Anyone experience Lower Ab soreness after clamping

Recently I have had some time off so I started clamping every day 2 or 3 times a day. Ive been noticing some soreness on my lower abbs. Before it was on my right side, now its on my left. If i stop clamping for few days it goes away but when i start back up its back too. Any idea what this could be? Muscle, vein, or perhaps something more serious like a hernia.
Think I know where you mean. Line thin strands of what feels like muscle or something down the pubic area side? yeah I know it. Not sure what the problem is, but I have had this crop up and ache in the past. I ASSUME its just been activated in someway, either from the clamping indirectly or otherwise. Touch wood I not had a problem from it.
Oh God! What you guys are talking about sounds like an inguinal hernia. Keep an eye on it. I have had four already (not from pe but some general defect in my body overall). The surgeries are not fun, and each successive one is more painful than the one that proceeded. I really hope that is not what is happening to you guys. I guess clamping is definitely not something that I personally should even mess with.
irspow;470901 said:
Oh God! What you guys are talking about sounds like an inguinal hernia. Keep an eye on it. I have had four already (not from pe but some general defect in my body overall). The surgeries are not fun, and each successive one is more painful than the one that proceeded. I really hope that is not what is happening to you guys. I guess clamping is definitely not something that I personally should even mess with.

did you feel some sort of bulge with your hernia, because I dont feel anything like that. It almost feels like a strained muscle or something. Its gotten better for sure.
Wang Chung,

I have had five separate inguinal hernias already, four surgeries total, for mine. They do feel like "strains" in the lower abs when you initially get a tear or hole down there. You won't necessarily get a bulge until the hole or tear becomes large enough for your lower intestines to start coming out of the hole. By the time you see a bulge, it can only get worse, it does not have to, but it will not "heal" or "close" on its own.

They are not even particularly painful, unless they become quite large (and your tolerance for pain :D), more like a dull pain that comes and goes depending on position and level of strain. I had one that only felt like a "strain" and only formed a "bulge", a small one at that, after more than a year after first feeling the "twinges" of pain. My most recent one eventually formed a bulge that would "pop out" larger than a golf ball when I coughed or lifted heavy objects. That was externally, the tear internally actually went from just above, and to the side of, my scrotum to just an inch or two below my navel. When it came out, I was almost "paralyzed" :D from pain, and had to massage my intestines back into place before I could resume doing whatever I was at the time. The doctor said that he had never put a "mesh" in that was that large ever before. LOL It hurt like a mother, and still does slightly to this day, even with the mesh in.

What I am getting at is to just keep an eye on it. Inguinal, (lower intestine or abdominal) hernias do not have to hurt all of the time. They are just tiny tears or holes that allow your lower intestines to "poke" through. You won't see them until they are on the rather large size. (Your lower intestines are very small, like spaghetti) They can form from any extreme pressure placed upon the lower abdominals or intestines. (Some people have gotten them simply by hoding in their urine for too long.) Any intermittent, dull, or reoccurring pain down there should be checked out if it persists over time. A pinched lower intestine will kill you by poisoning you from within. Then again, it will be very painful by that point, and you will probably be going to the doctor by then anyway. It is a medical emergency if you get to that point. :D
An Inguinal Hernia is a small break or tear in the abdominal wall of the body, there occurs a lump of small intestine peer into the groin area.

In a male, an inguinal hernia build ups in the area where the spermatic cord and blood vessels to the testicles go by the abdominal cavity and into the scrotum. Inguinal canal is the area through which these pass by or the area at which the inguinal hernia forms.

In a female, an inguinal hernia builds up at the connective tissue strapping the uterus gaps from the abdomen to link with the tissue around the opening of the vagina.

Generally, inguinal hernia is of two types – Indirect and Direct.
An indirect hernia can be seen only in men and it affects only male bodies. In indirect hernia, a strip of intestine of the body is passed down to the inguinal canal from the spot where a testis descends into the scrotum.

A direct hernia occurs and affects both male and female bodies. There occurs a swelling of the intestinal loop in the areas beneath of the groin folds.
Moreover, there are total three classifications of hernia. They are reductible, incarcenated and strangulated.

Reductible Hernia: In this type of inguinal hernia, the portion of intestine gets into the cut in the abdominal wall, which can be replaced back into its original position without any need of surgery.

