Progress thread Come on gains

After my current routine ending at end of September, I am thinking of trying the same routine, but taking bundles to 10 minutes.

I think bundles would signal tissue damage because of the pressure caused by the twisting.
If I increase the time from 5 to 10 minutes of bundles it would initiate more healing.

I read this article.

What do you think about increasing bundles from 5 to 10 minutes to initiate the healing response further through damage?
After my current routine ending at end of September, I am thinking of trying the same routine, but taking bundles to 10 minutes.

I think bundles would signal tissue damage because of the pressure caused by the twisting.
If I increase the time from 5 to 10 minutes of bundles it would initiate more healing.

I read this article.

What do you think about increasing bundles from 5 to 10 minutes to initiate the healing response further through damage?

The more you bundle in any stretch position the more you will gain. Go for as long as you like to incorporate them into every stretch you do.
I’ve been doing my PE workout regularly and I just wanted to measure this morning before the 1st of September measurement and no growth. (fail)

What the heck happened?
I even think I lost 1/8 inch or so based on measurements unless my EQ is down some.

My workout lately has consisted of mainly fulcrum type stretches for the last 2.5 months.
Previously I gained about 3/8 of an inch, so a little disappointed that my measurement shows no gain and maybe a bit of loss.

Previous 3 months when I gained I was alternating newbie stretches... you know
down left right middle
Straight out left right middle
Up left right middle
Rotations in between sets
And on every other day switching to fulcrum stretches... you know fulcrum up down left right etc.

So basically Silistretcher light setting 1 to 2 hours, warm up, Stretches, warm down and Silistretcher for an hour for healing.

Any suggestions, I am mainly doing length work and girth in the future.
Well first of all I’m sorry my brother that he did not see growth but that’s not a terrible thing it’s actually a good thing because it’s telling you that you need to make a change. I can help you write a lengthy exclusive routine it’s guaranteed to give you growth. What equipment do you have? How much time you have every day?
I have about 30 minutes a day for active training.
I just realized that I am only 1.5 months into my routine and still have another 5 or 6?weeks before official measurement.
I will chime back in.
I am going to continue the course and see what happens at the end of the 3 months.

I will definitely consult back with you shortly.

I think I am doing everything right but maybe the amount of force is not doing it or maybe I’m overtraining, but I doubt it.

Here is my current routine
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Sometimes wear Silistretcher 1 to 2 hours light stretch before actual workout going from passive to more active stretching
5 minutes warm up
1 minute erect stretches x 5 to 10 sets
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left
Fulcrum pointed down x7

Warm down 5 minute MOSRed .

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After Length Routine
Silistretcher sets of 60 minutes progressively going from full intensity to lighter intensity sets
Minimum 1 hour after workout
Yes stick with this routine before you make any changes because of this working you don’t want to mess that up. After the measurements if you need something more we will work in that direction.
I took a week off and I’m back.

No gains on fulcrum only routine.
Going back to my previous routine when I gained.

What do you think?

Monday, Wednesday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left
Fulcrum pointed down

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundledstretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

I took a week off and I’m back.

No gains on fulcrum only routine.
Going back to my previous routine when I gained.

What do you think?

Monday, Wednesday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left
Fulcrum pointed down

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundledstretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour


I think you should do your best to use the length master for 1 hour daily if you want to make continuous gains with it.
I took a week off and I’m back.

No gains on fulcrum only routine.
Going back to my previous routine when I gained.

What do you think?

Monday, Wednesday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left
Fulcrum pointed down

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundledstretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

I completely and absolutely love it! You’re using all the methodology necessary to put a length routine together it’s going to be very effective. Anytime you lean on the properties of SRT you’re going to come out with a much better routine. I’ll be watching and reading my brother.
I will get my LM in the future for sure, but for now I will do manuals and use Silistretcher.

Do you have a Length Master and what kind of routines have you used?

