Are any of you addicted to adult entertainment? I think I am. I read up on signs of it because it seems to be all I think about most of the day. Its to the point Ive gotten bored with my wife due to seeing so much hard adult entertainment. I even considered cheating on her a few weeks ago just to get more satisfaction.
From what Ive read and seen on TV, here are some of the signs of internet adult entertainment addiction....
1. Moving the computer to a more private place. (thats me)
2. Setting up passwords or a seperate user account to hide your activity from others, and lying to the wife and using a lame excuse as to why you have done so...virus protection, security, "other settings"(me again)
3. Getting mad or irritable towards family members when they bother you while on the internet. (me)
4. Having more than one browser for adult entertainment and one on a safe site you can click to when someone walks in. (me)
5. Household chores are not being done on your end. They are usually the first thing to be put off. (me)
6. Saving adult entertainment movies and pics only to feel guilty and erase them, then the cycle repeats over and over. (ME!)
7. Losing interest in your partner.(me)
8. Sleeping times and habits change. You stay up late or all night looking for that one perfect site. (me)
9. You start to neglect human relationships and interactions in favor of looking at adult entertainment. (me)
And the one that really hits home for me, even though I never thought it would get this far out of hand,...
10. You start to plan how to meet other people to have sex with to satisfy the ultimate need for sex and orgasm. (me)
11. You finally do start having sex with others outside the normal routine of life.(almost me)

Theres more if you research it and I hope this may help someone. Am I the only one? Its really taking its toll on me. I have just this past week wasted 6 days after work just setting on the internet looking and downloading adult entertainment only to completely erase all signs of it last night for the millionth time. I could have done so much more productive things around the house than this. I need help. I dont want to cheat, but its getting so hard to resist. Talking sometimes helps. Thanks for listening. Chime in with advice, stories etc...
I think maybe you should talk it over with her or a professional about your addiction. It could help out a lot. You don't have to cheat on someone you love, especially your wife. And you can't say you don't love her, because you're still with her unless there's something wrong but all I can see from that is your addiction. But your best bet is to talk it over, you're married and that's where communication comes into play! ^_^
Don't let this ruin your marriage. Do whatever you have to to preserve it, assuming it is not a nightmare relationship.

I might suggest you cancel your broadband and get dial-up access. It will be so slow, you'll deem all internet adult entertainment to not even be worth the load time and you'll soon move on to new interests and hobbies.

Personally, I don't find internet adult entertainment even remotely appealling. As I said, it takes forever to download it, in my case. If I try to download a small movie clip, it might take several minutes, just to download a small clip a few seconds long. Then I get to watch a little Quicktime or Windows Media Player box for a few seconds and it looks like shit if I try to expand it to full screen. Maybe I haven't tried the new stuff and maybe I'm not doing something right, but all I used to get of internet adult entertainment was grainy pixel penetration that didn't even begin to compare to just going to the local video store and renting a good adult entertainment. Same thing with the jpegs. They're cool and all, but no better than a good magazine shoot and most of the free stuff sucks. Anyhow, a few years back I concluded that a person could get hooked on spending several hundred dollars per month on stuff that just wasn't all that great.
lee6 said:
what happened to some of the replies? They are gone.

It's been happening for a couple of days now or so, I'm not sure the reason why though ?:(
Well, Ive decided to give it a month and see if I can overcome this slowly. I relize Im backing down from complete cuttoff, but I do need the net for other things. Lets see what happens.
"My name is VladtheImpaler, and I am a adult entertainment addict"

Yep, I've known this has been taking a toll on me for a long time, and I can confidently say its one biggest things I have to rid of my life.....
It shows how little self-control I have, and theres so many reason to get rid from it.

I don't think its the downloading adult entertainment part thats so bad, its the whipping your cock out and making love to a screen part (any screen, or mag).

I used to jerk off after every Penis Enlargement workout, that meaning everyday, and I had to cut myself off of that, and now I'm at about 2-4 times a week but I still feel greasy....

