I'm hoping to gain 0.75 from the expressive stretching that I am doing. By 9th of January 2024, I will stop working on length. I hope by that time, I must have gotten the desired 0.75 inches.
What happens when you stop working on length?
Is there a stretching device that I can use while sleeping? I am having difficulty getting the routine in at night and would prefer something then but not during the work day.
You don't need to do PE during sleep.
Just do penis enlargement during waking hours.
LENGTHMASTER 3 will save you time, just 1 hour per day (+incoperate rest days) are enough to gain big.
It's not recommended to do pe when sleeping. Use the time you have when awake. A very wise routine for length if you have the time is the LENGTHMASTER and the SiliStretcher. An Hour of Lengthmaster and the rest of the day SiliStretcher. This will be about the same time as when you sleep
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