DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Monday april 1st
10:00 PM

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
Monday april 1st
10:00 PM

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

How was fatigue at the end?
Tuesday april 2nd

07:00 PM

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
Wednesday april 3rd
10:30 AM

I have a cable pulley attached with a hook under my desk. It’s very convenient. So when I sit down in my chair my dick makes a slight angle upwards so it’s not completely straight out hanging, more 20-30 degrees upwards with the floor as a x-axis reference point.

Straight Out Hanging 30 degrees upwards
SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

5 sets of 30 sec Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging. And for the remainder of the day until bed time hanging straigh out 30 degrees upwards at a moderate ride-the-fatigue-weight.

I can feel the angle of attack now in my shaft, I think the tunica and septum are being targeted extra in this hanging style. I am so happy with my SiliStretcher ?❤

I am 1000% certain I will gain good length with this routine and I within 1 year I have my first inch erect length, maybe even sooner. I’m investing as many hours as I can.

I am so happy with my SiliStretcher ?❤

I am 1000% certain I will gain good length with this routine and I within 1 year I have my first inch erect length, maybe even sooner. I’m investing as many hours as I can.

With this routine I know you’re going to be able to do it. This way if it’s training wil soon be the best possible way to gain length. And I agree with you the SiliStretcher rocks
Thursday april 4th
09:30 AM

Straight Out Hanging 30 degrees upwards
SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

5 sets of 30 sec Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging . And for the remainder of the day until bed time hanging straigh out 30 degrees upwards at a moderate ride-the-fatigue-weight.

Edit: I quit hanging after 2.5 hours. I only did 3 slow squash jelqs due to depression and dropping out of university.
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I dropped out of university due to depression and burn out. I didn’t make it. My exam week is over and everything is fucked up now.

I got my bloodwork done and the endocrinologist said that I have 190 ng/dL total testosterone. I am 26 years old and I have the testosterone level of an eighty year old man. Almost castrated.

I felt in a black hole, I feel like committing suicide often. But now I know why I couldn’t keep up with the pace in university and gym training etc.

I quit my hanging sessions earlier today, I hung in total 2.5 hours and I traveled back to my parents house where I don’t have any privacy to hang many hours....

I don’t know what to do, I have to go find a job now and basically my life is already over and I didn’t even start.

I am seriously contemplating why I do PE, even though this is really everything I got at this moment. I don’t know why I am doing it and I am aware of the tremendous amount of time investment one has to go through in order to gain pure erect length till 9-10 inches.

I feel like this is an uphill battle, and i’m washed out, no energy, huge debts, no money, I have reached the bottom.

At this moment I feel like overdosing on harddrugs or getting a gun to blow my brains out. I cannot do this because I would leave my parents and brother broken and with a lot of grief.
First of all, stay alive and keep on fighting! There are solutions other than the way out.
I don't want to ramble too much, just keep on living, the Brotherhood is here for you!
I dropped out of university due to depression and burn out. I didn’t make it. My exam week is over and everything is fucked up now.

I got my bloodwork done and the endocrinologist said that I have 190 ng/dL total testosterone. I am 26 years old and I have the testosterone level of an eighty year old man. Almost castrated.

I felt in a black hole, I feel like committing suicide often. But now I know why I couldn’t keep up with the pace in university and gym training etc.

I quit my hanging sessions earlier today, I hung in total 2.5 hours and I traveled back to my parents house where I don’t have any privacy to hang many hours....

I don’t know what to do, I have to go find a job now and basically my life is already over and I didn’t even start.

I am seriously contemplating why I do PE, even though this is really everything I got at this moment. I don’t know why I am doing it and I am aware of the tremendous amount of time investment one has to go through in order to gain pure erect length till 9-10 inches.

I feel like this is an uphill battle, and i’m washed out, no energy, huge debts, no money, I have reached the bottom.

At this moment I feel like overdosing on harddrugs or getting a gun to blow my brains out. I cannot do this because I would leave my parents and brother broken and with a lot of grief.

Dutch, I have also been in the same darkness.

