Hey guys...HOpefully either CrazyEd or ZUlu will respond to this...Oh, and Ed, your inbox is full...Can't recieve any messages...Anyway...Today, i did my first ADC session. Used CrazyEds insulation thing...Worked fine...But like 30 min into the ADC, I felt my head and felt reduced sensation(like a numbness) and my head was getting cold...So I unclciked a couple notches(I was at 6 exposed notches) even though I didn't want to because the flaccid hang I had before doing it was nice and fat and shiny...Now when I released a couple notches, it was still big...just not AS big...So heres what I'm asking you ADC vets...When you ADC, how many cable clamp notches are exposed? How many can you look down and count with your eyes? What is your NBPenis EnlargementL to NBPFL ADC'D ratio What is your BPenis EnlargementL to BPFL ADC'd ratio? I remember crazyed saying his was 3/4th or soemthing... THis will give me a good feel as to how many clicks I should click down and get to a certain length, but still be safe...Thanks for the help....
Ive never ADC'd but if I was to I wouldn't worry about how many clicks the next guy was on as my member is not the same as theirs. I would do what gives me the pump and is comfortable. If it is not comfortable release some tension and try that.

Seems like one of those things you have to play around with to see for yourself what is best. Either way numbness is a sign that you have it way too tight and you may cause yourself harm if kept on too long.
Yea, I know dude. BUt I still need to see some profile pics or somethin of guys in ADC...I need somethin to compare this to and know if I am doing it correctly and in a way that it is most effective.
Big- I'm here and I'll get rid of some messages, I'm a lazy ass! lol

Anyway I don't use a cable clamp for my ADC, I use the hose clamp so I don't know about how many clicks I use. From my experience My settings flunksuated from day to day in the begining. Plus with ADC you go through a learning curve, to find out what settings is best for you. I used to have to adjust my clamp like every hour or so, but now I rarely get it too tight. I too have had the numbness and cold head from clamping TOO tight. that is the reason why your dick gets numb and cold, the clamp is too tight. You might be cool in constrictors while erect with that tightness but not in ADC, you have to tone it down some.

As far as my ADC to erect ratio. My girth is about the same as my erect, and towards the end of my ADC it is bigger than my erect girth. As far as my length in ADC it is about 7 bone pressed. My erect is 8.5 bonepressed. My flaccid girth is about 5 normally, anf length is 5.25 to 6.25 depending on the heat in my boxers

Now you are feeing a pain in your base area on the underside of your cock, and near your ball sac? Correct? What i always do after putting on my insulation for my ADC, is I get the insulation where I want it to be on my cock, roughy 1/2 to a 1/4 inch away from my pubic bone. (note I have very little body fat). Then I hold the insulation in place with one hand, and with the other I tug on my ball sac's loose skin to get any overlapin skin I might have inside the insulation. This works wonders Big.
Alos if your experincing pain you might have the clamp too tight.

My advice is to gradually condition your penis to ADC. You can go tighter over time. Do what is comfortable for now, and with each session raise the bar some. for example, try ADC for a longer time. Tighten the clamp a notch, and so on. You will never be as big as your full erection in ADC in length, but you can get your girth bigger in ADC than your full erection girth is. ADC has really help my flaccid hang, and erect girth.