And if you dont have a woman, it is the worst thing in the world, because you can just take the easy way out and not try to get one :D....(i know a few people that live like this solid)
And when you watch that much adult entertainment, you cant communicate with women well either, I see a marked difference when I cut myself off for a couple weeks wehn I have the self control.
And in general, I feel lethargic when I jerked off everyday, so really, its an all around negative impact on life.

Lee6, I propose we have have a competition to see who can go two weeks clean :D....I think a little healthy competition would help us better ourselves than anything else..............

You in? :D
Im in. It starts today right now (7-27-05). Of course the honor system will be used.

I too can see and feel a differencew when I cut it out for a few days. I can think clearer on things and the biggest difference is when I see a woman out in public i can see just a "female" , instead of a "hot, big titted, I wonder what she looks like naked" woman. You know what I mean.

Ill also post if i have weak moments in this race and all that stuff.

The race is on!!
For what it's worth I'm prayin' for you guys.....your studs!!! Stay strong. I've been in and out of treatment centres for addictions a few years ago so I know how hard it is to get a monkey off your back, especially when your monkey as you will find out is your best freind. There's gonna be a big whole when you kick it out of your life so get occupied with something.

I was in exactly the same conditions as u are, I could spent the whole night surfing and then ending up deleting all "evidence" ... just like you, looking for the perfect girl or the perfect site, this could have ruined my life and marriage, cause the wifey was complaining that I was not sleeping at night with her anymore and wanted to divorce from me, since I was spending from 7 pm to 3 am everyday on the pc, at work I was tired all the time. Simple things as adult entertainment can screw your whole life if you overdoit .

Yeah man, this is like a fuckin snowball, you start viewing a little adult entertainment and, next thing u know, you end up screwing some gal out there for real, and jeopardize your marriage.

Man , if you love ur family , and appreciate ur wife, have some guts and fight this addiction.. it is hard but u can do it.

Yeah, I am not cured ( I never will, hehehe, I love women! ) , but now I only surf through adult entertainment sites one or two hours per week, compared to 60 or 70 hours per week I did in the past, I also looked for professional help and therapy and it helped, I shifted my energy towards something different other than the pc, the gym and basketball helped me alot, seek for some sort of activity other than adult entertainment.

I ended up moving to a place with no ISP contract and I havent contracted any since.

Trust me it takes balls to get off the addiction, but I wish you all luck ...

I ocassionally log on from my bro's home and fool around , but I take it easy.

I wish you luck man .
why dont you just tell your wife about it, and see if maybe she can enjoy the adult entertainment with you

you can try out new stuff by watching and learning

like someone said, communication is key
mandrake said:
Yeah, I am not cured ( I never will, hehehe, I love women! ) , but now I only surf through adult entertainment sites one or two hours per week, compared to 60 or 70 hours per week I did in the past, I also looked for professional help and therapy and it helped, I shifted my energy towards something different other than the pc, the gym and basketball helped me alot, seek for some sort of activity other than adult entertainment.

I was just thinking as I read this that finding an extracurricular activity could be very helpful, preferably something competitive.
Look do not tell your wife. She will not understand. Get help. Go to therapy. Go to Church. Do not tell your wife. Honesty may be good at times. However, women do not understand. My brother was in the same situation. His wife left him. I think you can defeat this addiction not on your own but with help from either counseling or a minister.

I think you should not tell your wife.

Your decision.
Thanks guys. I have decided to spend alot more time playing the guitar. i got bored with it a year ago after learning all I could, and went in deep with the adult entertainment more than usual. Im also going to start lifting weights again. I stopped it about 5 years ago after doing that for 13 years due to stress at a job. Mabey those 2 will get me going in another direction. Vlad and the rest in the competition, so far Ive been strong but its still lingering in my mind. Still in the race!
Hey I just learned to play "In My Darkest Hour" by Megadeth! Rythem, not solos. I couldnt do that a year ago.

