Zel Miller @ Republican Convention


May 12, 2004
Democrat supporting Bush who spoke @ convention. I must say his speech, even if it had no worth fact/logic wise (which democrats will say it didnt, and republicans will say it did. I believe it did), it was a very moving speech no matter.

Comments?... massive... awesome.. anymore?
Words cannot express my frustration at the bullshit, the simplicity, the jingoism, the utter stupidity. I'd have to see a transcript to go over the points, but that's my overall impression. It's very sad. I'm very worried about this country, the Republicans are slick and I don't doubt that people will let sili speeches sway their opinions. And nobody cares that they have, in three nights, talked about one thing, and one thing alone.
anyone watching Zell Miller on MSNBC with Chris Matthews? What an asshole that crotchety old bitch is, hahaha. Miller of course.
Miller's voice is really annoying. Zell is not a Democrat anymore, they party has denounced him. They no longer consider him a demmy even though people keep saying he is. You Bush supporters dont like flipfloppers?? well Miller is the ultimate flipflop. Hell he even introduced either Clinton or Gore at the last or second to last convention.

ps I love Chris Matthews, he's the shit. He actually tries to get truth from people by grilling them and asking follow up questions.
Yeah I mean I don't think Miller's credibility is even a question, it's just a matter of whether you buy the crap he sold in the speech or not. It's pretty obvious he's just an opportunist and a typical political slut. He's getting with who he perceives as the winning team. Washington is run by the Republicans now of course, and that's where the money is at. He wants that nice lobbying position after his retirement, he wants to sell those books about his political desertion (sure, the Democratic party has become so radical since... 1992?) because conservatives tend to buy trash literature (Coulter, Limbaugh, Savage, Unfit for Command, you name 'em). Everyone knows he's a Southern bigot who conspicuously became 'enlightened' somewhere along the line, instead of being an honest Dixie-crat and switching to the real racist party of the day, the GOP. Flip-flopping doesn't even begin to describe it. At least he's showing his true colors now. Typical whore.
Don't think he deserves props for rocking that house. Any one of us could write the same kind of junk. I mean, you're talking about Republican delegates here, 95% of whom support the war? Give me a break, they're the extremists in this country, and most certainly in this world. I am embarrassed for my country every moment I watch this convention. These are the worst we have to offer; the kind of people who smirk as they talk about the war being "good for business, bad for the people" and then turn around and cheer Zell Miller on when he makes one of the most ridiculous claims of the night - that wherever in the world we drop bombs on civilians, violate sovereignty and international law, and occupy other people's land as if it were some square in a game of Risk, we are LIBERATORS. Even when, oh, say upwards of 90% of the people you are violating consider you occupiers. I cannot believe the gall these people have, it's beyond self-righteous. We are so out of step with the rest of the world, and the worst part is that we don't care. Anyway my point about the speech is that it was a pathetic appeal to the worst side of that rabid crowd. It was simplistic, flag-waving drivel, which is more than enough to please that crowd any day. No props, he deserves contempt for joining a very dangerous group and contributing handily (more than Cheney, can you imagine?) to the very problems that make us hated everywhere in the world, and divided at home. Sounds like a recipe for success in the War on Terrrrrr!!!
Even when, oh, say upwards of 90% of the people you are violating consider you occupiers.
Opinion. You obviously missed all the Iraqis dancing when they were free hugging and embracing the soldiers and little kids giving them pictures they drew.

They didnt show this on Clinton(Communist) News Network or other liberal ones.
You Bush supporters dont like flipfloppers?? well Miller is the ultimate flipflop. Hell he even introduced either Clinton or Gore at the last or second to last convention.
Flip-flopping doesn't even begin to describe it.
Lol you are such a biased idiot, it is COMICAL. He has been the same for the past 30 years. He always supported the right war efforts, but has always been, and STILL is socially liberal.

The only flip-floppers are the democratic party who refuse to support the war for political reasons.

