave."

In ending the massage, slowly, gently, and with respect, remove your hands. Allow her to relax and enjoy the afterglow of the Yoni massage. Cuddling or holding is very soothing as well. As you learn to master the Yoni massage your sex life will be greatly enriched and you will learn a great deal about feminine sexuality.