Progress thread Come on gains

I was going to measure sooner, but then you can become obsessed with it.
Measuring in the past has been disappointing because I was never consistent with PE.
I would do it for a couple of weeks then not again for a few months etc.
I think this is the first time I have been this consistent and I am working out with a known routine with some tweaks from the brotherhood.
Thank you.

It’s very easy to become a ossessed with measuring I remember back in the day that I had to throw all of my rulers and measuring devices away because I was so obsessed with them. From that point I measured once every 90 days and it was a quick measurement I jotted it down and that was it. I didn’t keep doing it over and over I just let it go. Sometimes I would see gains other times I wouldn’t but at least I got rid of the obsession.
Question on basic stretches.
I want to ensure that I am getting maximum stretch without causing injury.
When I perform basic stretches after warmup and bundled stretches, I stretch to maximum flaccid stretch and then pull a bit more about 1/2 inch or so.
At least that is what I have seen as recommended with extenders.
Is this correct?
Should I be going further.

I do see and feel my penis stretching out further as workout progresses, so I think I am doing it properly.
I just want to ensure I have enough intensity.
Question on basic stretches.
I want to ensure that I am getting maximum stretch without causing injury.
When I perform basic stretches after warmup and bundled stretches, I stretch to maximum flaccid stretch and then pull a bit more about 1/2 inch or so.
At least that is what I have seen as recommended with extenders.
Is this correct?
Should I be going further.

I do see and feel my penis stretching out further as workout progresses, so I think I am doing it properly.
I just want to ensure I have enough intensity.

The first two things you should do,? and I don’t want to sound like a salesman but the first two things you should do is pick up a set of our SiliSleeves and grab a bag of our MOS Grip powder. If you’re manually stretching these two products will make your sessions 10 times better.

To directly answer your question you should be stretching as far as you possibly can without causing pain and this is an area you’re going to need to work your way to to find out what your maximum is. When you get there you’ll know it as most people are not strong enough to stretch too hard and that’s why the Lengthmaster was created.?
The first two things you should do,? and I don’t want to sound like a salesman but the first two things you should do is pick up a set of our SiliSleeves and grab a bag of our MOS Grip powder. If you’re manually stretching these two products will make your sessions 10 times better.

To directly answer your question you should be stretching as far as you possibly can without causing pain and this is an area you’re going to need to work your way to to find out what your maximum is. When you get there you’ll know it as most people are not strong enough to stretch too hard and that’s why the Lengthmaster was created.?
I just got my silisleve.
Do I put siliseve on and then do the stretches or is this for post workout for staying in a stretched position?

I know I will get silistretcher and length master at some point just not sure when.
Which one to get first :O
The dilemma...

I know the length master must work since so many people comment on it.

I like that I would be stretching for longer periods with the silistretcher and it would help with healing process in elongated state.
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Yes the SiliSleeves could be used to stretch, pump, keep you elongatedgated to heal, as wrapping for the length master, and many many other uses. If I had to say what to get first if you like to manually stretch I would get the lengthmaster but if you want more time to yourself I will get the SiliStretcher but what do you want ultimately is both. They both serve a different purpose in many ways so they both are valuable in many ways.
I skipped Hardcore water pump stretches on Monday’s workout and I skipped Tuesday erect stretches.
I feel a soreness inside glans.

Saturday I think I may have over done it.
I did morning routine with hardcore water pump stretches then erect stretches.

Then at night I did hardcore water pump stretches again and then jelquing with squeezes at the end of each 10 jelqs 10 sets.
I think I was squeezing too hard.
I got a really big swell, but maybe at the cost of overworking the glans.
No bumps or red spots just soreness inside glans.

Can I continue stretching while glans recovers?

Should I stay the course with girth work one day a week and just scale back intensity?

By the way I ordered a silistretcher (clap)
Yes you can continue to manually stretch as your glan heals. I’m so happy that you got yourself a SiliStretcher! You are going to get so much out of it and it will be a nice way to transition into a renewed routine. You can help the soreness go away by gentle massage but it should not last more than two or three days.
Thanks for the feedback DLD.