Look at this time as a rebuilding phase. Please don't kill yourself. We are here to help and I will pray for you.

Feel free to vent here or in the chat. We are here for you.

If you are looking for spiritual strength, I would recommend reading the psalms in the Bible or asking God for help.
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I dropped out of university due to depression and burn out. I didn’t make it. My exam week is over and everything is fucked up now.

I got my bloodwork done and the endocrinologist said that I have 190 ng/dL total testosterone. I am 26 years old and I have the testosterone level of an eighty year old man. Almost castrated.

I felt in a black hole, I feel like committing suicide often. But now I know why I couldn’t keep up with the pace in university and gym training etc.

I quit my hanging sessions earlier today, I hung in total 2.5 hours and I traveled back to my parents house where I don’t have any privacy to hang many hours....

I don’t know what to do, I have to go find a job now and basically my life is already over and I didn’t even start.

I am seriously contemplating why I do PE, even though this is really everything I got at this moment. I don’t know why I am doing it and I am aware of the tremendous amount of time investment one has to go through in order to gain pure erect length till 9-10 inches.

I feel like this is an uphill battle, and i’m washed out, no energy, huge debts, no money, I have reached the bottom.

At this moment I feel like overdosing on harddrugs or getting a gun to blow my brains out. I cannot do this because I would leave my parents and brother broken and with a lot of grief.

You can still go back to Uni later, surely? I too have had bad depression, tried to kill myself in 2009, glad I didn't. Some days now I get very low mood, but I look at the positives in my life ... may seem cheesy, but you have parents, parents that are on your side, so that is a POSITIVE right there.

Perhaps start communicating more with them, and your brother about your feelings ... please do not take drugs, or drink, it just masks, never will it ever solve.

Communication is the way, speaking with those who are at least able to listen, and understand will help you so much.

Its hard on here, would be great if we could have a fecking video conference with some of us, we can be more supportive like that rather then just typing.

Take one thing at a time .. this is how I deal with stress, dont take on the whole task at one go. For example, the PE, for now just put it on the back burner. If you want, just do the silistretcher as ADS through the day, its simple enough. PE can wait, its not essential! your mental health IS!

Have the doctors recommended a treatment plan to help, and please dont let that define you as a man.

Being so young, these days can also be a curse in that young folk are constantly very self conscious, more so then the past, allot due to the social boom in communications media, so, if you have social media accounts like Instagram, YouTube, FaceBook it may be wise to not so active on them. It can just fuel more problems.

The gym is important for mental health, but you could do body weight exercises from home. Keep something going, if only its simple. Perhaps your brother can train with you?

Does Holland have a debt management, or debt crisis department? if you have credit cards, dont spend anymore on those now. Try to keep spending down to a minimum, arrange a monthly repayment that you can afford.

Essentially, you are going to need to cut out things that are not needed to live, and manage the things that are immediate, rather then those which are not.

Its like the spiritual stuff we have mentioned in the past, stay well away from that for now, until you are fully stable and settled.

You need calm, a routine, stability. Being at your parents will bring that to some degree, and you can contact the relevant places for more support. Please communicate with those close to you, and stay away from drugs.
My brother I feel for you and you know that I love you but it’s time to take control of your life. What you’re going through right now I can relate to because I went through it for years. I didn’t really get the help I needed until I asked for it. Depression and anxiety used to rule my life. Today I have not felt depression or anxiety for about three years. The things that made the biggest difference were getting my medication right and going to a therapist I trust.

I pray that you heal quickly from this and that you lean on the brotherhood through the whole time because there’s so many here that want to help. I promise you my brother if you take this advice things will get better and better.

One thing that help me while I was getting my head together what’s the thing called DBT. Just help me tremendously by keeping my mind in the moment. Here’s a little bit more information about it❤️

I want to say thanks to the brotherhood. I really appreciate the support from you guys.

It’s 01:00 AM and i’m about to go to sleep. I went to visit a friend of mine and we talked for hours. We have a history of partying together and he told me it’s best to keep going to the gym. I will go to the gym tomorrow....

