DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Thursday march 14th
04:30 PM

2-3x20mins hanging 16 pounds,

I stayed up too late last night so today i’m tired. I had to lie down and sleep a little bit. From now on i’m gonna sleep at least 7 hours. It’s too exhausting.

Sleep is very important.

Shit it’s 01:30 AM and i’m still working on school projects, I am testing out my MOS grip??
Last edited:
Thursday march 14th
04:30 PM

2-3x20mins hanging 16 pounds,

I stayed up too late last night so today i’m tired. I had to lie down and sleep a little bit. From now on i’m gonna sleep at least 7 hours. It’s too exhausting.

Sleep is very important.
I just wrote this exact thing in the chat room ? yes rest and relaxation are so important to all thing and PE is hit hard when we lack energy as we become complacent and without focus. Every night you should get at least 7 hour preferably 8. I break up my day and night and that is why you see me posting all day and night is because I sleep in smaller chunks of time. 2-4 hours, 1 hour, 4 hour sleep throughout the 24 hour period.
Good length day! Have an awesome weekend!

Hey DLD, I forgot to ask you something.

When my penis sleeves arrived in the mailbox, my roommate went to empty the mailbox, he said there was a package for me. I could see the description: penis sleeves was written on it. I don’t know if he saw that or if he now knows what I ordered, but still. I don’t want a description of “penis stretcher” on the package when it arrives, I live in a building full of students and everyone could take the package from the mail man.

I’d rather not have them know what I am ordering from your MOS shop ??

The package of the mos gripping powder stated: gripping powder, so no suspicious things arise when ppl bring me the package.

Maybe an alternative description fits better: “silicone sleeves” this is a very neutral name and you’re technically not lying. It is still correct.

Let me know what you think.
Hey @DutchAthletic92 !

When was that delivery with the sleeves? I recall @Lightning saying that the issue was corrected.
My package said MoS Exercise Sleeves, which is dicreet enough for me, although your silicone sleeves is even more apt and discreet!

Although, it's annoying how nosy people can be regarding parcels! If it isn't addressed to you, just pass it forward to the right recipient. :)

Keep on hanging Brother! ;)
It should say silicone glove if it was recent. The only time any description appears is on the customs form and those are all changed.

If it did say penis sleeve, a person would probably think they are special condoms.
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Hey @DutchAthletic92 !

When was that delivery with the sleeves? I recall @Lightning saying that the issue was corrected.
My package said MoS Exercise Sleeves, which is dicreet enough for me, although your silicone sleeves is even more apt and discreet!

Although, it's annoying how nosy people can be regarding parcels! If it isn't addressed to you, just pass it forward to the right recipient. :)

Keep on hanging Brother! ;)

Well that was a few weeks ago, when I got my first silicone sleeves of 20mm diameter. I’ve ordered a second pair with the bigger diameter 27mm

Those will arrive this week
It should say silicone glove if it was recent. The only time any description appears is on the customs form and those are all changed.

If it did say penis sleeve, a person would probably think they are special condoms.

And believe me my brothers we take extra special care to make sure that we respect your privacy and anonymity in your ordering and posting. If you ever see anything go amiss please report it immediately.
Sunday march 17th
04:30 PM

3x20mins hanging

7.5 kg (16.5 pounds) didn’t fatigue me anymore, I went up in weight to 8.5 kg (18.7 pounds)

So now i’m hanging my first set and I must say,
Those 18.7 pounds really induce some fatigue / pressure in the shaft and head. Maybe I have to get that glans cap as well in order to protect my glans lol.

I will reduce weight accordingly in the second and third set.

I have powdered the insides of the long sleeve, I dusted the surface area, then I put it on my shaft, it seems that I get a nice grip.

I am figuring out if I have the money to buy the SiliStretcher and i’m gonna order it today when things work out. Please make sure the package description is 100% neutral ?

One question though; I have this feeling that I have to start over again at light weights with vaccuum hanging. Is this correct?? Like I really have to ease into it, and let my glans get accustomed to vaccuum pressure....

Please let me know what your recommendations are, and what you guys think. Also when the vaccuum hanging set up, I’d be hanging 2-3 straight, without breaks or interruptions. I have to get accustomed to long hours of light weight hanging, and that’s exactly what I need in my current personal situation.

