The cone looks like a good mod, but taking it all apart and then putting it all back together looks like a total PITA...a much simpler way to gain the same results would be in my tutorial on the VV mod I did to my [words=]Goliath[/words], (same thing I have w/my [words=]X40[/words], btw)
In a nutshell, you pry-off, (carefully) the original [words=]BM[/words] valve and put the VV stopper in its hold the stopper in-place w/a simple 'O' ring or washer, (it's just a compression fit) and then you can keep it put together forever, no on/off of a cone or anything, the stopper stays and you use the mini VacuVin pump to get the desired amount of remove, you just push the nipple at the top of the stopper left or right and the pressure is released...EZPZ