
Oct 22, 2003
Its been two years for me now I started at pe forums and eventually ended up here, have read a thousand posts of I gained this and that I've jelked,stretched,pumped which I didn't like,but this morning for some reason I put on some good ���� and felt this feels good I know shallow,but everything felt right if you know what I mean I know when I started this I was 5-to 5.5 on a good day but shit I was 6.5 today even the girth felt thicker the only thing I've noticed is when I dry jelk I get I pinging feeling so I learned to really take it easy but man it felt great to put a six inch ruler up and extend beyond it I couldn't believe it when and if I ever hit eight inches I will post this on everysite possible,I know 6.5 isn't much but when you gain an inch its like walking on the moon and saying hey Armstrong I'll see you on mars what a great feeling,I know a sili post but I still can't believe it an inch anyway I gotta go stretch thanx again
Hey...wheter its from 4.5 to 5.5, or 5.5 to 6.5, or 7.5 to 8.5, an inch gain is a monumental achievement. Drink up! Be merry! It's a celebration bitches!
Thanx guys I still can't believe it myself I've really been hitting manual stretchs really hard I'll post a pic as soon as I get my hands on a dig. camera
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