I didn’t go to the gym for weeks now. I have a little bit of hope that my endocrinologist will fix me.

That steroid cycle back in 2014 was a baaaaddd idea. It was so stupid. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. I just wanted to get a shredded body, to be admired by girls, to get in contact with girls.

It all backfired. There is an underlying problem because my LH & FSH are okay, but my testosterone is low :(

I talked with my close friend about it, and he made sure I didn’t get any ideas about using drugs.

So we’re going to do some gymtraining tomorrow morning. I am feeling a little bit better.

You know what, suicide is actually not a solution, you have to keep going. Honestly, spirituality keeps me going right now.

I believe that if one commits suicide, his spirit will stay on earth. Like you cannot go to the light, you’re kinda stuck here and you have to see all the grief that you caused, the grief of your friends and family. I have researched this thoroughly and my higher self wants me to keep going. No matter how dark times get.

And on top of that, when you go to heaven, you’ll incarnate again, your soul will choose to go have this ride all over again. So you’re only setting yourself back.

I am figuring out ways to keep hanging every day. Even if it’s just a few hours.

Again, thank you so much for your support. It really means alot to me. The brotherhood is strong and I cannot let you guys down. I am here on earth to complete a mission.
I give thanks to God for healing you and bringing you back to a spiritual place where you can see things more rationally. You belong to a very wonderful family here that truly cares for you. No matter what you’re going through, you come to us and will always help you. All of us have gone through many different changes and plenty of hard times but what makes us stronger is the fact we work through these things together.❤️

I suffered with many mental disabilities and I have written about all of them and included plenty of therapeutic and cognitive advice to help others with what I was suffering with. Check out the Mental Penis Enlargement forum and spend some time reading some of those articles, they truly are helpful. I continue to pray for you and the brotherhood to make gains in every way!
Friday april 5th
07:00 PM

Did not had any chance to do PE today. Right now I started hanging with the male hanger for short bursts of intense hanging 20 minute sets. Right now my parents and brother went to visit family and friends but I stayed home to have a chance at getting my hanging sets in. I cannot let my dick heal. My tunica has to be in fatigue state. I HAVE to push through.

Gonna try to get 1 full hour of hanging, like 3 sets of 20 minute heavy hanging. It’s the only option i’ve got when i’m at my parents house.

Straight down:
1x20 mins at 15.4 pounds (7kg)
1x20 mins at 15.4 pounds (7kg)
1x20 mins at 15.4 pounds (7kg)

I reduce weight when I fatigue too much.
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Friday april 5th
07:00 PM

Did not had any chance to do PE today. Right now I started hanging with the male hanger for short bursts of intense hanging 20 minute sets. Right now my parents and brother went to visit family and friends but I stayed home to have a chance at getting my hanging sets in. I cannot let my dick heal. My tunica has to be in fatigue state. I HAVE to push through.

Gonna try to get 1 full hour of hanging, like 3 sets of 20 minute heavy hanging. It’s the only option i’ve got when i’m at my parents house.

Straight down:
1x20 mins at 15.4 pounds (7kg)
1x20 mins at 15.4 pounds (7kg)
1x20 mins at 15.4 pounds (7kg)

I reduce weight when I fatigue too much.

Excellent workout! A lot of what you’re going through right now you’ll be able to conquer through the brotherhood. You will grow in every way possible because you’re going to help you with whatever you need.
Saturday april 6th
10:00 PM

2x20 minutes heavy hanging at 8 kg (17.6 lbs)

It’s weird but I feel so comfortable hanging heavy that I can keep increasing the weight but I don’t know if that’s efficient. Or if it will induce more shaft growth from the base. Tomorrow I will try out 9-9.5 kg (19.8-20.9 lbs)

I don’t know if i’m just toughening up the tunica or if i’m actually making it longer. Well I just see this as some temporary maintenance hanging sets to keep the fatigue. I will to figure out a way to do reverse pyramid sets soon.