The soreness started on Saturday and was still there on Monday, but I pushed through my stretch workout on Monday.
Then I skipped Tuesday erect stretches.
I skipped Wednesday and Thursday workouts and feeling better.
I will probably just go back to my workout back on coming Monday.

Excited about getting the silistretcher and see how comfortable it is.
I have an x4 labs extender, but the noose is not comfortable and circulation is an issue if left on for too long.

I have a phalloguage extender which is more comfortable than the x4.

When I saw the silistretcher on mos I was like this thing looks very cool.
I had been contemplating ordering a phallosan forte, but it is expensive.

I am so glad that I did not purchase a phallosan forte.

Silistretcher looks way better and way better priced.
I hope I can put it to use with the SRT healing method you discuss.
Last edited:
Thanks for the feedback DLD.

The soreness started on Saturday and was still there on Monday, but I pushed through my stretch workout on Monday.
Then I skipped Tuesday erect stretches.
I skipped Wednesday and Thursday workouts and feeling better.
I will probably just go back to my workout back on coming Monday.

Excited about getting the silistretcher and see how comfortable it is.
I have an x4 labs extender, but the noose is not comfortable and circulation is an issue if left on for too long.

I have a phalloguage extender which is more comfortable than the x4.

When I saw the silistretcher on mos I was like this thing looks very cool.
I had been contemplating ordering a phallosan forte, but it is expensive.

I am so glad that I did not purchase a phallosan forte.

Silistretcher looks way better and way better priced.
I hope I can put it to use with the SRT healing method you discuss.

Never a problem my brother this is what I love to do! Well going from the X labs to the SiliStretcher is like going from a Ford to a Ferrari, it is night and day! Please when you get it give us your full review in the store under the SiliStretcher reviews. ❤
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So when should I change my current routine which I have been on for two months going on 3 months in March.

I feel like it is good routine so far and I know that gains are going to come, but should I stay on it for at least six months and then should I change it up.

I ordered a silistretcher that I will be incorporating in place of the phallogauge stretcher for healing after stretching.

I will add an update to my routine once I receive the silistretcher to see how it is going to be incorporated.

I haven’t measured with my current routine above as I will do this at about 90 days, but I feel like I am making girth gains even though this is supposed to be a length routine.
Sounds like a good plan and I’m glad you bought the SiliStretcher it’s going to only make your routine even better. Once you put together your routine and you have your SiliStretcher put it up so we can critique and help you with it. I’m so excited to hear your review once you receive your SiliStretcher
I tell you what, try adding the V SES into your current routine.

Do as many as you like in 15-20 minutes sets with the stretch lasting for anywhere from 10-45 seconds

This is how I used to do my stretches, rather then keep counting them which distracted me, I simply had a set time to do them in.

The V SES was created by me, and it does work. Helped me from 8"-8.3" and I know it very well, it can be executed with the LM, so its good to add for you.

Targets the suspensory ligament directly, you should be alright understanding it from the thread. May take a few pages to read, but if your not sure ask me. You can ask in that thread also.
***edit to routine on 3/15/2019
-Silistretcher replaces phallogauge stretcher on stretch day for 30 minutes post workout healing
-Erect stretches replaced by Silistretcher on Tuesday and Saturday
-Note theory of increased circulation to penis after Silistretcher as in first day 30 minute session

PAST edits
***edit to routine on 2/25/2019
-swapped bundles right after warm up or as part of the warm up for tunica prep
-added hardcore water pump stretches
Bathmate is the preferred pump, but might be able to do them with other water pumps.
-jelq / squeeze or light clamping changed to girth day and probably will adopt hardcore water pump stretches on girth day due to effect of both expansion and expressive stretching properties

Starting stats
EG 4.5-4.75

Started Newbie Routine with stretches , girth work only one day Jan 2019

-Workout schedule
Monday on - stretch
Tuesday on
-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher - PM
...remove, edit 2/18 erect stretch added
Wednesday on - stretch
Thursday on - stretch
Friday off
Saturday on
-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher - AM
...removed, edit 2/18 added erect stretch - AM
-edit 2/25 to girth day - PM

