recommends this kegel routine


Aug 28, 2006
1) 50-100 -- 2 second kegels, 1 second relax
2) 25-50 -- 5 second kegels, 2 seconds relax
3) 10-25 -- 15 second kegels, 5 seconds relax
4) 1-10 -- 60 second kegels, 60 seconds relax

This is not my idea but remembered it being listed by someone long ago hear. The reason why I find it so effective is you build yourself up to the longer kegels. Start slow and add one or more each day till you reach the high target numbers. As a tip, for efficiency I like to do them while I'm warming up and warming down for PE exercises. Good luck
I like the pc burn from truth about Squeeze your pc so slow it takes three minutes to fully squeeze it. After that keep sqeezing till it burns once it burns hold tight and hard for 30 sec while breathing slowly and deeply. Then still keep sqeezing till its uncomfortable. Once its uncomfortable release and do twenty pc sqeezes.
After 5 times or so of doing this in one day i have spontaneous strong erections almost all day, when earlier( before the sqeezes) i had weak erections.
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