I've had deep bruising before, it took months to fully go away. (two or three probably, seemed like a big deal at the time and like it was taking forever ... but now it only occurs to me when someone else mentions having it, so ... if you'll stop adding to it ... it will definitely eventually get better.)
*If it's a deep thrombosis-like event, backing
way off of your PE and being patient is going to be most of what you can do about it. -- If you want to go faster, you can take a lot more vitamin C (Liposomal vitamin C
[link] is the strongest form by a Lot, check the vid, huge rambling page but quality product and cheapest on net so far) and upregulate your glutathione systems with NAC
[link]. Regular light massage and the things listed next help too.
*If it's a more surface-level bruising then you can speed up the healing process with a couple of things ...
- One, with a mixture of pure DMSO
[link] and reallllly clean water. The DMSO needs to be thinned out with something else (ultra pure water, ultra pure aloe, ... don't go nuts ... read up on it before doing anything besides that) it needs to be thinned out or else it can cause Radical Itching to the skin areas to which it's applied. The more sensitive the skin, the worse the itching can be if you don't thin it out enough. Test this on the back of your neck if you want to get a feel for it. Now imagine that on your dick and maybe scrotum. Thin it out with water or you'll regret it, can't repeat that enough
There are vids all over youtube, watch several. And use glass containers for the mix, it's a powerful solvent that's perfectly capable of dissolving most of the plastics except the specific one they use to bottle it. You don't want it shuttling cheap plastic into your dick, that isn't likely to help you heal faster. BTW, when you first mix the DMSO and water together, check it out ... it'll get almost cloudy for a bit and then become pretty hot. Weird stuff. Use new clean cotton balls or gauze or a GF's unused (just cotton, no chemicals) makeup wipes to gently blot the DMSO/water mix onto the bruised area. You can repeat this two or three more times in the same treatment period (like three minutes apart). Then after 15 minutes or so all of it that's going to absorb in will have done so and the rest you can blot or wipe off with more clean cotton. Paper towels/toilet paper, if they're white, are going to have formaldehyde in them .. don't use that. Plain brown is OK but usually a rougher texture. Easier to just use the cotton products. If you're doing the treatments too often the skin can look like your fingers do when they've been in water too long. You'll be ok, just do it less often (and/or with a more thin mix) till that trends towards going away.
- Two, Arnica cream
[link] just follow the directions. The particular one I linked is a quality product that shouldn't have anything odd in it which you wouldn't want the DMSO to boost or transfer into your cells.
Also still back way off of the type of PE that you're doing, ... it's clearly more than you (or possibly
anyone) are currently built up to .. or else it wouldn't have happened.
I'd say make some more posts about the specific exercises and/or intensities to this or another thread to get more feedback on them and what to do instead.
Like tbone said, it's not a race ... permanent gains are pretty slow and something you'll notice on a chart of measurements taken over weeks or months. Going too hard just breaks stuff.
Sounds like DLD is about to change all of that with his new book (!!) , but be careful with older or unproven methods ... obviously ..