As Cheney said in his speech, Kerry is the biggest flip flopper. He listed 4+ major issues in his 20 years of the senate he has gone back and forth on. Kerry is a bigger flip-flopper than Zel Miller. He just stays in accordance with the Democratic party like some sheep, lucky enough to catch the massive population of ignoramous' willing to vote in anyone, but Bush. We need a leader who will do what is right, not some wishy-washy follower who will do whatever is popular.
Amazing how people are unwilling to even listen to something that doesn't support their own distorted view. Their view is usually just the easiest, free ride, get something for nothing rhetoric, they have been spoon fed and repeat like so many parrots. Only those that listen to all opinions without going off half cocked will ever have their eyes open enough to see past the political rhetoric and stand on their own two feet.
anyone watch "The Daily Show".....I dont but I saw it today......It had Bush in all his fancy wordplay.....one clip had him saying like 10 oxymorons in the same sentence....I laughed for like 5 minutes straight (thats long in laugh time)......

I mean, I would feel very stupid saying the things Bush says to my freinds, This man is addressing the most powerful country in the world for gods sake....

It also had Arnold showing off his intelligence at the Convention, that man is my hero, but after seeing that shit I loose a lot of respect for him.......hahaha

HE has become the Ultimate "Girly Man"......

Anyone else notice how Multicultural the Republicans have become....lol
they are trying to make them seem more "mainstream" than they actually are. notice how the Repubs talking points are "most liberal senator" and "out of the mainstream" then they blast kerry?

sephin's posts further confirm my idea that he is a fox-watching, hannitized, god-fearing, flag-waving country boy. he thinks CNN is biased b/c they arent FoxNews. All he's doing is spewing back Repub talking points, and shit he heard on O'Reilly Factor, instead of trying to think for himself and sift through the bullshit on BOTH SIDES.

You know what, Kerry does straddle the middle on my many issues. Maybe thats b/c he's more of MODERATE than you think. Bush is so far to the Right, when a centrists comes a long, you blast him as a "flip flopper" and a liberal.

From now on everytime one of my friends changes their mind on anything, im gonna call them "flipfloppers" b/c as you know, nobody can change their minds when facts change.
Anyone else notice how Multicultural the Republicans have become....
I concur here. Every other shot on Fox news was a black person, but the panoramic view showed predominantly white. Very funny :)

Kerry isn't a moderate. He is a fool. A moderate is someone who believes in things from both sides and disagrees with other things from both sides.

A moderate isnt someone who keeps changing their mind negating any true convictions. This puts the person at "neutral weakling", not moderate/independent.
he isnt changing his mind. You get that from people like Cheney who says "he's for the Patriot Act, and not against, For the war and now against it".

He's not AGAINST the Patriot act, he's against the way Aschcroft has been implementing it and against certain clauses. does mean he's flat out against it.

"A moderate is someone who believes in things from both sides and disagrees with other things from both sides."

Your quote is my beliefs in a nutshell and Kerry's. Can you say the same for Bush or yourself? You've been conditioned to think Kerry flipflops just b/c he isnt DIE HARD for the Iraq War or 100% for every clause in the Patiot Act.

Also you didnt even realize that when VladtheImpaler made that comment, he was being sarcastic, then you say "yeah I concur, blah etc.." He didnt really mean it. Maybe Fox was going to the black people, to make viewers think the Repubs are more moderate then they actually are.

oh and STOP WATCHING FOX!! How can you base your opinons and facts from a news corporation who is utterly biased and is run by staunch conservatives??
Lol it is true about them showing all these black people. You can't deny the obvious.

Either way I watch different news stations and get info from different online sources.

Can you say the same for Bush or yourself?
No. I love people who have the preconceived notion that if your not a moderate, you are one evil or another.

I never claimed I was a moderate or claimed Bush was. The way our morals and beliefs stand, we would be considered conservatives.

Also I don't 100% agree with all quote/unquote "republican/conservative beliefs" or with Bush for that matter, but I agree with him on enough important issues that he is my man.

Anyways, to any independent/moderate watching WITH the preconceived notion that if you are not one of them, you are of some evil or another, I call you luke warm weaklings hiding on the fence, who should go vote for Nader so Bush wins by a landslide, instead of just a hefty portion :)
The country has gotton more liberal as time goes on. Not more conservative. So eventually that whole neo-con era voting block, will fade out.

Even though I dislike Bush immensly, I honestly dont think he will win. Unless theres an October surprise and he pulls Osama out of a hat.

>The country has gotton more liberal as time goes on. Not more conservative. So eventually that whole neo-con era voting block, will fade out.<

What do you base this statement on? The democrats controlled Congress, as well as most state governments, almost consecutively for over 40 years until the 90's. Now the repubs controll Congress and the state governments.

You may be right, I just wonder on what basis you came to this conclusion.