I think the convenience has to do with the sili cape and 20 mm diameter long SiliSleeve. It ensures a good grip and my glans is protected. More convenient hanging for sure.

Normally with the reverse pyramid hanging sets I cannot go this high because I hang 4-5 hours intensely with the SiliStretcher and then I go into moderate weight to heal extended.

After these heavy hanging sets I will put on my long SiliSleeve and go to sleep.
Saturday april 6th
10:00 PM

2x20 minutes heavy hanging at 8 kg (17.6 lbs)

It’s weird but I feel so comfortable hanging heavy that I can keep increasing the weight but I don’t know if that’s efficient. Or if it will induce more shaft growth from the base. Tomorrow I will try out 9-9.5 kg (19.8-20.9 lbs)

I don’t know if i’m just toughening up the tunica or if i’m actually making it longer. Well I just see this as some temporary maintenance hanging sets to keep the fatigue. I will to figure out a way to do reverse pyramid sets soon.

I think the convenience has to do with the sili cape and 20 mm diameter long SiliSleeve. It ensures a good grip and my glans is protected. More convenient hanging for sure.

Normally with the reverse pyramid hanging sets I cannot go this high because I hang 4-5 hours intensely with the SiliStretcher and then I go into moderate weight to heal extended.

After these heavy hanging sets I will put on my long SiliSleeve and go to sleep.

I would not worry about the tunica simply do five minutes of bundled stretching before your work out and throughout the day if you can. You’re correct, there was a limitation of the tunica in the past but today bundled stretching eliminates that limitation.
Sunday april 7th
10:00 AM

I feel great when sleeping with my long sleeve on. It really enhances my training efforts. I will try to wear the sleeve all day long, to work, etc but I have to buy larger pants I think because otherwise people can see a bulge. I am not an exhibitionist.

I wanted to wear the sleeve to the gym but I don’t think that is possible because in the gym you are sweating and due to movements with leg training etc your sleeve can slip off. It gets moist etc.

I am going to the gym at 12:00 PM with a friend so first i’m gonna do some hanging sets. My parents and brother are still asleep so now is the chance and maybe tonight I can get some more sets.

3x20mins hanging 9-10.25 kg (19.8 - 22.6 lbs)
Kegel training
3x Slow Squash Jelqs after every hanging set
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I would not worry about the tunica simply do five minutes of bundled stretching before your work out and throughout the day if you can. You’re correct, there was a limitation of the tunica in the past but today bundled stretching eliminates that limitation.

Yea that’s a good one! I forgot to bring my lengthmaster, I have to return to my dorm room this week so i’ll bring it with me to my parents house. It’s easy to slip into the bathroom to do some bundled stretching sets. Only a few minutes needed.
Monday april 8th
09:30 AM

4x20mins hanging heavy 8kg (17.6lbs)

My dick was so sore and fatigued I could not start at more weight like 10kg. I will just increase the weight by a few kg’s to induce more fatigue. I will do my kegel training today and I will put my sleeve on after hanging to heal in extended state.

I do 2 sets in the morning and 2 sets in the evening.
It’s a shame I forgot to bring my lengthmaster to my parents house. I will have to travel back this week on Thursday so I will get my lengthmaster to do bundled stretching all day before and between heavy hanging sets.

I still wonder how one could do bundled heavy hanging or something. That would be even better.
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It was warm outside today and I had my sleeve on, it literally slipped off because of the moisture. These sleeves get very wet in warm weather and maybe I have to try out a smaller diameter for extra snug fit.
Dusting with the MOSgrip powder also didn’t help. It needs more actual powder but I cannot take it from the pouch as it is stitched up.
It was warm outside today and I had my sleeve on, it literally slipped off because of the moisture. These sleeves get very wet in warm weather and maybe I have to try out a smaller diameter for extra snug fit.
Dusting with the MOSgrip powder also didn’t help. It needs more actual powder but I cannot take it from the pouch as it is stitched up.