Sunday off

***Stretch day

-Warm up
5 min in shower

edit 2/25 swapped bundles after warm up
-Bundled Stretches
5 min

edit 2/25
-hardcore water pump stretches
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)

-Newbie Stretches 25-30 min
Basic Stretching : 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher
...removed, phallogauge
-30 minutes light stretch using Silistretcher
Used just to stay extended after workout

-Warm down
5 min

edit to just girth day
***hardcore water pump stretches
***jelq / squeeze or light clamping

-Warm up
5 min in shower

edit 2/25 swapped bundles after warm up
-Bundled Stretches
5 min

edit 2/25
-hardcore water pump stretches
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)

10, 3 sec jelqs then 1, 5 sec squeeze
x 10

-edit 3/15
...removed for now
3 sets of 5-7 min clamp sessions
equal amount of rest in between with helicopter shakes

-Warm down
5 min

-edit 3/15
...erect stretches removed for now
***Erect Stretch day

-Warm up
5 min in shower

-Bundled Stretches
5 min

10, 1 min erect stretches , rest 15-30 sec rest
erect stretches performed with ok double
grip at base and behind glans pointed straight up while doing reverse kegel

-Warm down
5 min
Wow, simply WOW! You are determined and you want it ASAP! Bravo on the workout! How are you digging the SiliStretcher so far? Love to get an update.
Wow, simply WOW! You are determined and you want it ASAP! Bravo on the workout! How are you digging the SiliStretcher so far? Love to get an update.
Thanks for the positive feedback DLD.

I have the Silistretcher on right now for the change in my routine on Saturday morning.

I put it on last night for about 30 minutes and lost suction twice as soon as o put it on.
When I checked the silisleeve had some very small holes in the sleeve.
It looks like maybe there was thinning on the sleeve in a certain part, so maybe why the holes are there.

Swapped it out for the other small sleeve and good to go no loss of suction last night or this morning.

Even though the silistretcher lost suction it still held on to the silicup, but I didn’t want to leave it on like that because I thought I might do something wrong. That is when I swapped out the sleeve and was able to wear it properly for 30 minutes.

Very minor fluid when I took off the Silistretcher last night.
This is probably due to my glans getting used to the new suction.
I massaged it and was back to normal in less than a minute.

I was wearing it as a leg stretcher last night.
This morning I have the belt on.

I will keep updating on silistretcher.

My theory was right though about increased circulation after wearing silistretcher for 30 minutes.
EQ was up after removing it.
I will keep monitoring the theory.

Maybe it is a combination of it being a day off from PE for recovery, however I think it has something to do with stretching the circulation components, veins and arteries in penis.
Last edited:
Thanks for the positive feedback DLD.

I have the Silistretcher on right now for the change in my routine on Saturday morning.

I put it on last night for about 30 minutes and lost suction twice as soon as o put it on.
When I checked the silisleeve had some very small holes in the sleeve.
It looks like maybe there was thinning on the sleeve in a certain part, so maybe why the holes are there.

Swapped it out for the other small sleeve and good to go no loss of suction last night or this morning.

Even though the silistretcher lost suction it still held on to the silicup, but I didn’t want to leave it on like that because I thought I might do something wrong. That is when I swapped out the sleeve and was able to wear it properly for 30 minutes.

Very minor fluid when I took off the Silistretcher last night.
This is probably due to my glans getting used to the new suction.
I massaged it and was back to normal in less than a minute.

I was wearing it as a leg stretcher last night.
This morning I have the belt on.

I will keep updating on silistretcher.

My theory was right though about increased circulation after wearing silistretcher for 30 minutes.
EQ was up after removing it.
I will keep monitoring the theory.

Maybe it is a combination of it being a day off from PE for recovery, however I think it has something to do with stretching the circulation components, veins and arteries in penis.

