Hey all. So i live close to sf and like to go to the events and walk around nude. When hard im 7.2 inches x 4.6 inches but soft im like 1.5 inches. Ive never been consistent with PE but even using the bathmate before the parade doesnt help much im larger for like maybe half an hour. I see...
I've been doing ssjelqs 20 minutes and 20 minutes of hard stretching a day, but 2 months later and not a mm has changed. Do I need help with my routine or am I just never gonna grow? You'd think 10 years later I'd be DLD's size as long as I've been around lol.
We have heard about the deformation of tissues and cementing them. However I have heard once the tunica is stretched it's permanently stretched like a piece of leather so therefore is cementing required for the tunica?
Or is this just for the ligaments suspencery and fundiform ligaments?
I ask...
Hey, gents, new on the site but I've been PEing for a few weeks shy of a year and have gotten a lot of good information here from everyone's posts.
For anyone willing to extend their insight/experience, I have a question regarding stalled gains.
I started PE in August 2017 with a newbie...
Hi I'm Bobby from Bulgaria. I'm Practice PE from 1.5 years.
Just register here. My routine is Hanging and extending.
Hanging 3*20 min 4 kg
Extender - 3 hr
Hi y'all. I have been doing the newbie routine for 2 months. Now, my routine is 4 hours of extender stretches, 3 x 10 minutes of clamping, and jelqing when I get a chance. I am trying to figure our my exact bpel to track my gains. I heard that I am not supposed to measure right at the bottom, so...
Hi guys :) I need people with experience in gaining length to chime in and advise me as to what is the best routine to follow/do including how many days per week,time for routine,how many sets and so on
I’ve found 10% dht. There’s only one website with it. I’m 21 great genetics so It might get me to my goal faster. Starting out at 7.5x5.2 most lady’s never said anything negative about my size. I’m doing pe for self-improvement. I ran steroids for about a year did my pct recovered fine. I’m...
Hi all,
Just wanted to share my experience with PE, my first stat input was in 2011, which makes me a legit 9yr PE-er.
As you can see my chart there are no any serious gains (which makes me pissed off :D ). First couple of measures are basically not valid as I was standardizing my way of...
So, I've heard it said before that extenders cement gains..
So if I'm using the principles from SRT along with my extender, and hypothetically speaking, I go from let's say 6.0" NBPEL to 7.0" NBPEL in a matter of 6 months. After acquiring that length, would I still need to do some kind of...
Does anyone have a PE partner that you do PE with? Just thinking that a lot of people benefit from having a workout partner in the gym, so what about a brother to keep you accountable?
I didn't really take note of my shaft hairs pre-pe but now I look down and see hairs growing more than half way up my shaft. Mainly on the back but some on the front, shaving turns into a stretch session to get the right shave
So my question is what was your shaft hair like pre-pe vs post pe...
I need motivation and I also want to use this medium to motivate others as well. I'm creating this thread to ask for those who are willing to go into a competition with me. This is not one of those monthly contest thread. This thread is meant for those who wants someone to train with. We can do...
I can’t do much girth work for now, so I’m just curious if anyone gains from straight stretches, ie if i do the newbie routine sans jelq, plus phallosan, should i expect any girth? Just wondering, thanks!
As my continual struggle to augment my routine presses on; which is to say I'm always trying to find the right supps \ stack to help out with my daily routine, I had a friend recommend me his stack... Now he's on other stuff I believe for other reasons, but this is his primary for his PE...
Hey guys
After you the community helped me with Length master through out the week, I was hoping you could help me with an old stupid injury I got by jelqing wrong 12 years ago.
I remember searching for PE online when I got misinformed about Jelqing or probably misunderstood what was written...
So my erections have been so poor lately. My routine is basically just 15-20 min of bathmate so nothing to intense. Ive been pumping for about 4 months so my penis is use to it.
This is really freaking annoying cause if i stopped pumping all together my cock would stay skinny.
At this point im...
I'll do some twisting in warm up and also some bundled stretches during my routine. Sometimes it feels different when I twist the opposite direction and other times it doesn't. Is it beneficial to twist both directions? I know it certainly isn't a negative to do it but I'm curious.
I should do...
Just getting started again here and wanted to finally post up my progress log including the couple entries I made back in 2014.
Unfortunately I did not measure for about 3 years, but I was in and out of training - mostly hanging with the x sleeve and some Bathmate work (sporadic).
Nice to see...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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