It would be perfect to study for 3-4 hours and then taking a break from studying/ schoolprojects and hanging.
Okay so I just ordered the SiliStretcher, it will arrive in 2-3 business days with DHL shipping express worldwide ?

Vaccuum hanging is my last resort, I don’t know what i’ll be doing next if this doesn’t work out ?
I hope my glans will be strong enough to take the heavy weights.

I have something to add: my sili sleeves get very wet and sweaty while hanging. That’s because you have living organism tissue, which is warm, pressing against a cold silicone sleeve. I have discovered that I still get slippage. Mos grip powder dusting isn’t enough to sustain a constant strong grip after the first set.

What should I do?
Okay so I just ordered the SiliStretcher, it will arrive in 2-3 business days with DHL shipping express worldwide ?

Vaccuum hanging is my last resort, I don’t know what i’ll be doing next if this doesn’t work out ?
I hope my glans will be strong enough to take the heavy weights.

I have something to add: my sili sleeves get very wet and sweaty while hanging. That’s because you have living organism tissue, which is warm, pressing against a cold silicone sleeve. I have discovered that I still get slippage. Mos grip powder dusting isn’t enough to sustain a constant strong grip after the first set.

What should I do?

Interested to see your journey with the Silistretcher. I hang with two different types of hangers and not sure which I like best yet.
Okay so I just ordered the SiliStretcher, it will arrive in 2-3 business days with DHL shipping express worldwide ?

Vaccuum hanging is my last resort, I don’t know what i’ll be doing next if this doesn’t work out ?
I hope my glans will be strong enough to take the heavy weights.

I have something to add: my sili sleeves get very wet and sweaty while hanging. That’s because you have living organism tissue, which is warm, pressing against a cold silicone sleeve. I have discovered that I still get slippage. Mos grip powder dusting isn’t enough to sustain a constant strong grip after the first set.

What should I do?
Congratulations on an awesome buy, you’re just gonna love it! The reviews so far have been five star and everyone that has used it says it is the easiest system they’ve ever used with the greatest intensity. Also understand that we can build on the SiliStretcher unlike other devices so as we make modifications we upgrade your model.
I have something to add: my sili sleeves get very wet and sweaty while hanging. That’s because you have living organism tissue, which is warm, pressing against a cold silicone sleeve. I have discovered that I still get slippage. Mos grip powder dusting isn’t enough to sustain a constant strong grip after the first set.

What should I do?

If you sweat excessively to the point that the MOSGrip doesn't help, the sweat may cause the SiliStretcher to slide off with heavy weight. This is something you are going to have to experiment with.
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You can reduce the sweat by using a Secret spray deodorant. After showering apply this to your penis and you will not sweat. After that the MOSgrip will be much more effective and the sleeves will not slide.
View attachment 1821165
If you sweat excessively to the point that the MOSGrip doesn't help, the sweat may cause the SiliStretcher to slide off with heavy weight. This is something you are going to have to experiment with.

So far I have powdered the sleeves extra, so my second set is going great. I also powder my shaft a bit. There’s a small hole in the corner of the pouch. When I press on the pouch it doesn’t dust but it gives me the actual powder in my handpalm, that way I can thoroughly powder my shaft and sleeves for more grip.

Maybe only dusting the sleeves isn’t enough in my case. So far so good.

I actually don’t expect slipping with the SiliStretcher, the male hanger is prone to slippage because of the shaft compression. I don’t have those problems at all while vaccuum hanging. There only a vaccuum force pulling on my glans and shaft a bit, but I have a sleeve on, and there’s a sleeve rolled over my sleeved shaft. So you have sleeve on sleeve surface area, doesn’t get wet.

I will still powder everything of course, i’ll be hanging long hours
So far I have powdered the sleeves extra, so my second set is going great. I also powder my shaft a bit. There’s a small hole in the corner of the pouch. When I press on the pouch it doesn’t dust but it gives me the actual powder in my handpalm, that way I can thoroughly powder my shaft and sleeves for more grip.

Maybe only dusting the sleeves isn’t enough in my case. So far so good.