I would go for a smaller sleeve because if it’s slipping off it’s just too loose. So try a smaller sleeve and see If that rectifies the situation.
I would go for a smaller sleeve because if it’s slipping off it’s just too loose. So try a smaller sleeve and see If that rectifies the situation.

Yea I need to get a smaller sleeve without cutting off circulation. Also this morning the 20 mm diameter long sleeve was slipping due to wet shaft, sweating in a warm environment. I think it’s important to keep room temperature relatively cold for optimal stretching/hanging.

I am looking for a good air conditioning device to keep my room cold. I need it anyway in the summer.
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Fair point the air conditioning will help with sweating but I think a smaller sleeves going to be best. Just use the smaller sleeve with a lot of MOSGrip and you should be good to go
Tuesday april 9th
10:30 AM

2x20 mins heavy hanging 9.75 kg (21.5 lbs) in the morning
2x20 mins heavy hanging 9.75 kg (21.5 lbs) in the evening

3sets of Slow squash jelqs after every hanging set.

I feel kegel training is very important, I think it’s extra heavy because of the fatigue from hanging sets. I always train kegels with a full erection.
Tuesday april 9th
10:30 AM

2x20 mins heavy hanging 9.75 kg (21.5 lbs) in the morning
2x20 mins heavy hanging 9.75 kg (21.5 lbs) in the evening

3sets of Slow squash jelqs after every hanging set.

I feel kegel training is very important, I think it’s extra heavy because of the fatigue from hanging sets. I always train kegels with a full erection.

Kegels are vital to having harder penis as you grow. When you grow your penis without doing Kegels work you’ll have a weak erections. Strong pelvic floor muscles are so important to having rock hard erections. The penis demands more blood as it grows or else your erections will be soft.
Wednesday april 10th
10:30 AM

I have this new position method of straight out heavy hanging: I put a chair right next to my bed and the chair will support my legs and lie down on my bed with my upper body. I can stand less weight this way because i’m hanging straight out. I feel a very intense tunica burning.

I can go very heavy with hanging straight down but it doesn’t bring gains I think. I have exhausted the straight down position. It’s time for other angles of attack. It’s april already and for the rest of the year i’m gonna hang straight out.

2x20 mins heavy hanging 6.25 kg (13.7 lbs) in the morning
2x20 mins heavy hanging 6.25 kg (13.7 lbs) in the evening

3sets of Slow Squash Jelqs after every hanging set.

Kegel training:
Fast twitch fibres:
Fast kegel clamps 5 x 20
Fast reverse kegel clamps 5 x 20

Slow twitch fibres:
Long slow kegel squeezes 5 x 20s
Long slow reverse kegel squeezes 5 x 20s

I feel like i’m not making any progress with kegeling. I do them while sitting on my knees on my bed. I try to simulate fucking positions. Maybe I have to start out while lying completely down or something. Sittig on your knees gives more bodyweight pressing in the BC/PC-muscles due to gravity.

for beginners: lie down on your bed and do your kegel sets
For intermediate: go sit on your knees, it wil simulate you fucking a girl in doggy position.
For advanced: standing up, it will simulate you are holding your girl in your arms and fucking her while standing straight up. Very advanced but a good skill to have.

It is advised that you don’t contract any other muscles in the body. You only need to contract the BC/PC muscles while kegel training. There’s one exception: with the reverse kegel I contract first my belly muscles and after that I do the reverse kegel.

I have to cut back down on duration I think. And I will start over again while lying down on bed. I try to do all kegel training with a full erection. Unfortunately maintaining an erection is very hard for me while lying down in bed.

Tonight i’m traveling back to my dorm room. I have an appointment with the landlord and I have to go see the endcrinologist this friday.

My bloodwork was done and my total test was very very low so I will get a new investigation.
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Sorry about the bloodwork, I understand big time. I am going through is now. Routine looks very good and realistic. If you feel you are not getting much out of the Kegel Routine I advise to add weight to the Kegels. A small towel would be great! Simply soak the towel in the water and drape it over your erect penis and weighted erect raises. Extreme powerful!
Sorry about the bloodwork, I understand big time. I am going through is now. Routine looks very good and realistic. If you feel you are not getting much out of the Kegel Routine I advise to add weight to the Kegels. A small towel would be great! Simply soak the towel in the water and drape it over your erect penis and weighted erect raises. Extreme powerful!

