After 3 full months of consistant penis enlargement I have been getting pissed off every time i do my streching jelq for the day. Its such a pain in the ass recently. So repeataive and mind numbing i feel like fuckin punching something after about 10 mins. I have so much shit and responsabilitys that the hour i do my Penis Enlargement is the only free hour of my day, and i just feel overwelmed and run down. I need something new i think, cause for a while there I used to get happy and pumped up to start my Penis Enlargement. Now recently I just wanna knock someone the fuck out.
I dont want to stop Penis Enlargement, but im afraid cause im really starting to dread it big time.
ANyone feel similar?, have advice?, wish to comment? Feel Free.
I dont want to stop Penis Enlargement, but im afraid cause im really starting to dread it big time.
ANyone feel similar?, have advice?, wish to comment? Feel Free.