I’m glad you were able to solve that issue with the shorter sleeve, I can imagine it must’ve been sort of frustrating so I’m happy that it’s been resolved. I like the way they are reviewing the SiliStretcher, taking your time to give us a thorough and honest review. As things get better please give us updates❤️
Ok so I incorporated the Silistretcher yesterday, Saturday in my routine.
In the morning I wore it for one hour straight.

Then I performed my water pump stretches at night.
I am doing 5 minutes water pump stretching by stretching for 5 to 10 seconds straight out.

Tell me what you think of this?
Instead of doing 10 sets of these
Jelq 10 reps per 3 seconds and then a 5 to 10 second jelq squeeze,
I used the water pump and and stretched straight 10 reps for 3 seconds and then stretched straight down for a 10 second rep
I did 10 sets.

Great swell after this.

It just seems like after bundles and 5 minutes water pump stretch my penis is fatigue to do girth work, so I felt like continuing in water pump was best.

Let me know what you think.

I couldn’t help it and even though Sunday is a day off, I put on Silistretcher for 2 x 30 minute sets rested for an hour then another 1 hour set. (clap)
Ok so I incorporated the Silistretcher yesterday, Saturday in my routine.
In the morning I wore it for one hour straight.

Then I performed my water pump stretches at night.
I am doing 5 minutes water pump stretching by stretching for 5 to 10 seconds straight out.

Tell me what you think of this?
Instead of doing 10 sets of these
Jelq 10 reps per 3 seconds and then a 5 to 10 second jelq squeeze,
I used the water pump and and stretched straight 10 reps for 3 seconds and then stretched straight down for a 10 second rep
I did 10 sets.

Great swell after this.

It just seems like after bundles and 5 minutes water pump stretch my penis is fatigue to do girth work, so I felt like continuing in water pump was best.

Let me know what you think.

I couldn’t help it and even though Sunday is a day off, I put on Silistretcher for 2 x 30 minute sets rested for an hour then another 1 hour set. (clap)

Your ADickted ? I hope mine comes tomorrow? the SiliStretcher is the future of PE!

Bundled Stretching has become a staple in every Brothers program. This makes me very happy as when they incorporate Bundles they gainso much faster.

Since bundled stretches are working so well for you I suggest you go into the SRT thread and follow the 5×5×3 routine as this will bring girth so much faster than any other method.

Please give us a review in the store about your experience purchasing and using the SiliStretcher❤ Thanks!
Your ADickted ? I hope mine comes tomorrow? the SiliStretcher is the future of PE!

Bundled Stretching has become a staple in every Brothers program. This makes me very happy as when they incorporate Bundles they gainso much faster.

Since bundled stretches are working so well for you I suggest you go into the SRT thread and follow the 5×5×3 routine as this will bring girth so much faster than any other method.

Please give us a review in the store about your experience purchasing and using the SiliStretcher❤ Thanks!
I will read up on the SRT routine more.
At what point after newbie routine is it good to start?
I will read up on the SRT routine more.
At what point after newbie routine is it good to start?

Two weeks as SRT starts practically identical to the Newbie Routine? it is simply the easiest, fastest and safest way to gain!
How long should one keep siliring on at a time?
30 minutes?
1 hour?

30 minutes is the safe time. Guys have gone beyond that, just monitor the warmth of your penis.
It's possible to wear for 20-30 minutes, massage for ~5 minutes or so and then apply the ring again.
Or longer, but as said, monitor that warmth and how your unit feels. Happy gaining!
30 minutes is the safe time. Guys have gone beyond that, just monitor the warmth of your penis.
It's possible to wear for 20-30 minutes, massage for ~5 minutes or so and then apply the ring again.
Or longer, but as said, monitor that warmth and how your unit feels. Happy gaining!

Plus taking it off every 30 minutes allows you to bring more girth to your penis by getting in some dry jelqing or some SSJs. Get your expansion back up strap back in and go for another 30 minutes. You may even try to make it to an hour to simplify the process but you want to make sure that you’re safe so keep an ion it.
Ok so 30 minutes at a time.
Is there a certain amount of sets that should be done or total time like 1 hour or 2 hours total with 30 minute sets?
Ok so 30 minutes at a time.
Is there a certain amount of sets that should be done or total time like 1 hour or 2 hours total with 30 minute sets?