I believe that huge has been on his LM routine for about a year and a half now. I know he is made gains as of recently. But I’m sure he will chime in and let you know.
I completely and absolutely love it! You’re using all the methodology necessary to put a length routine together it’s going to be very effective. Anytime you lean on the properties of SRT you’re going to come out with a much better routine. I’ll be watching and reading my brother.
@DLD thanks for the support brother and all the other brothers that chime in and provide feedback.
I will get my LM in the future for sure, but for now I will do manuals and use Silistretcher.

Do you have a Length Master and what kind of routines have you used?

Yes I own a length master and I've been using it for a year and almost 3 months now. I have done downward bundled stretches, dld blasters, mandingo stretches and then back to the dld blasters again which I'm currently doing.

I do each each exercise for 1 hour daily (a few times I do not for 40mins) and each exercise I do it for a period of 3 months before changing to a new routine.
Yes I own a length master and I've been using it for a year and almost 3 months now. I have done downward bundled stretches, dld blasters, mandingo stretches and then back to the dld blasters again which I'm currently doing.

I do each each exercise for 1 hour daily (a few times I do not for 40mins) and each exercise I do it for a period of 3 months before changing to a new routine.
@huge-girth thanks for sharing the exercises you use.
What kind of gains have you had with the method you are using?
Are you going for length only or do you also perform any girth exercises?
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@DLD I bought a cheap knockoff similar to stealth stretcher, but doesn’t have all the goodies like the one here at MOS.

My question is will wearing the Silistretcher or Stealth Stretcher just 1 to 2 hours continue to help with gains or do I have to go wearing it 6 to 10 hours a day for it to make a difference.

I do manual workout and then wear for an hour or so or also wear it 1 to 2 hours before manuals.

What is your opinion on wearing for only 1 to 2 hours a day?
@DLD I bought a cheap knockoff similar to stealth stretcher, but doesn’t have all the goodies like the one here at MOS.

My question is will wearing the Silistretcher or Stealth Stretcher just 1 to 2 hours continue to help with gains or do I have to go wearing it 6 to 10 hours a day for it to make a difference.

I do manual workout and then wear for an hour or so or also wear it 1 to 2 hours before manuals.

What is your opinion on wearing for only 1 to 2 hours a day?


You already have those devices?
Does turtling always indicate overtraining?

I am performing length stretching then putting on Suction stretcher for an hour after stretching.
When I remove the stretcher causing some turtling after.
No, turtling can happen just as a natural way the body works. The penis when it’s not in use, for most men, turtles and turns inward to protect itself. This is a natural thing that we are born with and the best way to change it is through education. You can teach your penis to remain elongated and you can do this in many ways but the penis needs to remain elongated.

Also keep in mind that as you gain erect length The flaccid penis will grow relatively to the hard penis.
@DLD Thanks for the feedback.
I skipped my stretching routine this morning to try out the Waterpump hardcore stretches for expressive stretching and man I got an insane stretch and pump.

I am still thinking of staying with my nightly stretch routine which is newbie stretches and then applying Silistretcher at night, but I was thinking of adding the Waterpump hardcore stretches first thing in the morning.

What do you think of this as far as gaining length?

So it would be Waterpump hardcore stretch in the morning.
Then at night would be my stretch routine, so there would be at least 12 hours between the workouts

Or would it be a better benefit to do the nightly stretches followed by Waterpump hardcore stretching and then applying Silistretcher.
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@DLD Thanks for the feedback.
I skipped my stretching routine this morning to try out the Waterpump hardcore stretches for expressive stretching and man I got an insane stretch and pump.

I am still thinking of staying with my nightly stretch routine which is newbie stretches and then applying Silistretcher at night, but I was thinking of adding the Waterpump hardcore stretches first thing in the morning.

What do you think of this as far as gaining length?

So it would be Waterpump hardcore stretch in the morning.
Then at night would be my stretch routine, so there would be at least 12 hours between the workouts

Or would it be a better benefit to do the nightly stretches followed by Waterpump hardcore stretching and then applying Silistretcher.

I like this because it all allow you to focus on one thing at a time. Give it a try and remain consistent so we can see what it produces.
I have a measurement day coming up at the end of December, hoping to see some gains or at least that my gain to 6.5 inches in length remained cemented.
Hi @DLD,

I’m measuring at the end of the
month with current routine below.