I’m also doing the reverse pyramid hanging sets and I strap in to heal at moderate weights after my active hanging sessions.
That is awesome I’m so glad other people are using the Reverse Pyramid Hanging technique. How have you fared so far, what are your thoughts about it?

It’s fucking incredible man! It has a highly addictive component. I cannot stop hanging. Every fibre and cell in my body knows what’s up when I strap on my SiliStretcher and start those sets. I am doing the reverse pyramid sets hanging straight out and straight upwards.

Currently I am hanging all hours available in my daytime schedule. I sit at home currently, I got sick and dropped out from university. So I have all the time to hang. I got back to my dorm room, no parents around anymore.
Thursday april 11th
03:30 PM

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
For the remainder of the day: 2-3 kg (4.4-6.6lbs) hangingat low moderate weight ADS style

Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging until my girth is completely fatigued and I cannot get an erection anymore.

I’m back in my dorm room, finally I have the time to hang in private.
Friday april 12th
03:00 PM

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
For the remainder of the day: 2-3 kg (4.4-6.6lbs) hangingat low moderate weight ADS style

Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging until my girth is completely fatigued and I cannot get an erection anymore.

I fapped yesterday and I feel more fatigue in my tunica. I had a Nofap streak of 2.5 months, but the doctor wants me to give a semen sample for the next week.

He will investigate the sperm mobility, concentration, health, quality etc so I will have to fap anyway and I can’t say no to the doctor LOL

I will just keep hanging no matter what happens in my life.
It’s fucking incredible man! It has a highly addictive component. I cannot stop hanging. Every fibre and cell in my body knows what’s up when I strap on my SiliStretcher and start those sets. I am doing the reverse pyramid sets hanging straight out and straight upwards.

Currently I am hanging all hours available in my daytime schedule. I sit at home currently, I got sick and dropped out from university. So I have all the time to hang. I got back to my dorm room, no parents around anymore.

Can you please post this in the Reverse Pyramid Hanging thread so people know? This is definitely the best stretching technique ever, it uses every bit of data we have ever had to make a routine that will bring length at record speed’s. Please promote it so other brothers can gain with the speed and safety like you.
Can you please post this in the Reverse Pyramid Hanging thread so people know? This is definitely the best stretching technique ever, it uses every bit of data we have ever had to make a routine that will bring length at record speed’s. Please promote it so other brothers can gain with the speed and safety like you.

I’ll do that right now! Everyone who visits this website has to know about this method!
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Saturday april 13th
05:30 PM

Pre length work: Lengthmaster: bundled stretching 10 mins; straight up, straight down, left, right

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 min
3rd set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs ) for 30 mins
4th set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 3.5 kg (7.7lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4 kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
9th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
10th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

For the remainder of the day: 2-3 kg (4.4-6.6lbs) hanging at low moderate weight ADS style

Girth training:
Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging until my girth is completely fatigued and I cannot get an erection anymore. It’s mainly to just eliminate fluid retention in the glans, after every hour i’ll do 3-4 sets of 30 seconds. It adds up over time though.

Kegel training:
Fast twitch fibres:
Fast kegel clamps 5 x 20
Fast reverse kegel clamps 5 x 20

Slow twitch fibres:
Long slow kegel squeezes 5 x 20s
Long slow reverse kegel squeezes 5 x 20s

Tonight I am gonna test out the SiliStretcher while sleeping. I think I will attach the strap to my under leg. If I can get this to work out properly, I will make faster length gains. I’m in a race against time. I want to optimize and use every hour I have.
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I’ll do that right now! Everyone who visits this website has to know about this method!