In my opinion it should be worn at every moment that you’re not training except for when you sleep. Do you want to wear it either actively or passively and this will depend on what other exercises you’re doing. If you’re using it to keep yourself in a elongated position can you can go with a very Light to moderate stretch. But if you’re going for active gains I would go heavy for 30 minute sets and do as many as you can through the day at least 4 sets.
90 day/ 3 month update

Starting stats
EBG 5.25
EMG 4.5-4.75

90 day stats
length 1/8 inch
girth 1/4 inch

BPEL 6 and 1/8 inch
EBG 5.25

I was hoping for more length gains, but got to think marathon...ok got it

I wasn’t intentionally going for girth, but it looks like my mid shift girth evened out.

Ok so where to go from here.
I want to continue to gain length because I think girth will come easier for me.

This is my current routine

-Workout schedule
Monday on - stretch
Tuesday on
-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher - PM
...remove, edit 2/18 erect stretch added
Wednesday on - stretch
Thursday on - stretch
Friday off
Saturday on
-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher - AM
...removed, edit 2/18 added erect stretch - AM
-edit 2/25 to girth day - PM

Sunday off

***Stretch day

-Warm up
5 min in shower

edit 2/25 swapped bundles after warm up
-Bundled Stretches
5 min

edit 2/25
-hardcore water pump stretches
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)

-Newbie Stretches 25-30 min
Basic Stretching : 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher
...removed, phallogauge
-30 minutes light stretch using Silistretcher
Used just to stay extended after workout

-Warm down
5 min

edit to just girth day
***hardcore water pump stretches
***jelq / squeeze or light clamping

-Warm up
5 min in shower

edit 2/25 swapped bundles after warm up
-Bundled Stretches
5 min

edit 2/25
-hardcore water pump stretches
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)

10, 3 sec jelqs then 1, 5 sec squeeze
x 10

-edit 3/15
...removed for now
3 sets of 5-7 min clamp sessions
equal amount of rest in between with helicopter shakes

-Warm down
5 min

-edit 3/15
...erect stretches removed for now
***Erect Stretch day

-Warm up
5 min in shower

-Bundled Stretches
5 min

10, 1 min erect stretches , rest 15-30 sec rest
erect stretches performed with ok double
grip at base and behind glans pointed straight up while doing reverse kegel

-Warm down
5 min
90 day/ 3 month update

Starting stats
EBG 5.25
EMG 4.5-4.75

90 day stats
length 1/8 inch
girth 1/4 inch

BPEL 6 and 1/8 inch
EBG 5.25

I was hoping for more length gains, but got to think marathon...ok got it

I wasn’t intentionally going for girth, but it looks like my mid shift girth evened out.

Ok so where to go from here.
I want to continue to gain length because I think girth will come easier for me.

This is my current routine

-Workout schedule
Monday on - stretch
Tuesday on
-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher - PM
...remove, edit 2/18 erect stretch added
Wednesday on - stretch
Thursday on - stretch
Friday off
Saturday on
-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher - AM
...removed, edit 2/18 added erect stretch - AM
-edit 2/25 to girth day - PM

Sunday off

***Stretch day

-Warm up
5 min in shower

edit 2/25 swapped bundles after warm up
-Bundled Stretches
5 min

edit 2/25
-hardcore water pump stretches
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)

-Newbie Stretches 25-30 min
Basic Stretching : 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

-edit 3/15 add Silistretcher
...removed, phallogauge
-30 minutes light stretch using Silistretcher
Used just to stay extended after workout

-Warm down
5 min

edit to just girth day
***hardcore water pump stretches
***jelq / squeeze or light clamping

-Warm up
5 min in shower

edit 2/25 swapped bundles after warm up
-Bundled Stretches
5 min

edit 2/25
-hardcore water pump stretches
5 min (penome or cheap pump with bulb)

