This is something I've been fiddling around with four about a week now, and it's really working great. It keeps your dong really warm, and when I take it off the skin is all silky like my dong was steamed. I've drawn some illustrations on how to make this, they are kind of crappy but hey they seem easy enough to follow. These instructions will correspond with numbers relating to what number the picture has on it. Tell me what you think if you try this.

1. First you get a long sock. Preferably a wollen one. You'll also need to have one with elastic ends, because with out it, it's hard to hold the dong-warmer in place once it goes on.

2. This is where your hands take place, take one hand and put your hand all the way in the sock until you can feel the inside of the socks end. Be sure to grab it, because you'll be pulling it through in the next instruction. Use your other hand for support when getting your first hand inside the sock.

3. Now you pull the sock all the way through until the end of the sock sticks out just over the elastic part. In the end of it is too long for you, just put the end of the sock just under the elastic's end. If that's too long then just go shorter. Be sure to use your other hand (Or both when finished) to make sure the whole is wide enough, and both layers are together.

4. This is where you need to get your dong and balls into the sock to make sure everything is your size. If it's a bit too big don't worry about it we will go onto modifications in the next steps.

5. Once you have your dong and balls fully in the sock, take the elastic end part and pull it down. by pulling it down I mean basically create another layer, and the length you need to pull it down is right to the other side of the sock, because now it should stay on your dong a lot better.

6. Now you're finished. If it's too big for you there's two things you can do. You can take the end of the sock and cousin it onside the whole thing inside the layers, or you can start from what you created on step 3, and just fold it over again half way (Avoiding folding the elastic end).


Some of you guys are going for big balls as well as a big penis. Don't fret there's a way to modify this. The reason to modify this, is if your balls are cool it produces more sperm, thus a lower hang. There are enough layers in your pants and underwear to keep the scrotum hanging low, but keeping your balls inside the sock warmer would just warm it and not produce much sperm. Unless you want it that way, sometimes your balls feel good when they are warm. ANYWAYS, basically what your going to do is cut a whole in the bottom for all layers. Read carefully, a little cut goes a long way, and I had to learn this the hard way because I wasted a woolen sock doing this. One inch across cut is over KILL. One centemeter should do the job, but if your having trouble trying to get your balls in just pull the skin through the whole, and force your balls to the end of your scrotum.

Reasons to use the dong-warmer
-It keeps your dong warm, making heals go much smoother. Starting up a work-out kills me because I'm not entirely healed yet, and this seems to help.
-If you wear it all day it, you're bulge increases because of the sock. I've had women looking at me down there. Eye-contact my face is here girlies.. Just kidding you can look.
-It's good because winter is coming up, and those layers are not warm enough.

Mild dangers
-Try not to move around the sock so much, because when you do that it kind of burns your gooch area. When you put it on, just leave it. the elastic should hold.

Other modifications

If you never plan on using this sock again (Especially after you cut holes in it), you could always sew a circle around the hole-area where you cut so the layers still hold together, thus making it easier to put your balls in. You could also sew other places too, like near the end when the end point of your sock meats the layers, or the begginings where the elastic part meets the layers on the inside, but if you get a hard-on it might be painful because your stretching the limits of your whoolen sock, then you'll have to re-adjust, and you'll end up burning the gooch after all the times of re-adjusting.
Thanks for the comments. I don't think enough heat is generated for warm-ups and warm-downs, but then again I use the hottest water from my tap for that.
I love it when you catch a woman crotch scanning. Last week I was wearing the Anti-Turtling thing from autoextender and I was wearing shorts and they were hugging my leg and two girls beside me were totalling checking it out.

Good job on the innovation. I might try that during winter.
I fucking love it. Its better, safer, and more concealable than the autoextender or vacu-hanger used as an [words=]ADS[/words]. I even wear it in the gym. It is a bit pricey for some rubber hose and stopper though, but I got it in a package along with the vacu-hanger and Vac-Extender II.