This CANNOT BE Happening to Me!


Active member
Sep 16, 2009
Man. This cannot happen. Just when I was getting really good into P.E. it starts acting up. Well, I get really obsessed thoughts that just mess me up for like a week, or something then goes away. But this is affecting my Penis Enlargementing and I can't take it anymore. Everytime I think about Penis Enlargement, I think about negative thoughts. Like your whole concoction of negative thoughts and it makes me feel bad, but I still continue to P.E. I just don't want to lose my focus. I've been doing ever since mid-June. Is this normal, or what? Should I ignore the thoughts? Thanks.
I don't understand the problem. What sort of negative thoughts ?
Go see your Dr.; he will adjust your meds.

keepingitbig;394590 said:
Man. This cannot happen. Just when I was getting really good into P.E. it starts acting up. Well, I get really obsessed thoughts that just mess me up for like a week, or something then goes away. But this is affecting my Penis Enlargementing and I can't take it anymore. Everytime I think about Penis Enlargement, I think about negative thoughts. Like your whole concoction of negative thoughts and it makes me feel bad, but I still continue to P.E. I just don't want to lose my focus. I've been doing ever since mid-June. Is this normal, or what? Should I ignore the thoughts? Thanks.
Well, I get negative thoughts sometimes, but I'm okay now. Just needed a day to relax from P.E. I'm fine now. Just had some anxiety issues lately. You can delete this, because it has no importance. Thanks.
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You were so faded obviously lol paranoia much? If Penis Enlargement gets to you dont worry it happens to everyone. I get a bit of a stomach ache when Ive been edging to �naked people movies� a couple hours a day everyday week after week.... I start looking at the videos like DUDE WTF are they doing THAT for??! gross, but hey if you feel like your having unwanted thoughts and they may be a cause or related to Penis Enlargement just let it go. Its a thought, accept it let it do what its there to do and move on. I assume your relating "unwanted thoughts" as something thats related to doing something with your dick so I would say take a break, drink some water, get some fresh air, and find out the source of the issue and hack it at the roots.

I dont think you need to delete this thread just let it go too, its not a bad topic.
i felt that way before i fell in love with Penis Enlargement, before i just wanted a bigger dick. now i still want a bigger dick and enjoy doing the thing you can do is be completly honest with yourself on how much time youre actually putting in...keep a journal, it will really put things in perspective
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