10, 3 sec jelqs then 1, 5 sec squeeze
x 10

-edit 3/15
...removed for now
3 sets of 5-7 min clamp sessions
equal amount of rest in between with helicopter shakes

-Warm down
5 min

-edit 3/15
...erect stretches removed for now
***Erect Stretch day

-Warm up
5 min in shower

-Bundled Stretches
5 min

10, 1 min erect stretches , rest 15-30 sec rest
erect stretches performed with ok double
grip at base and behind glans pointed straight up while doing reverse kegel

-Warm down
5 min

First and most important, congratulations on the incredible gains you have made! I’m very proud of you and you should be very proud of yourself.

I like to changes in your routine but since you gain girth so easily why not skip it completely and put all the effort into length for now and then after you reach your goals for length you can go for girth? This will allow you to put 100% focus into length. Just a thought?
First and most important, congratulations on the incredible gains you have made! I’m very proud of you and you should be very proud of yourself.

I like to changes in your routine but since you gain girth so easily why not skip it completely and put all the effort into length for now and then after you reach your goals for length you can go for girth? This will allow you to put 100% focus into length. Just a thought?
Thanks DLD and everyone else for your help!

I would like to go for length only as you mention, but what to do?

I will read up on the SRT method more and then post my routine for feedback.
Thanks DLD and everyone else for your help!

I would like to go for length only as you mention, but what to do?

I will read up on the SRT method more and then post my routine for feedback.

You’re so welcome my brother! Going with the length routine will Accelerate your length gains by allowing you to completely focus on one thing at a time. I’ll help you work the SRT methodology into your routine, just have a good read through SRT.
Please critique new routine for length.

DLD I took an SRT routine you posted on length only and tweaked it a bit because I don’t have a length master.

So what you guys think?

Length Routine

Monday, Wednesday
5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bathmate
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Mandingo stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed down
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After Length Routine
Silistretcher sets of 60 minutes progressively going from full intensity to lighter intensity sets

Testical Health Massage and Stretch
Testicle massage and then lightly stretch scrotum downward while the other hand pulls penis upward
x 60 reps

Wear SiliSleeve through the night
2 hours at a time until reaching
8 hours without issue.


Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bathmate
5 minutes bundled stretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After Length Routine
Silistretcher sets of 60 minutes progressively going from full intensity to lighter intensity sets

Testical Health Massage and Stretch
Testicle massage and then lightly stretch scrotum downward while the other hand pulls penis upward
x 60 reps

Wear SiliSleeve through the night
2 hours at a time until reaching
8 hours without issue


Erect Stretches Morning
3 days a week for 10 minutes
Please critique new routine for length.

DLD I took an SRT routine you posted on length only and tweaked it a bit because I don’t have a length master.

So what you guys think?

Length Routine

Monday, Wednesday
5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bathmate
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Mandingo stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed down
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After Length Routine
Silistretcher sets of 60 minutes progressively going from full intensity to lighter intensity sets

Testical Health Massage and Stretch
Testicle massage and then lightly stretch scrotum downward while the other hand pulls penis upward
x 60 reps

Wear SiliSleeve through the night
2 hours at a time until reaching
8 hours without issue.


Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bathmate
5 minutes bundled stretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After Length Routine
Silistretcher sets of 60 minutes progressively going from full intensity to lighter intensity sets

Testical Health Massage and Stretch
Testicle massage and then lightly stretch scrotum downward while the other hand pulls penis upward
x 60 reps

Wear SiliSleeve through the night
2 hours at a time until reaching
8 hours without issue


Erect Stretches Morning
3 days a week for 10 minutes

? I could not of written a better routine! I love when I give people a routine and they personalize it because I know they’re taking it very seriously. I hope a lot of other men look at this routine to see just how powerful it is. I think you’re going to see very quick games and those looking on will be very motivated by this. Excellent work!
? I could not of written a better routine! I love when I give people a routine and they personalize it because I know they’re taking it very seriously. I hope a lot of other men look at this routine to see just how powerful it is. I think you’re going to see very quick games and those looking on will be very motivated by this. Excellent work!
Awesome DLD! I knew you would have great feedback.
The one exercise that seems a little tricky to me is the Mandingo stretch because I tend to get an erection sometimes and have to wait for it to subside when performing stretches.
However, doing the bundled stretches and water pump for 5 minutes each before workout will help in the prep for the stretches.

