Active Member
I started jelquin again started this month and im gonna have a measuring by the end of october to see if i obtain gains, i had jelq in the past but this one time gonna be two months of intense jelquin, i would like to add more exercises but i just dont have enough time sometimes and i just hate when i add a new routine just to leave it later, and restart again is very stressful and tiring. DLD suggest me to get the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]size genetics[/words] and i would like to buy it if i had cash
i do 600 jelqs per day sometimes a bit less maybe 550 per routine, what do you guys think am i gonna make gains? I really want to gain an inch or do i have to change the exercises to something more intense?maybe i should take something from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] routine ? could some [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] exercises help me out too.