Im lookin at the broad spectrum of history. As time goes on, society gets more and more liberal. People are waiting longer and longer to get married. Youths are more and more open and exposed and tolerant of alternative lifestyles and exposed to mulitiple races and cultures. The country is getting less and less religious and less "stuck" to certain religious philosophy, like being a virgin till your married.

Im just saying overall. If a black person taught a white person to read, that was punishable by death back during times of segregation and slavery. But your right, the Repubs have run a successful political marketing campaign, and have now controll the Congress, White House(not much longer though), the Senate, the Supreme Court, and most state government positions.

But there is a backlash, who would have thought there would be this whole underground liberal movement fighting back against FoxNews, conservative talk radio, and the religious right. This group was "made" because of the shift country to try and force it to be more conservative. Conservative is a loose term by the way. Bush isnt a conservative, only a social conservative. And thats b/c a certain part of his base demands it.
If a black person taught a white person to read, that was punishable by death back during times of segregation and slavery.

People are waiting longer and longer to get married. Youths are more and more open and exposed and tolerant of alternative lifestyles and exposed to mulitiple races and cultures. The country is getting less and less religious and less "stuck" to certain religious philosophy, like being a virgin till your married
People are waiting longer, one reason is life expectancy. This ups everything socially as it does other ways including social security etc.

Many people still hold true to being a virgin til they are married. Jessica Simpson is one famous example.

Anyways, you are partially right casey, but you need to see beyond the current swing of the pendulum. Look through out history. Always societies moving back and forth from conservative to liberal. We are just in a liberal swing... and republicans still got ahold of the majority in political positions, and yes Bush will win I will bet anyone on that ;)

But there is a backlash, who would have thought there would be this whole underground liberal movement fighting back against FoxNews, conservative talk radio, and the religious right.
Haha. Foxnews and conservative talk radio were fighting back first against the liberal and bias media that has been around so long allowing the 40 year reign of liberalism in America.

With the internet, FoxNews, and conservative radio, we finally have a counterbalance to the bias crap that was out there. Yes Fox can be bias. All news organizations are, but at least there isnt just one (liberal) bias out there now Now that the population can't be kept ignorant I believe we will see many great things to come. One being a conservative swing of the pendulum from this long liberal one.
I'll probably piss off both sides.

I'll start with the media. Fox News is definitely pro Republican. That is obvious. They do show both sides, but still it's usually through a pair of Republican glasses.

That is about the only pro-Republican TV news outlet. There's no way that someone on the left can deny that ABC (Peter Jennings), NBC (perky Katie Couric), CBS (Dan Rather and the entire 60 Minutes cast (well, most of them), CNN -- come on. CNN fair to the right? -- Chris Mathews? These by name folks can barely contain their detest for the Bush Administration. And the networks have their own pair of glasses only they are a Liberal shade.

Yes, Fox is biased, but there are a lot more television networks on the left. Fox has Hannity, but he doesn't try and hide his bias. You watch him knowing full well where he stands. What is disingenuous is that the other networks don't even have the balls to admit it. The only true guy in the middle (or at least, not overtly left or right) in my opinion is Tim Russert.

Zell Miller. He's pissed. I think he is genuinely pissed. He obviously doesn't like Kerry. He may have embellished a bit, but hasn't Kerry? I think the fact that he is a Democrat blasting another Democrat is really what pisses people off. Could have been any Democrat and the left would have been just as pissed. I guess what makes it worse about Zell Miller is that the Democrats can't retaliate because he's not running again and his Senate seat will likely go to a Republican.

I do think this election is about security. How far is (name your own big city here) from becoming a Jerusalem or Moscow or Madrid? Eventually, the terrorists will resort to the same tactics in America that they are employing everywhere else. Am I scared. Not for myself, but I am worried about my kids future.

I do think Bush won't take any shit and sincerely means it when he says he will defend this country by any means necessary. I don't think Kerry would. I think he's indecisive. I think he would solicit and what for the approval of other countries, especially, since he's been beating Bush about it for the last 2 years. I think there could be cases where we need to do what we need to do and the hell with France (ok, cheap shot, I know).

Just because someone believes the opposite of what you think it doesn't mean they are an idiot. We all have our opinions. Some strongly held, some no big deal. I think what makes both sides bad is the refusal to accept that just because someone disagrees with you it doesn't mean that they are (insert your own derrogatory adjectives here).
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