What book are reading at the minute.

prince Albert

Aug 21, 2004
What book/s are you reading at the minute for enjoyment.

Ive got two on the go at the minute,Chopper 3 by mark brandon read and The Da Vinci code by Dan Brown about half way through this and really enjoying it.
Im about halfway through a book called Nightmare House. It's kinda short tho, one of those Leisure Horror books. Leisure puts out tons of good horror books. Check one out called Rage by Steve Gerlach. I just finished that not too long ago, highly recommended.
I am going to start reading The Fuck Up by Arthur Nersesian and I am currently picking up and putting down Perfectly Legal. I haven't had much time to read lately. Will have even less time for personal reading in another week. Fucking new quarter.
Book I read last week was a sci-fi book, Earth Abides, it really made me think about evolution and nature a lot, all the things are possible in the book, thats what made it so interesting. It was also nice and short... the best part.
"Positive Imaging" by Norman Vincent Peale and "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving.
Just finished Fight Club, been meaning to read it for a LONG time. IMO it wasn't as good as the movie, which is rare. Of course it went further into Palahniuk's ideas, which was interesting, but still I liked the movie better.

I'm now reading The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. I'm not very far into it yet. I love his work.
I just finished the notebook, (for a lovey type book, it was really good, I'll admit it), but I've started reading Stupid White Men (Michael Moore, yeah, the fat guy with hat hair i so cool, not) and some German children's book , I'm trying to become more fluent, and less rusty.

How is the Da Vinci Code, is it really tha tgood, it seems as though everyone is reading it.
Read Boogyman and Deathrow this week. Just started in on Robert Graysmith's ZODIC unmasked. Is there a theme here?
I am reading 'Karma, Reincarnation and Rebirth' by Diana St Ruth and 'What is Good' by A.C.Grayling. Buddhism and philosophy.
Silmillarion (i'm not sure if that's the correct spelling since I don't have it right in front of me) It's a branch off the Lord of the Rings books. It's basically about the history of the characters and stuff, it's pretty neat. In the back of the book is a bunch of pages of the Elven language. ^_^
Haven't read anything but a law text in God knows when.

The next book I want to read is the Autobiography of Malcolm X, when I get a chance... maybe this summer.
KiTTie8695 said:
Silmillarion (i'm not sure if that's the correct spelling since I don't have it right in front of me) It's a branch off the Lord of the Rings books. It's basically about the history of the characters and stuff, it's pretty neat. In the back of the book is a bunch of pages of the Elven language. ^_^

I have that one...but I haven't even looked at it yet lol. I buy things in bunches. If I go shopping for clothes I buy for the whole season and if I buy music it's at least 6 CDs, if I buy books then well you get the idea.
iwant8inches said:
I have that one...but I haven't even looked at it yet lol. I buy things in bunches. If I go shopping for clothes I buy for the whole season and if I buy music it's at least 6 CDs, if I buy books then well you get the idea.

lol yeah its a pretty good book, I think, I've already read the entire Lord Of The Rings series, it came all in one book so all in all, there were atleast more than 700 pages I think. It took me a month to read it. The movies were better even though the books are usually more descriptive. But yeah, lol i get what you're saying.
The Haunted Mask by R.L. Stine. I dislike reading books, but The Lost Child by David Petzer was the best book I have ever read in my life. Its all about how a child (himself) was majorly abused...I mean majorly. Everything his mother did to him was horrbile, but it was such a great book that I read it during all of my classes in school. For me to do that is ultra uber rare.
aares said:
The Haunted Mask by R.L. Stine. I dislike reading books, but The Lost Child by David Petzer was the best book I have ever read in my life. Its all about how a child (himself) was majorly abused...I mean majorly. Everything his mother did to him was horrbile, but it was such a great book that I read it during all of my classes in school. For me to do that is ultra uber rare.

Have you read A Child Called It? It's by the same guy, it's a really great read. You should check it out if you haven't yet.
Yeah! I read that one too! I really still cant believe that I loved those two books that much. Crazyness! :mrgrin: :mrgrin: :clap: :mrgrin: :clap: :clap: :yes: :mrgrin: :bouncings :mrgrin: :mrgrin: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :yes: :bouncings :yes:
lol R.L. Stine. Ah man...I remember reading those books. That to me those books (as cool as they were)...was like the beginning or the rekindling of kids trying to collect the biggest new fad....before Beanie Babies and Pokemon....speaking of which what the hell happened to me...is there like a new fad now that little kids collect???or what...lol sorry not meaning to sidetrack the thread, but really I guess I've fallen out of touch...I'll have to ask the kids this summer...
gonnabe2huge nearly finished The Da vinci code and havn't enjoyed a book as much as this in a long time,can understand how it can upset those who are religious.

Kittie you are joking,the book is far better than the films,read the Silmillarion when iwas about 15 pretty heavy going.
prince Albert said:
gonnabe2huge nearly finished The Da vinci code and havn't enjoyed a book as much as this in a long time,can understand how it can upset those who are religious.

I wanted a review on this before I picked it up, thanks:)
lol ...one of the best written stories in a long while...not anything like the other best sellers...typically you get a well written story for it's plot, but there are dry spots or in other words places you might just as well skip through because you want to get to a good part again...Brown does a nice job of making things interesting...brings you along and into the story and not to mention he provides a lot fun and interesting detail...there isn't a place in the book where I ever thought to myself "I can finish this chapter later." You want to read it in one day, but at the same time it's one of those books you wish didn't have to end as soon as it does.
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