I think I am seeing the temporary gains from Waterpump hardcore stretches, so I will have to see as time goes on.
I tend to do these only on Friday and Saturday. They work really well though.
I didn’t add 1 exercise that I have been doing right after erect stretches but I am not sure what to call them or if these are being done by anyone.
It is an erect stretch grip with one hand right behind the glans and the other hand grip at the base
Then you pull in opposite directions with each pull being a rep.
I do erect stretches for a few minutes then these reps between 60 to 180 reps.
Very tiring on the hands though.
Not sure what to call them but it reminds me of a cartoon my nephew used to watch named cat dog, where sometimes they would run in opposite directions and the body would become stretched.
[QUOTE = "DLD, publicación: 1835484, miembro: 2"]
Gracias por diseñar tu rutina y crear un hilo de progreso es el movimiento más inteligente que podemos encontrar después de unirte a la hermandad. Tu entrenamiento se ve bien. Tengo algunas adiciones que probablemente te ayudarán. Antes de comenzar su rutina, le sugiero que les dé cinco minutos de estiramientos agrupados. Estos son importantes ya que preparan su túnica para adquirir mucho más tamaño, longitud o circunferencia, para aprovechar al máximo su rutina. También recomiendo dos veces por semana que hagas 10 minutos de estiramiento erecto. Esto es muy fácil de hacer, póngase erguido y estírese frente a usted durante 10 minutos. Puedes hacerlo un minuto a la vez. Esto te ayudará a asegurar una nueva ganancia de longitud.
Noté en la parte superior de tu publicación tus días y solo veo un día de trabajo de circunferencia, ¿es eso realmente lo que estás haciendo? O estoy equivocado, solo avísame porque tengo un consejo.
Aparte de eso, estoy de acuerdo con que Red mantenga su motivación, dedicación, determinación y trabaje progresivamente más intenso, todo esto es vital para que permanezca en el juego y logre las ganancias que desea.
Hola como estas bueno veo q iniciaste en enero
Y estas con la Rutina Novatos los jelqing son de lo mas importante y sirven para longitud y grosor ya veo q haces bomba sabias q primero se adapta el pene con la Rutina novatos las bombas son una herramienta fuerte para el pene q no esta acostumbrado a ese tipo de presiones
la rutina Terminala son 5 dias y se descansan 2
Paatos avanzados si no la tienes me la pides con gusto te ayudo
I am going for a more length routine before circumference or girth work. It is only about once or twice a week.[QUOTE = "DLD, publicación: 1835484, miembro: 2"]
Gracias por diseñar tu rutina y crear un hilo de progreso es el movimiento más inteligente que podemos encontrar después de unirte a la hermandad. Tu entrenamiento se ve bien. Tengo algunas adiciones que probablemente te ayudarán. Antes de comenzar su rutina, le sugiero que les dé cinco minutos de estiramientos agrupados. Estos son importantes ya que preparan su túnica para adquirir mucho más tamaño, longitud o circunferencia, para aprovechar al máximo su rutina. También recomiendo dos veces por semana que hagas 10 minutos de estiramiento erecto. Esto es muy fácil de hacer, póngase erguido y estírese frente a usted durante 10 minutos. Puedes hacerlo un minuto a la vez. Esto te ayudará a asegurar una nueva ganancia de longitud.
Noté en la parte superior de tu publicación tus días y solo veo un día de trabajo de circunferencia, ¿es eso realmente lo que estás haciendo? O estoy equivocado, solo avísame porque tengo un consejo.
Aparte de eso, estoy de acuerdo con que Red mantenga su motivación, dedicación, determinación y trabaje progresivamente más intenso, todo esto es vital para que permanezca en el juego y logre las ganancias que desea.
Hola como estas bueno veo q iniciaste en enero
Y estas con la Rutina Novatos los jelqing son de lo mas importante y sirven para longitud y grosor ya veo q haces bomba sabias q primero se adapta el pene con la Rutina novatos las bombas son una herramienta fuerte para el pene q no esta acostumbrado a ese tipo de presiones
la rutina Terminala son 5 dias y se descansan 2
Paatos avanzados si no la tienes me la pides con gusto te ayudo
1 hour vacuum stretcher device
***Yesterday PM
Hardcore Waterpump stretches
Straight up, out, down 30 sec hold x 3 each
90 reps Waterpump stretch pulls
(same as Waterpump stretch but additional pull 1 rep each)
Are they two different stretches?Waterpump Strech? Hardcore Stretching?
Are they two different stretches?
Yes hardcore Waterpump stretches.
I don’t have a bathmate so I have to use an alternative water pump.
Got to get back to my everyday routine.
Hi how are you brother.Starting stats
EG 4.5-4.75
Started Newbie Routine with stretches, girth work only one day Jan 2019
-Workout schedule
Monday on - stretch
Tuesday off
Wednesday on - stretch
Thursday on - stretch
Friday off
Saturday on -jelq/ squeeze or light clamping
***Stretch day
-Warm up
5 min in shower
-water pump session
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)
-Newbie Stretches 25-30 min
Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks
Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks
Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks
-30 minutes light stretch using phalloguage extender
Used just to stay extended after workout
-Warm down
5 min
***jelq/ squeeze or light clamping
-Warm up
5 min in shower
-water pump session
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)
10, 3 sec jelqs then 1, 5 sec squeeze
x 10
3 sets of 5-7 min clamp sessions
equal amount of rest in between with helicopter shakes
The reason I have not been doing the jelqs with stretches is because I noticed a drop in eq.
Please, any input is welcome!
I have done some pe before, just not consistent.
Hoping to stick with it this time and really make some true gains (like)
One thing I have noticed, not sure if it happens to others, I turtled up after my workout last night.
More so than usual and wondering if it was because I have had a small layoff last couple of weeks. I’ve done a few workouts but not as consistent.
@Hamadouche In one year I gained approximately 3/4 inch .75 inchHi how are you brother.
Please How much have you earned in one year of training?
Glad that I am on the right track thenLove that your getting fulcrum in! That is all I did when I made the PowerAssist. I was obsessed with the idea of such simple levers could bring such intense stretches. As history goes the PowerAssist became the Lengthmaster.
I think I have just begun to tap into what the Lengthmaster/ Power assist offers and that it will be a great tool in the long run.
***Afternoon workout
5 minutes warm up
5 minute bundles
30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks
30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks
30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25 Cranks
20 minute fulcrum stretches with power assist
30 minutes vacuum extender
50 minutes vacuum stretcher
I don’t have a bathmate, but I’ve been using an air pump as a water pump effectively for expressive stretches.
I was trying to do the hardcore stretches in the morning, but it just wasn’t working out.
I’ve still been doing them, but only on Friday and Saturday night.
Can hardcore stretches be done with water pump and then perform other length exercises or is it counter productive?
Thinking of changing up my routine.
I feel like I am a bit stuck at 6.75 inches in length.
I would like nothing more than to keep gaining length.
I am considering doing hardcore water pump stretches followed by a pumping session with a 2 inch cylinder and then doing some sets of air pump hardcore stretches.
What do you think?
Or should I stick to my length routine for another 3 months and see some gains that way?
Yeah I do one last stretch session before bed and then throw the sleeve on for passive healing while I sleep. I was just throwing it out there for you.
Thanks for sharing. Maybe I need to increase my passive healing time.Yeah I do one last stretch session before bed and then throw the sleeve on for passive healing while I sleep. I was just throwing it out there for you.
Hardcore stretches are very good. (like)How did you like the hard-core stretches?
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend