experience with anractim or other DHT-gels

Hi there,

I've read some interesting articles on the treatment of microphallus with a DHT-gel called Andractim. I couldn't find any proof it would work on adults without androgen-defficiency so I figured I would try it myself. I'm a bodybuilder and use steroids as a part of that hobby, so I thougt combining local Andractim-treatment with an injects-cycle would be the way to go to see if the stuff works. For children they use incredible low dosages (depending on age either 12,5 or 25 mg daily) with good results, but I expected a low dose wouldn't work for me anyway, so I used about 150 mg daily applied on the shaft of my penis, spread out over 2 or 3 servings, while it was somewhat erect, making the skin thinner. I experienced a mild burning sensation on the skin so the transport solution must have had some effect. But when it dried out there was always a residue left on the skin (still containing the DHT?). Anyway, after a couple of weeks (3 or 4), I had to be honoust to myself and conclude no growth had occured. I discontinued.

It's been several months ago, but I haven't really lost faith in the theory behind it all. I'm thinking of trying it again. Perhaps I didn't use it long enough? Perhaps I should consider using it on the top of my penis, where the skin is thinnest. I did that once just to see if it hurt, and it didn't really, but I'm afraid to loose sensitivity. On the other hand, perhaps the stuff I used isn't that good. I might make a homebrew topical gel with Stanozololpowder and DMSO or PLO-gel and hope it would be more potent than Andractim.

I would appreciate any tips and am very interested in all people having experience with the use of topical DHT.

Greets, The Oak
(Please excuse my English if I made annoying mistakes)
L o l, can't even write l o l properly over here...
Meant to say Stanozol o l for all you wondering. (Winstrol, Stromba)
Buy DHT powder form, buy a transdermal cream (cream that transports across skin), mix em and then rub it on. I wouldnt apply more than once a day, twice a week honestly, and not longer than a month or so. DHT needs to be cycled.
sephin said:
Buy DHT powder form, buy a transdermal cream (cream that transports across skin), mix em and then rub it on. I wouldnt apply more than once a day, twice a week honestly, and not longer than a month or so. DHT needs to be cycled.

You mean it needs to be cycled because of the androgenreceptors getting saturated? I never found any real proof of that. Right now my plan is to use it for at least 8 weeks, more likely 12.

Do you have experience with making your own transdermals? Pure DHT-powder would be better than Winstrol, but I'm not sure if it's easy to find. You wouldn't apply it more than once a day, so your skin gets some time to recover and won't dry out, I presume? How about applying to the tip of the penis? Might be a bit dangerous, but there are two advantages: The skin is thinner and after application you can cover it with your foreskin again so for instance alcohol (a part in the transport-system of Andractim) wouldn't evaporate that easily, leaving a longer time for the DHT to absorbe. Just my thoughts on this, I could be wrong.

Thanks for your help.
From what you've said, I'd go for a lower dose with more applications. The reason I say this is because you noticed white residue which suggests that your skin reached saturation point. The other reason is that the absorbtion rate of the andactrim gel is probably not the most sophisticated, and I'd expect an initial surge followed by a fairly fast drop off (this is just opinion as I don't know what it is made of exactly). DMSO would certainly get it through quickly, but probably too quickly.

I've read many conflicting papers on AR up/down regulation in response to T/DHT. Reading between the lines of these, my current believe is that they initially upregulate the AR, but after about 6 months they are depressed more than base line. With that in mind I would guess that a month or two would be best, though 12 weeks may still within those parameters.

Wrt Winny, I think the effect it has on collagen would be counter productive to Penis Enlargement. It will probably make the tunica it stronger, thicker and stiffer.
When you are done Penis Enlargement for good maybe that would be good to use. Stiffer tunica would be uber erections.
Yes, I read his story. His erections surprised me, I didn't have that. But my story is a very different one anyway. As I said I was using anabolic steroids at the same time. I was doing 750 mg of Test enanthate weekly along with a high dose of Proviron (up to 175 mg a day) so a very androgenic cocktail overall. Libido of course was high, although my personal experience is that libido doesn't really depend that much on the concentration of androgenics in your blood. So, I can imagine not noticing any changes when I would be on the cream only, considering it's relatively low doses. The lack of long lasting erections can be caused by an increase in the bloodpressure due to the use of testosterone. I did notice a minor swelling after applicition most of the times, telling me at least something was happening.

Anyway don't expect any Viagra experiences on DHT. As for those that experience a libido rise, never have unprotected intercourse with a woman before carefully washing your penis, as DHT can be very harmful to a woman's vagina, which reacts far more strongly to the substance than a man's penis does.
Perhaps, if I would give it another try, I would add DMSO to my Andractim, making the transport system more potent and perhaps I would also add some DHT-powder to that, as it wouldn't harm, although I'm still not sure were to find it.

For all this talk about DHT, I don't believe it will be a big help. For some reason adults just don't react to the substance the way children and women do. It seems to work in a similar way as the closure of the growthspace (don't no the English term) in bones, making growth hormone powerless to promote bonegrowth. That would be very bad news (although it would save both time and money :s ).

If anyone has any more info on all this...
It seems to work in a similar way as the closure of the growthspace (don't no the English term) in bones said:
That is the million dollar question. What happens at the end of penis growth? Crack that nut and you will have the penis of your dreams!
Even post puberty, Women react badly to DHT (clit), and Men react badly to Estrogen (gyno). Effects that many women and men would like to see reversed for enlargement purposes.

There has to be a clue in there....
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