What is ur guys opinion on drinking coffee and EQ?
I am big coffee lover and noticed today while I watching hot adult entertainment that I had nice erection going and then had a coffee and lost my erections and my penis seemed to shrink a bit in flacid state.
I did a bit of online research and there is some evidence out there that says caffeine and stimulant drinks constrict the blood vessels and are not good for erections and blood flow to the penis.

I am gonna stop drinking it and report back here .:)
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Not sure but I too was a heavy coffee drinker (I do work out of Starbucks quite ofter) for some reason, not sure why, I decided to cut my caffein back (down to one coffee a day). I have not noticed any change really in eq, it is always strong unless my minds not in it. I think too many many men "look" for reasons to find eq problems, men have a huge issue with making a problem when there isn't one. A guy will have an off night and start looking for a million reasons to call it ed. Be easy on yourselves! EQ will be off at times, it happens, move on! I smoke tobacco, drink coffee, smoke weed, take a cocktail of psychological meds (which are notorious for ed) and I am still rock hard.
I'm one o'those guys; you cut me and I bleed Folgers. I drink about a pot of coffee a day, on average, and my erection quality hasn't diminished much more than one would expect it would simply due to gettin' old.
But I do know what yer talkin' about with the flaccid. Sometimes when I cut down and then re-start back to my normal coffee gulping levels I'll go through a coupla days of turtling.

But then, pretty soon I re-adapt, keep guzzlin' the Joe and all is right with the world.
My advice is from experience from Caffeine overdose albeit it was 2 grammes nearly one year ago next week WOW how time flies!!! Caffeine is a strong legal stimulant closely related to Cocaine in how it works. Medical sources claim in moderation Caffeine is good for you and helps the heart etc which it may do sure but they are also suggesting its potential dangers for exacerbating mental health conditions, heart conditions such as blood pressure and arrhytHydromaxias, sleep disorders, mood problems, anxiety etc etc.

Not sure how Caffeine effects your erection but for me 2g didn't have me poll vaulting around the wards! If you must drink Caffeine than do it in SMALL amounts, try to cut your consumption back its really a dangerous thing and how we abuse it in the west is insane. Its seen as okay because its added to shampoos now, sweets, creams underneath the eyes, coca cola and who knows what else ... keep kids AWAY from it which is again a theory why some develop ADHD from all the coca cola and crap they consume as kids with stimulating stuff in.

Its more other health benefits from not consuming Caffeine but more so your heart. Heavy drinkers trying to come off it find it very difficult and a condition actually exists for those addicted to caffeine. Drug dealers have also mixed it with cocaine as filler ... wouldn't fancy that.
I've kicked all kinds of shit in my day...coffee ain't one of 'em. I can get waaaay down in consumption but when I try cold turkey the reboung headaches KILL me. So, I figure, the world is full of compromises; mine's coffee.
REDZULU2003;418525 said:
:) I still dig double chocolate mocha's

That is the shit! One of those will give you bad eq for a year:)
I usually don't fuck with my java at all, I drink it barefoot, but some cocoa in the joe?
Yeah, I'll take that from time to time.
MAXAMEYES;418726 said:
I usually don't fuck with my java at all, I drink it barefoot, but some cocoa in the joe?
Yeah, I'll take that from time to time.

Well, you put chocolate into coffee and it's then called mocha. I can't remember if it was a restaurant or not that first called it "Mocha Java". In the good ol' US NAVY the guy who got rid of rum rations was Admiral Joe Whatever-the-fuck so from then on Sailors called their coffee "Joe".

And when you drink yer Joe "barefoot" it means with nothin' at all in it. Same as "Stark Nekkit". (stark naked)
"Starkers" I think you guys call it.

REDZULU2003;418926 said:
I was lost at post #9
And the difference between naked and nekkit is about the same as the difference between kinky and perverted.
And sometimes nekkit involves cousins.

KINKY: you use feathers.
Penis EnlargementRVERTED: you use the whole damn chicken.