I think my measurement will be cemented at 6.5 inches when I do measure.

I started at MOS on Jan 2019 at 6 inches in length and have since added half an inch along with EQ having gone up for me.

I just wanted to say thank you to you and all the brothers that have chimed in as it has all been helpful information.

There was a period of 3 months where I made most of my gain at 3/8 of an inch during the last year.

Im thinking of removing the fulcrum stretching and just going with newbies stretches followed by wearing Silistretcher or extender.

Please look at my routine below and provide guidance on my routine for length only growth at this time.
I am going for length because I know girth will come very quickly once I get there, but length seems to be coming slowly.

I really want to make more than 1/2 inch gain in length.

Thanks for any help provided.
Current Routine thinking of doing away with Fulcrum stretches for next 3 months
Monday, Wednesday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left
Fulcrum pointed down

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundledstretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour
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Hi @DLD,

I’m measuring at the end of the
month with current routine below.

I think my measurement will be cemented at 6.5 inches when I do measure.

I started at MOS on Jan 2019 at 6 inches in length and have since added half an inch along with EQ having gone up for me.

I just wanted to say thank you to you and all the brothers that have chimed in as it has all been helpful information.

There was a period of 3 months where I made most of my gain at 3/8 of an inch during the last year.

Im thinking of removing the fulcrum stretching and just going with newbies stretches followed by wearing Silistretcher or extender.

Please look at my routine below and provide guidance on my routine for length only growth at this time.
I am going for length because I know girth will come very quickly once I get there, but length seems to be coming slowly.

I really want to make more than 1/2 inch gain in length.

Thanks for any help provided.
Current Routine thinking of doing away with Fulcrum stretches for next 3 months
Monday, Wednesday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left
Fulcrum pointed down

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundledstretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

This workout looks dynamite! I think the only two things I see that you have missed our express of stretching and and erect stretching. Also do not forget to get your Kegels in and the Testicle Health massage and stretch. Adding these three components will help you gain much faster.
This workout looks dynamite! I think the only two things I see that you have missed our express of stretching and and erect stretching. Also do not forget to get your Kegels in and the Testicle Health massage and stretch. Adding these three components will help you gain much faster.

We really need to have a video of the erect stretch and expressive stretch. I still do not know the difference between the both of them
This workout looks dynamite! I think the only two things I see that you have missed our express of stretching and and erect stretching. Also do not forget to get your Kegels in and the Testicle Health massage and stretch. Adding these three components will help you gain much faster.
What is the difference between erect stretches and expressive stretching?
Is this the same thing?
What is the difference between erect stretches and expressive stretching?
Is this the same thing?

No they’re very different. We will be doing videos on this in a short time but I’ll describe both here as they were extremely easy to understand. Expressive stretching is where you’re pulling penis from inside of your body out. This can be done in many different ways but my favorites and I’m sure @huge-girth is too are Lengthmaster low grip stretching or Bathmate hardcore stretching. You can always do this manually by gripping the penis very low at the base and stretching out in various directions.

Erect stretching is very simple you get an erection you grip it right below the head and you stretch it outward in various directions in 30 to 60 second repetitions. I believe some people have even done these with the LM I’m not sure who it was though.
Beginning January 1, 2020

Only thing is when I do Waterpump Hardcore stretches my penis does not feel as elastic when performing other stretches.


5 x 1 minute erect stretches if time permits

Waterpump hardcore stretches
30-seconds x 3 each
Straight up
Straight out
Straight down


5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches
5 x 1 minute erect stretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour
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How does one prevent fluid build up when performing hardcore waterpump stretches or is the fluid just a byproduct of the exercise?
I know you liked the routine and I just added the erect and expressive stretching like you suggested. Thanks for the feedback.

You’ll just keep getting bigger and bigger and my brother! Make me proud.
I measured BPEL to get to 6.5 inches I have to press in with the ruler pretty good into the fat pad. Does this still count as 6.5 inches?

I know I have gotten longer since starting on Jan 2019.

Come on gains in 2020.
I measured BPEL to get to 6.5 inches I have to press in with the ruler pretty good into the fat pad. Does this still count as 6.5 inches?