I actually don’t expect slipping with the SiliStretcher, the male hanger is prone to slippage because of the shaft compression. I don’t have those problems at all while vaccuum hanging. There only a vaccuum force pulling on my glans and shaft a bit, but I have a sleeve on, and there’s a sleeve rolled over my sleeved shaft. So you have sleeve on sleeve surface area, doesn’t get wet.

I will still powder everything of course, i’ll be hanging long hours

Try the deodorant, it’s going to solve this issue for you completely.
Was there any slippage issues today?

No I didn’t had slip issues, the powder is doing great work ?

The only downside is my loose shaft skin, when I got circumcized back in 2014 I told the surgeon to leave enough skin on the shaft. I didn’t want that tight circumcision because I was terrified of losing erect penis length ?

So I also have the turkey neck, along with the shaft skin which can be stroked, so when I put my male hanger on, it still slides down a bit because of my loose skin, I can’t constrain that so the skin stretches along with the tunica, resulting in more loose shaft skin.

I am very curious about the SiliStretcher, I think I need vaccuum hanging so that loose shaft skin isn’t an issue anymore.

But the MOSgrip powder is working great!
No I didn’t had slip issues, the powder is doing great work ?

The only downside is my loose shaft skin, when I got circumcized back in 2014 I told the surgeon to leave enough skin on the shaft. I didn’t want that tight circumcision because I was terrified of losing erect penis length ?

So I also have the turkey neck, along with the shaft skin which can be stroked, so when I put my male hanger on, it still slides down a bit because of my loose skin, I can’t constrain that so the skin stretches along with the tunica, resulting in more loose shaft skin.

I am very curious about the SiliStretcher, I think I need vaccuum hanging so that loose shaft skin isn’t an issue anymore.

But the MOSgrip powder is working great!
I’m so happy that the MOSgrip powder worked and you had a good session, I was really hoping this would work out for you. I hope anyone with slippage problems is able to get their hands on a bag of this.

I had my Son and my Grandsons were circumcised very loosely so it would not be tight. I had a very tight circumcision and it took a while for me to stretch the skin to the point that PE was comfortable.

The SiliStretcher is the way of the future for SRT. It is the perfect healing and gaining tool for length and it works in perfectly with the new version of SRT taking the place of having to have a extender and a vacuum hanger. The SiliStretcher is all in one! The two most important length tools that you can get are the Lengthmaster and the SiliStretcher!
Wednesday march 20th

3x20mins hanging 17 pounds
Kegel training
200 jelqs

@DLD I think there is a delay in my SiliStretcher package. I opted for worldwide shipping within 2-3 business days, and I still didn’t hear anything... Also my sleeves are delayed, what can we do ? I saw that the silicone sleeves are still “in transit” at the miami international depot
In the product description, we state "It takes 2-3 days to manufacture the SiliStretcher". However they usually ship out quicker. Once it leaves us its pretty much In the postals hands. You would have to get hold of your local postal to track updates.

Okay that would be 6 business days in total. It should arrive next week then. I didn’t see the 2-3 day manufacturing process.
Hey Dutch' I give you a tip that I'm using to track my order from the states. Its updated on the USPS website.

Go over to the MOS shop and login with the username and password created for the MoS shop ... not this forum, the shop.

It will tell you the current status, and shit like that. You should see a tracking number, its usually highlighted and clickable.

Starting something like CJ ending in US.

CLICK IT, this will take you over into the USPS.com website which I have found to be hands down the best service to see your order on any service myself has used with foreign orders.

The yanks have it right with the tracking feature for int orders, my experience anyway with USPS.

Let me know you figured it out ... if you cant, try copying the following link, dont click it, you need to copy it .... paste it into a new window, and copy + paste the tracking number from the mos shop at the end ... ensure no spaces before the letter, and after.

Yes you can click that, then fill in at the end your tracking number.

At the moment my order is in transit from Miami, and this will keep updating when it reaches your country.
Hey Dutch' I give you a tip that I'm using to track my order from the states. Its updated on the USPS website.

Go over to the MOS shop and login with the username and password created for the MoS shop ... not this forum, the shop.

