Well, Ill give you guys a bit of early progress and how ive altered my routine. I still eat around 5-6 meals a day as I believe that this is better than eating 3-4 as it nullifies any cravings I might get for shitty food- this is because I stay in a constant stasis where Im never overful (dont stuff myself when I eat because Im not starving by the time I eat) and I count the 2-3 protein shakes I have a day as meals (Low carb shakes, no more
weight gainer). My diet is pretty healthy- it really astounded me how easy it has been to go from fresh out of college and eating pretty much anything- I would pig out at night a lot and I just realized I cant remember the last time I was really hungry and wolfed down a bunch of food before bed
, to now, where I eat 6 solid meals- I eat a can of tuna daily about 50 grams of chicken somehow prepared and I try to go very very easy on the carbs. I dont go crazy with my diet and I dont deprive myself of something if I really want it, but i rarely ever really want to stray from my diet
I lift every other day still and have noticed a definate increase in strength- I am very pleased with my progress and I have noticed major changes in the way my body looks, especially in the past few days. All of my muscles- especially my arms and shoulders- have become much bigger and more defined and I am noticing my shirts a getting tighter instead of looser on me.
Thank god I have a mirror! Not because Im vain, well maybe a little, but because if I went by the
scale I would think that Ive made next to no progress. I have stayed at around 185 lbs, losing only about 4-5 lbs. I acredit this to my burning off fat all over my body and it being replaced with muscle at the same time- this seems to be a comfortable
weight for me to maintain, and ill most likely stay in the 180-185 region- we'll see where all this work takes me..
Supplements I take are: Tribulus, multi, arginine, orthinine, flaxseed oil, ZMA, and melatonin (to help me sleep.) I also take propecia daily (well 2.5 mg of finasteride every other day). I sometimes pop a caffeine pill in the morning, after my first meal- only caffeine I consume throughout the day.
I also drink tons of water throughout the day, and I still sweat my ass of beating the shit outta the heavy bag, doing pushups and situps, and stretching daily (not just my penis anymore).
I also do scalp exercises daily and they have pretty much halted my hair loss- I chopped off all my hair yesterday, and I am happy to say that I cant even notice myself that I lost any hair- its thinner for sure, but no one can notice and the hair thats up there now is not going anywhere rofl . The propecia I think has helped in this too, but I have been taking it for around 2 years and I only saw the stoppage of hair loss when I started doing SE daily.
The way I look at it, Im not on a diet- I changed my life. And I feel great.