I know I have gotten longer since starting on Jan 2019.

Come on gains in 2020.

Of course that’s the reason you measure bone-pressed, so that fat does not take away from your length. The penis under your fat pad is real penis so it should be included in your bone pressed measurements. If you lose the fat pad to make an instant visual gain.
I have been reading and looking at different things and I am tweaking my next routine.
I am incorporating some DLD blasters, but I am trying the A stretch but having difficulties.

I might try the DLD blasters with modified version using a fulcrum at the base or just stretch down while doing DLD blasters.

Below is what my routine will look like beginning January 1, 2020.

I will use Hardcore Waterpump stretches as long as I don’t feel they are impeding my length routine in the evening due to expansion it causes for girth.

Changing out the newbie stretch to 1 set followed by 100 gentle downward tugs to prepare for DLD blasters
For DLD blasters I will be doing 5 sec kegel then 5 second reverse kegel.

I did 7 minutes of DLD blasters today as a tryout and I got some red spots on my glans probably due to the extra pressure of the pull.

Is this normal due to pressure increase on the glans or am I gripping to tight?


5 x 1 minute erect stretches if time permits

Waterpump hardcore stretches
30-seconds x 3 each
Straight up
Straight out
Straight down


5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches
5 x 1 minute erect stretches

30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

DLD blasters 10 minutes.

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour
I have been reading and looking at different things and I am tweaking my next routine.
I am incorporating some DLD blasters, but I am trying the A stretch but having difficulties.

I might try the DLD blasters with modified version using a fulcrum at the base or just stretch down while doing DLD blasters.

Below is what my routine will look like beginning January 1, 2020.

I will use Hardcore Waterpump stretches as long as I don’t feel they are impeding my length routine in the evening due to expansion it causes for girth.

Changing out the newbie stretch to 1 set followed by 100 gentle downward tugs to prepare for DLD blasters
For DLD blasters I will be doing 5 sec kegel then 5 second reverse kegel.

I did 7 minutes of DLD blasters today as a tryout and I got some red spots on my glans probably due to the extra pressure of the pull.

Is this normal due to pressure increase on the glans or am I gripping to tight?


5 x 1 minute erect stretches if time permits

Waterpump hardcore stretches
30-seconds x 3 each
Straight up
Straight out
Straight down


5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches
5 x 1 minute erect stretches

30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

DLD blasters 10 minutes.

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine minimum 1 hour

This looks in credible are you doing this all using the Lengthmaster? If so this routines going to bring you gains very quickly If you can handle it. Correct me if I’m mistaken my brother.
I will be getting my LM end of week and will begin using it then. I think I had responded, but it seems my response was not updated.
Thanks again for the feedback.
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***Night workout

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches
5 x 1 minute erect stretches only did 3 minutes

30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25 Cranks

DLD blasters 10 minutes with power assist.
Had some trouble using LM because it kept slipping. I need more practice wrapping for LM, but in the meantime power assist will be really good for stretching.

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine 1 hour
***Night workout

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches
5 x 1 minute erect stretches only did 3 minutes

30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25 Cranks

DLD blasters 10 minutes with power assist.
Had some trouble using LM because it kept slipping. I need more practice wrapping for LM, but in the meantime power assist will be really good for stretching.

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine 1 hour

You are awesome! You’re going to do so well here.
***Morning workout

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches
5 x 1 minute erect stretches only did 2 minutes

30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25 Cranks

DLD blasters 10 minutes with power assist .

Vacuum extender Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine 30 minutes

***Evening 2.5 hours in vacuum extender broken up in 1.5 then 1 hour
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I love your workouts and how consistent you have been and how good your logs have been. You’re doing an incredible job my brother just keep up the good work.

View attachment 1826621

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches
No erect stretches tonight, should have been 5 x 1 minute erect stretches

30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25 Cranks

DLD blasters 8 minutes with power assist, should have been 10 minutes.

Vacuum stretcher Active to Passive training.
After LengthRoutine 30 minutes
You are on fire my brother! Keep this work up and you’re going to see massive growth!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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