It’s the truth and once people start using it they’re going to see there’s no other way to make gains so quickly. I’m overly excited about this because to me it’s like when I wrote SRT I knew it was going to be a big deal but it took a wild to takeoff. I hope this doesn’t take as long to takeoff because there is no better way to gain length. And I say this from a completely scientific point of view, methodology used in this routine is the essence of what length gaining is all about. Thank you for posting in the thread and I hope it inspires people to take on this beautiful routine.
Sunday april 14th
12:30 PM

Pre length work: Lengthmaster : bundled stretching 10 mins; straight up, straight down, left, right

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

What i’m doing is inducing fatigue as quickly as possible and riding that fatigue the rest of the day at lower weights. A comfortably tunica burning sensation all day long.

3-3.5 kg (6.6-7.7 lbs) hanging at low moderate weight ADS style

I have to start at heavier weights because 1-2 kg isn’t doing much anymore, I have to increase intensity for quick tunica fatigue and burning. So I started at 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs). Maybe i’m gonna start at 3kg (6.6 lbs) this week.

Girth training:

Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging until my girth is completely fatigued and I cannot get an erection anymore. It’s mainly to just eliminate fluid retention in the glans, after every hour i’ll do 3-4 sets of 30 seconds. It adds up over time though.
Very clever how you have modified the reverse pyramid methodology.

When I saw this I was like "WOW" that is how I have structured my routines.
Using lightest weight first, working to the heaviest, but then going down the Pyramid to lighter weights.

This will prevent the penis from getting hardened to the heavy weight, because it wont know, as the last poundage it used was lightest, it cannot adjust readily to it compared to if you simply started with light going to heavy and then ending the session on the heavy weight. Training wights like that will make the penis larger, but make it STRONGER, more resistant to weight, which we do not want.

Good thinking, we have similar mindset :) I dont have as many sets in mine (4-5) and the total duration is 60 mins with them alternating from 10m to 20m in length. My angle is also SU or OTS.
Sunday april 14th
12:30 PM

Pre length work: Lengthmaster : bundled stretching 10 mins; straight up, straight down, left, right

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

What i’m doing is inducing fatigue as quickly as possible and riding that fatigue the rest of the day at lower weights. A comfortably tunica burning sensation all day long.

3-3.5 kg (6.6-7.7 lbs) hanging at low moderate weight ADS style

I have to start at heavier weights because 1-2 kg isn’t doing much anymore, I have to increase intensity for quick tunica fatigue and burning. So I started at 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs). Maybe i’m gonna start at 3kg (6.6 lbs) this week.

Girth training:

Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging until my girth is completely fatigued and I cannot get an erection anymore. It’s mainly to just eliminate fluid retention in the glans, after every hour i’ll do 3-4 sets of 30 seconds. It adds up over time though.

Exactly correct after you work your way to the top of the Reverse Pyramid intensity and fatigue you’ll want to either do what you’re doing and ride it out or you can simply just put on your SiliStretcher and allow that to do the extended stretching after the routine. But either way it’s a perfect healing strategy!
Exactly correct after you work your way to the top of the Reverse Pyramid intensity and fatigue you’ll want to either do what you’re doing and ride it out or you can simply just put on your SiliStretcher and allow that to do the extended stretching after the routine. But either way it’s a perfect healing strategy!

After i’m done and build up to the max hanging weight with this special method I cannot go any heavier in weights! ? I start to literally sweat from fatigue, extreme shaft burning, so I HAVE to ride this out for the rest of the day, and naturally I keep lowering the weights to manage fatigue. ??

I tpyically reach a maximum weight of 4-4.5 kg (8.8-9.9 lbs) I cannot seem to exceed this, and then I taper it off to lower weights. it’s perfect to ride the fatigue.

I love this method ❤?
Monday april 15th
08:30 PM

Pre length work: Lengthmaster : bundled stretching 10 mins; straight up, straight down, left, right

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
Tuesday april 16th
05:00 PM

Pre length work: Lengthmaster : bundled stretching 10 mins; straight up, straight down, left, right

SiliStretcher reverse pyramid hanging sets
1st set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs ) for 30 mins
2nd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4kg (8.8lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

Riding the fatigue for as many hours as possible.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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