Is there another stretch you might recommend if the Mandingo stretch doesn’t work out?
Awesome DLD! I knew you would have great feedback.
The one exercise that seems a little tricky to me is the Mandingo stretch because I tend to get an erection sometimes and have to wait for it to subside when performing stretches.

Same thing happens to me with all stretches. I just wait it out and start again
Same thing happens to me with all stretches. I just wait it out and start again
The one thing that has helped me with not having this happen as much during stretch day is the bundled stretches before my workout. I wasn’t using them, in fact I didn’t know they existed until visiting MOS.
Happy growing DantheMan!
Last edited:
Awesome DLD! I knew you would have great feedback.
The one exercise that seems a little tricky to me is the Mandingo stretch because I tend to get an erection sometimes and have to wait for it to subside when performing stretches.
However, doing the bundled stretches and water pump for 5 minutes each before workout will help in the prep for the stretches.

Is there another stretch you might recommend if the Mandingo stretch doesn’t work out?

You could use a variety of expressive stretches to replace that stretch. The best bundle stretch in my opinion is the Lengthmaster strapped in at a low point on your penis and stretching from there. I would add bundled stretches before every workout for five minutes. I would also get an erect stretching 3 to 4 times a week for 10 minutes. Other than that you’re golden and this is gonna kick ass!
Been out for about a 7 days due to getting a cold, but workout back in tonight.
Have to stay with it.

Now I see why DLD says train everyday if possible.
One day turns into two, two days into three.

Come on gains!
Been out for about a 7 days due to getting a cold, but workout back in tonight.
Have to stay with it.

Now I see why DLD says train everyday if possible.
One day turns into two, two days into three.

Come on gains!

I can relate to you my brother I’ve been sick for about a week. And you’re right if you take a few days off you can come back and bite you as a vacation. Even if you’re sick still get some PE in just for the mind. Just some light gentle stretches or pretty much anything just to keep your mind in the game. But you didn’t fall off because you came back and you posted are you were accountable to yourself and us. Good work and now get back to work! ❤️
Ok so I am on the routine above at the top of the page, posted April 5, 2019.

Right now I warm up 5 minutes.
Then water pump 5 minutes.
Followed by bundles.

One thing I am noticing is when I use a water pump it is difficult right after to do bundles because I get an erection.

What I am thinking of doing is on a few days a week when I do use a water pump is to follow up with erect stretches immediately after maybe 10 to 15 minutes and that will be my routine for the day

Then on the other days I will just
Warm up 5 minutes
Bundles 5 minutes
Then go into the flaccid stretches
3 sets each 30 seconds followed by 25 cranks
Down left, middle, right, cranks
Straight out left, middle, right, cranks
Up left, middle, right, cranks

The routines will still be followed by using Silistretcher and silisleeves

I am training M,T,W,Th,Sat
Off F,Sun

Should I just do the flaccid stretches on all these days and incorporate the water pump and erect stretching at another time during the week or should I alternate flaccid stretches on one day and erect stretches on another day?
I would try to follow SRT is closely as possible and you’re almost there. I think that was some guys doing length and girth on different days works better because they can put more focus into it and get more out of it. If figure this kind of a person I suggest doing girth Monday Wednesday and Friday and doing length Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and take Sunday off. If this type of a set up works for you then we couldn’t continue to work on your routine to make it more efficient and to bring gains faster.

One issue I see immediately is doing girth before length work because once your penis is in and expanded state it becomes more difficult to stretch your penis. So I always recommend getting all length work done before girth and that’s why I suggest an every other day routine.

The length portion of your routine looks good and I’m hoping that you’re wearing your SiliStretcher afterwards to keep yourself elongated as you heal. On the girth side I think you need more structure and the best structural routine for girth would be the 5×5×3 found an SRT.