It will tell you the current status, and shit like that. You should see a tracking number, its usually highlighted and clickable.

Starting something like CJ ending in US.

CLICK IT, this will take you over into the USPS.com website which I have found to be hands down the best service to see your order on any service myself has used with foreign orders.

The yanks have it right with the tracking feature for int orders, my experience anyway with USPS.

Let me know you figured it out ... if you cant, try copying the following link, dont click it, you need to copy it .... paste it into a new window, and copy + paste the tracking number from the mos shop at the end ... ensure no spaces before the letter, and after.

Thanks Red! I see my orders now. My sleeves are on their way, and my SiliStretcher has been dispatched, got a text as well, I can both track them. Good tracking system ??
EXCELLENT ... @Lightning could you include the link I mentioned and let customers know about this.

We should actually make a whole new thread teaching them this process because everybody should register so they can see where their orders are so I suggest we make a sticky that pertains to this. I don’t think many people know that they can register so having a sticky that teaches them is very wise.
Friday march 22th
06:00 PM

3x20mins hanging 18.7 pounds
Kegel training
200 jelqs

Just got home from school, lots of work to do, I cheated today on my diet with snacks and convenience food ? No gym training, this week will be full studying for final exams on april 1st

I have recieved my 27mm diameter Sili Sleeves, gonna test them out tonight. I’ve noticed that they are powdered with the MOSGrip powder. So i’m very grateful for that ? Thank you!
Studying for exams you need to eat junk food! Well actually do not take diets advice from me ? I know that you’ll do very well on your exams.

I’m so happy that you’re satisfied with your Silisleeves and they do come pre-dusted with MOSgrip. I’ll pick up a bag of it for general PE it’s useful in so many ways. Are you going to use through the night? If so be very cautious and set an alarm for four hours in to check things out to make sure everything’s OK. If that’s good then you can go for eight hours.
Studying for exams you need to eat junk food! Well actually do not take diets advice from me ? I know that you’ll do very well on your exams.

I’m so happy that you’re satisfied with your Silisleeves and they do come pre-dusted with MOSgrip. I’ll pick up a bag of it for general PE it’s useful in so many ways. Are you going to use through the night? If so be very cautious and set an alarm for four hours in to check things out to make sure everything’s OK. If that’s good then you can go for eight hours.

Yea first i’m gonna test them out with hanging, I will evaluate after every hanging session how the restoration of bloodflow behaves with these new sleeves. ?

After i’m done with my PE training I will test them out while sleeping ?
Yea first i’m gonna test them out with hanging, I will evaluate after every hanging session how the restoration of bloodflow behaves with these new sleeves. ?

After i’m done with my PE training I will test them out while sleeping ?

I think I’m gonna test it tonight to see the results. I’ll set an alarm for four hours take a look at things if it’s good I’ll go for the rest of the night. I’m doing the same trials with the SiliStretcher, wearing it to bed for as long as possible.
Sunday march 24th
01:00 PM

3x20mins hanging 18.7 pounds
Slow Squash Jelqs 5 minutes

Unfortunately those bigger 27mm diameter Sili Sleeves are slipping while hanging 18.7 pounds ?
My flaccid girth is not big enough to fill up those sleeves.

So I figured it would be better to use those bigger sleeves for ADS and during the night, blood circulation is not impaired at all. So I have to use the 20mm sleeves which are pretty tight on the shaft.

Right now i’m hanging 18.7 pounds with the long big sleeve, and I dusted the sleeve, my shaft, everything is so dry that it slips.

Ah well, tomorrow I will recieve the SiliStretcher, I will start over again at low weights and work my way up to heavy weights. Maybe heavy weight hanging doesn’t work for me due to slipping.

It would be awesome if MOS offered more sizes of Sili Sleeves, I don’t know if that’s possible ?

With the SiliStretcher I can stay at relatively low weights but for long periods every day. The 1 hour heavy hanging isn’t doing much for me.

I think my dick needs true fatigue like hanging 4-5 hours per day at a good weight, without slipping. Just like Bib did in his gaining days. But now I will try it with vaccuum hanging.

Compression hanging takes too much time, re-wrapping, taking it of every 20mins, imma go for long hours without interruptions.