Guitar 1
adult entertainment 0....
Vlad, and the win <:( Its Saturday morning, I got bored and got on the net to look up guitar tabs. It slowly but surely led to looking at no-nude sites. Next thing it went to a page with breasts showing. Then I just dove in for the next 3 hours brfore I felt guitly and bad about it. I must get rid of the net Monday thins time for real. I cannot controll my urges with this in my home. I can only win by getting the internet away from me. Sorry to let you guys down, but its the only thing left to do. Good luck and I will be thinking about you. Hope you have it eaisier than me.

Good Bye, :blush:
I heard once that it takes less than 7 days to form a habit but it takes more than 28 days to break it. good luck lee. it maybe a couple months but you will see you can beat this addiction and return with no probs. or hey why not try one of those net nanny programs, or things that protect your family from harmful websites. I also believe thier is a christian based that offers as a standard feature adult entertainment and harmful content filtering for purity reasons. you may want to check that out as well.

Check out this site, while I wouldn't go there at work, there aren't any nude images there. These guys did the same two-week experiment that you are doing. The 3rd and 4th days are the hardest for me to get past. You have to keep yourself busy doing other, more exciting things. Because if you get bored, the Internet is always there...

The problem is that it is so easy to get now, and you can find everything you could ever think of doing. I just would like to know where they find the participants.
"You read adult entertainment at the funeral of a man whom you killed for his adult entertainment"

HAHAHA poor fucker who answers yes to that.

Good luck with your quest boys. I have cut down on watching adult entertainment myself in the last month or so. You will notice after about a month your imagination should come back and you are ready to prey on some real life pussy.
Lee, why not invest in a firewall that blocks all adult content? such as Zone Alarm security suite which you can enable the content control and it will block adult material, plus you could have other software running such as net nanny or whatever to block adult entertainment from your system so you cant get to it...dont go off the net altogether, its too important to loose and you will not beat the habit thatway but feed it in otherways that might be more harm than good.
Yeah..........................I broke!!! :D

It was a long weekend and I have been partying and drinking for 4 days straight, So I really didnt have any time for fucking around anyway ;) rofl . I get home a couple hours ago, and the first thing I did was jump right into the net adult entertainment.

I also tried to quit smoking dope in the same timeframe so I was out on two fronts, I caved on the weed on the second day and I've never been happier to smoke the fine hashish set before me at this very moment, I thought it might make my mind a little clearer, but it didnt seem to do so, maybe I have to give it more than a couple days....:D
Thats what smokin that stuff every day for six years of your life'll do to ya y'know rofl

Anyway, Lee6, man good luck to you to, I don't think we need therapy or nothing like that, because if our willpower was so weak we couldn't stop looking at adult entertainment how do we dress ourselves in the morning....
Our competition was like the ironman of not looking at adult entertainment, of course a guy that can look at adult entertainment for 3 hours straight isnt going to go 2 weeks cold turkey......
IMO, you should gradually go off the stuff, start looking at the shit an hour a night and decrease it by 5 minutes a night....
I think that has a good chance of working! :)
Personally ive always been a man of excess and extremes. Ive learned that over the years when you give up one vice another takes its place. I think watching adult entertainment and masturbating alot is hardly a major vice.
it is if it is effecting you to the point of changing your life for it. like ignoring family, stop going to focus on adult entertainment or any addiction. at the point you are doing it in excess and it takes a significant hold on you and you conform any significant part of your day to it, it is a vice to be worried about. and that would got from anything from gluttony, drugs, adult entertainment, or even in the area I use to struggle with was excess amount of time focusing on the internet and neglecting my wife and family.
Well i told my wife, and guess what! Shes into it! I just felt bad because I was hiding it from her. She even wants to take me to a massage parlor and watch me get a massage and have the chick beat me off!!! Fuck yeah!
lee6 said:
Well i told my wife, and guess what! Shes into it! I just felt bad because I was hiding it from her. She even wants to take me to a massage parlor and watch me get a massage and have the chick beat me off!!! Fuck yeah!

