Does Thicker mean Wetter

Do women prone to get wetter while having intercourse with a much thicker girth penis say around 7 inch plus penis girth verses a much thinner one around 4.5 inches. Is it not a none fact that women are more visually aroused by a larger penis then a smaller one?, and if wetter is a function of visual arousal then bigger should mean wetter. Also, why are so many men engaged in Penis Enlargement trying to become bigger? What is the purpose?
To make women even wetter. For some its ego, for some it is an obsession,for some people who have micro penis, 4 inch penises it is a god send. For some it is a hobby. For some it is like a sport. For some it is a way to keep the penis as healthy as possible. And the list goes on and on.
lol yeah for me it is a hobby plus I just incorporate Penis Enlargement in with my regaular exercise regimine so I guess it is also a way of life Plus I just like the feeling of having bigger thicker Mr. Bo Jangles if you will...speaking of that is it a good sign if you can't put the tiolet role beyond the Tunica????? It like um stops going down over my wang just after the Tunica and I have to push a tad to get it beyond the Tunica?
The right woman would get wet because she is into YOU.
My current girlfriend got really wet when she was really turned on. It had little to do with the girth of my member, and more to do with how I treated her, how comfortable she felt, and her current state of mind.
Aside from normal wetness, female ejaculation, in my experience, is very dependent on size. When my girl first started to squirt it was only after I had made size gains.

Normal wetness, in any sexual situation I have been in was dependent on the woman's excitement, not size, as before I was into Penis Enlargement many of the women I was with became very wet.