I will try the slow squash jelqs today, this will be the first time in my life that I ever do them.

They are considered the best manual girth exercise, so I am curious to find out. I will do them in 30 second sets, and 10 sets is 5 minutes ?

So I will be gaining girth and length at the same time
I did those Slow Squash Jelqs, and i’m kinda dissapointed.

I only got 0.5 cm (0.2 inches) tunica expansion....

I don’t know what i’m doing wrong but I clamp my thumb and indexfinger as hard as possible at the base, I press the glans to take of some blood and then I compress my shaft with my other hand palm

I feel the blood going out of my shaft and my dick gets soft very quick, I do 30 second sets,
Maybe I have to do 20 sec sets?

Also, does this have anything to do with my hanging sets? Maybe the dick is so fatigued that slow squash jelqs aren’t that effective.

I do them after every hanging set. At least I get a little bit expansion, or maybe i’m compressing the shaft way too hard.

What are your recommendations guys?
Sunday march 24th
01:00 PM

3x20mins hanging 18.7 pounds
Slow Squash Jelqs 5 minutes

Unfortunately those bigger 27mm diameter Sili Sleeves are slipping while hanging 18.7 pounds ?
My flaccid girth is not big enough to fill up those sleeves.

So I figured it would be better to use those bigger sleeves for ADS and during the night, blood circulation is not impaired at all. So I have to use the 20mm sleeves which are pretty tight on the shaft.

Right now i’m hanging 18.7 pounds with the long big sleeve, and I dusted the sleeve, my shaft, everything is so dry that it slips.

Ah well, tomorrow I will recieve the SiliStretcher, I will start over again at low weights and work my way up to heavy weights. Maybe heavy weight hanging doesn’t work for me due to slipping.

It would be awesome if MOS offered more sizes of Sili Sleeves, I don’t know if that’s possible ?

With the SiliStretcher I can stay at relatively low weights but for long periods every day. The 1 hour heavy hanging isn’t doing much for me.

I think my dick needs true fatigue like hanging 4-5 hours per day at a good weight, without slipping. Just like Bib did in his gaining days. But now I will try it with vaccuum hanging.

Compression hanging takes too much time, re-wrapping, taking it of every 20mins, imma go for long hours without interruptions.

I will try the slow squash jelqs today, this will be the first time in my life that I ever do them.

They are considered the best manual girth exercise, so I am curious to find out. I will do them in 30 second sets, and 10 sets is 5 minutes ?

So I will be gaining girth and length at the same time

Fatigue is where it’s at and it’s a place we should get to through progression of heavier weight or more intensity through the devices were are using. Whether it’s the SiliStretcher , Lengthmaster, hanger, vacuum hanger, any scratching device we should always go progressively from light to heavy looking to ride out the fatigue to make the fastest ossinle length gains. Link below.

As far as the SSJ goes give it a few more days and be sure you’re doing it the right way. You should be seeing very good expansion. What thread or video did you watch learning it?

Fatigue is where it’s at and it’s a place we should get to through progression of heavier weight or more intensity through the devices were are using. Whether it’s the silly stretcher, Lancaster, hanger, vacuum hanger, any scratching device we should always go progressively from light to heavy looking to ride out the fatigue to make the fastest ossinle length gains. Link below.

As far as the SSJ goes give it a few more days and be sure you’re doing it the right way. You should be seeing very good expansion. What thread or video did you watch learning it?

I have recieved the SiliStretcher and I will start hanging today, my first vaccuum hanging set ever in my whole life. ?

I did the Slow Squash Jelqs and my shaft became very squishy lol like I was losing erection fast. I did 5 sets, I watched the video on the MOS video website, huge database with all PE exercises known to mankind ?

And the demonstrator in the video made it look like he didn’t lose erection and his shaft expanded like crazy. Insane expansion.

I felt expanded, and today I seem bigger in girth and flaccid girth, even after one time.

I have only one concern, I am afraid of glans geometry disturbances. I don’t want a compressed glans shape, I want the full big mushroom look, without a glans pointing downwards due to my handpalm compressing the shaft and glans.....

How do I evade this issue?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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