Let me know what you think.
I would try to follow SRT is closely as possible and you’re almost there. I think that was some guys doing length and girth on different days works better because they can put more focus into it and get more out of it. If figure this kind of a person I suggest doing girth Monday Wednesday and Friday and doing length Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and take Sunday off. If this type of a set up works for you then we couldn’t continue to work on your routine to make it more efficient and to bring gains faster.

One issue I see immediately is doing girth before length work because once your penis is in and expanded state it becomes more difficult to stretch your penis. So I always recommend getting all length work done before girth and that’s why I suggest an every other day routine.

The length portion of your routine looks good and I’m hoping that you’re wearing your SiliStretcher afterwards to keep yourself elongated as you heal. On the girth side I think you need more structure and the best structural routine for girth would be the 5×5×3 found an SRT.

Let me know what you think.
I see what you mean about the girth and then length not flowing together.
I am mostly concentrating on length, so I am going to remove the water pump for now, so then it will be
Warm up
Length routine

Definitely wearing the Silistretcher after training.

Thanks for the feedback.
I see what you mean about the girth and then length not flowing together.
I am mostly concentrating on length, so I am going to remove the water pump for now, so then it will be
Warm up
Length routine

Definitely wearing the Silistretcher after training.

Thanks for the feedback.

if you want some veriety to throw at your penis (which is always a smart thing) you may wanna try this routine also. I created it based on a new theory I have and many who are using it are reporting incredible results. just what I want to hear! The concept and exercise is called Reverse Pyramid Hanging/Stretching. It works best with the SiliStretcher because that is what I based it on but the theory applies to length across the board. Here is a link:

Thanks for the feedback DLD.

Ok, so I am going to stick with this routine for length only until next measurement

-water pump removed

One thing I may do before the actual workout is put on the Silistretcher for stretching 1 to 2 hours if possible using the reverse pyramid technique going from passive to active 30 minute sets
Then go into length routine.
This just works better for me because of schedule.

Length Routine

Monday, Wednesday
5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches

1 minute each below stretches
A to Y stretch
Mandingo stretch
Fulcrum pointed up
Fulcrum pointed down
Fulcrum pointed right
Fulcrum pointed left

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After Length Routine
Silistretcher sets of 60 minutes progressively going from full intensity to lighter intensity sets

Testical Health Massage and Stretch
Testicle massage and then lightly stretch scrotum downward while the other hand pulls penis upward
x 60 reps

Wear SiliSleeve through the night
2 hours at a time until reaching
8 hours without issue.


Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5 minutes warm up
5 minutes bundled stretches

30-seconds x 3 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25 Cranks

SiliStretcher Active to Passive training.
After Length Routine
Silistretcher sets of 60 minutes progressively going from full intensity to lighter intensity sets

Testical Health Massage and Stretch
Testicle massage and then lightly stretch scrotum downward while the other hand pulls penis upward
x 60 reps

Wear SiliSleeve through the night
2 hours at a time until reaching
8 hours without issue


Erect Stretches Morning
3 days a week for 10 minutes
So I’ve been doing my routine and it is working good.

I wear Silistretcher for about an hour before actual workout which seems to really warm me up for length stretching routine.

Then I jump into my length workout stretches after warm up and bundles.

Post workout I wear the Silistretcher between 30 minutes to 1 hour.

I am having a hard time with the Silisleeve slipping off probably due to being uncut.
I can wear it with a siliring for about 20 minutes or so, but because it is nighttime post workout I usually just take off Silistretcher and go to bed.

Do you think this is enough post workout wear with Silistretcher for healing?
I would try to wear it longer post workout. I'm also uncut, and found it better to fold the foreskin back before entering the chamber, maybe this can help with you.
I would try to wear it longer post workout. I'm also uncut, and found it better to fold the foreskin back before entering the chamber, maybe this can help with you.
I do the same thing and pull skin back, so maybe I just have to keep trying.

I’m just trying to see what the minimum amount of time should be.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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