Extremly Bothered Recently

After 3 full months of consistant penis enlargement I have been getting pissed off every time i do my streching jelq for the day. Its such a pain in the ass recently. So repeataive and mind numbing i feel like fuckin punching something after about 10 mins. I have so much shit and responsabilitys that the hour i do my Penis Enlargement is the only free hour of my day, and i just feel overwelmed and run down. I need something new i think, cause for a while there I used to get happy and pumped up to start my Penis Enlargement. Now recently I just wanna knock someone the fuck out.

I dont want to stop Penis Enlargement, but im afraid cause im really starting to dread it big time.
ANyone feel similar?, have advice?, wish to comment? Feel Free.

Maybe cut it down for a few months and cement the gains you've made before cutting off completely. The problem for your is probably that you don't feel a NEED to gain more at your size, so you have less motivation. This is not really a problem at all, though, because you're already big enough. Some might even argue that you're doing yourself a disservice if you gain much more. Understand that if you don't want to do it now, it won't be a problem for you, and you can always come back to it later in life.
I wonder if you are frustrated that the Penis Enlargement is not working quicker or for some other reason. What do you think it stems from. IMO you should try to chill a bit and try to think of yourself being in Penis Enlargement for the long run. Let it become part of your life and a part that you enjoy. Try to work out exactly what is pissing you off.

Or maybe you should just buy one of those rubber men that you see at the gym. The ones that are made to be beat on. After every session just kick the shit out of it. LOL :)
TomdW said:
I wonder if you are frustrated that the Penis Enlargement is not working quicker or for some other reason. What do you think it stems from. IMO you should try to chill a bit and try to think of yourself being in Penis Enlargement for the long run. Let it become part of your life and a part that you enjoy. Try to work out exactly what is pissing you off.

Or maybe you should just buy one of those rubber men that you see at the gym. The ones that are made to be beat on. After every session just kick the shit out of it. LOL :)
i think your on to something there with the rubber beat up guy. I could let alot of anger out on that thing.
Pandora said:
Buy something to help u do ur work out.
yea i really should, but with my luck my girl will find any device cause she is snoopy as hell. and i dont want her to find out. If i could hire like a lil midget or something to do my exercises that would be coolass. I dunno, i still always do my exercises, and im Def. not gonna stop....no way, I think i might need a fun weekend out with the boys, that might be it, i have been so busy lately, i never go out anymore. Oh yea Pandora, lets start spittin some more rymes in The My Meat is Murder thread in the Deep Thought Forum
I agree with the comment that you have to channel your anger in another direction so that P.E. remains one of those positives you're doing to enhance your life.

My advice is to make sure you're in a good place before you start to do your P.E., so that it remains a kind of celebration.

After all, when we practice P.E., we are celebrating our sexuality, and, as far as I'm concerned, affirming our physical, emotional and spiritual selves.
desiel_dick said:
yea i really should, but with my luck my girl will find any device cause she is snoopy as hell. and i dont want her to find out. If i could hire like a lil midget or something to do my exercises that would be coolass. I dunno, i still always do my exercises, and im Def. not gonna stop....no way, I think i might need a fun weekend out with the boys, that might be it, i have been so busy lately, i never go out anymore. Oh yea Pandora, lets start spittin some more rymes in The My Meat is Murder thread in the Deep Thought Forum

You can buy something to hide ur stuff in like this http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/zz-hiddenwall

or there are alot better things to buy to hide ur stuff in but i would buy something its helps when u get like that with ur rountine.

Some times i cant spit man my mind be blank lol.
I completely understand where you're coming from. I did manual labor over the summer (and will be this summer) and any extra work with my hands quickly got to be a chore. I know you may not agree with me, but hanging is the way to go. Freeing up your hands really makes a huge difference. When you aren't actually doing the work it becomes much easier to do, and takes less physical and day-after-day mental exertion. I have read Dashdeming's thread called "Hardcore Hanging" in the hangers' forum, and this has cut my Penis Enlargement workouts from 2 hours of manual stretching/jelqing to about one hour--warmup, hang, edge, warmdown.

My girlfriend is snoopy as hell too....I remember her finding my protein powder and asking me if I was on steroids. Damn :O

Somehow, I found a way to hide a Bib Starter, the weights (not a big deal), and the straight-out pulley/cable setup. I think you can make it work.
desiel_dick said:
After 3 full months of consistant penis enlargement I have been getting pissed off every time i do my streching jelq for the day. Its such a pain in the ass recently. So repeataive and mind numbing i feel like fuckin punching something after about 10 mins. I have so much shit and responsabilitys that the hour i do my Penis Enlargement is the only free hour of my day, and i just feel overwelmed and run down. I need something new i think, cause for a while there I used to get happy and pumped up to start my Penis Enlargement. Now recently I just wanna knock someone the fuck out.

I dont want to stop Penis Enlargement, but im afraid cause im really starting to dread it big time.
ANyone feel similar?, have advice?, wish to comment? Feel Free.

hey...heres an update. im still doin pe 6 days a week, but im so bored with it i coulfd scream i think im gonna say fuck it. i know i shouldnt though
What I usually do when im doing my sessions is watch downloaded tv series or movies. I guess it could be a bit of a distraction but I think its worth it as it gives me more motavation to do a session because I know ill watch something entertaining at the same time. To make sure its not a distraction I concentrate on my stretch and then while the 30-45sec of stretching i just watch whatever.
hey desiel_dick i know how you feel. i was doing manuals for 6 months with nothing to show for it. i REALLY felt like giving up. i then bought a max vac - it allows me to watch tv, play pc games etc whilst getting my Penis Enlargement done. now im actually getting in about 3 hours a day that i didnt think i had. your size is definitly big enough but if you want to consider Penis Enlargement in the long term thjen you will need to find a way of associating it with pleasure not a chore
sorry but

desiel_dick said:
If i could hire like a lil midget or something to do my exercises that would be coolass.

lol lol lol lol

on a serious note tho, the thing about watching downloaded films/tv might work if you can find somewhere to do it, that's what I sometimes do...
Thanks for the good ideas, i should get something to assist my workouts, I just have a small house, and i know someone will find it, and that is possibly the most imbarrassing thing i could think of. I would runaway forever!!:)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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