Hi there,
First of all sorry for my english since it´s not my mother language.
Some time ago I incorporated Cialis to my routine but as much of you know the effects are more "medium" and prolongated on time than viagra.
So I was thinking about using 50 mg of Viagra half/one hour before my workout and 20 mg of Cialis at night (ADC generic cialis is not that potent so I guess I could take the full dose). This way I could have a great erection in the workout (and some time after it) and the cialis would help at night assisting with the recovery speed.
I´m 1 on 1 off so some weeks I will take 200 mg viagra/80 mg cialis and others 150 mg viagra / 60 mg cialis.
Since generic cialis and viagra is sooo cheap at ADC I´m not concerned for the bucks.
What do you think guys?
Kind regards and sorry for the english
First of all sorry for my english since it´s not my mother language.
Some time ago I incorporated Cialis to my routine but as much of you know the effects are more "medium" and prolongated on time than viagra.
So I was thinking about using 50 mg of Viagra half/one hour before my workout and 20 mg of Cialis at night (ADC generic cialis is not that potent so I guess I could take the full dose). This way I could have a great erection in the workout (and some time after it) and the cialis would help at night assisting with the recovery speed.
I´m 1 on 1 off so some weeks I will take 200 mg viagra/80 mg cialis and others 150 mg viagra / 60 mg cialis.
Since generic cialis and viagra is sooo cheap at ADC I´m not concerned for the bucks.
What do you think guys?
Kind regards and sorry for the english