Dont let adult entertainment Fool You guys..Its retarded


Well-known member
adult entertainment is retarded, don’t let it fool you. There are so many small guys in adult entertainment it not even funny. Truth is a lot of other guys could be in adult entertainment here if we wanted to we are big enough.

Being in adult entertainment in isn’t always about the biggest dick, or the hottest guys. IF you can get your dick up in front of a camera, a lot of people cannot even if they have a huge dick. So who do you think the industry is going to take, someone with a big dick who cant get it up, or someone smaller that is not camera shy and can get it up. I wonder?

Anyways, don’t get down cause you see some one bigger in adult entertainment. Try to look at it this way. Imagine that you are that guy’s size, and think “Man I can’t wait until I am that big”. “It’s going to be so great” Don’t think negative, always positive.

To Making it Bigger!!

The close ups used to blow me away. Makes all dicks look like they are 6-7 inches in girth. Compare teh close ups of just the dick to the (very few) shots from far back where you can see the guy's whole body. Looks a lot smaller.
As untruthful as adult entertainment is, I have to tip my hat to it. It was my false perception of the dick sizes portrayed in adult entertainment that made me want to enlarge my dick. After reading much of DLD's extensive research on the truth behind the men in adult entertainment and their "junk," I'm now motivated to become larger then all of those guys who I used to think were huge. Not to mention the fact that it allows me to stay erect during my girth routines. ;)
Originally posted by oopapercutoo
I'm now motivated to become larger then all of those guys who I used to think were huge. Not to mention the fact that it allows me to stay erect during my girth routines. ;)
Man, I am completely straight, but watching guys with huge dicks fuck a girl gets me all horny. I guess I want to be like them someday. It's motivation.
Originally posted by oopapercutoo
As untruthful as adult entertainment is, I have to tip my hat to it. It was my false perception of the dick sizes portrayed in adult entertainment that made me want to enlarge my dick. After reading much of DLD's extensive research on the truth behind the men in adult entertainment and their "junk," I'm now motivated to become larger then all of those guys who I used to think were huge. Not to mention the fact that it allows me to stay erect during my girth routines. ;)

Originally posted by Gandolf
Man, I am completely straight, but watching guys with huge dicks fuck a girl gets me all horny. I guess I want to be like them someday. It's motivation.

Just wanted to clarify that I too am completely straight...I don't know if that came across in my post or not. Give me a heterosexual sex scene or a nice lesbian scene and I'm well on my way to a great girth workout! :blahblah:
I agree with you supra, adult entertainment is H Y P E.
I have gone over this many times, videos and pix make it seem alot bigger than the thing really is.

Also lenses, distance, light, background and so fourth.
Try a test.

Video yourself naked, your penis is the focus.
View it afterwards - you will be surprised.

Also alot of image morphing goes on these days in adult entertainment pictures and I also reckon that the odd video is edited frame by frame to make it that bit more impressive, it can be done - get Animation Shop, you can edit any Media type file frame by frame if ya want, the adult entertainment gurus have $$$$$ that = more tech'' and perhaps if they do what I am saying = more better effects.