Whats your thoughts about this Wikileaks business?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Wikileaks and all the latest scandal to comeout regarding mostly what American ambassadors have had to say about 'various' things or alleged to have said. Whats everyones thoughts about the way Wikileaks have done this? Wikileaks themselves and the the site owner?

My scoop is that we, the general public should not have access to most of this information i.e. classified, secret etc as its that for a reason even though we may not like whats in it, where do you draw the line.

Allot of this will damage relations with various countries and people incl but not limited to China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. We dont know whats truth from fiction either. The amount of lives this information could be putting on the line is incomprehendable.

Those who say free speach and the right to know are on this one wrong because allot of this is information that we are not ready to see and certainly not ready to digest at this unsteady time. Sure we have a right to know what goes on in this world and many gouvernments abuse power and control at will but this will not alter that and how its been done is piss poor to say the least .... all that will happen is gouvernments, more so now the US will tighten up even more than they ever have and less information will be out, which isnt neccasarily a bad thing.

I feel the owner - Julian Assange - should be trialed for treason
In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation
as he is a low piece of shit with an obvious chip on his shoulder, dont give me all this freedom crap he is running away from something and the bee is literally rattling under the bonnet wanting to escape! His own country Australia want fuck all to do with him, Sweden wants him for alleged sex crimes, the US wants him for the obvious and who knows what else.

Wikileaks in the past has released information that shouldn't have gotten out but it wasn't nearly as damaging like this could be and was mostly things like tax forms and Scientology manuals but secret messages from governments is actually treason and in China he would be shot and deservedly so ... men and women die fighting from decisions made at the top which come through messages like what has been leaked and more will die from a backlash of whats to come from his selfish actions.
I can't fault him anywhere near as much as I blame whatever piece of shit "leaked" this huge volume of material to him from the inside Government. We take oaths and solemnly swear (or affirm) that we will follow orders and protect & defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

Somebody, in a position of trust, needs life in prison at least.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's some of the funniest shit I've heard on this subject. As an American I'm glad someone had the balls and integrity to out our rulers for the shit bags they are. These corrupt, criminal bastards have reaped what they've sown. And they're (the U.S. govt) doing all of these things with MY tax money and in MY name. I call him a hero and those who turn a blind eye to govt I see as ignorant slaves.

Oh, and BTW you can't try someone for treason against the U.S. if they're not a U.S. citizen. While we're at it let's try all the politicians for lying under oath or BREAKING their oath to the Constitution. You can't support the U.S. govt AND the Constitution at the same time. Also, the oath taken by military servicemen is to protect and uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The military should by that logic be disobeying all orders from the politicians. If anyone wants to pull the whole "the oath is also to obey the commands of the president", go back to English class. It was worded that way by the framers intentionally since in English lists are to be given in the order of MOST important to least which means the "defend and uphold the Constitution" part is the most important as it's stated first, before the "obey the commands of the president" part.
Everyone has an opinion on it. Yeah the jack off who runs the site couldn't be trialled for treason in the states but Australia maybe as he has risked that nations infrastructure by hosting the shit. The scum who leaked this stuff, I believe they have one American military personal now, well he can be trialled for treason. We all know our governments do things they shouldn't but this information will change nothing and will or could cause more trouble for those especially who serve the nations such as the military and scum like Assange merely HIDE behind this freedom of information shit because they have a huge chip on their shoulder and hate the world hahaha line him up against a wall with the scum who leaked the stuff and machine gun them ... make an example is what needs to be done here.
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The site looks like it's hosted in the US. From what I've heard, he hasn't been in Australia for some time, which is one of the reasons the Australian government really is having nothing to do with it. The Australian government has been bent over with America's dick up its ass for a LONG time, if our government could do anything for the US to fix any of this shit, it would have already happened.
I think the only person who can be trialed for treason is the person inside the Government who is sworn to keep these matters secret.

Thats what I think anyway :)

Dude's a douche, you should know when to keep stuff to yourself. (the guy who leaked this shit I mean)

You really don't get it do ya?
Assange is a douche, plain and simple. He's got no agenda for change-social nor governmental-he just wants to stir up shit with him in the spot light. That's all.

It's no crime to be a douche-bag, just makes you unpopular, especially with those who are putting their lives on the line (on the orders of the elected civilians) in the process of actually living up to the contracts they signed and the oaths they took.

Personally, I could give two shits about the morons in Washington.

(They are not, I repeat NOT, our rulers, I must point out, to label them such elevates them to positions of royalty. What they are is our employees; most Americans have forgotten that. I suggest you remember that fact.
And, as employees they should be fired when they fuck-up. If a criminal stays in office it's because people like you allow them to.)

If you haven't noticed lately: this country is about neck deep in the shit. And one thing a drowning man sure-as-fuck doesn't need is somebody pissin' in his mouth as he's trying to breath.

What Asange has accomplished is the very real probability that some poor-ass Army E-2 living in a foxhole in shitwater Afghanistan is going to have his life even fuirther endangered by this asshole giving information (possibly) and confidence (most likely) to someone who would like nothing better than end his life in the most gruesome and grotesque fashion imaginable.

Then, to add substantial insult to his forseeable injury, the information making this possible has come from a comrade-in-arms who has sworn never to commit the crime just committed.