Incarcenated Hernia: In some cases, the projection cannot be positioned back into place without operation since a few adjoining tissues or parts have developed mutually. These types of cases are classified as Incarcenated hernia.

Strangulated Hernia: This is a serious problem. Here, the penetration gets twisted with the adjoining parts and sometimes leads to obstructing of the general blood flow and the actions of the muscle. This requires immediate attention and surgery to avoid fatal problems.

Causes and Risk Factors of Inguinal Hernia

Defects in the congenital areas results in inguinal hernia. These congenital defects usually occur due the weakness in the inguinal canal obviously after an injury, pregnancy or due to aging. Inguinal hernias sometimes come into sight after a surgery, birthing a child or pregnancy, excessive exercising, constant coughing, straining while urinating or even by increase in the weight of the body (obesity).

Symptoms of Inguinal Hernia

Many times, we cannot predict when inguinal hernia can occur. Yet, the below mentioned symptoms are experienced by few people.

1. Swelling in the groin.
2. Pain occurs all of a sudden in the scrotum.
3. Discomfort in abdomen.
4. A deep sensation and in the groin
5. Pain occurring in the groin while standing or walking around.

Diagnosis of Inguinal Hernia

The doctor can report a noticeable swelling in the groin area if the lump is bigger. Alternatively, if the hernia is small, the doctor will check the groin area carefully for a swelling or bulge in the affected area. In either case, the inguinal hernia can be diagnosed.

Treatment of Inguinal Hernia

As said above in the classifications, the reductible hernia can be easily cured by just pushing back the swelling carefully. This doesn’t not need any operation to perform and can be done by a simple way. A doctor recommends a device that holds on pressure on the hernia. This device is called truss and it holds on to the hernia. A truss acts like a supportive garment.

The other two types of hernias i.e., which cannot be pushed back, require a surgery. These hernias also cause much pain and need a surgical treatment immediately after diagnosis. There are two types of surgical methods that are followed to treat the inguinal hernias. They are open surgery and laproscopical surgery.

The most ordinary and followed type of surgery is the open surgery and about 95% of all surgeries fall under this category. This process is finished in local anesthesia and needs a 4- to 6-inch slit in the groin. Then the hernia tissue is pushed back into its place and the made slit is stitched back by the doctor. This may take up to 6weeks of time to heal.

The other surgical method, Laparoscopy is done in general anesthesia and requires three small slits or incisions (1/2 inch or even less) in the abdomen. After that, these are puffed up with carbon dioxide gas. A laparoscope (a fiber-optic narrow tube with a light on the end) and other devices are sent through the incisions. Using a watch screen the surgeon pushes the herniated tissue back into place and staples a patch over the opening. The main advantage of this method is the person can easily recover within a week and this method does not require any stitches. But this type of surgery is expensive as it involves ultra modern techniques and devices.

Prevention of Inguinal Hernia

Even though there is nothing a person can do to completely prevent a hernia, many experts suggest these steps to follow so that hernia can be prevented to at least some extent from occurring:

Maintain good weight and do not grow over weight.
Always maintain the abdominal muscles in figure
Do not try to lift heavy objects
Do not strain to urinate or defecate

Questions To Ask Your Doctor about Inguinal Hernia

Did inguinal hernia really occur to you?
Is yes, then to which type and character does it fall under?
Where is inguinal hernia located in the body?
Is a surgery necessary?
Is open surgery performed or laparoscopic?
What are the risks involved?
Will there be a complete recovery and how many days it may take?

Wang Chung;471657 said:
did you feel some sort of bulge with your hernia, because I dont feel anything like that. It almost feels like a strained muscle or something. Its gotten better for sure.

Dont worry yourself about it because this could be nothing and I cant see how clamping would cause one. The pain you had could be coincidental at the time you were clamping. I think you should have a checkup from a doctor because no one on here is a doctor or can give you that medical advice and all that will happen is you'll read doom and gloom around here, have it in your head you have one and it doesn't do you any good. See a doctor mate and let us know how you go on.
ye i dont think its anything, maybe like a sore vein or something. Ive had that before just not so high up. Hasent been coming back lately.

Still, just wanted to see if anyone else experienced something like this as a result of clamping