Wow, thats awesome buddy, I was just thinking about this shit yesterday, and was like, yeah, good thing that guy didnt tell his wife. :D :P

But if your wife is into going with you to a massage parlor and getting a masuese to jerk you off, well, I don't know why you were on the net in the first place.... :s
Hey man, go all out and come with me on an adventure to south-east asia.... :s :cool: :)
Friday after work, shes taking me to get the massage! She even said she will pay for it and let the girl fuck me! I think Im going to pass out...
lee6 said:
Friday after work, shes taking me to get the massage! She even said she will pay for it and let the girl fuck me! I think Im going to pass out...

We expect updates and full disclosure Friday night. ;)
Im Back!! Sorry for not reposting with what happened but my computer crapped out so I had to get a new hard drive put in. Anyway on with the rest of the story...

Well we decided to go to Florida for 2 weeks in Jacksonville on Neptune beach. It was a fun place to be and the night life was the best. My wife made me a deal. She I had 4 hours to get any women I wanted to come back to the room with me where I could then do anything I wanted as she watched. I was really nervous as Ild been out of the "pick up" scene for 10 years. I bombed badly. She just laughed and said to try again. So after 3 days I got my routine down and went from casual conversation to actually bringing a girl in. I met her in the shop right by our hotel as I was buying sea shells and a crockadile head with my wife. She was a brunette about 5'4" around 120. She was pretty hot. I noticed her looking my way and staying close to me. I struck up a conversation and asked her what she had planned for tonight. She said nothing. I asked if she wanted to come up to my room for some fun. She said yes. 8 o clock it was...At 7:50 she arived in her bikini still wet from swimming. My wife hid in the bathroom and I absolutly fucked her brains out for the next 3 hours. I had the girl wore out by the end of the night. I made her cum 6 times. 3 right in a row at one point. She even cried as she came. We soaked the bed in the middle. She was amazing. I thought my wife was rare in the fact she could get wet enough to soak the bed. This girl did it to. I did everything but fuck her in the ass. After she left the room my wife jumped me and rode me hard. It kind of hurt as my dick was throbbing with pain and kind of half limp. She then came hard for about 5 minutes and soaked me. Then as an added bonus she straddled my face and shoved her pussy over my mouth as she opened it as wide as she could. Talk about wet! I had to use a towel to dry off with.

The next day was also good. I saw the same girl walking around close to the hotel exit to the beach waiting for me to come out. My wife siad go for it. So she split and stayed within eye distance watching me have fun the rest of the day. As the night came I fingered her in the water as we hugged out in the waves. I brought her to my room again and fucked her some more. Again as the wife listened in the bathroom.

Over the course of the next 9 days I had other experiences with 3 more women Ill tell you guys about.

The next girl I met as I was picking up some food from MacDonalds. This place had an 6' tall Elvis playing the guitar next to the cash registers. She was looking at it and I made a remark about how neat it looked. The conversation turned to music and I mentioned I played guitar. She got real giggly and said she loved to watch people play the guitar. Now this girl was about 23, very good looking in the face with straight long blonde hair. She was a tad chunky but she was still cute and pretty hot. She had that "soft and juicy" look. So I asked her if she would want to come to my room on the beach and listen to me play. She said sure and said she would follow me. I had to think quick, so as she followed me back I called my wife who was on the beach and told her I had another girl. She ran up to the room and hid in the closet this time with the door cracked. Me and the girl went to my room and I played as we ate. I started off with some acoustic then went to her favorite band (as well as one of mine) Metallica. I played about 2 hours worth of their songs as she sang some of them. It sounded awful, but she was having fun. I then put down the guitar as she wanted to watch a PPV. Haha! She wanted to watch a adult entertainment!! We ordered one and then things got down to buisness. This girl had some of the softest tits, it was very good. Her pussy was so good! Ill never forget her. I fucked her for about 40 minutes until she got real kinky. She liked her finger and shoved it in my ass! It felt good belive it of not. She came as I fucked her harder until I pulled out and came big leaving a few streaks from her stomach to her throat. Wow! This girl was good.