While you're at it, look up the Oath to the Constitution taken by all elected officials.
Look up the definitions of the various security classifications and how they relate to national security (which means you too, unless you are not a member of this nation) and finally look up the U.S. Code for Treason.
Well said I like
They are not, I repeat NOT, our rulers, I must point out, to label them such elevates them to positions of royalty. What they are is our employees; most Americans have forgotten that. I suggest you remember that fact.
And, as employees they should be fired when they fuck-up. If a criminal stays in office it's because people like you allow them to
I didn't think about it like this. This relates to us all, no matter where we reside.
We need a man like MaHydromaxoud AHydromaxadinejad to save the USA.
I actually like some of the things MaHydromaxoud AHydromaxadinejad says and he has a tongue in cheek style, in someways he wouldn't be out of place in cosmopolitan London. Obviously the Ayatollah of Iran Ali Khamenei pulls the strings and is why the country is so strict with its laws and repressive to its people, nothing to do with Islam imo. AHydromaxadinejad does as he is told and tows the line or he would be hung, or is that public strangulation in Iran from the execution videos I have seen of students merely protesting in the street.

If this were in Iran than hey .... hell it wouldn't even have happened. Too much respect and fear which in moderation is good but the USA obviously has beaten this out since the 9/11 attack when intelligence was tight ... so tight that each agency such as the CIA and N*A would guard jealousy their information. Since than the information has been easier to access and several million at anyone time apparently have access to secret information ... from the President down to Intelligence in the military and they can be NCO's like the rodent that started the leaks Bradley Manning who could face 50+ years in jail by the way.

So having shit heads like Manning with access is insane and it could only be done in the USA! No offense. Bradley has a site http://www.bradleymanning.org/ to help raise fees for him hahahaahaha hope it gets hacked, the money stolen and transfered to injured military personal with missing limbs. He WILL rot slowly for what he has done, the US need to make an example of him ... if they could execute him than they should. This is treason, he is American and he has done it against his own country so you never know!!! No one would do it again.
REDZULU2003;407978 said:
I actually like some of the things MaHydromaxoud AHydromaxadinejad says and he has a tongue in cheek style, in someways he wouldn't be out of place in cosmopolitan London. Obviously the Ayatollah of Iran Ali Khamenei pulls the strings and is why the country is so strict with its laws and repressive to its people, nothing to do with Islam imo. AHydromaxadinejad does as he is told and tows the line or he would be hung, or is that public strangulation in Iran from the execution videos I have seen of students merely protesting in the street.

If this were in Iran than hey .... hell it wouldn't even have happened. Too much respect and fear which in moderation is good but the USA obviously has beaten this out since the 9/11 attack when intelligence was tight ... so tight that each agency such as the CIA and N*A would guard jealousy their information. Since than the information has been easier to access and several million at anyone time apparently have access to secret information ... from the President down to Intelligence in the military and they can be NCO's like the rodent that started the leaks Bradley Manning who could face 50+ years in jail by the way.

So having shit heads like Manning with access is insane and it could only be done in the USA! No offense. Bradley has a site http://www.bradleymanning.org/ to help raise fees for him hahahaahaha hope it gets hacked, the money stolen and transfered to injured military personal with missing limbs. He WILL rot slowly for what he has done, the US need to make an example of him ... if they could execute him than they should. This is treason, he is American and he has done it against his own country so you never know!!! No one would do it again.

I, sir, owe you a beer....or twelve!
I wouldnt mind that, make it a large rum please. Hey I was looking over little Bradley's site and found a statement that he made which had me lift up off the chair in hysterics and I quote directly from here as follows;

Manning stated: “I want people to see the truth… regardless of who they are… because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.”

uuuugh was thus naive immature twisted cunt on the same wavelength as everyone else who works in the INTELLIGENCE branch? surely to Christ no one else think like this in that field anywhere! Here we have a fully qualified US military Intelligence analyst who has access to the most intimate secrets of his sovereignty and he has the audacity and cheek to say people deserve to see the truth because they need to essentially base an opinion from the 'facts' or as I would say, raw intelligence gathered.

How insane is that from someone in such a secure privileged position? Its something a fucking retard would say, pardon the language but its true. I'm shocked that someone who one would assume has a BRAIN and isnt two sheets to the wind could end up in that role.

Bradley didnt take his oath seriously than with that statement. Its as if he either doesn't give a toss or cant comprehend the danger he has caused to million around the globe from his actions which he states as being in public interest hahahahaha dont give me that. 3/4 of the information has fuck all to do with anyone other than those in the position to see it and its not for us the public to digest at this time because obviously some of it is very sensitive and will\already has fucked off several nations such as but not limited to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UK and Russia.

All in the publics interest because we have a right to know .... thinks he's something huh ... a guy with the balls to go against his orders and nation to get the information out, the truth the the masses! I dont think so kiddy. This boils down to something more sinister .. wouldn't shock me if the little rat has been paid to do this. You dont work as an intelligence analyst and suddenly think one day ''The public need to know about all my nations secrets'' heaven forbid he has links to sinister organisations around the globe, you never know.

If things like this are in the publics best interest and he really felt so strongly than why not expose Area-51? come on put us all out of our misery and reveal the sexy green aliens or are they grey? Reveal the truth about the Aurora project the rumored successor to the SR-71 ... the UFO's, the Kennedy assassination ... now thats stuff people would find interesting, still wrong to be posted in the public domain but its topics that have been pondered on for many ... but letters from the US ambassador on such topics as what Prince Andrew thought about some Kazakhstan government official via the observation of an American ambassador is NOT I repeat NOT in public interest.
I've posted on here before that the media might be allowed to "know" maybe 5 percent of what is actually going on in Government/Military and they might disclose maybe five percent of that to the general public.

I gotta say that some things just never need be exposed.

If the Average Joe ever really looked into the inner workings of our various power institutions and saw, with complete, true, transparency, what really goes on and in what fashion "business" is conducted they'd not only shit themselves but probably lose whatever little faith and confidence they may still have.

Sometimes just keeping mouths shut is about the only way to preserve sanity and forward progress.
i'm just surprised Canada got mentioned at all.

wait i just confirmed the american comments about the Canadian inferiority complex.
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