The next one was the same day but at around 9:00 at night. I met her in the elevator comming up from swimming. She said she thought I was cute and would I like to come back to her room. Of course I did. She said she just wanted to fuck and have a good cum as she was on a buisness layover. She was about 5'8" around 135lbs and said she was 42. Yeah I know, she was older but hey...she looked like fun and was great looking with fake tits! YES! This time she wore me out. She rode me for about 30 minutes hard and fast. She came 3 times all over me between my thighs and waist. I was soaked with sweat and pussy cum. I came twice during that time. She then had me lay with my legs off the bed as she licked my nuts, dick and asshole very slowly for about 40 minutes as she slowly played with her pussy. This was pure heaven. If youve never had your nuts licked or below the sack licked, do what it takes to get it done. By this time I was so relaxed I couldnt move. She then layed down and put both legs behind her head as I fucked her with all I had for about 5 minutes before pulling out and cumming on her.

The last girl I had before we left was a woman about 32, long black curly hair, dark skin, huge tits about 5'5" at 150. My wife told me to go wait behind the hotel between the bushes, she had a suprise for me. A few minutes later the woman I described came around to meet me. She said not a word but had a big smile on her face. She wore cut off shorts with a t shirt with huge tits. I mean huge. The wife said they were eaisly an E. She got on her knees and undone my pants and sucked me for a while. Just as I was about to cum she stopped, got up, turned around and took her shorts off. She bent over touching her toes and began to rub her pussy and man was it ever wet and puffy. She grabbed my dick and slid it into her pussy and I began to fuck her from behind. I almost came a few times but held off. She felt so good. She then took off her shirt as I was fucking her and her tits were flopping aroung like crazy. I was grabbing them and squeezing them. She then stopped me and took from her shorts a tube of lube. She lubed my dick and her ass. She beny over and said she wanted me to fuck her in the ass and cum in her. And so I did. I pushed mydick into her ass and slowly started fucking her with long slow strokes all the wile playing with those giant tits. When I came I almost couldnt move it felt so good. I held her tight as I mashed her tits in my hands and pushed as deep as possible into her. I then asked her if I could play and suck her tits befor eshe left. She said yes. So after licking those things for a while I got horny again and tit fucked her until I came again on her chin and neck. My wife loved it all.

Well belive it or not. I dont blame you if you dont, as its alot to take in but it did happen and I cant wait to see what is next for us. Ill post more if it happens.
lee6 said:
Friday after work, shes taking me to get the massage! She even said she will pay for it and let the girl fuck me! I think Im going to pass out...

Did you ever do the massage thing?

And the last chick from your vacation, did she do ass to mouth?
No we didnt do the massage thing. We had planned on it before going to Jacksonville, but once we were there and things started happening we just forgot about it and went with whatever came to mind. Really the massage seemed kind of a waste of time and tame after the first girl I had. We will still do it sometime though.
Ohh and the last girl, no there was no ass to mouth. Just dick to pussy,ass and tits :) Huge tits!! I still cant get those things out of my mind. Man they were so soft and mushy.

Ill say this..there is a difference in fucking a size C as compared to Es. The Es cover your whole dick, thighs and press your lower stomach, and the body heat they give off against you is enough to make you cum fast after just a few thrusts. I am now obsessed with tits.
Ohh yeah, another thing thats very good is cumming inside a hot girls ass thats you just met. :) :) rofl Sorry guys, Im still floating around on those memories. There will be more. Later :)
wow what an adventure :) hoping I get that kind of adventure and that understanding of a wife rofl anyway can you share the rest of the stories if you have anymore they rule(Y)

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lee6 said:
Ill say this..there is a difference in fucking a size C as compared to Es. The Es cover your whole dick, thighs and press your lower stomach, and the body heat they give off against you is enough to make you cum fast after just a few thrusts. I am now obsessed with tits.

Never tittie-fucked anything bigger than a B cup. A killer rack is nice, but it's by no means a requirement in my book.
lee6 said:
Ohh yeah, another thing thats very good is cumming inside a hot girls ass thats you just met. :) :) rofl Sorry guys, Im still floating around on those memories. There will be more. Later :)

Only did ass once and I've always worn condoms, but it's on the list of things to do.
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